Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azure Sea
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Azure Sea The White Wolf

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Artemis looked over the data reports she was getting on heroffice computer aboard the EFS-Firestorm a earth forces destoryer that her and her cell had hijacked and claimed as their own while it was being restocked during the crews shoreleave at the largest and main L5 colony that is under earth control and not openly trying to split from earth due to the heavy military force the EDF keeps there compaired to the rest of the L5 colonies.

Artemis closed her golden cybernetic eyes that allowed her to see after she had been blinded by a drunk EDF officer when she was a pre-teen before saying toherself "Earth really don't want to let go or even accknowlage that the colonies are growing faster then they can govern properly and that was why most of the L% colonies was trying to seperate from earth's governing body" she sighed as she opened her eyes and looks at the latest news broadcast and sighs and shakes her headsaying "THey call us extremest and while we might be extreme in our ways but we are trying to start a revolution within the colonies not cause uneeded terror like earth propaganda states"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 2 days ago

Jacob smiled, today was the day he would finally contact one the rebel cells. He was holed up abandon apartment complex, condemned no doubt to be knocked down and rebuilt as something else. He sighed as he strapped on his armor placing each weapon in it's slot, he was a walking armory, yet the greatest weapon of the bunch was himself. He set his channel and opened a frequency to what he assumed was the commanding officer of the EFS-Firestorm. He knew it had been captured, before he had escaped EFS command he wanted him to be the one to take it back. However he saw this as his chance, whoever had captured that ship was no doubt a good commander and had very good intel, perhaps she knew of him already. "This message is to the Huntress, commander of the EFS Firestorm, from Knight. We need each other in this fight, I've got intel and skills you need and you've got numbers. Meet me at Star Divers bar tonight, come alone or not at all. I hope to see you there Artemis."

He finished the message and cloaked he crept out of the building and over to Star Divers, it was not the kind of place for the faint of heart, however the owner was one informant and a close friend and had helped him plan his escape. He now sat in the back invisible waiting to see if the Huntress arrived. He also knew however that local police had tapped his communications he decide to see who arrived first, the EFS or the rebel. Either way it was bound to be a interesting night.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Yuri sat among her fellow officers listening as the watch Commander droned on about the previous shift's work. She was disgusted when around her were hoots of laughter an derision about the most brutal acts committed by men an women who like herself had sworn to protect the peace an citizens of the station. She though kept such to herself knowing that she was already a pariah and alone.

Those fine members of E-force around her were shown as paragons of virtue and duty but in actuality were little more than paid thugs for the corporations. They crushed any who complained about the near slavery under which they toiled and did nothing to find the corp assassins that killed any that the bosses targeted.

"Protectors of the peace my shiny rear end" she thought to herself as the meeting closed down and the beats were assigned. When the Commander called Yuri's name he said."Okimoto Hole!"

Hai Commander! said Yuri as around her there were snickers an looks one might expect from the fans of death sport anticipating a kill.

She then stood and saluted the Earth Force Flag that was by the door before walking to her locker. When she opened it she found that as a gift some of her squad mates had left her five dead rats so sighing she removed her gear and put on all but the helmet which had something foul smeared inside it.

Leaving the precinct Yuri walked down to a local cleaners that serviced the officers needs.

Stepping inside she put the helmet into a box that the shop keeper had on the counter waiting for her.

The old man who was a former E-force officer himself sighed asking "They still giving you a hard time Lily?" He smiled and handed her an order fighting spray and her extra helmet.

They're just being playful she says as she begins spraying herself

"Yeah I can smell how playful; you know Lily if you'd just play the game like they do it'd be a lot easier" he says as he put her soiled helmet an the box it's in inside a plastic bag.

I'd rather get spaced besides they're saying they want to send me out to Titan station. she says as she hands him back the spray satisfied that she no longer stinks.

