I'm gonna tell you something you don't want to hear.
I'm gonna show you where it's dark, but have no fear.

When darkness falls, the City of Angels becomes an entirely different city. The sun-soaked streets glow in neon lights and the drone of synthesizers pours from the thunderous clubs, but to you, Los Angeles is home to another kind of "night life." Strange creatures that seem straight out of Hollywood lurk in the shadows, just out of sight of the city's three-million residents. How do you know about these shadows in the night? It's only natural, considering that you're one of them.

Fortunately, most of these monsters are content to stay in the darkness; mere whispers in the back of the mind. However, not all of them are content to stay in the darkness, and intrude into the world of light to prey upon the people that live there. They are not the only threat, though, as even the most mundane of humans can behave as monsters beyond comprehension. Call it youthful idealism or childish naivety, but you're not about to stand idly by and let this city fall into despair. You have taken it upon yourself to stand against the the evil that you share the night with, and become a ward between dusk and dawn. A dark protector. An avenger in the night.

This is your nightcall. Will you pick up?[/center]


Basic RP premise is this: you play as a teenage supernatural being (think I Was a Teenage Werewolf) that fights crime and monsters in 1987 Los Angeles.

Thematically, I'm hoping to work in the feel of an 80s crime drama with plenty of action and supernatural horror and mystery throughout. If you guys want to work in some teen movie drama or romance as well, more power to you. Consider this an homage to that era of film and other media. Tongue-in-cheek at times, but not silly. Major inspirations come from the nu-80s wave over the last few years, including the film Drive, music by artists such as Kavinsky, Perturbator, College and Mitch Murder, and video games like Hotline Miami. Other inspirations were tabletop games such as World of Darkness and Monsterhearts.

As far as characters go, I'd expect them to be like something out of a movie or comic book from the 80s, while also being a recognizable and relatable character. Not that they have to be a shallow joke or anything like that, but I would just prefer if that was the direction which characters were built in, if that makes any sense. Regarding their "supernatural" elements, I'm pretty open, so feel free to send ideas my way for us to discuss.

That follows with the rest of the setting as well. I'll be happy to build this world with all of you, so feel free to share any ideas you have with me.

I expect the CS to be very light, and I'm going to be putting more emphasis on the writing sample that I request with it. I would very much like a small group of dedicated players, so I will be scrutinizing applicants to see who would be most conductive to a fun and successful game. Take your time with it, rushing to send me something won't give you an advantage.

Alright then, feel free to send any questions or comments you have my way, and we can get started on this adventure pretty soon. I'll be running this interest check in both the Casual and Advanced sections to garner interest, and I'll run in whichever section that gets off the ground first.