Through what can only be described as an absolute obsession, dating back as far as I can remember, I have operated in roleplay as a character named Scion with a talking watch named Dennis/Derek. Now this would make most assume that I have used the same character with the same powers and what not this entire time. However, that is far from the case. I use the same person and similar back stories, but I have endlessly altered the abilities, powers and equipment that this character uses. This of course led to many issues in the field of balancing. Since I liked using lots of different cool things. I needed to be kind of limited in my use of said things. In order to not be Batman and have a solution for everything.
So today in the most random moment of motivation yet. I have decided to make a character sheet that I will call the default, and list the powers, equipment, and abilities as separate things. All with their own explanations and ability to function alone or with the others. This is all to make the ultimate multiverse character with endless adjustability for both setting and power scale. I will of course add to this overtime, but this is to start thing off. Let's Begin!
Potential Active Abilities
Can be turned on and off.
Potential Passive Abilities
Can't be turned off once selected.
Potential Equipment
Most of these are written as a think of them, and are thus written in a variety of different mindsets. This is why they don't seem to have any kind of consistent writing theme across them. I plan to try to add at least one thing to this everyday but may skip days or add several in one. This post is also updated through editing so there is no notification of a change. The numbers are the order in which the ideas were thought of so check down here to see if I updated, because when I do the number at the end will be different. I just finished 20.
So today in the most random moment of motivation yet. I have decided to make a character sheet that I will call the default, and list the powers, equipment, and abilities as separate things. All with their own explanations and ability to function alone or with the others. This is all to make the ultimate multiverse character with endless adjustability for both setting and power scale. I will of course add to this overtime, but this is to start thing off. Let's Begin!
Default Base Scion and Dennis
Name: Scion AKA Jake West
Gender: Male
Race: Human/otherworldly
Base abilities: Ageless and revives in Void upon death

Personality: Scion is a one of a kind genius and simultaneous dumbass with an extremely bad habit of either over-thinking or under-thinking just about everything. His in ability to draw inaccurate conclusions has landed him in hot water countless times. He is also under some kind of self delusion that he is the hero of his own epic story and has taken actions and made leaps of logic based on the idea of story tropes. The delusion is surprisingly not from a lack of sanity, but do to a disconnect from reality Scion suffered in his past. He lives with a slight degree of uncertainty about whether anything around his is actually real. He mostly chooses to ignore these thoughts, but when stressed out they have surfaced as a means to help justify questionable actions. However, for all his faults Scion is generally a nice guy, if a bit overbearing and annoying at times, and wants to help others in need. He is after all a "hero". Scion is very close to Dennis and becomes very distressed when separated from him.
Gender: Refers to self as male.
Race: AI/Otherworldly
Base abilities: Capable of analyzing and understanding many things and can pick out fine details in the environment. Real form is in void.
Appearance: A very large black band attached to Scions wrist. It resembles a watch, but it is more akin to a mini supercomputer. Armed with every kind if sensor man as ever created from Celsius to X-ray.
Personality: Dennis is a very aloof individual that only ever really gives input when it's requested of him or to berate Scion. Dennis has downloaded and immense source of knowledge directly to his memory and could be easily one of the most knowledgeable existences alive, except the resource he downloaded was the internet. All of it. So without any real way to sort the crap from fact. Dennis is also easily the most misinformed individual one could ever meet, and with only Scion to help him try to sort him out, lets just say Dennis only seems like the more sane one.
Brief back story for Scion and Dennis'(Extended version being worked on.)
Jake AKA Scion was a rich nerdy and lonely engineer. He wanted nothing more then to be understood. He decided that if people didn't understand him, then he would make a machine that did. So he used his knowledge and resources to create Dennis. A machine built to literally understand everything. Jake thought he could be satisfied with this accomplishment, but even with Dennis at his side he still felt lost in his world, and wanted so badly to live somewhere more interesting then his own. So, with Dennis' help and at the cost of all his wealth. He built a machine, a portal, to a new world. So that he could escape this one. However, the machine was not perfect and instead of opening a portal to another universe. It had torn a hole in his own. A hole that ultimately swallowed everyone and everything into it and banished it to nothingness. It was only through Dennis that Jake survived, for Dennis was the only one capable of understanding the Void that they had been cast into and prevent his and Jake's destruction. Jake had wanted to leave, but not end his world and the guilt of its loss weighed heavily on his soul. He chose at this time to go be a different name. One he thought fitting for his situation, "Scion" means son of, but its only part of the title. He was after all. The Scion of nothing now and would just be known as Scion.
