Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RangingWolf
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RangingWolf Lord Adorable

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Welcome to the world of Fallout. I'm sure many of you are acquainted with the world, but let me introduce you to the world of Fallout New Vegas Dust. Fallout New Vegas Dust is a mod on nexus that takes place 20 years after the New Vegas story.

Long story short the world has turned to shit. Food is rare, purified water is perhaps the rarest commodity in this land, bullets are hard to come by, most guns are built by hand and tend to be very poorly built, good guns like the service rifle, assault rifle and the sniper rifle are almost non existent save for those used by the NCR and even then they are in pretty bad condition.

If you haven't played this mod I highly suggest you do it makes the game really worth playing.

Alright now for the long story. It's going to be broken up and I'm going to find what little lore I can find of it.

This roleplay takes place 20 years after the events of Fallout New Vegas. In this you are not the main character you are simply a bystander and must make your own story. During the events of Fallout New Vegas the Courier took the independant vegas route but lost to the NCR despite crippling their supply route at the long 15. He failed to kill Elijah at the Sierra Madre (it's also possible that they worked together it's not fully stated). The NCR attempted to kill the Courier with hit squads and assassins. Since he still posed a threat with his Securitrons. The Courier attempted to contact with one of his allies, The Kings, but he arrived to Vegas to late. He left Vegas with radiation poisoning and ghoulification. He traveled to Mead Canyon and transformed the place in a maze of traps and mines to guard against his would be assassins. After the Cloud hit the NCR was in no place to order hits on someone they thought was dead. The Courier still remained paranoid none the less.

Main Companions in the main game here is what is believed to happen to them. Veronica and Boone whereabouts are unknown. Veronica is believed to have either died at Hidden Valley or is currently part of Camp Searchlight. Boone is believed to have left new vegas before the events of dust. Cass explored the Wasteland for awhile but was held up once again at the Mojave Outpost. She wasn't able to enter California, as the Long 15 was full of radiation. The outpost held for awhile but was eventually overrun by cannibals. The remaining NCR and refugees there were eaten. Arcade is believed to have returned to California to head up to the reformed NCR. Raul was released from Black Mountain some time before it was taken over by the NCR. His whereabouts are unknown. Rex has died. ED-E is permanently broken in Primm. As for Lily she was killed in a fight between rival Super Mutants and Rebel factions in Jacobstown.

DLC companions
Joshua and the Dead Horse fought against the White Legs and managed to take control of Zion. Daniel returned to Dead Horse Point, only to find it burnt to the ground. He returned to Zion to deliver the news to the Dead Horses and to attempt to convert the tribals once again. When the Cloud hit it mixed with the spores emitted by the growing number of spore carriers in the area. Joshua succumbed to infection. Daniel wrote his eulogy and aided in the evacuation of the Dead Horses and Sorrows. Follows-Chalk became Leads-With-Chalk and was killed in a battle with the dust walkers. Walking Cloud was mortally wounded and died after fleeing to Pine Creek Tunnel.

As for the Dead Money companions it is unknown what happened to them but it is believed the Courier killed them.

Not a companion but an important character- Ulysses his fate is unknown in Dust. The Dust walkers a tribe of the Divide formed after Ulysses disappeared. The Dust Walkers believed he and the Courier killed each other. But this isn't completely true since we know the Courier survived. The Tunnellers swarmed into the Mojave due to natural expansion and population growth. There rapid growth in the Mojave is also due to the Dust Walkers training Deathclaws and forcing them out of the Divide. They now can be found anywhere in the Mojave that isn't a settlement.

The NCR found in New Vegas are the only remaining faction. They also tend to have the best equipment one can find. They are also a rogue faction compared to the reformed NCR. The NCR back in California is run by the Followers of the Apocalypse and their supporters. They're working on clearing the Cloud out of the Wasteland and are mostly benevolent. They have no tolerance for the Mojave NCR (run by the Lucky 38 scientists Edwin Royst and Lydia Bernard) and have launched investigations and trials against many of them. The Split happened some
time after the Fall. After the Storm hit, some of the NCR in the Mojave retreated back to California with Royst and Bernard. 10 years later, 5 years before DUST, questions began to be raised about the nature of the research in the Lucky 38 and Royst was arrested. Bernard returned to the Mojave with loyal troops to try to retrieve research and tech from Vegas. The NCR in the Mojave will 9/10 times shoot on site, that other 1/10 they'll tell you to leave. (okay some copy pasta)

After the Caesar's Legion/NCR War came to a close at the Battle of Hoover Dam, the NCR found that many of their veterans had suffered a great deal from radiation poisoning (due to incidents such as the bombing of the I-15 and the attack on Cottonwood Cove). The NCR (having annexed the Strip) established a state-of-the-art laboratory inside of Vault 21. There Royst, an up-and-coming scientist from California, began work with his protégé, Lydia Bernard (who had recently lost her father to radiation poisoning near Nipton). Initially, their work was fairly benign. They attempted to make improvements on Radiation Suits, as well as Radaway and Rad-X. Unfortunately, all of these failed to progress past the experimental stage due to the high cost of production. All test subjects were disposed of in the Sewers. Royst's real hope was to find a permanent cure for radiation, in the form of genetic modification. This, however, would be extremely expensive. By agreeing to develop experimental weapons for the NCR, Royst secured his funding and was able to begin. Early on, though, a custodian discovered Royst's research notes and, disgusted by them, threatened to blow the whistle on the whole program. Royst disposed of him, but not before the custodian was able to open the sewers and release a swarm of insane test subjects on the facility. Vault 21 was evacuated and filled with nuclear waste. The labs were relocated to the Lucky 38, which proved to be less than satisfactory working conditions. Nevertheless, work continued. Freesiders were gathered, and advances were made in the name of science.