"I hear Titan's as peaceful a station as any officer could ever want" the old man chuckles making a joke about thhe most remote place in Sol system

Well I could catch up on my reading that's for sure Yuri giggles as she straps on her clean helmet then heads out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Viola was in her office, Casually Drinking a Cup of Coffee, looking out of a Window at the Corrupt place before her, She wished that Earth and police would disappear, Her Phone rung right next to her, it was a Samsung galaxy X10, Viola also Hated Apple, It only made the exact same Thing, Also Apple was Anti-L5. Viola grabs the Phone and puts it up to her ear, It was Her mothers voice, Viola has constantly Told her mom Not to call her, But no matter what her mom still did, She was annoyed,

Viola's finger Hovered over the red DO NOT ANSWER button but instead she Put the Phone in her ear and said, "Yes mom what is it this time." Viola asked and her Mom Spoke back in a Worried voice "I heard that the Police are Looking for you, they've Just came to my House and asked me questions* Her mom said and Viola Immediately Hung up on her mom. She Hated the Police. She even Bombed a Car when she was a Teen. *They've finally Stopped Investigating and Found me, Goddammit!* Viola thought as she got up from her Chair and Opened the door to her office slowly, Noticing that there was a Hallway. At the Right of the Hallway there was a Police Office Casually Talking to a Person and eating a Donut *Ever heard of Doing your job you corrupt ass* She thought and noticed at the other end of the hallway a Elevator opened with a person on it. Viola Immediately Speed walked out of her office and Walked Straight into the elevator, and Closed the door and Slammed the first floor button. the person who was in the elevator had already left,

The elevator Door opened at the Bottom floor, *They only sent one Cop, Thats kinda Pathetic* She thought as she quickly walked through the door and Got into Her Green Hovercar and Drove to the Star Divers pub, She didn't exactly Like the bar but It was a L5 Drop point, If she could Join the Rebellion she could here,
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Colonel Burns open the door to his office and stepped inside closing the door behind him. Burns reclined back in his chair rubbing his forehead "that interview dragged on for far to long," he said to himself. Today he was stuck in a long interview with a reporter from earth which lasted for far to long. Burns glace over to his desk to his data-slate picking it up he turned it on and looked at the new reports he was given. Looking through them he notice that they found who bomb that car a while back. But there isn't and new information on the EFS-Firestorm. But there is one good thing is that they learned that the rouge E-force assassin Hunter was meeting with a leader of a rebel cell at Star Diver pub. "So he finally surfaces," he sent orders for a team to be ready to for hunter and the rebel cell leader at the Star Diver pub.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Viola Parked her Hovercar just outside the Pub, it was pretty run down, it looked like a Average. Scum filled Bar, The best place To find the L5 revolution. Viola walked into the Bar, it was filled with Shady people, Smoking and Playing Poker, a few Drunk guys lying down on a bar stool, god I hate bars, Viola thought. But she knew that if she wanted to Find a L5 Member. She would have to Check here. a Television Monitor was Broadcasting the L5 news, on a Corner of the bar, it had a Wanted poster of Viola, it said that she was Wanted for Treason and Armed Robbery. I never Did anything that would be Considered treason or Done Armed robbery!, I've Blown up a Car in the past but that was 12 years Ago! what is this Corrupt Nonsense! Viola thought, She also knew that Treason was a Capital Punishment. and the Armed robbery was just a Cherry on top, She would be Executed and everyone would go on with there life,

A bartender Stared at Viola with a Mean look, Wondering why a Woman would come into a bar. Viola was Safe in a Bar, Pretty much Everyone there were Criminals. Viola Also Knew a few Members of the L5, One of them Being the Leader Named Artemis, If Viola Needed help, L5 would Could, and probably Would provide it, Viola decided to Sit in the back. It was a Place were Shady people Would probably Sit, and L5 was pretty Shady. Viola Noticed all of the Seats were Taken, Except for 1, Which was Completely Empty. Viola Sat down and Held her Purse at her Side. Looking at all of the Shady people in the Bar, Some of them just looked Downright Lethal, Viola then Began to Think What to do next. Not even a Cop would Enter a Bar so she was Safe for the Time being
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