The multiverse portal that Scion had created may have not been perfect, but it was close. Dennis helped Scion reconstructed the portal in Void and through extensive, safety heavy, testing discovered that the reason the portal hadn't worked as intended was because it couldn't connect to a universe if the location of one wasn't specified. So when it had opened a portal to void. It had been quite literally programmed to open a hole to nowhere. They combined the device with Dennis' considerable computation abilities and were able to make it capable of opening a portal to anywhere that Dennis could record the location of. The limitations were that only one portal to another world could be opened at a time or only one could be opened from void into another world. Scion uses the M Device to open gates to new and interesting worlds as well as travel between them to previous worlds. Along with Dennis Scion lives out the life he had intended, but hopes to one day atone for the calamity that he had caused in his home world and prevent others from occurring.
Name: Scion AKA Jake West
Gender: Male
Race: Human/otherworldly
Base abilities: Ageless and revives in Void upon death

Personality: Scion is a one of a kind genius and simultaneous dumbass with an extremely bad habit of either over-thinking or under-thinking just about everything. His in ability to draw inaccurate conclusions has landed him in hot water countless times. He is also under some kind of self delusion that he is the hero of his own epic story and has taken actions and made leaps of logic based on the idea of story tropes. The delusion is surprisingly not from a lack of sanity, but do to a disconnect from reality Scion suffered in his past. He lives with a slight degree of uncertainty about whether anything around his is actually real. He mostly chooses to ignore these thoughts, but when stressed out they have surfaced as a means to help justify questionable actions. However, for all his faults Scion is generally a nice guy, if a bit overbearing and annoying at times, and wants to help others in need. He is after all a "hero". Scion is very close to Dennis and becomes very distressed when separated from him.
Gender: Refers to self as male.
Race: AI/Otherworldly
Base abilities: Capable of analyzing and understanding many things and can pick out fine details in the environment. Real form is in void.
Appearance: A very large black band attached to Scions wrist. It resembles a watch, but it is more akin to a mini supercomputer. Armed with every kind if sensor man as ever created from Celsius to X-ray.
Personality: Dennis is a very aloof individual that only ever really gives input when it's requested of him or to berate Scion. Dennis has downloaded and immense source of knowledge directly to his memory and could be easily one of the most knowledgeable existences alive, except the resource he downloaded was the internet. All of it. So without any real way to sort the crap from fact. Dennis is also easily the most misinformed individual one could ever meet, and with only Scion to help him try to sort him out, lets just say Dennis only seems like the more sane one.
Brief back story for Scion and Dennis'(Extended version being worked on.)
Jake AKA Scion was a rich nerdy and lonely engineer. He wanted nothing more then to be understood. He decided that if people didn't understand him, then he would make a machine that did. So he used his knowledge and resources to create Dennis. A machine built to literally understand everything. Jake thought he could be satisfied with this accomplishment, but even with Dennis at his side he still felt lost in his world, and wanted so badly to live somewhere more interesting then his own. So, with Dennis' help and at the cost of all his wealth. He built a machine, a portal, to a new world. So that he could escape this one. However, the machine was not perfect and instead of opening a portal to another universe. It had torn a hole in his own. A hole that ultimately swallowed everyone and everything into it and banished it to nothingness. It was only through Dennis that Jake survived, for Dennis was the only one capable of understanding the Void that they had been cast into and prevent his and Jake's destruction. Jake had wanted to leave, but not end his world and the guilt of its loss weighed heavily on his soul. He chose at this time to go be a different name. One he thought fitting for his situation, "Scion" means son of, but its only part of the title. He was after all. The Scion of nothing now and would just be known as Scion.
