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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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It's the first day of the new year and Angelo, Lorenzo, and Maria were outside with the other weapons and meisters to hear the "new death" speech since he succeeded his father it was death the kid (the kid no longer) who became death and while not very joyful as his father was he was still the same kid he was years ago. "welcome meisters and weapons to Death Weapon meister academy, otherwise known as the DWMA this is where you will learn to grow into your full potential and create death scythes; weapons that I myself as death can create as the ultimate weapons. Through your stay here you will learn to keep this world in perfect symmetry with good and evil. The only truly beautiful thing in this world is symmetry the exact precision of it is the most important thing ever!" Then unfortunately a kid called out "then why are their only 3 lines on one side of your head and not the other!?" she called out and that when death cracked "no im disgusting reaper scum I don't deserve to be death my hair is unsymmetrical!" and it kept going on like that from their Some kids laughed others looked at death and wondering if he was really death or not to be so worried about symmetry in his hair. It was professor stein who spoke up next "well report to your classes" and that was the end of it as liz and patty went to work trying to get death back on his feet and everyone walked into their classes Angelo yawned softly as he walked with Lorenzo and Maria to their class which was widely known as EAT which was considered advanced. While Angelo's grades were the best it was the fact that he had a large soul and more potential then most. It was only death and few of the faculty that knew his resonance before he did and that their were only 3 others that possessed the same kind. Angelo walked into class and walked to the 3rd row and got an isle seat as he laid his down to sleep waiting for the other students to show up....
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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Kalinda listened to the speech and the commotion that Death the Kid, for it seemed that he would never truly replace his father, who gave them everything for this academy. He would always be _The Kid_. You just couldn't say simply Death when referring to The Kid. You would always picture the crazy, yet efficient Death that had create the academy to help protect the world against Keshin souls. At least to her. She sighed at the ridiculousness of The Kid wanting perfect balance and symmetry, and yet he had- _"then why are their only 3 lines on one side of your head and not the other!?" _ "Tori!" Kalinda hissed, clamping a hand over the young girls mouth, "God you don't say something like that to The Kid!" never mind the fact that that was where he own thoughts were going. Tori licked her hand, and Kalinda pulled it back, "urgh! You're just one big bag of impulse, aren't you?" She sighed at Tori's grin, and pulled the young girl out of the crowd. "Trust me to have a weapon who doesn't think before she acts" She shook her head and dragged Tori through the school building, to the class room. "You love me, and that's that" Tori said, giggling as Kalinda pushed her into a seat. "yeah, yeah, yeah"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

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Al made eye contact with Professor Stein as he headed in, making sure he wasn't going to get tackled as he walked in the door, he glanced back at Myth, who was holding his arm, shaking from the crowd. "Do we have to be out here with all these people?" Myth said before Al forced him to let go. "Yes, and you stay by my side so I don't get attacked." Al had to swat Myth's hand away again. "And stop grabbing my arm, makes me look weak." He shot a look at Myth, who finally retreated back a half step. "Damn headmaster's a neat freak, and I get to be taught by the scariest guy on campus. Wonderful." He had to turn to pull Myth along occasionally, eventually ending up in the Eat Classroom, where he made sure to get a seat as close to the center of the room as possible, just to annoy everyone by making them feel uncomfortable in his presence. Though he was certain to be pestered about his unique heritage. He smiled a bit, he'd make sure to have a little bit of fun this time if anyone bothered him too much about it. Myth looked around the room, taking it all in, and noting any other students that came in. He sat in the back of the class, telling himself it was for a better view of everything on the floor below. He fiddled with his jacket, getting his pencils out and setting them on the desk, ready for the first day of school. He sat up, waiting patiently for class to start, and moving for anyone wanting to get past him to sit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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After an hour and a few more students walked in most of them generally staying away from the kid that made them uneasy. Professor stein rolled in, no he literally rolled in with his chair and just like he did the first time he taught he landed on his back before he got to the threshold. One would think he would avoid doing that after the 100th time but it must be a great ice breaker and Angelo woke up seeing the man fall on his back which made Maria giggle lightly and a few other children. He came in again but this time stopped short of the threshold then just moved his chair over it. "alright students I am professor stein as some of you may already know. I like dissecting things, now if everyone would turn to the first chapter in their book about soul's and soul wavelengths" He said as he started to talk and Lorenzo and Maria turned to their books while Angelo slept soundly on his desk again
