~The Wolf – Red Riding Hood~
~~Personal Information~~
Name: Red Riding Hood.
Other Names: Red, The Wolf.
Real Name: No One Knows. Everyone called her Red so much that no one really knows her real name.
Occupation: Bartender and Hunter.
Age: 21.
Affiliation: Chaotic Neutral.
Place of Origin Southern Isles.
Appearance (Thirteen Years Ago)(Eight):Appearance (Present)(Twenty-One): Wardrobe Style:Everything in her pictures are exactly what she wears almost every day. She doesn’t have a lot of clothing and these were made by her grandmother, so she rarely takes them off.
Relationships:Relationship Status: Flirting
Partner: None
Father: Unknown
Mother: Deceased
Siblings: None
Pet/s: Can’t have any.
Personality:As her mother and grandmother saw from a very young age, Red had a very strong, independent personality. She also had a very angry one. She was a rambunctious child and a rambunctious young adult as well. She always speaks her mind, but she is smart enough to know when to hold her tongue. She is not an outgoing person, but she does like change every once in a while. She is a fearful person, considering the fact that she has killed a person before because of her curse. She never seems to fall in love, but she does tend to flirt with the men who come into her pub. She is very distrusting of a lot of people, since her mother and grandmother lied to her all through the years.
In deep times of need, she is not afraid to take a leap and be brave, though she mainly tries to do it without going into wolf form. She is a fighter, as proven by her resilience to succumb to her wolf and take off the cloak so that she can run around as a wolf forever. She is not afraid to get into many fights either, and is easily angered by very small things. She does have a slight bipolar disorder, but she has learned to control her temper over the past five years.
She can be an ice queen at times, depending on her mood. If she is in one of those moods, you do not want to talk to her because she will put you through a wall. She gives a lot of the guys in the bar the cold shoulder, but many of them come to the bar often enough to know that it isn’t personal, and that she is just having one of those days. She tends to be like this on the days before full moons. She also is anxious and sometimes very depressed in this days. She goes through a lot of mood swings within these few days.
Magic Capabilities: She has the ability to change into a wolf, or is forcibly changed at the full moon. When in human form, she has very sensitive senses, wolf senses in human form. Only by placing her cloak on top of her will so go back to normal.
Weapons: She rarely uses weapons but when she hunts, she uses bow and arrows, in her human form anyways. She uses her teeth and claws when she is in wolf form.
Strengths: Red has many strengths, mainly relating to her wolf half. Her wolf senses in human form allow her to sense when danger is nearby as well as detect many forms of poison, which is very helpful when some buys something from her and then slips it back to her. Her sense of smell also helps her to hunt people, or animals, down very easily. She is quite intelligent and very cunning. As a wolf, she has the ability to track anyone, granted something that belong to the person is held in front of her.
Weaknesses: Red is extremely fearful of the full moon because she tends to lose control on those nights. She is also scared of fire and of strangers. She doesn’t trust people easily. She also has a very short temper, which sometimes renders her extremely truthful. She doesn’t seem to have a shield against magic. Her cloak is also a weakness of hers because she can’t exactly take it off without being afraid of being forcibly turning into a wolf. Her grandmother could be considered a weakness because she cares for her grandmother very much. If someone touches her grandmother, she loses her temper very much and that can also forcibly turn her into a wolf, whether she wants to or not. She loses all memory of who she is or who her friends are in wolf form, but she does remember what she does when she comes out of wolf form, though she doesn’t remember anything at all on full moons. Also, as a werewolf, she is easily controlled because her mind is not as strong.
Brief Bio: Red grew up far away from any towns or villages, mainly in a cottage in the forest with her mother and her grandmother. She was a happy little baby when she was born, but seem oddly obsessed with the full moon. As she grew older, when she was about three, she had her first encountered with a wolf. Or what she thought was a normal wolf at the time. She was playing in the forest, a little farther away than what she should have been, and the wolf approached her, growling low in its throat. The only reason why she lived was because her mother scared it off with a crossbow arrow shot from the front door.
As she began to get older, she became more obsessed with full moon because her mother and grandmother began disappearing around the full moon. She hadn’t been able to remember it when she was younger, but she did notice it when she was in her teens. The reason why she noticed is they left right before nightfall and directly after the moon rose, she distinctly heard growling nearby. They always told her to bar the doors and windows on those nights and then unlock them in the morning. Her grandmother and mother would come back bloodied and disheveled, but she never understood why.
Until the night she turned sixteen. She doesn’t remember anything from her sixteenth birthday night, but she does remember the morning after. Her hands and legs were tied and was lying partially naked in her bedroom, covered in a red cloak. Her grandmother was sitting in a rocking chair, her crossbow in her hands. She was blunt when she told Red what had happened, but Red didn’t seemed to understand. That’s when her grandmother explained it all. A curse had been placed on their family for years that every first born female in her family would be cursed a werewolf until their wrong had been righted. Red asked what the wrong was, but her grandmother didn’t know. Her grandmother then explained, just as well, that Red had transformed into a werewolf right when she turned sixteen and killed her mother. This was the part that Red didn’t fully understand. Her grandmother explained that her and her mother had control of their powers, but because of Red’s independent and angry personality, they wouldn’t take any risks. They had had a cloak prepared, a red cloak, that was enchanted by the Sorcerer himself, that would allow Red to remain a human as long as she had it on, but not on full moons, when she was forced to turn.
Afraid that she could hurt her grandmother as well, even with the cloak, Red disappeared into the night, leaving only a note behind that warned her grandmother not to look for her. She went as far away as she could, heading toward the towns. She got to the furthest town away, and remained there. She knew she would not be able to survive on her own, so she taught herself to hunt. She became so good that she actually sold some of her catches and made enough money to open up her own bar in Tortuga, which she called the “Silver Bullet”. She bartends there, but she closes up every full moon and locks herself in padded room that is sealed tight so she cannot escape as a werewolf, but only as a human.
Theme Song:"Hungry Like The Wolf" by Duran Duran.