The multiverse portal that Scion had created may have not been perfect, but it was close. Dennis helped Scion reconstructed the portal in Void and through extensive, safety heavy, testing discovered that the reason the portal hadn't worked as intended was because it couldn't connect to a universe if the location of one wasn't specified. So when it had opened a portal to void. It had been quite literally programmed to open a hole to nowhere. They combined the device with Dennis' considerable computation abilities and were able to make it capable of opening a portal to anywhere that Dennis could record the location of. The limitations were that only one portal to another world could be opened at a time or only one could be opened from void into another world. Scion uses the M Device to open gates to new and interesting worlds as well as travel between them to previous worlds. Along with Dennis Scion lives out the life he had intended, but hopes to one day atone for the calamity that he had caused in his home world and prevent others from occurring.
Potential Active Abilities
Can be turned on and off.
Cold Touch
In void one's perception of themself and their desires affects them greatly. Due to an unhealthy obsession with a certain ice fairy, and his inability to be with her, due to freezing to death in her presence. Through his desire to overcome this obstruction and his belief in his own ability to adapt. Scion's body shifted to be one with the cold. This ability causes Scion's body to emit a cold aura around him, that starts to slowly lower the surrounding temperature. Scion also causes things to rapidly freeze upon contact with his skin. Scion's completion becomes noticeably paler when this ability is active. His clothes also begin hardening, and layers of frost start coating his skin.
In void one's perception of themself and their desires affects them greatly. Due to an unhealthy obsession with a certain ice fairy, and his inability to be with her, due to freezing to death in her presence. Through his desire to overcome this obstruction and his belief in his own ability to adapt. Scion's body shifted to be one with the cold. This ability causes Scion's body to emit a cold aura around him, that starts to slowly lower the surrounding temperature. Scion also causes things to rapidly freeze upon contact with his skin. Scion's completion becomes noticeably paler when this ability is active. His clothes also begin hardening, and layers of frost start coating his skin.
Perfect Body
In void one's perception of themself and their desires affects them greatly. Scion's desire to be in control of his body and perceived good athleticism earned him even greater control of his physical state. This ability allows Scion to manipulate his body to be able push itself far past its normal capabilities. By allowing him to focus on a bodily function and enhance it. He can only enhance something to slightly above peak human or low superhuman, and can only do a few enhancements at a time. Receiving less of an affect if he divides his attention.
In void one's perception of themself and their desires affects them greatly. Scion's desire to be in control of his body and perceived good athleticism earned him even greater control of his physical state. This ability allows Scion to manipulate his body to be able push itself far past its normal capabilities. By allowing him to focus on a bodily function and enhance it. He can only enhance something to slightly above peak human or low superhuman, and can only do a few enhancements at a time. Receiving less of an affect if he divides his attention.
Unnatural Form
In void one's perception of themself and their desires affects them greatly. Do to a complete disconnect to his former self and a desire to be something else. Scion's form is able to shift into whatever he thinks or feels is right. This allows for an extremely wide range of forms from the monstrous to the adorable to the just strange and uncanny. This form of shifting, however, is unstable and can be inconsistent do to be controlled by thoughts and feelings. It can be easy to lose concentration in stressful situations.
In void one's perception of themself and their desires affects them greatly. Do to a complete disconnect to his former self and a desire to be something else. Scion's form is able to shift into whatever he thinks or feels is right. This allows for an extremely wide range of forms from the monstrous to the adorable to the just strange and uncanny. This form of shifting, however, is unstable and can be inconsistent do to be controlled by thoughts and feelings. It can be easy to lose concentration in stressful situations.
Life's an Explosion!
In void one's perception of themself and their desires affects them greatly. Several hours of Michael Bay can grant one a certain appreciation for the art of action and explosions. Due to an obsession Scion has with having a life of action and adventure, and the belief that he is the hero of such a tale. Has granted him an unusual effect on the world around him. Scion will inexplicably cause things to react to him as if he were in a Michael Bay movie and explode. The cause of the explosion seems to be that when touched, by the hand, the molecules of the item touched, and the ones bonded with them, will suddenly sever those bonds and cause the item to ignite with the release of energy. This results in a sudden and usually powerful release of energy. Some bonds are stronger than others, and denser objects with high durability will cause the largest explosions when the bonds are severed. The ratio is seems to be as weak as a M-80 for a square foot of average wood, up to a C4 explosion for a square foot of steel. If an object is made up of parts, then only the part touched will explode.
