Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Inspired by [a new anime called The Rolling Girls](http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/895/870/52b.png), this will be a battle that's not to be taken seriously like "omg! You can't do that! His strike could only have generated 40 pounds of force in that stance, and another thing...". So yeah, this is a battle for us to let loose and have some fun with it! As long as you don't spoil the fun for others/break the battle by becoming too god moddy then you should be okay. The plot sort of borrows from what I know of the anime but changes it with a bunch of my own ideas as well and moves the setting. On an Earth where magic exists and on a man made island in the middle of the ocean, many different groups inhabit it and claim it as their own. However, there was never any legal claim by any nation and only the owner who built it, a rather eccentric man, can act sort of like it's king. The other groups just have their own systems of government in place that only govern those in the group. The groups turn to him to resolve the issue of these power struggles and he says that to settle the manner the various groups can fight among each other in nonlethal war. This is accomplished by way of a magical field (given energy by all living things on the island) generated inside the island that stops people from being able to die from battle damage. When they take damage a bunch of light and sparkly energy erupts out of them in an awesome way, and if they take too much damage that would have been lethal then they're just knocked unconscious, even if they're hit by a massive explosion that knocks them through 5 steel walls. Even if they're strangled, for example, the energy fills up their body and keeps them alive, just passed out. Each officially recognized group is offered a home flag, and if you bring a flag back to your home base then you gain authority over the territory from where that flag belonged to. Of course if everyone votes on the issue they can willingly give all the flags to the person they want in power, but this plot point isn't for this arena battle that will involve us fighting over them. The battle doesn't have to take place at the home base itself to steal the flag because the territory can be well defended leading up to the flag, so most of the time the invaders can't get close enough to even see the flag. So anyways, the most physically powerful people can jump as high as buildings, move in the blink of an eye, and punch through steel walls. We don't need to get into high levels of detail on exact level of powers, we'll just agree who's faster, stronger, etc. and by around how much (like a lot faster, a little bit stronger, etc.) and fit that into how the battle goes without stressing too much about it. Some people are only around normal human abilities all the way up to this most powerful examples, leaving a wide gap of power between canon fodder and the elite. Our characters can be among the elite but you are perfectly welcome to have some low level mook characters running about trying to "survive" the chaos. Just normal swings of an elite's weapon can blow people around like rag dolls if they are weak. There are various magical abilities that you can have. I won't say what you can and can't do at the moment, we'll just see once everyone posts their character if everyone feels that it will be an acceptable and fun character to fight. That being said, even time stopping powers might not be banned depending on how well you balance such abilities to make the battle still enjoyable for everyone. There might be more than just this one battle taking place in this setting if things go well, so the same character can be used again as long as everyone in those battles also deem them acceptable to fight. Anyone interested? If you have any character ideas you might as well post them here to see everyone's opinions from the get go to have an idea what you might need to adjust to make them funner to fight against, if anything.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Lalliman
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Lalliman A Bird

