Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by somewittyname
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Hallo~ Thanks for dropping in to see if you wanna be partners! God that sounds so fucking awkward and creepy! I'm Somewittyname! I have plots lined out in the time of this and some pairings I'd like to try! I do have some requirements and info on myself so please read so we don't have too many problems in the future.

-I am twenty; twenty-one in October

-I work and am in college so Monday-Wednesdays I might not be able to reply back until late at night

-I like to talk with my partners but it's really awkward to begin after we start an RP just because past experience it seemed like we have to talk about our story rather than to each other-that makes sense right?

-My grammar ain't the best but I do know the basic rules and try to edit as well as I can so I would like if you could too!

-I like baby ducks and twisted, fucked up plots about many things so don't be scared to suggest a idea to me!

-I mainly play male but for a few ideas I would like to play the female


*Reply at least once to four times a week

*Inform me if you're busy or have to stop replying

*If you don't want to countie the RP thats fine just inform me so I could put it back up as available (I do min. of two of the same plot with partners to see what the difference is)

*Be fine with any mature content but here are my limits: No toilet play OR God modding unless your character is a God. Like an actual God who can take over another person's will

Just a note: for the plots with two colors it means it can be changed to fit for the other pairings/gender roles. If any questions post here!

*********Fleshed out Plots!************​

Vampire's Bride [M x F]

A heavy rain storm forces a group of hikers into cave and having to survive the night before moving on the next night in the storm to find more stable shelter. They stumble across an old manor, the master of the manor inviting them in. The youngest of the group, 22 year old Agatha. At first everything seems fine, they stay and are feed well. But as hours pass by things begin to become unsettling. The servants making them all go in separate rooms. Being locked in and then a ear piercing scream traveling through the halls. . .

The God and The
Sacrifice [M x F/ F x F]

Every year a woman must be given to the Gods. Depending on the how the message from the messenger. This year the woman was to be let out into the woods, to be chased by dogs till she died from an accident or till the God would get to her.

She ends up proving to be more than a fragile woman, being a slave in her youth, and a God decides that she is worth more alive than a wandering soul.

Switched [M x F/M x M/ F x F]

The year was 1994, two women are returning to the states when the plane they were one crashes. The two are pregnant and by some miracle are able to survive. For two days the survivors of the crash prayed that rescue plans would find their tiny raft, now adding two new passengers. The women had given birth, just a day apart but turning the chaos no one thought about making sure whose baby was whoms. The babies end up being switch, everyone actually forgetting which sex belonged to who and with the woman passing out they end up not knowing themselves. Through this would not be brought up until twenty years later.

One of the kids need a transplant and when they go to check which part could donate their kidney, it is revealed what had happened all those years ago.

Goddess and the Warrior [F x F/ M x F]

After months of war, one village stands well the other village now kneels and can only watch as their warriors are forced into slavery. Among the warriors is one woman, who took more hands on part of the war by being one of the few women who went into battle. And being the only one to have returned alive.

She offered to the Goddess of the village, the Goddess finding it horrible that the woman lost her feminine side and decides this would not do. Now the warrior has no choice but to the Goddess' personal servant.

The Alien [F x F]

Earth is known as the poorest planet in the universe which is why those who want slaves or to experiment normally go to Earth to pick up a few humans. Humans are by far the most endangered species as well as unstudied. Earth has also become an escape planet for those who want to seek escape from their planet for laws broken or simply to start over with a better chance of living and much easier and simpler life.

[YC] is an outlaw/scientist/explorer who comes to Earth for her own reasons. She comes to find out that besides from the female there is a male species. She decides to focus on a group of females, learning more about them and to blend in better she begins to get closer to [MC] who seems to have ancestors from other alien life forms.