In void one's perception of themself and their desires affects them greatly. Several hours of Michael Bay can grant one a certain appreciation for the art of action and explosions. Due to an obsession Scion has with having a life of action and adventure, and the belief that he is the hero of such a tale. Has granted him an unusual effect on the world around him. Scion will inexplicably cause things to react to him as if he were in a Michael Bay movie and explode. The cause of the explosion seems to be that when touched, by the hand, the molecules of the item touched, and the ones bonded with them, will suddenly sever those bonds and cause the item to ignite with the release of energy. This results in a sudden and usually powerful release of energy. Some bonds are stronger than others, and denser objects with high durability will cause the largest explosions when the bonds are severed. The ratio is seems to be as weak as a M-80 for a square foot of average wood, up to a C4 explosion for a square foot of steel. If an object is made up of parts, then only the part touched will explode.
Sphere of influence
Using the M Device. Dennis can open a portal to the void for thirty seconds every hour. While this portal is open Dennis forces the influence of void into the world and temporarily creates a five foot sphere around the watch in which he can alter the state of the world to be like Void, but without actually being in void. This causes one's thoughts and desires, while in the field, to become reality. This affects all in the field so even others can use this strange effect. However, all effects that occur in the field are undone after leaving the field or when the field is terminated.
Using the M Device. Dennis can open a portal to the void for thirty seconds every hour. While this portal is open Dennis forces the influence of void into the world and temporarily creates a five foot sphere around the watch in which he can alter the state of the world to be like Void, but without actually being in void. This causes one's thoughts and desires, while in the field, to become reality. This affects all in the field so even others can use this strange effect. However, all effects that occur in the field are undone after leaving the field or when the field is terminated.
Autonomous reaction
In the extremely rare occasions in which Dennis not only involves himself with Scion's affairs, but even aids him in combat. Dennis will connect to Scion's weapons, and use them to fight. Dennis cannot swing a blade or block a blow, but he can pull the real or metaphorical trigger on most any of Scion's weapons. He is able to access the same connection Scion has to the weapons and use it at his discretion. Dennis' high level processing and wide view of the field allows him to make decisions in fractions of a second and reacting in an instant.
In the extremely rare occasions in which Dennis not only involves himself with Scion's affairs, but even aids him in combat. Dennis will connect to Scion's weapons, and use them to fight. Dennis cannot swing a blade or block a blow, but he can pull the real or metaphorical trigger on most any of Scion's weapons. He is able to access the same connection Scion has to the weapons and use it at his discretion. Dennis' high level processing and wide view of the field allows him to make decisions in fractions of a second and reacting in an instant.
Potential Passive Abilities
Can't be turned off once selected.
If you put your mind to it.
In void one's perception of themself and their desires affects them greatly. Starving to death can be a very slow and painful process, and this led to Scion's desire to not starve, and it was this along with thinking of himself as a very adventurous eater that lead to him being able to expand his menu. This ability when active grants Scion the ability to not only clean his plate in record time, but also eat the plate and the utensils that go with it. This ability amplifies Scion's stomach acid to be able to dissolve anything from a ceramic cup to solid steel. Scion's bite strength is not what is amplified to allow him to chew through metal, but it is instead his saliva that coats his teeth has also gained an acid like quality that softens the materials to be easier to chew. Organic materials are broken down near instantly by the stronger stomach acid, but strangely enough are not affected by the amplified saliva, at least any more than they normally would be. Scion believes this effect may exist so that he can still enjoy normal food when eating.