It's been some days since Kain's workplace has been raided by terrorists, he was the only one that managed to escape with the new model.
But he knew that he couldn't stay with it, he needed to dispose of the Spaceship, and the only way that he could do it is to take it to earth and blow it up there, as he deduced that the terrorist aren't still quite ready to invade the planet yet.
His only chance was to disguise the New Model as a cargo of construction materials, in order to evade the security check as long as it has the same weight as said cargo.
At the moment, Kain was at the Spacestation at the L3, waiting for the time that the Space Bus would call passengers. He made sure to not stand out pretty much, as there was a chance that the terrorist knew his face and spacesuit when he was fleeing, so he had to switch to his civilian garments.
"Why does it feel this is taking forever?" he tought to himself, he kept staring at the clock, looking a little nervours, he had already managed to snuck the "cargo" in the Bus, he just needed to pray that he wouldn't be found out. He didn't aprove of the terrorist acts, but he didn't want to fight against them either. All he wanted was to run.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Yuri caught the rail to her beat riding with those who lived there headed home from some low paying job. She looked around herself noticing as she always did that she was treated by the locals as if she smelled like the helmet she had left to be cleaned.
Yuri didn't blame them for acting as if she were the enemy because in most encounters with the officers of E-force the civil population in all but the executive sector treated like unruly prisoners. Yuri was different than those she served with having been brought up in a family of law enforcement officers that had served for 7 generations. She was taught that to be a police officer was a calling like being a priest or a monk and that it was an officer's duty to be always on the side of justice and the people. Unfortunately Yuri now found herself working to support an unjust system which no longer protected the people but now protected those who twisted the law to serve their needs.

More and more lately Yuri thought about resigning her commission but knew that would only put her at the mercy of the employment boards because she was still indentured to the colony for another 3 years. She could like others try and run hoping one day to escape on a ship who's captain could be bribed but even then she'd still be a fugitive.

The Earth Gov would return her for punishment by the colony and she'd be sentenced at best to life at hard labor for the crime of breaking her employment contract. Because her abandonment would reflect badly on E-force even though they'd try to hush it up they'd make her's a special hell because of the rumors.

Shaking off such foolish thought Yuri stepped from the rail car and pulled on her helmet and set her tracking comms an net access. She was now the only foot patrol officer in the hole and Yuri knew that even if she needed back up that her fellow officers would let her die.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azure Sea
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Azure Sea The White Wolf

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Artemis looked as the com message she got and raised an eyebrow at it before shaking her head "Fool forgot to encrypt his message before sending it" before she stood up and looked at wall display showing the security cams for the old loading bay that was once used during the early days of L5 but was left abandoned for the last 0 years when the larger earth fleet ships started to become more commen and even now the bay was barely large enough to dock and hide the Firestorm, as she stood watching the cams she contemplated her choices before sighing and loadig her hand gunand putting an earpeice receiver/transmittor to keep in contact with her people before leaving with a small 3 man team to make sure she wasn't being set up while she put on a pair of sunglasses to hide her cybernetic eyes from general view.

{Side note: normally i'm able to keep any errors down but i do have a mild case of dyslxia so please let me know if i miss spell please ^^}
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Viola was sitting down in the Chair, a Group of People at a table Near her Were Staring at her, All of the People at the Table Looked Like a Gangster. Lets not spend too much Time here She thought and then Sneezed a Bit, Covering her Mouth Quickly and then Her Elbow Felt a Big Pain. She grunted and Checked her Elbow. [She Accidentally Elbowed Jacob in the Face] Her Elbow Was bruised, Well, I can't get out of This Colony But if I could Find the L5 Rebellion Some how. I can Probably Survive more Than Three days here Viola thought, Wondering how she could Contact the L5. Viola Was Smart and Cunning. If anyone Could Contact the L5 it would be her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azure Sea
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Azure Sea The White Wolf

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Artemis nodded to 2 of her men and pointed at teh doors to the bar door saying "You 2 stand guard at the door you" she says pointing to the last memebr of the group "Keep an eye out for earth force personal we don't want to be caught flat footed and without any warning" causing her 3 men to nod and say a low "understood Huntress" before taking off to their posts.

Artemis walked into the bar removing her sunglasses allowing the dim golden glow of her iris's show when she walked towards the less liminated section of the bar to await the foolish person who had dare to send her an unencrypted com requesting a meeting with her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Yuri walked her beat in the hole her head constantly in motion as she allowed the helmet scanners to help her keep an eye out for trouble. She knew that the second she became complacent she'd catch either a round in the head or someone could die and she wasn't going to have that as long as she wore the badge.

People in most places she passed simply turned away from as if she were to ugly to look upon and in a few places they scurried like roaches when the light's cut on. It was those places that people went out of their way to avoid her that Yuri gave a detailed scan.

Dust heads, dealers an hustlers feared her most because they were like rabbits an she was a wolf and in the predator an prey cycle the predator won more often than not. In the hole Yuri was the most feared type of cop because she was honest and the word was she had no price. This meant that any who felt her bite when she arrested them had no way out as they did with other badges.