Give Mercy [M x M]

It has been five years since the Great War ended. Villages and cities are slowly recovering from the war and those who were unlucky enough to survive as known servants, clans, and loyal warriors have found themselves now slaves to the winning Empire: Meiji-1308 AD. MC was from the losing empire, not only was he the warrior but also the man who had slain a whole family of one general and “raped” another general’s daughter. For his crimes the two men gained him as a slave, and as such they spared his life as to make him their own personal whore who they often rent out to brothels. He brings high traffic for those who are looking for a quick fix and to feel proud with whom they take. YC was on the winning empire, Meiji, as a young man who helped repair weapons and deliver messages. On a fateful evening he is taken to a brothel to choose out a whore as a birthday gift from a close friend or family member. He chooses MC and leave to the back to be “entertain”. He slowly remembers who his whore of the night is, a once proud warrior who had actually saved him during a fight without any given reason. Seeing how MC is poorly treated, he offers to help him escape the lifestyle and the grips of his masters. If caught, YC would be killed as a public display warning.

-For awhile there won't be too much conversation between the two so we could speed it up a bit

Welcome to the Club! [M x M]

There is a club where everyone is unknown, masks are to be worn all time and after the party's over no one is allowed to see each other or risk to expose themselves to anything and everything from stalking to just being awkward around that really hot co-worker with the big rack. Where those who openly say they hate gays can come and be gay with protection to those who can down a big meaty burger when outside the club they damn any who even eat such a thing. This club is known as "SIN". It always changes places but never staff. MC is a bartender, one who often encourages those who come to just "Sin", which is a way to tell them to let loose and do what they find is horrible even if it is the norm in the outside world.

YC is a new priest, one who had recently claimed to give everything to his Lord as well as to banish his sinful ways. One night he has a "itch" and to calm it he goes to the club. He sees the bartender and the two hit it off, again. They spend most of the night in the back, mostly talking and flirting. The young priest feels he needs to know his "friend" better. He finds a way to see the man's face and soon realizes that he had known the man. MC had been forced to be a in Gay Away camp which YC had helped in his early years of the church to help the "lost souls". The last thing they said to each other was that they hoped one another burned in hell.

-Do not inquire if sensitive to religion

I'm in love with the other one [M x M]

A young man has two personalities, one being a party goer well the other is the actual real person who is the human being. One night another party goer goes and has a one night stand only to wake up to a confused and somewhat upset young man, specifically when he tries to make out with the confused man. Soon he finds out why he is upset. Though he does like the party goer so he keeps in touch with that personality up until he starts to have feelings for the true personality.

The whore and the Officer [M x M/M x F]

A veteran police officer [YC] is returning home when he sees that there seems to be a few working girls around his neighborhood, he goes to chase them off since he rather not see his home go down the shitter when he finds one of the hookers on the floor. When he goes to tell her off he finds its really just a boy [mc], who doesn't seem older than 18 or 20. The veteran feels bad about the kid's situation and offers to help him up when he notices a waiting car. The boy reminds him of his daughter who had been lost to this kind of world. He decides to take the boy in, try to help him not have to sell himself.

Our Past [M x M]

{MC} is a kidnapped victim who has recently been returned to his family. Nights and days pass and he won't say a word about the man who had kidnapped him. Nor things that happened between them. Slowly he begins going out, only to the park across the street and just stays around. {YC} is the man who kidnapped him. He was found his lovely dove again and wants him back, but taking him so soon might not be as easy as before.

So for this RP is mainly just reactions and actions that happens between them.

The Artist and the Writer [M x M]

Its been twenty years since MC has seen the photo of him in the German fields, covered in paint and full of life. But yet he stands right in front of the framed picture and the large painting that hangs behind it. Ever stroke is caring and gentle. He knew this art style, the name painted in the corner and more importantly, that smile he had that summer. YC is the painter, years had pass and in those years he has search for what makes him happy, it isn't the wife nor selling his paintings. But he finds it in a shoe box with old photos of him in his youth. With another young man who for a summer was his true love. Maybe he was, maybe he wasn't. It didn't matter by this point. He would never see him again until a faithful art show where he was introduce to a local journalist who would turn to be the teenagere in the aged photo.

The porn star and the contest winner [M x M]

Matthew is a well-known porn actor with a list of movies dating back from his 18th birthday to his now 25th birthday. His most famous roles being those of gay porn. Now entering into his golden years the young man has decided to make himself the main prize and offer a month of a prepaid vacation to the selected points of Amazing Japan, Peaceful China, Wild Korea, Lovely Germany, Sexy Spain, or classic Hawaii. Or two months of being together in New York, Los Angles, or Texas.