In void one's perception of themself and their desires affects them greatly. Starving to death can be a very slow and painful process, and this led to Scion's desire to not starve, and it was this along with thinking of himself as a very adventurous eater that lead to him being able to expand his menu. This ability when active grants Scion the ability to not only clean his plate in record time, but also eat the plate and the utensils that go with it. This ability amplifies Scion's stomach acid to be able to dissolve anything from a ceramic cup to solid steel. Scion's bite strength is not what is amplified to allow him to chew through metal, but it is instead his saliva that coats his teeth has also gained an acid like quality that softens the materials to be easier to chew. Organic materials are broken down near instantly by the stronger stomach acid, but strangely enough are not affected by the amplified saliva, at least any more than they normally would be. Scion believes this effect may exist so that he can still enjoy normal food when eating.
Copy Cat
In void one's perception of themself and their desires affects them greatly. Through Scions desire and belief in his ability to adapt to new environments he gained the ability to copy the gifts of others. This duplication, however, is only of the base functions of the power and/or ability he targets. Able to use the gifts, but not gain the experience needed to use them well. In a world of magic he could duplicate mana, but not understand how spell casting works. He could grow claws, but would not immediately know how to fight with them. A funny way to look at it is he always starts as a level 0 with whatever he copies.
In void one's perception of themself and their desires affects them greatly. Through Scions desire and belief in his ability to adapt to new environments he gained the ability to copy the gifts of others. This duplication, however, is only of the base functions of the power and/or ability he targets. Able to use the gifts, but not gain the experience needed to use them well. In a world of magic he could duplicate mana, but not understand how spell casting works. He could grow claws, but would not immediately know how to fight with them. A funny way to look at it is he always starts as a level 0 with whatever he copies.
Living Zombie
In void one's perception of themself and their desires affects them greatly. Scion's doubt of his ability to survive hostile worlds and desire not die. These thoughts caused Scion's Body to alter itself to be more resistant to death. Scion's body operates much like a zombies would, and can take massive amounts of damage, but still keep going, if a bit slower than before. The downside seems to be that just like a zombie. If his brain is destroyed, then it really is all over.
In void one's perception of themself and their desires affects them greatly. Scion's doubt of his ability to survive hostile worlds and desire not die. These thoughts caused Scion's Body to alter itself to be more resistant to death. Scion's body operates much like a zombies would, and can take massive amounts of damage, but still keep going, if a bit slower than before. The downside seems to be that just like a zombie. If his brain is destroyed, then it really is all over.
Unbreakable Bones! Well close.
In void one's perception of themself and their desires affects them greatly. Due to how excruciatingly painful it is to be crushed and broken. Scion's belief in being a human shield combined with his desire to achieve greater durability. Has led to his body's bones metamorphose into a stronger carbon reinforced compound as well as develop a second skeletal structure surrounding the first one like a protective cage.
The second skeleton is structured as the Eiffel Tower is with several layers of a thin carbon bones arranged to help to support the main bone. This structure greatly increases the amount of force that need to be applied to a bone in order to crush it. This bone structure also helps to disperse force by distributing energy all over the bone and its layers instead of letting it be focused at a single point. If the force applied to a bone was to great to be dispersed and absorbed by whole, then one or more layers of the second skeleton would break to further reduce the damage to the main bone. If layers of the second skeleton are disconnected from the whole, then they immediately began dissolving into the body until they are slowly regrown.
In void one's perception of themself and their desires affects them greatly. Due to how excruciatingly painful it is to be crushed and broken. Scion's belief in being a human shield combined with his desire to achieve greater durability. Has led to his body's bones metamorphose into a stronger carbon reinforced compound as well as develop a second skeletal structure surrounding the first one like a protective cage.
The second skeleton is structured as the Eiffel Tower is with several layers of a thin carbon bones arranged to help to support the main bone. This structure greatly increases the amount of force that need to be applied to a bone in order to crush it. This bone structure also helps to disperse force by distributing energy all over the bone and its layers instead of letting it be focused at a single point. If the force applied to a bone was to great to be dispersed and absorbed by whole, then one or more layers of the second skeleton would break to further reduce the damage to the main bone. If layers of the second skeleton are disconnected from the whole, then they immediately began dissolving into the body until they are slowly regrown.
