Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Buglet
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Buglet HDDWriting

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Buglet's Advanced Interest Check
Hello everyone! My name is Buglet, but you can call me Harry. I love writing fiction of my own and I have been RPing on MMO's since I was young - recently I figured that it would be a good idea to combine these two hobbies of mine and join a role playing forum, and guess which site came up first after a google search? This one! I am already engaged in a couple RP stories right now, however I thought I'd put an interest check out as I am always looking to start new stories with new people.
Check this list before reading on. I don't want to disappoint people, so here are my big no-no's so you don't waste your time:
  • I don't like anime. I never have liked anime, and I never will. If you're interested in doing anime recreational RP then you'd best look elsewhere.
  • The same applies to comic books and most video games. I suppose you could brand me as someone who just doesn't enjoy writing fan fiction unless I love the book/movie - I like to be original.
  • I don't like anything romantic unless it's natural - if two characters find love then it is something that will happen over a long period of time very naturally, and not at all forced.
  • Anything sexual is a big no no.
If I haven't scared you off yet then we may be on to something! Please, carry on reading!
What I do like...
Here's a list of some general ideas that I enjoy writing/RPing about:
  • I love apocalyptic stuff - it tests the human resolve and puts my characters into fantastic moral dilemmas. Please, please, please if you like apocalyptic genre then SEND ME A IM RIGHT NOW.
  • Fantasy I enjoy also, however I don't like going over the top. A bit of magic is great, and worlds vastly different to our own are incredibly fun to create and explore. But I think that it's possible to get carried away into fantasy to the point where everything seems fabricated and the story loses touch with reality.
  • Sci-fi is much the same. To an extent it's great because it lets us explore the possibility of the future. If any of you go on to MrSuicideSheep on YouTube and look at the sci-fi backgrounds he has behind the music he uploads you'll see what sort of sci-fi I like. Again, anything that goes too far scares me.
    • I'm a little shady, perhaps even uncertain, about my fantasy/sci-fi limits. If you're interested, send me a PM and we'll sort something out. I can't really explain my limits concisely here.
  • Horror I adore - have you read House of Leaves? If so have my body.
  • I like reality. I like my character to be human, or similar to a human, because I know humans and I can relate. Unless I am allowed to develop a character really, really well, if it's not a human I won't like it.
  • Bottom line is this: if it's fun, I'll try it. Even though I have my no-no's, I'll try new stuff. After all, I'm a writer, and writers love to explore.
Plot Ideas - Advanced
These are vague. By no means should you consider my interests are exclusive to these ideas!
  • 2001: A Space Odyssey
    - WANTED Now, I know I said that I dislike fanfiction, but this is a rare exception. This movie was a fantastic and mesmerising aspect of my childhood and, perhaps, largely responsible for my love of fiction. This plot revolves around one idea: after Europa has evolved into a primordial host of life, a mission is sent from Earth to investigate. Very open-ended. Pleas PM as I'm not entirely sure what I would want this one to be.
  • House of Leaves
    - WANTED This book terrified me and forced me to love it. Bottom line: a man makes a home-made documentary about his house after he discovers that it's bigger on the inside than outside. After not too long, mysterious corridors and huge, dark, shape-shifting rooms appear. He gathers together a team and decides to explore.... House of Leaves is a published book and it ends with
    The premise of this plot is that it happens to someone else - someone who's never heard of the original occurrence of this phenomena (called The Navidson Record.
  • Prison
    - NEEDS DEVELOPMENT TO WORK Just a little idea. People in prison decide to escape. Although I'd prefer to not focus on the escape with this one - instead use it to develop character relationships and see what we can do with the premise of people being in such a place as prison.
What you can expect from me...
Here's what you can expect from me if we RP together:
  • I'm a mature person but I like to think I can be comical when the time allows it!
  • I follow a typical GMT schedule, and will rarely post outside of times between 7AM and 11PM on any given day.
  • I write a fair bit. Honestly, I never ever say 'you need to write x amount of paragraphs' because sometimes the situation simply doesn't allow it. Even in advanced role play I think that occasionally a 1 paragraph post can be a good thing - keeps the plot going, etc...
  • I'm a pretty straight forwards, open guy. If I'm having a bad day IRL you'll probably hear about it, if something hilarious happened I'll want to tell you, we might even end up talking on skype - who knows? I don't like to remain anonymous!
  • Lastly, and most importantly, I'm kind and respectful. I'll try my best not to offend you!
What I would expect from you...
If we were to RP together here is what I might expect from you:
  • Respect for everyone involved, including their RP limits
  • Dedication - or at least honesty. There's nothing worse than starting an RP story only to have the participants disappear without a word... If you don't like and want out then please just tell me!
~ ~ ~
And that's about it. I appreciate it was a bit vague - I'll probably edit this as I go along! Please don't hesitate to PM me with any questions, suggestions. I'm literally open to any idea - pitch it!!!! Buglet
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Buglet
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Buglet HDDWriting

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

BUMP - added a few plots
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Buglet
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Buglet HDDWriting

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Bump... Someone please give the 2001 plot! I want it so bad!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Buglet
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Buglet HDDWriting

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

My bump, my bump my bump my bump - check it out!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Buglet
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Buglet HDDWriting

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

*bumps his hair against a wall*
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rhymer
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Rhymer Kuiper Belt Object

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hey Buglet. I'm relatively new to these forums. Are you? I think we have some common interests as far as writing goes-I don't really do anime or fan-fiction. I much prefer to be original or take ideas from many sources and create something. I think that's why I can't get into your RP ideas. I have seen 2001 and loved it-absolute art. I also started reading House of Leaves but gave up half-way through (everyone I've ever talked too about it said they gave up too!). I loved what I read though, another really artsy piece. So if you come up with some other ideas let me know! Good luck!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Stairdweller
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Stairdweller it's all black and white

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Hello. I haven't read House of Leaves (I might, now) but I'm potentially interested in the concept for a RP. So, I don't know if our styles will mesh, but I tend to like Sci-Fi and Fantasy RPs because of the world building. Would you consider doing the house-is-bigger-on-the-inside idea in a slightly non-normal setting, like modern day with slight fantasy elements or else near-future? I think perhaps the reason you aren't getting many hits on this thread is because generally Advanced RP interest checks tend to present one idea for a roleplay, fairly well fleshed out, looking for a group of players to fill in roles. Yours kind of feels like a 1x1 post-of-all-my-ideas kind of post. Not that that's a bad thing. (Insert smile emoticon to indicate the friendly nature of this paragraph.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Buglet
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Buglet HDDWriting

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Rhymer@StairdwellerWill drop you both a PM! Thanks for sharing interest, And yeah,@Stairdweller, I agree about why people aren't responding to my ideas. I plan on fleshing them out into larger ideas in separate posts for each!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Buglet
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Buglet HDDWriting

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I'd like to bump this if that's ok!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Buglet
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Buglet HDDWriting

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Buglet
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Buglet HDDWriting

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Bump - still looking
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