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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Kalinda wasn't much for foolishness, and that's what this whole school seemed to be. Foolishness, and yet, they managed to successfully defend the world against the bad that was out there. Still, Stein had been apart of the academy for years, and did have a brilliant mind, so something must be right in his head. She flipped open the book, deciding that she might as well flipped through it. Even though she had already read through it. She sighed, deciding she didn't want to just sit there re-reading something. She raised her hand and said, "A Souls are an individuals own spiritual essence, and as such are a immaterial part of their make up. They help show a persons...personality. How they wavelengths work, and how they can pair and bond with a weapon. Each souls has its own sort of energy wave, and this is the Soul Wavelength. You can consider it a frequency. You can have different strengths of wavelengths, depending on how strong and big the soul is as well as the health of the person. Some people can actually see soul and their wave lengths. Some people can also use their soul wave length as an attack, letting them have a unique style of fighting with their weapon. A Miester and Partner can only become sufficient partners is their is a link betwein their wavelengths, and they must match" She cleared her throat, and lowered her hand. "I'd' rather not re-read something I already understand" She closed her book, and tried to ignore Tori who was giggling. "My Meister likes to know things. She just sprouts out information like it's nothing" Tori said brightly, "So Serious. She can be a bore, but she's fun. And she gave me a home. And she's just...brilliant" Tori poked Kalinda, who merely sighed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

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Allen spoke up as soon as the two girls shut up. "Could you not throw a hissy fit over reading something? It's just words. If you've already read it then follow his example and sleep." Allen pointed to Angelo, before crossing his arms. His voice was harsh and hateful. "Now, I figure our lovely professor will have some insight the book doesn't. And I'd be happy to learn whatever that insight may be, thank you." He turned back to face Professor Stein. Myth winced when Allen spoke up, and waited until he turned to face the professor again to look up from the desk, which he had started idly doodling on. He didn't speak up about his meister, but he knew that some rumor or something would start and he'd get the brunt end of it. Especially in EAT class, where there was certainly a few people with soul perception. Myth started to sink into the back of the seat, trying to hide.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Stein sighed softly hearing the two kids argue about him teaching the basics although it seemed that miss Kalinda knew the basic material about it and this point he looked at their souls to see their personalities noting how they would all be for the future and after he did he ignored them "please don't interrupt my class or you will go outside for the rest of the class" he said as he grabbed a book and threw it at Angelo "and wake up!" Angelo groaned rubbing his head "damn it" Angelo groaned and he put his book up to pretend he was reading before he fell back asleep on the desk and stein continued with his lesson plan until the bell rang "go to lunch everyone" Stein said as he left to grab his box lunch. Lorenzo hit the back of Angelo head again "time for lunch lazy" he said and Angelo sighed rubbing the back of his head "yeah thanks" Angelo said as Lorenzo took out the lunches and gave them to Angelo and Maria
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Kalinda rolled her eyes at the who seemed to berate her. "Why sleep in class?" She said, annoyed enough to speak up about it, "I'd like to learn how to stay alive, and how to keep Tori alive as well" "But I'm meant to be YOUR weapon. Which means I have to be ready to lay down my life for you" Tori said "Which doesn't mean that i have to be foolish, and risk your life!" Kalinda replied As Stein spoke, she fell silent, and rose when it was time for Lunch. "Come on, come on, come on" Tori chanted, nudging Kalinda along, "Food, food, food, food" "You're always hungry" Kalinda said, but in a amused tone. "We have to eat to be strong!" Tori said, always excitable. "And we need to talk with other students too, Yes I know you hate that, but we have to" She said at Kalinda's groan. "But the other students are idiots" Kalinda said "So dumb down for them. You can't do this sort of thing with just me, Kali. What if you need to team up with another Meister and Weapon team? Stop being so closed off, and talk!" "But I don't want to!" Kalinda grumbled, following Tori along to the cafeteria.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