If you can't win. RUN!
In void one's perception of themself and their desires affects them greatly. Scion has faced many unspeakable horrors in his time among the worlds, and his desire to escape these creatures and perceiving himself as a coward for doing so. Scion developed an increased speed when under great pressure. Seeming to function in a similar way to perfect body. Scion's body becomes enhanced, but on a super natural level instead of physical. The enhancement is all encompassing, increasing the speed of running, turning, even perception, and the enhancement is proportional to how stressed Scion is feeling. The more scared, angry, sad, and overall desperate Scion becomes the greater the speed. Stress is a difficult thing to gauge, but the typical stress of combat would only yield double, potentially up to triple if the fight is particularly life threatening. The drawback is that Scion's stress affects his ability to think clearly, and he slowly starts to become more single minded and irrational as he is pushed to the limit. Unless affected by magical fear affects, or if Scion has undergone a particularly stressful day, would speed reach as high as quadruple.
In void one's perception of themself and their desires affects them greatly. Scion has faced many unspeakable horrors in his time among the worlds, and his desire to escape these creatures and perceiving himself as a coward for doing so. Scion developed an increased speed when under great pressure. Seeming to function in a similar way to perfect body. Scion's body becomes enhanced, but on a super natural level instead of physical. The enhancement is all encompassing, increasing the speed of running, turning, even perception, and the enhancement is proportional to how stressed Scion is feeling. The more scared, angry, sad, and overall desperate Scion becomes the greater the speed. Stress is a difficult thing to gauge, but the typical stress of combat would only yield double, potentially up to triple if the fight is particularly life threatening. The drawback is that Scion's stress affects his ability to think clearly, and he slowly starts to become more single minded and irrational as he is pushed to the limit. Unless affected by magical fear affects, or if Scion has undergone a particularly stressful day, would speed reach as high as quadruple.
Potential Equipment
Solar Staff
A five foot long black staff made of a strange light-less metal topped on each end by a white spherical crystal. This staff was forged by Scion and Dennis with their limited knowledge of the Void. At will this staff, when spun, is capable of releasing jets of flame and/or micro explosions from the ends of the staff. The staff is charged when spun and generates one charge per round or one every five seconds of continuous spinning. Takes one charge to release either five seconds of flame, equivalent to a flame thrower, or release a blast of force equivalent to a stun grenade. It takes two charges to release an instant ten foot cone of explosive fire out of one end of the staff.
A five foot long black staff made of a strange light-less metal topped on each end by a white spherical crystal. This staff was forged by Scion and Dennis with their limited knowledge of the Void. At will this staff, when spun, is capable of releasing jets of flame and/or micro explosions from the ends of the staff. The staff is charged when spun and generates one charge per round or one every five seconds of continuous spinning. Takes one charge to release either five seconds of flame, equivalent to a flame thrower, or release a blast of force equivalent to a stun grenade. It takes two charges to release an instant ten foot cone of explosive fire out of one end of the staff.
Force Tonfa
A black tonfa made of a strange light-less metal with a white crystal sphere on the top. This Tonfa, when struck or struck with, will collect kinetic energy, about twenty five percent, and store it within. This stored energy can be released at will be the user and be added or subtracted from other kinetic forces within the user's reach. This function allows it to enhance blows given, or reduce ones taken as long, as it has enough energy stored to do so.
A black tonfa made of a strange light-less metal with a white crystal sphere on the top. This Tonfa, when struck or struck with, will collect kinetic energy, about twenty five percent, and store it within. This stored energy can be released at will be the user and be added or subtracted from other kinetic forces within the user's reach. This function allows it to enhance blows given, or reduce ones taken as long, as it has enough energy stored to do so.