Sighing she looked around herself thinking that none of those that feared her were really at fault, at least not alone. The dusties were hooked on a drug they used to try an escape their lives an the dealers only sold product that was shipped her on corp ships and the hustlers were the dregs of a collapsed society that didn't give a dam about them.

Up ahead was a seedy dive that Yuri stuck her head in at least five times a day just so they'd at least try and look legit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Noticing that Artemis had just walked through the Door Viola was surprised, She didn't Actually Expect to Meet anyone Here. Viola had Done trials for Lots of L5 Agents. She was one of the best lawyers in the Colony. She almost never lost. Viola wanted to Somehow join L5. But she Couldn't Just walk up and say "Hey the cops are kinda after me can I join you?" No that was Embarrassing. that was a last resort, Viola Decided to Sit down for a Little Bit waiting for something to happen, Where there was there was the L5 there was usually the Police
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 2 days ago

Jacob sighed and stood up, making his way though the crowd he stopped right in front of Artemis and de-cloaked, his armor still wore the EFS military badges. "Hello Artemis, nice to meet you." With the appearance of what appeared to be a EFS black ops agent the bar emptied and fast, anyone who had something to hide cleared out. "Can I buy you a drink? Lets be civil, I'm a deserter trying to save my friends back home on Earth and your trying to save this scum hole colony, I need resources and you need skilled soldiers. I'm the best there is bar none, it's why I was supposed to kill you. So you take the deal deal and we leave partners, if not then I shoot you and I use your head to get back in go graces with command." He smiled under his helmet as he passed her a shot of the swill they served here.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Azure Sea
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Azure Sea The White Wolf

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

*the glow of artemis's eyes brighten as the active targeting systems built into them activate as er right hand rests on her handgun.

"Not wise to be a fool like you have so far what with you sending an unencrypted request for a meeting and now threatening me mr.jacob so please don't make threats towards me as you never know if it'll backfire on you" Artemis says coolly ignoring the drink as she didn't drink unless it was a smal glass of wine before bed from the collectin that they've stolen from a earth forces warehouse at L3.

"Ma'am Earth force police officer heading this way orders?" her look out says on their secure com link causing Artemis to sigh and activate her mic "Let the officer enter the building and then comein behind them" her gaze falling onto jacob as she pulls her hand gun out and plaes it on the table.

"Know anything about the officer heading our way mr.jacob?" Artemis asks her pupil's shrinking almost into cat like slits a neat lil option she had opted for to show when she was angery.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Yuri walked towards the dive bar noticing that it seemed to empty of it's regulars as if they were all late for something. This situation caused Yuri's antenna to pop up because unless an enforcement raid squad was in there then something bad was up.

She thought of calling backup then tossed that aside knowing that by the time they arrived she'd be dead or dying. It was tough being an outcast because you were doing your job but hey being a badge was never easy.

She headed towards the dive her helmet sensors swinging wide so that she could take in everything around her. She twisted her helmet cam to cover the blind spots of her peripherals knowing that if she were walking into an organized crime or rebellion operation they'd have an over watch to pick up just such an annoying visitor as herself.

Just before she entered she spotted a guy that was to sure of himself for the hole so she flagged him and entered.

Stepping inside Yuri quickly took notice of the Armored Ops officer and a sour look puckered her lips.

"Lovely a wetworks thug" she thought as she activated her stun caster for biolock conditions which would activate automatically if she were injured or killed setting off all four of her stun grenades and her sonic disruptor. After that it would begin a screamer com that would send streaming video out to the net so that in the event of her death at least then the force might have a clue as to how she died.

Yuri didn't reach for her side arm knowing that it would be only a better way to escalate the trouble she was in. She knew the Black ops guys had reps for being good with their weapons but she knew also that she was one of the best with her side arm in the department due to practice an practical experience. She'd draw if the assassin even so much as gave her cause then deal with the results but till then she'd maintain the peace. As she dealt with the appearance of the assassin she also multitasked with her helmet as she approved it's target link requests.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Viola noticed a Police officer had Came into the Bar, Crap crap!.I can't stay here very Long and Being recruited by the L5 Is what will keep me alive!. I gotta do something to that Stupid F(#%ing cop!, Violas Eyes Raced thinking of what to do when She had a Plan, She Grabbed her purse and slowly walked over to the Officer looking like a Regular Person leaving a Bar. and then When Viola was Right behind the Cop [yuri] She Immediately Swung her Purse by the Handle Aiming Towards The Cops face
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 2 days ago

Jacob smiled at Artemis. "Channel was insecure for a reason, you have about four minutes before EFS shows up with enough ships, tanks, and troops to level the district. As for the officer I believe that's the young idealist I've heard about, the good girl on the force, apparently she sympathizes with your cause." He didn't even turn as he drew his pistol from his side and shot the purse young lady was swinging at the officer.