Your character enters, doubting he’d even have a shot until one morning he wakes up with a new voice message. He has twenty four hours to collect his prize as well as to put in notice to his work (no matter what it would be) for his month/two month vacation. Perhaps he’d get more than a fondle out of this prize.

Birthday Gift [M x M]

It’s a big year when a vampire reaches their 10th thousand year, and no more so than for your character who will soon have the family army and business turned over to him well his sire takes a nap for a few thousand years.

Jason had been a vampire hunter, in-training, but one night the young man took it too far and ended up being caught. Having rare blood he is taken and sold to the human market. Your character has the great honor of having the young hunter as a gift to do what he pleases with; well if he is able to break him.

We’re in-laws!? [M x M]

Jason is terrified of his marriage to his longtime girlfriend; this doesn’t help that tomorrow at their wedding he’ll be meeting his brother in law. Jason is far from excited about marriage, the last thing he wants is to be married but from pressure from his girlfriend being pregnant and then his parent’s pressure for him to be normal the young man was kind of cursed into this. Wanting to spend his last night as a free man he sneaks off to a hotel down the way and rents a room for the night. He meets your character; the two hit it off and well sober to be the crazy’s part! So they end up going to Jason’s room. After a night of passionate love making and spending the night like honeymooners the two say their goodbyes in the morning.

Later that day they meet well Jason and your character’s sister are beginning their vows.

The Deal [M x M]

Your Character has recently lost his father, the only person in his life who ever really cared about him. The man did whatever he could to take care of the boy, often going the extra mile to take care of his son. Unknown to Your Character the man had done more for his child than he could ever know until the night Jason, a demon spawn from hell, arrives to collect Your Character's father's soul to settle the debt he owes. Unfortunately Jason seems to have missed his chance the father's soul being saved before he was even able to get it.

Now unable to go to hell the boy must now try to have Your Character sign over his soul to him; till then they're stuck together.

The Master and Servant [M x M]

The time is late 1900’s; in addition, the location is France, Toulon. The world is growing and Americans have become a common sight in the small port town. Lukas, a fish seller, yearns more for his life rather than just the profession of his father, so when a wealth American’s servant comes to offer a great opportunity the young man snatches it up. Lukas gave his younger brother the stand and now happy to know the summers and springs he had spent with his uncle on the grape farm had finally paid off. His knowledge of wines and the city had made him worth more than the fishing skills his father had tried to burn into his memory.

Lukas is given a room in the manor that the American would be living in. The first night everything went smoothly, his master a young man who he finds amazing with how wealthy he is and apparently this was with his own two hands rather than having his father give him his wealth. The new servant finds oddest with his master; he never comes out during the day unless the curtains are drawn, he sees the master rarely eat, and his room has the strong scent of rusting iron every other night. Lukas, with a curios mind, decides to sneak into the room well his master is out one night.

There is nothing to find.

Even as he tries the boy finds nothing and as he begins out of the room he hears his master and quickly hides. His master has a woman in his arms, both laughing and dancing around. Then without a word he bits her into her neck, Lukas feels his blood runs cold as he watches in horror. The woman dying with failed cries of help as his master tears into his flesh, blood dripping all over the carpet. His master was a monster.

~~~~pairings w/ no plots!~~~~

Dying man/Nurse
Dying woman/Nurse
Dying person/Dying person

Hope to hear from you soon! Post here or PM me
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by somewittyname
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

This needs a small bump: bump
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by somewittyname
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Josie123


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I love all your ideas, they seem very fun and unique. But since I can't do them all, I was wondering if me and you can do the "Vampire's Bride" idea together. Well, if you want to.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by somewittyname
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by somewittyname
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by nataloser
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nataloser keep your coins, / i want change

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

hi I'm interested in "The whore and the officer" in MxM :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by somewittyname
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by somewittyname
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by somewittyname
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by somewittyname
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Solekii
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Solekii Tiny Floating Whale

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Heya, interested in just about anything. I mostly RP over skype and stuff but PM me if you wanna discuss. I tend to have a lot of ideas as well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by somewittyname
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Solekii Sure shoot me a pm.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by somewittyname
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by greenolive5557


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I'd be interested in a demon/angel fxf
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RukPortgas
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@somewittyname Interested in Teacher Student
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