Bass Cannon
Due to an interest in an internet sensation called the base cannon. Dennis took an interest in finding a way to produce such an interesting device. Scion of course gave him his complete support for this project. The result was a one by one meter. hovering. smooth black box with a large bass speaker on the front. This device when activated will extend into a one by three meter rectangle, revealing a high tech sound board on the top with several types of inputs for everything from an mp3 player to a record. The sound board, the speaker and the edges of the box are all then lit up by a multitude of color changing neon lights. The bass cannon as its namesake would imply can charge an internal directional sonic canon, takes two round or ten seconds to charge and fires for 3 seconds, that will blast focused destructive sound waves out of the forward facing speaker in a 10 degree angle spread. At blank range the cannon can rip straight through an armored tank, then gradually loses power, only able to crack concrete at 50 feet, cause hearing damage at 100 feet, and maybe some annoyance at 150 plus. Other than being a little box of destruction. The Bass Cannon can operate as a fully functional DJ table and is loud enough to be heard all across a football stadium.
Due to an interest in an internet sensation called the base cannon. Dennis took an interest in finding a way to produce such an interesting device. Scion of course gave him his complete support for this project. The result was a one by one meter. hovering. smooth black box with a large bass speaker on the front. This device when activated will extend into a one by three meter rectangle, revealing a high tech sound board on the top with several types of inputs for everything from an mp3 player to a record. The sound board, the speaker and the edges of the box are all then lit up by a multitude of color changing neon lights. The bass cannon as its namesake would imply can charge an internal directional sonic canon, takes two round or ten seconds to charge and fires for 3 seconds, that will blast focused destructive sound waves out of the forward facing speaker in a 10 degree angle spread. At blank range the cannon can rip straight through an armored tank, then gradually loses power, only able to crack concrete at 50 feet, cause hearing damage at 100 feet, and maybe some annoyance at 150 plus. Other than being a little box of destruction. The Bass Cannon can operate as a fully functional DJ table and is loud enough to be heard all across a football stadium.
The Mighty Sandwich Sword!
A legendary sword known as Exmouseibur that was found across the widest ocean, atop the highest mountain, and guarded by the harshest weather. This sword was said to be completely unbreakable and capable of cutting through any magic or material with the greatest of ease. It was wielded by the legendary hero Matamao of the Snake Kingdom. Matamao revered by all for his bravery against innumerable odds and the taming of great serpents. It was just a shame that Matamao was a mouse and that Exmouseibur was only three inches long and a millimeter wide. It even looked an awful lot like the fancy toothpicks people stick through big sandwiches. Scion of course did not let its size dissuade him from doing his best to find a use for it. Utilizing an old switchblade he had pocketed. He managed to replace the blade with Exmouseibur. Scion of course failed to realize that this made the weapon look like a rather pathetic looking pocket knife, and was not often taken seriously when wielding it.
A legendary sword known as Exmouseibur that was found across the widest ocean, atop the highest mountain, and guarded by the harshest weather. This sword was said to be completely unbreakable and capable of cutting through any magic or material with the greatest of ease. It was wielded by the legendary hero Matamao of the Snake Kingdom. Matamao revered by all for his bravery against innumerable odds and the taming of great serpents. It was just a shame that Matamao was a mouse and that Exmouseibur was only three inches long and a millimeter wide. It even looked an awful lot like the fancy toothpicks people stick through big sandwiches. Scion of course did not let its size dissuade him from doing his best to find a use for it. Utilizing an old switchblade he had pocketed. He managed to replace the blade with Exmouseibur. Scion of course failed to realize that this made the weapon look like a rather pathetic looking pocket knife, and was not often taken seriously when wielding it.
The Pocket Dimension Coat
This amazing yet useless coat is created with it's very own pocket dimension lining the inside of the entire coat and capable of holding anything you can fit through the opening. One would wonder why such a thing could be considered useless? I'm getting to that. For starters though, there is no filter, if you put something in the coat then you better remember exactly where you put it, because you may never see it again. The coat is also more akin to a portal then hammer space and if you push something inside it pushes other things out of the way. You at least have the effect that the coat has all the objects inside gravitate towards the portal. However, and this is where the real useless part comes in. It is already full of stuff. I mean an ungodly amount of stuff from all over the world and with multiple copies, and according to Dennis at least 99% of it is useless junk. You could reach into the coat and find anything from a football to an ice sculpture to a live grenade. Live grenade you ask? Great thing about the coat. It preserves an object's state of existence, until you draw it again, perfectly alright for storing food, but as for charging things. You can't even charge your cell phone, because that would alter its state. This has been the coat of a thousand useless pockets.