"Now, lets all be civil, I'm Knight, EFS blacks ops and I believe all of here generally have a aligned goal. To see the current assholes in power ousted . Now we can stay and bicker until we all full of lead or we can leave and argue later." His helmet folded back revealing his face. A young man with white hair and soft eyes, this could not be the face of a killer. "Glad your here Yuri. Now I have a safe house not far from here, we go there and talk this out or stay here. Officer your welcome to report this but they would just kill you for meeting me."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nerminator
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nerminator FOR TEH EMPERAH!!1!

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Viola heard a Loud Bang and saw the Same guy who Appeared out of nowhere holding a gun. Acting like He didn't even Care that he Tooken a Life,Tooken a Possible Ally, Viola Dropped her purse to the Ground with a Clank and Fell to her knees. holding her Right hand over her Chest, she Moved her hand Revealing a Big Hole of Blood, it went Straight through her body, Spilling a Crimson liquid on the Floor and the Wall behind her. Viola Stared at the Artemis and the Other Unknown person, Artemis was VIola's Hero, She never Actually Met her but she read Articles, She was Pretty much a Fangirl you could say, All of This Immediately Disappeared. replaced by. Another, Hatred filled Thought, "I.i.ii wwasa, Ju, ju,ju Just trying to hellpppp," She Stammered What might Be her final words and then Fell Flat Forward, Her face Concealed in the Ground. A pool of Blood covered the Floor Around Viola. Lying down in a Pool of Crimson Liquid that was Spilled Over from a Careless, Cold, Bullet from a Careless, Cold Person,

The janitor Had a Lot of work to do
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Yuri saw the gun coming out as she was about to dodge the attack by a purse. Her reaction should have been expected by anyone who saw the badge as her hand seemed to instantly fill with her large caliber service weapon the helmet sighting system now locked on the killer. The only reason she hadn't tapped him three times for shooting the young woman was that it might be a legit hit.

Dropping quickly to the woman's side she heard the killer say the damnedest thing.

"Now, lets all be civil, I'm Knight, EFS blacks opt and I believe all of here generally have a aligned goal. To see the current assholes in power ousted . Now we can stay and bicker until we all full of lead or we can leave and argue later."

Then he opened his helmet revealing his true face

"Glad your here Yuri. Now I have a safe house not far from here, we go there and talk this out or stay here. Officer your welcome to report this but they would just kill you for meeting me."

He said as nonchalantly as if they'd just met on a rail platform

Yuri pulled her trauma kit from her belt and instantly injected the woman with Slow which was a drug that could slow the metabolism down so slow that her heart could be removed and she could survive at least an hour without it.

Mr Knight you act like we're friends after shooting this poor girl for doing something stupid. She was obviously desperate who else would even think of attacking a badge now she's Fed if we don't get her to a Doc. Sure they might pop me for knowing you're here an gone rouge but if as you act you know me then you also know I can't just leave her here to die or get flushed as a veggie. says Yuri snarling out her words as she avoids just emptying her weapon into the man.

She removes the bandage can from her kit and put the tip in the woman's wound an fills it with sealing foam turns her on her side looking for an exit an finding non rolls her to her back and injects her neck with Night which is a powerful painkiller a sedative that can work with Slow.

Now if you'll excuse me Mr Knight I have a life to save and the rest of you I don't give a flying rat why you're here but try an stop me and I'll pop you quick says Yuri as she lifts Viola into a fireman's carry and kicks the door open.

Yuri turns to the right leaving the Dive and heading. The three blocks on foot to a back alley Doc she could have busted for practice without a license till she found he was a former construction worker that did three tours as a combat medic planet side and was almost as skilled as any legit doc. The people of the hole couldn't afford legit docs so let Doc operate an had even directed the fresh meat to him when they got hurt or sick.

As she walked down the walkway Yuri was happy that in the hole nobody asked questions or saw anything. Soon she was pushing open the door of an old storage room that made Doc's front office. His nurse who acted as collector an gate keeper started to protest till she saw the badge an who was behind it.

Get the Doc now this girl's dead if you don't demanded Yuri
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