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Allen heard the two arguing and sighed, walking up and grabbing the brainy one by the shoulder. "How about you pick the most interesting person in the room and talk to them, instead of assuming we're all idiots. I assure you at least one person here will surprise you with their knowledge in some subject." He let go and picked up his pace to head on out ahead, Myth having to go faster to catch up. "D-did you have to be so harsh?" Myth asked, but all Al returned with was a snort. "Just keep them from trying to stab me in the back Myth. Or anyone else for that matter. It's what you're best at after all." As he entered the cafeteria, he made a beeline for the line to get food, leaving Myth behind, who sighs and heads to the two girls. "I'm sorry about him... H-he gets in these moods sometimes and he just can't help being... Like that." Myth would rub the back of his head, feeling a little awkward, and not looking them in the eyes. "He can be much nicer, when it suits him. S-so don't judge him just yet."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Angelo ate his lunch with Lorenzo and Maria and once they finished Angelo walked past both pairs to get to the balcony "you both need to relax and take a nap, people that usually don't get enough sleep end up being cranky all day" Angelo said and Maria giggled nodding in agreement as Lorenzo sighed "sorry about him" he said to the pair before they went to the roof. Angelo loved the view of the city from up their and it was so peaceful with the gentle breeze and the sun in Angelo face it almost reminded him of his life back home with his family as he laid on the ground and took a blissful nap knowing they had plenty of time during lunch
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Kalinda very nearly punched the guy as her, and only reframed from doing so by the simply fact she couldn't be bothered dealing with the aftermath of it. She shook her head, and smoothed her jacket when he let her go. "Who should interest me? Sir sleeps a lot, or you who can't seem to control his own temper?" She said to his retreating back She sighed at who she assumed was the guys weapon "in my experience, people who act like that just aren't worth the bother. Too much work to maintain even a cordial relationship, and just isn't worth the hardship for an inevitable end." She shoved her hands in her pockets, and continued walking, not hungry but knowing of she didn't ear, Tori would just annoy her until she did. Tori watched Kalinda go, with concern in her eyes. "She doesn't trust easy. She thinks she found me, but really, I found her and just waited for her to see me. She...she is a good person, but she just doesn't know how to interact with others effectively. She will come around. Sooner or later. I better go make sure she eats" Tori ran after Kalinda, shouting "hey! Hey, wait up!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

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Myth sighed, and rub the back of his head for a moment, before following. "He really isn't always like this... He just has a hard time... Empathizing." He slowed to a halt, talking normally, instead the raised voice he was using before. "He's half witch." He stood there for a moment, before sighing and heading to get food, knowing he'd be just getting what was left by now. After grabbing lunch he sat down next to Allen. "Done trying to make me look better?" Was all he said as he kept eating, drumming his free hand on the table, looking up and around. "Would've helped if you had been in a nicer mood this time, instead of like this." Myth sighed, quickly eating. "I-I'm certain you love being along b-but you can't be all the time." He got up, dealing with his trash and such before heading to the roof alone. Allen just shook his head and set about wandering the halls until it was time for class again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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after a few minutes Lorenzo flicked my head making me wake up "you know you really should start talking to people instead of sleeping." but why sleeping is so enjoyable I can dream anything and it reminds me of home" I said softly smiling he sighed softly and decided to try something "if you can make one friend today then I will make your favorite sandwich" Which immediately made Angelo grin and wake up which made Maria giggle loudly knowing that food would get me going anytime of the week so Angelo decided to think who he would try to talk to. Angelo went downstairs and decided to talk to whoever from his class came by, lucky Angelo because he got to talk to Allen so he walked up to him and said "hey, hows it going. um Allen right? how's it going" Angelo asked hoping that his greeting wasn't going to come off as some sort of challenge to the hothead...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Kalinda sighed and slowed down for Tori, letting the younger girl catch up to her, before joining the line for food. As Tori piled her plate with chips, and meat, Kalinda said, "You need vegetables, Tori" She reached out, and put carrots and peas onto Tori's plate, "Eat them all, and you can have a cookie" Tori rolled her eyes, but smiled sweetly, "Sure. Peas and Carrots. Orange and green, healthy as it comes" She laughed, and trotted off to a table, leaving Kalinda sighing, and grabbing her own food, a balanced plate. And then a piece of cake. Tori waited until she was itting down to speak up. "Kali, you have to come down in the serious level a notch or two. We need to get along with our fellow students. We may be teamed up with them, can't have bad feelings there. Might end up just killing each other" Kalinda was silent, eating some of her own carrots. "I know. But...I just don't think I can do it. hell, I would still be alone, if you didn't just latch on and go away when I wanted you to. I just don't think I can make nice with others. No one's ever tried with me, so why should I try with them?" She sighed again, and continued to eat in a methodical way. "You can still try, Kali. Not doing so just shows you are like them. If you try and fail, you can say you tried. If you succeed, then...you make friends" Tori replied, and Kalinda just sighed. "Maybe I'll try"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