This amazing yet useless coat is created with it's very own pocket dimension lining the inside of the entire coat and capable of holding anything you can fit through the opening. One would wonder why such a thing could be considered useless? I'm getting to that. For starters though, there is no filter, if you put something in the coat then you better remember exactly where you put it, because you may never see it again. The coat is also more akin to a portal then hammer space and if you push something inside it pushes other things out of the way. You at least have the effect that the coat has all the objects inside gravitate towards the portal. However, and this is where the real useless part comes in. It is already full of stuff. I mean an ungodly amount of stuff from all over the world and with multiple copies, and according to Dennis at least 99% of it is useless junk. You could reach into the coat and find anything from a football to an ice sculpture to a live grenade. Live grenade you ask? Great thing about the coat. It preserves an object's state of existence, until you draw it again, perfectly alright for storing food, but as for charging things. You can't even charge your cell phone, because that would alter its state. This has been the coat of a thousand useless pockets.
Rocket Boots
Easily one of Scion's more interesting attempts at flight. The rocket boots are a self charging set a black boots made of a light-less metal, with white crystal circles on the bottoms of the boots and lining the edges in a scattered pattern. These boots use the force of the user's steps to slowly charge over time. When used the boots will propel the user in their desired direction by activating rockets on the bottoms and sides. The boost function with near perfect precision and have great control despite the lack of side stabilizers. The main problem with the boots, unfortunately, is their inability to hold a proper charge. They charge relatively fast, being full after only fifteen seconds of walking, or only five seconds of sprinting. However, they proved useless for flying with, due to only being able to be activated for three seconds at a time. They are now primarily used to make high jumps or, in some cases, attempt risky kicks.
Easily one of Scion's more interesting attempts at flight. The rocket boots are a self charging set a black boots made of a light-less metal, with white crystal circles on the bottoms of the boots and lining the edges in a scattered pattern. These boots use the force of the user's steps to slowly charge over time. When used the boots will propel the user in their desired direction by activating rockets on the bottoms and sides. The boost function with near perfect precision and have great control despite the lack of side stabilizers. The main problem with the boots, unfortunately, is their inability to hold a proper charge. They charge relatively fast, being full after only fifteen seconds of walking, or only five seconds of sprinting. However, they proved useless for flying with, due to only being able to be activated for three seconds at a time. They are now primarily used to make high jumps or, in some cases, attempt risky kicks.
Hacking Rig
In the rare instances in which Dennis chooses to participate in Scion's adventures. Dennis can be equipped with an adaptable connector to allow him to link himself with other electronic equipment and make an attempt to take it over, assuming that the machine isn't sentient like himself, then this is a fairly simple and even quick task for Dennis to perform.
In the rare instances in which Dennis chooses to participate in Scion's adventures. Dennis can be equipped with an adaptable connector to allow him to link himself with other electronic equipment and make an attempt to take it over, assuming that the machine isn't sentient like himself, then this is a fairly simple and even quick task for Dennis to perform.
The Fully Functional Multiverse-Device
The M Device has now gained the ability to open portals from within the same universe Scion occupies and can now portal to anywhere he has recorded or can be perceived by Dennis. The limitations are that only one pair of portals can be opened at a time, and one has to be within five feet or closer to the watch and the portals cannot be opened in anything solid.
The M Device has now gained the ability to open portals from within the same universe Scion occupies and can now portal to anywhere he has recorded or can be perceived by Dennis. The limitations are that only one pair of portals can be opened at a time, and one has to be within five feet or closer to the watch and the portals cannot be opened in anything solid.
Most of these are written as a think of them, and are thus written in a variety of different mindsets. This is why they don't seem to have any kind of consistent writing theme across them. I plan to try to add at least one thing to this everyday but may skip days or add several in one. This post is also updated through editing so there is no notification of a change. The numbers are the order in which the ideas were thought of so check down here to see if I updated, because when I do the number at the end will be different. I just finished 20.