Member Seen 5 mos ago

I think i'll put up a character for this tomorrow. Edit: Herp, i got ahead of myself and forgot this is just the interest check. But yeah, i'm interested, if that wasn't clear.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Here's my character who can serve as an example. He comes from a group I named Highbell and they serve as the generic hero country. I didn't mention in the first post, but some animals have been genetically altered to be human intelligence so there is even an animal kingdom (pun intended). The good guy country of Highbell allows animals equal citizenship so expect some to be there as well (although still mostly humans). He's considered one of the elites. Name: Alexander Hertz Age: 20 Gender: Male Race: Human Alliance: Highbell Appearance: His face is shown below (Not my drawing, I'll draw him later). He wears a black and yellow colored leather jacket, ripped jeans, and black velcro strap tennis shoes. ![His face (not my drawing)](http://i40.servimg.com/u/f40/16/80/40/06/josh_r10.png "enter image title here") Personality: Loud, confident, and a showoff. However, deep down he can actually be somewhat of a scaredy-cat so he sometimes has to psych himself out and pretend to be an awesome hero in order to stop himself from running away or otherwise making a fool of himself. He's a kind person, especially to those in need, so he's able to at least work up the courage to go through with things. He tends to be oblivious and scatterbrained so prefers things to be upfront. Powers: He's famous for his blue lightning power which can form off of his body. It's electricity that can maintain a physical form such as a sword that can block not only physical attacks but also immaterial things like fire. It's durability is greater than steel so would take considerable force to break through. If his blue lightning leaves his body then he has to concentrate on it to keep it's presence, so is unable to send out too much at once or else he'll looses track of things and causes it to dissipate. His personality doesn't help him in this regard. Under his control he can make it take any shape and travel anywhere but it's limited to speeds of only 88 miles per hour, a far cry from real lightning. His power can act like normal electricity upon dispersal, removing all special properties from it. He can use this to power electrical equipment. He can generate enough blue lightning as the surface area of his skin every second and, other than this, is only limited in the amount that he could create by how much energy he has left, getting tired the more blue lightning he creates. Once he creates enough to fill an Olympic sized swimming pool then he's going to be completely exhausted. He doesn't only have to sent the blue lightning outward but can also have it course through his body to empower his physical abilities to superhuman levels. Originally thought to be no stronger or faster than a normal human, once his power activates he can nearly match the fastest in speed and at least put up a decent fight in terms of brute strength. However, this causes more discomfort the more he pushes his limits and can even end up damaging himself after being at max for more than 5 minutes, drastically reducing his combat capabilities for a good couple of hours, only returning completely to normal after a good night's rest and some food. Equipment: His most famous equipment is a electric powered [motorcycle](http://digital-art-gallery.com/oid/48/1600x1065_9405_Superbike_2d_automotive_bike_futuristic_picture_image_digital_art.jpg). In a compartment on each side of the motorcycle is an [MP9 machine pistol](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Br%C3%BCgger_%26_Thomet_MP9) with three 30 round magazines.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 11 mos ago