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Allen stopped as he heard the kid who seemed to think he was too cool for school begin to talk to him. Crossing his arms, turning to the offending party. "Yes, I am indeed Allen. I'd prefer you'd call me Al, unless this is formal for some reason or another." He scratched his nose idly, before returning to the conversation. "As for how I'm doing? I'm doing as well as any other day I have to sit in class with a Teacher I'm half afraid will use me for witch hunting practice, an upstart who thinks they know everything, and a third guy who can't keep his eyes open, not to mention the other things I've had to deal with." Al snarled a bit. "And how was yours?" His tone of voice was not even close to friendly or conversational. --- Myth sighed happily, enjoying the open sky. He had his back to the sun, mostly because he thought it was creepy, and was enjoying the day. After a few moments, however, he realized he probably should follow Al around and make sure he didn't make enemies of everyone the first day of school, and returned inside. He wrung his hands nervously as he walked the halls, looking for his Meister, before ending up back at the Cafeteria. _As good as place as any to start looking_, he thought.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Angelo turned his head slightly giving him a "wha?" look "well im doing pretty good I had a nice nap on the roof honestly its so peaceful their" Angelo said smiling at him not really caring about the snarling thing Angelo was lazy but he was also a very nice person " I don't think you should worry about stein though if you were really a witch then you would be a hot chick with a pointy hat and since your a guy with a chip on his shoulder I think your just a normal guy. If you want to blow of steam however I invite you to a duel outside so you can let out all your frustrations on me" Angelo said smiling at him giving him a go ahead gesture towards the stairway that will lead them in front of the school.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Tori didn't continue to badger Kalinda about making nice, instead, she let her eyes roam over the crowd, and excitedly she spied one of the other weapons from the earlier class. What was his name? Myth? She bounded up happily, and over to the weapon. "Hi! Taking a break from your Miester? Why don't you join us?" The young girl smiled in welcome and cheerfully. She grabbed one of his hands, and made an effort to start pulling him towards her table.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

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Allen smirked at the idea of dueling the other meister. "As much as I'd enjoy beating you to a pulp, I have no idea where my weapon ran off to." He shrugged slightly. "But otherwise I'd gladly take you up on the offer." He dropped his arms, letting his hands slide smoothly into his pockets. "If I find my weapon we'll probably talk again." He turned away from Angelo, starting to walk away. "And I'd avoid stereotypes about Witches, my mother would've surprised you." --- Myth was surprised when one of the two girls he had been apologizing too earlier grabbed his hand and started to pull her to her table. If he remembered correctly, she was the weapon, but he couldn't remember her name for the absolute life of him. "Oh, uhm, sure..." He sat down once they reached the table, looking a tad nervous, and biting his lip a bit, unsure what to say, or to start saying. He looked over at her meister, who he remembered had gotten angry at the beginning of the class when Professor Stein started teaching from the start of the textbook. "H-hi again."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Angelo smiled back at him and said "whenever your ready I'll be waiting" Angelo said to him smiling and then turning to Lorenzo "so?" We will see how the rest of the day goes" he said softly and that just made Angelo grin and Maria smiled and she asked if Angelo could give her a piggy back ride to class and Angelo pretended that he hated it but he bent down as Maria got on his back and he carried her back to the classroom knowing that lunch would be over soon
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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"I found a lost weapon" Tori said with anusement, sitting back down and stealing the cookie, breaking it in half. "Looks like he might just run off with a good fright, huh? Strange he's partnered with such a grumpy meister" Kalinda sigjed and said "Tori, you really have to think before you speak" she shifted uncomfortably, unsure what to do. It would be rude to tell him to just bugger off. She sighed again and said "hello. I don't think I caught your name. Professor Stein doesn't seem one for introductions" she pushed her tray away, looking to the nervous boy.
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