:O (ง︡’-‘︠)-o
Damn Larfreeze you taste nasty
=[ =X =O :Oo :O-o :O)-o :O‘︠)-o :O‘︠)-o :O-‘︠)-o :O’-‘︠)-o :Oง︡’-‘︠)-o :O(ง︡’-‘︠)-o :O (ง︡’-‘︠)-o Damn Larfreeze you taste nastyis this some weird reverse-vore fetish that I don't know about. You kids these days with your 'furies' and your fore fetish. In my day we had only one fetish: WAR
<Snipped quote by Azarthes> is this some weird reverse-vore fetish that I don't know about. You kids these days with your 'furies' and your fore fetish. In my day we had only one fetish: WARIts the AMERICAN fetish