what no blank CS? Name: Runa Fukada (yes I reuse her a lot) Age: 15 Gender: Female Race: low rank Reincarnated Devil from a human basis Alliance: Volray/ Valefor group Appearance: ![enter image description here](http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-A0wcz1mjkwI/UCYx0nv8bpI/AAAAAAAAKZk/CJVpEzLn5aY/s1600/runa-nagai_036.jpg "enter image title here") D cup, 1.60m Personality: very kind and caring person, addictive personality, overly polite (in dutch 'U' is a very polite thing to say compared to 'jij' or 'je', normally you say this to someone you dont know and is older then you and such, but Runa would even say 'U' to little children and close friends), she is very daring and very sexually active, she speaks Japanese and cant rid herself of saying some words in Japanese even now (even trough she is a devil, people seem to hear this still, but at least they can understand it), she also likes to tease. Powers: Basic Devil powers: -all devils have the ability to understand any language, for the devil an other language sounds like the one they are most familiar with while the other person understands the devils words in the language he/ she is most familiar with a devil is stronger during the night and has much more energy, also better hearing a devil can see perfect in darkness normally a devil has a set of black wings but being a member of the Volray/ Valefor group, who are one of the rare exceptions to the rules: able to create wings from her aura, however these wings lack the mass to fly and can only be used to glide, however Runa can use her sacred gear to give mass to the wings so she can fly. also, devils are weak to light and holy things (Runa has gotten used to sunlight at least) -magical energy and powers: she has a good amount of magical powers to start with, trough boosted by the evil piece, she is still learning devil magics, mostly household and healing based magics. Equipment: -First off high ranking Devils can reincarnate pretty much every creature into a servant (though this needs to be agreed on by the servant to be unless they are in a state that they can no longer respond (like being in a near death unconscious state), to do this they give a chess inspired piece that will be embedded into the servant to be individual's soul, each piece is based as said by chess pieces, so there are 8 pawns, 2 rooks, 2 knights, 2 bishops and 1 queen (the high rank will be given the king), and each type possess a unique trait. Runa is a Bishop, Bishops grant a increase in magical energy and usually act like supporters in battle. -Second off Runa possess a sacred gear, being born as a human. Secret Gear: Leviathan Follower: this silver neckless with a sapphire gem in the center has been named after the current Leviathan-moue as it has the same ability's her family has, complete control of the water in the area, including most in the air and water in plants, able to subtract and concentrate it into a mass of water. using the water while putting it in her aura wings gives them enough mass to allow her flight -revelations: --Healing waters: she can use the water she has, if its clean water, to speed up the natural healing of others, its not very strong but it has proven its worth with a few critical wounded in the past, it can also lessen scars and clear out poisons and toxins --Wing of water: adding water to the aura wings gives them enough mass to become able to fly. -Balance Breaker: currently she has not learned of it -Med-pack categorized: Devil categorize their individuals on their fighting powers: basically you have the Wizard (magic control), technique (physical tricks and abilities (like counter)) and power (both for magic and melee, for those that go for raw power instead of controlled uses) types, the category is added 2e for each individual, first is the nature of the powers they use, second is the way the user uses these powers (example: one with the power of destruction is basically a power type, but you have those that go on the full powered offence, making them a power-power type, or those that create special moves like a large amount of orbs of destruction that can be controlled as wished, making them a Power-wizard type) off course there are special types as well, like defense. Runa is an: Wizard-support/ defense bio/ history: Runa was born in Japan, when she was 3 years old she moved to Holland with her parents all of a sudden, years later when she was 13, she learned the reason why. her father had at one point gotten money from the Yakuzu, but he did not had the means to pay them back so he took his family and fled. when she was 13 the Yakuzu had found her father and kidnapped the entire family, her father did not know what to do and ended up selling Runa in the hopes that the rest of her family could live. Runa was from this point on a Yakuzu slave, at first they wanted to use her as a sex slave but first had some other smaller yet more dangerous tasks. the first was to use her small body to break in into a gang building and place a bomb, yet she was found out, during this moment as she was afraid to get killed by the guy's in front of her did her gear became active for the first time, she was able to knock the attackers out, drop the bomb and made a ran for it. the Yakuzu found out of her power and started to use her for it. then she met Zeke, he had come to Japan for a small vacation but had accidentally bumped into a Yakuzu member, he lost the fight and took a hit out on him, Runa got send, using his aura sense he could quickly find out things as why she was there, how she feels about it, the worry she had about her parents, enough to make her doubt about what to do. Zeke came with a deal, she would leave with him, he will keep her save and also made sure her parents are free of this hell, she was free to visit them when she wanted but she would from that point on be a part of his team (as he had seen her gear) she agreed, he parents dept was paid off suddenly, she could visit them when she want but she never had the thought of leaving Zeke, not due to the deal but because he had saved her and done this much for her, she decided to stay with him until the end. others: she is a person that uses her water gear mostly for defensive ability's, it has been speculated that the gear could even evolve to control blood but Runa hates that part and refuges to go that far ------------- . Name: Hecate Prayer Age: 14 Gender: Female Race: low rank Reincarnated Devil from a human basis Alliance: Volray/ Valefor group Appearance: ![enter image description here](http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-jajrcisUCZI/UAvd-6wXiZI/AAAAAAAAE9A/5iN7mqQF0rc/s1600/Mu4QE.jpg "enter image title here") C cup Personality: She is a tomboy and distant, yet she is reliable, she just has very few social skills and is aware of this, so while she wants to be included she is generally putting up a bold and unsocial front Powers: Basic Devil powers: -all devils have the ability to understand any language, for the devil an other language sounds like the one they are most familiar with while the other person understands the devils words in the language he/ she is most familiar with a devil is stronger during the night and has much more energy, also better hearing a devil can see perfect in darkness normally a devil has a set of black wings but being a member of the Volray/ Valefor group, who are one of the rare exceptions to the rules: able to create wings from her aura, however these wings lack the mass to fly and can only be used to glide, however Hacate can use her sacred gear to give mass to the wings so she can fly. also, devils are weak to light and holy things (Hecate has gotten used to sunlight at least) magical energy and powers: she has a decent amount of magical powers but no talent for using it what so ever, she is very gifted with the sword trough Equipment: -Evil piece: Knight, Knights gain a big speed boost and usually act as vanguard. Secret Gear: Flame Charge: a ring that appear on the hand she wants it to