So this is an RP that will focus on Adventure, Action, and Romance. It will be in a fantasy setting and will use a magic system I have thought up. I don’t have a plot yet but I have a cast for anyone interested to pick from.

Magic: Magic let’s you do the impossible. A human who uses magic is known as a witch. A good witch looks like a normal human, a bad one will have dark black skin with a slight green tint. A witch can change how the world works using their spirit. They can rewrite the world’s laws to their benefit. If they need to cross a lake they can either change the water to ice or even walk on water using what they call mana. Mana is a person’s spiritual energy that can be used to manipulate things to do the will of the user. If a witch were to come across a pile of feathers, using mana, they could stitch them together and create wings. They can bend elements to their will. The only catch is that this drains energy from them and eventually the witch will be too tired to do any more magic for a set period of time. To become a bad witch you must sacrifice your own soul or anothers. If you sacrifice someone’s life span to reduce your own you turn into a bad witch for example. You can also use your soul to grant any wish. Sacrificing your soul gives you oblivion after death.

Setting: A very beautiful land filled with castles and flowers and lots of lakes and forests.

Species: Troll
Species Description: The trolls of this world are VERY different than the ones from ours. Their purpose is to look after any child or infant abandoned or separated from its parent. This includes animals and humans as well as other species. Their body is very different than a humans. Their flesh and bones are very soft and have a warm temperature. Their bodies warmth comes from an internal fire generating organ that a troll can use to actually breathe fire like a dragon. Their green skin is useful for camouflage from predators trying to eat the children they are protecting. Their size is fairly large. The average size of a troll is 8 feet. They usually have very fluffy hair on a lot of parts on their body. Their faces are always gentle and welcoming. Although their flesh is soft their strength is great and when given a weapon like a club they can do some serious damage.
Name: Garth

Age: 19
Sexuality: Bisexual (Prefers Guys)
Personality: He is a very playful person and can be quite mischievous. He can be pretty physical knowing he can’t harm anyone with his soft body. He acts tough but has a huge soft spot for cute things and cute people. He acts like a big puppy and will cuddle with you while sleeping as well as kiss you if you do something nice for him.
Extra Info: He owns a huge nursery in the woods filled with a lot of young animals.

Species: Queen Spider
Species Description: A king or queen animal will always have the appearance of being part animal part human. They will always have a birthmark of a crown on their body somewhere. Their diet depends on their species. Their abilities depend on their species. There is only 1 king or queen per species. When one dies the children of that king/queen with a crown birthmark known as a princess or prince will transform into a king or queen. A king and queen rule over their species and can communicate with them.
Queen Spider Abilities: Wall Climbing, Control of all Spiders, Web Making and Shooting, Venom Spit and Acid Spit.
Name: Charlotte

Age: 23
Sexuality: Straight
Personality: A very dark woman who eats all even humans. She refers to other spiders as brothers and sisters. She is maniacal and to all of those who are not her friend. If you are her friend she will be very nice and polite. She can also be quite sarcastic and will mock her prey.
Extra Info: She lives in some deep dark caverns south of the main town. Those who enter never come back alive. She is friends with Garth because once he rescued and raised her children for her when they were kidnapped by a hunter,

Species: Human
Species Description: One of the few species able to use magic. They are also very intelligent and they are the largest species.
Name: Maria or Mary

Age: 19
Sexuality: Straight
Personality: A very bubbly and happy person. She is a good witch who will help all of those in need. She has a soft spot for cute things and is very girly. She loves adventure.
Extra Info: She is a very good witch who has been studying since she was 10. At the age 15 she had been raped and became pregnant. She fell in love with the rapist who was 18. Her grandmother forced her to get an abortion. She became depressed because she wanted to keep the baby and it had already been 8 months. At age 18 she used a spell to wipe her memories of her unborn child and became her old cheerful self. When she finds Sophie she doesn’t have a clue who she is but will unconsciously shed a single tear when first meeting her. She wants to help Sophie get her voice back.

Species: Siren of Death
Species Description: The unborn daughter of Maria. Maria’s grandmother was a bad witch who wants the destruction of all humans to happen. To make this happen she needed a puppet to cast a spell that involved sacrificing your soul. Originally she wanted to do this spell to Maria but her daughter would not let her. She hired a young knight to make Maria pregnant and then forced an abortion on her when she was asleep. The abortion was actually her removing the almost fully developed fetus and casting some dark magic on it. She gave the unborn child the ability to kill humans using only her voice. Then she turned a stolen 5 year old girl and took away her youth to turn the child into a little girl. She named her Sophie, what Maria was going to name her. The soulless child sang a song of death in a small village as a test of her power and all of those who had heard her song had fallen to the ground dead. Another witch had caught wind of the plan and confronted the child. Feeling sorry for her and not wanting to kill her he cut out her tongue instead. Maria’s grandmother was imprisoned for her attempt at killing all humans and was to be executed.
Name: Sophie

Age: 9
Sexuality: Asexual
Personality: Sweet and kind eyed. She doesn’t know of her ability and acts very innocent.
Extra Info: She is mute so all of she can do are physical actions. She is a street rat, most people take sympathy off of her though so food and shelter are not too hard to find.

Species: King Cat
Species Description: A king or queen animal will always have the appearance of being part animal part human. They will always have a birthmark of a crown on their body somewhere. Their diet depends on their species. Their abilities depend on their species. There is only 1 king or queen per species. When one dies the children of that king/queen with a crown birthmark known as a princess or prince will transform into a king or queen. A king and queen rule over their species and can communicate with them.
King Cat Abilities: Will not take Fall Damage, High Jumping, Speak/Control Cats, Use Knives as Claws, High Speed.
Name: Sunshine or Sunny

Age: 17
Sexuality: Gay
Personality: Acts tough for his size. Even though he talks big he actually is really cute. He can be pretty rude and sarcastic as well as contempt. He loves to play games and is actually really good at all of them. He’s competitive and a try hard.
Extra Info: He is currently disguised as a knight. He he is hiding his ears and tail trying to get a chance to go on an adventure. He uses knives as a weapon.

Species: Zombie
Species Description: Sacrificing their mortality for immortality, zombies are invincible undead humans who don’t do much besides scare people. They loves bad smells such as rotting things. They can burrow underground with ease. They are not able to step on holy ground or go near crosses. They can’t be killed but they can be cut to pieces easily, though those pieces can move on their own. They do what they want.
Name: Fear

Age: Died at 21, but aged 120
Personality: Mischievous if not evil. He likes to pick on people and torture them either with fear or misfortune. He hates the living but doesn’t mind other species like kings or trolls. He is a bit of a pervert to woman.
Extra Info: He lives in the local graveyard. He will scare off guys and sneak up on women to try and get a kiss but that usually ends in failure as the girls punch his head off usually.