appear on, the ring gives the user the power to her his/ her hand's on fire without harming the user, it can also cover the fire on anything the user is holding, able to either harm or not harm the thing, Hecate usually uses it to put her sword on fire, the sword will not burn, but what the sword touches will -revelations: Hecate has a lot of will power and so her gear has underwent a lot of revelations: --Flaming wings: in order to learn to fly using the aura wings she has evolved her gear's ability into a state that it can put the fire into the aura giving it enough mass for flight --Flame cloak: Hecate can use the flames also to cover her cloths as a more defensive skill --Cloak rush: after setting the flame cloak, Hecate can increase her speed even more as long as she would go in a straight line (she can stop and turn, but needs to stop the rush in order to) by decreasing friction on her by the cloak's flames heat, she will also release a lot of flames behind her setting the ground on fire for a little while, this ability however costs a lot of stamina -Balance breaker: currently she is not able to use it or has she learned of it A crystal sword made by an other Volray/ Valefor group member categorized: Technique-power bio/ history: UC (might only get worked out during IC) ----------- . Name: Yumi Kurokawa Age: 16 Gender: Female Race: low rank Reincarnated Devil from a human basis (but with vampire heritage 5 generations ago) Alliance: Volray/ Valefor group Appearance: ![enter image description here](http://i266.photobucket.com/albums/ii252/sweetAnimeFanAngel/Vampiregirl.jpg "enter image title here") F cup, 1.70, has a genetic flaw that has made a second smaller pupil in her right eye, above and to the right of her normal pupil Personality: will work out in IC Powers: -all devils have the ability to understand any language, for the devil an other language sounds like the one they are most familiar with while the other person understands the devils words in the language he/ she is most familiar with a devil is stronger during the night and has much more energy, also better hearing a devil can see perfect in darkness normally a devil has a set of black wings but being a member of the Volray/ Valefor group, who are one of the rare exceptions to the rules: able to create wings from her aura, however these wings lack the mass to fly and can only be used to glide, however Yumi can use one of her gears to create wings of her own. also, devils are weak to light and holy things (Hecate has gotten used to sunlight at least) a very good eyesight in general, can drink blood to quickly recover magic, but keeps this a secret magical energy and powers: she has a huge amount of magical energy, more then her King but less then groups Queen, she has not learned any spells yet trough but is reading about it so might know one or two. Equipment: Evil piece: Bishop mutation piece (supportive role, boost magic) (a Mutation piece has no different effects, the mutation pretty much means that it can take in a person who is supposed to be deemed to strong for that specific Evil piece to work on) Secret Gear: Yumi is a rare person having been born with 2 gears: --Soul Bringer: a tiara with a blood red gem, gives the user the ability to summon or even create souls of animals and mythical creatures, then she can put these souls into a raw element in the area (or in the elements of her ally's), there they take on their natural shape in the shape of that element (this is the gear that makes her act as a supportive-wizard type) -revelations: N/A -Balance breaker: she has not yet activated this -sub species: being a gear that cant give her wings mass she has willed the gear into a state that it became a SS by itself --bat wings: able to put a winged animal soul (most preferred by Yumi is her favorite bat soul) into Yumi's jacked forcing the jacked into a bat like state where it will act as Yumi's wings, the wings are directly connected to her mind so that she can fly as she wants when she want and is not forced to give orders to the bat first, the bat however is still conscious and can act on its own if it finds this needed (a Sub-species gear has evolved away from its standard abilities due to its users wishes) Secret Gear: Goddess bow: a long bow that can magically appear in her hands out of nowhere, this bow is able to fire multiple types of arrows, such as a tracing arrow (able to follow to an extent), a bending arrow (able to dodge things), an piercing arrow (able to pierce trough things such as a tree) and a splitting arrow (able to split into 3 arrows at any given moment) (this gear makes her act as a power-technique type) -revelations: no evolutions have been made, but it is speculated that it can learn new types of arrows from time to time -Balance breaker: she has not yet activated this equipment: her jacked (to use the bat soul in order to fly) categorized: allround based on what action/ gear she is using. will work out in IC others: has a favorite bat soul that is always with her and can be seen by her, they can even communicate to a degree ---------- . Name: Sella Steck Age: 18 Gender: Female Race: Human-Dragon hybrid (looks and was born a human but has the same traits as dragons due to her gear) Alliance: N/A Appearance: ![enter image description here](http://www.wallpaperup.com/uploads/wallpapers/2013/03/22/58073/728bf9fad37ae1e06ae4409e12b2e34c.jpg "enter image title here") BUT with breasts like these: [soulcalibur sophitiac](http://cdn2.dualshockers.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/soulcalibur4sophitiac.jpg) Personality: have to work her out some more, but I think she would daring, first to act (and not think), confident and headstrong. Powers: -being partly dragon due to her sacred gear, she has a higher lvl of sturdiness/ durability and higher physical attributes. -magical energy and powers: a reasonable amount, good enough to use the gears 2 types of magical powers (breathing fire can be done often, while the eclipse beam can only be shot once Equipment: Secret Gear: Eclipse wings: the gear manifests itself when being used as a set of huge golden dragon wings, this gear allows flight and has made the user's body dragonic as well, giving better physical traits but making the user weak to dragon slayer things. the gear gives the power to transform any one part into a fixed dragon type part, meaning the user can grow a tail, have dragon eyes (counts as 1), transform his/ her arm into that of a golden with silver dragon arm and so on, but only 1 body part can be transformed at a time in its original setting. -revelations: --two part dragonize: able to transform 2 body parts into dragon parts at the same time, these can be any parts, meaning the user can even turn both arms dragon but also 1 arm and 1 leg --three part dragonize: able to transform 3 body parts into dragon parts at the same time, the only limit is that if 1 arm or leg is done, then both arms and legs need to be done while having 3 parts transformed (the order of how to transform is irrelevant) --Eclipse beam: firing a strong and concentrated blast of seemingly light, this light is not a light devils or vampires are weak to, but it is strong enough to rival the attack of an demon lords destruction magic -Balance breaker: not unlocked yet. -The gear possess the spirit of a large and powerful dragon who was sealed into this gear in order to stop it from doing whatever it was that gave the dragon this punishment, the dragon however has in time accepted this, sleeping nearly all the time but might at times speak to its partner. Other: for some unknown reason, the cloth's do not get destroyed when using the gear normally (most likely the one that came up with this gear has put a safety feature in the gear to prevent the user from having to run around naked after using the gear once) ------------- . Name: Age: Gender: Race: Alliance: Appearance: Personality: Powers: Equipment: (its all UC at this moment, sorry)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 11 mos ago

I feel like making a post about the use of Balance breakers for the chars a sacred gear can in supposed rare cases (still a lot appeared in the show, so I think it was called like this for plot reasons for why it had not appeared before the main char had it), multiple ways to do so, get an sudden power boost called balance breaker its pretty much an temporal state (exceptions excluded) where the gear gains new powers in a way or an other. in the rp's I never gotten so far to reach the BB states, so I am wondering to use them in this rp or not, especially when considering the ones who after unlocking the original BB of that gear deem its powers not fitting to them and create a new sub-species BB by redirecting and changing its power to their own liking (in some cases this happens automatically, but it was never fully described how this exactly works) I can post them down here to proof read before adding them to the CS's, unless the powers of the char's are deemed so low it needs some more zang.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 11 mos ago

DAMN for the last one, I have 2 people with the same gear, one is a natural at using and pulling out the gears biggest potential, the other is an half elf and possess more talent on using magic. HELP [enter link description here](http://creativefreedomrpg.com/viewtopic.php?p=198760#p198760)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

They already seem powerful enough where activating the balance breaker thing could make them overpowered unless it's a weak upgrade.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Alphakoka


Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

........... *Puts Niks into consideration* :I
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lalliman
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Lalliman A Bird

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Yay, A person! But well, that's an awfully gritty character for such a goofy setting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

His powers could work as an over the top parody version.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

[Here's the OOC](http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/75570/posts/ooc#post-2337643)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Alphakoka


Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

> His powers could work as an over the top parody version. What, making costumes of the characters he beat? =P
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

> > His powers could work as an over the top parody version. > > What, making costumes of the characters he beat? =P Well, his normal suit making skills are out of the question, so yeah, something on that order. :D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Alphakoka


Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Yeah, not with Niks then. His design is not really fitting for this. Sure, he stays creepy, it just swings to the other kind of creepy. ;p
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