14 years later, things have calmed down in California. The NCR's central government is largely controlled by supporters of the Followers of the Apocalypse. As such, peace and humanity is a top priority. During DUST, Royst is being tried for crimes against humanity by the Followers. An Investigative Task Force was sent into the Sewers a few months before the player awakes and found heaps of evidence for use in the trial. What they didn't find was a way out.Royst has some supporters scattered throughout the Mojave, as well as some that want to see him rot for a few hundred years.

The extent of the Cloud- Roughly, the Cloud extended from Anza-Borrego (South of Los Angeles) to Caliente (West of Zion) from north to south and Flagstaff to Los Angeles from east to west. So a good chunk of NCR land, considering they'd just annexed much of the Legion's holdings west of the Rocky Mountains. The NCR managed to continue on due to the survival of its major cities- the Hub, Junktown, and Shady Sands were never hit by the Cloud.

By the time of DUST, the NCR had managed to develop a way to disperse the Cloud. They've used this method to clear out Caliente and Los Angeles (Camp Adytum now serves as a major refugee camp for the Followers there) and were in the process of clearing out Zion when things went down.

The Legion are tribals/ petty bandits who use melee weapons and hand built weapons. They wear the armor of the Legion but repaired with random pieces of metal. They control a few towns mainly Primm and Novac.

Now for the Tribes of the Divide-First off, lets go back to the events of Honest Hearts. After Joshua Graham, the Dead Horses, and the Courier defeat the White Legs, many fled through the Pine Creek Tunnel. The gate was then locked, and the White Leg threat was eradicated. We'll come back to this in a minute.

The main tribe of the Divide is the Dust Walkers. They trace their origins back to the events of Lonesome Road. After Ulysses and the Courier fought beneath the flag of the Old World, the Marked Men found themselves lost without a leader. Most of them were violent and ready to band into raider tribes. However, one Marked Man, Junaid, stepped forward and rallied them under his leadership. He preached forgiveness and peace. Under his rule, the Marked Men became a pacifist society, slowly learning the art of survival in the desert.

Unfortunately, they were not alone in the Wasteland. The White Legs, after fleeing through the Pine Creek Tunnel and massacring the population of Vault 74, emerged through the Tunnel and burnt down the Dust Walker's village. By some stroke of luck, the Dust Walkers emerged victorious, although seriously weakened.

Time went on, and the Dust Walkers began to regain their former strength. They tamed Deathclaws and eradicated the Tunneler threat in the Divide. They continued to preach compassion and forgiveness, and, as the Mojave began to fall into disarray, they cared for refugees and survivors. Many of these survivors joined the Dust Walkers and now make up the majority of the tribe's non-Marked population. But, once again, violence came from the Tunnel. The Dead Horses (fleeing from the hellhole that Zion became) stumbled upon the Dust Walker's village. Reports vary on who fired the first shot, but either way, the Dust Walker's village was destroyed a second time, and the Dead Horses were completely wiped out.

From this point onward, the Dust Walkers vowed to never trust anything that came out of that tunnel. Other than that, though, they're a perfectly friendly tribe, and have warm relations with other Survivors. They're even part of a 5-sided alliance with other nearby Tribes. These tribes are as follows-

The Deep Wells- Originating in the old abandoned gold mines of the area, the Deep Wells pride themselves on their makeshift weaponry. Apart from hoards of broken machinery parts (which they use to craft said weaponry), they also have vast supplies of fresh water, pumped from untapped aquifers deep below the Earth.

The Mole Herders- Simple nomadic Mole-Rat herdsmen. They're a peaceful group, not even attacking the Player during their massacre of the Divide. They provide food for the other tribes.

The Sun Children- The Sun Children come from the exotic forests to the north, which remain untouched by the dust that plagues the Mojave. They bring fresh fruit and strange animals, such as Giant Mantises.

The Stone Wolves- The most militant of the tribes. They provide protection for the other tribes, although their tactics can be quite questionable. They forge their own weapons and armor, and have been known to craft mock Lanius Masks for new members of the Dust Walkers (much to the annoyance of the Marked Men of the tribe who try to forget the painful memories of their past).

Here is what the world looks like

For the last bit of lore there is said to be one last town where one can find a doctor or a shop. Its called Understone. It can be found in the sewers of New Vegas though it is unconfirmed where it is exactly.

Some common enemies one can find in this wasteland
Tribals are among the most common human enemies you'll encounter. These scattered bands tends to lack firepower, using instead a plethora of melee and throwing weapons.

Cannibals too lack when it comes to high-quality weaponry. Their arsenal is made up mostly of home-made firearms and hacking blades, such as cleavers and machetes. Cannibals usually aren't seen wandering the wastes and are most often encountered in the ruins of old settlements. Be careful though- these monsters tend to make up for their crappy weaponry in sheer numbers.

Survivors are people like you. Some are good, some are bad. Most Survivors will shoot on sight, just as you will probably will. Some will stand their ground, only attacking if you invade their personal space. A rare few will actually be willing to trade with you. Survivors are, for the most part, a mixed bag. Some will have extremely high-quality weaponry while others will have crap. Some live in groups, some live alone.

The NCR are the last major faction to survive. While Caesars Legion, The Great Khans, the Powder Gangers, and many other factions dissolved into innumerable bands of tribals and survivors, the NCR managed to keep hold of a few strongholds. Over the past 20 years, the NCR have learned not to trust the average wastelander, due to their tendency to be cannibalistic madmen. Be careful, the NCR have access to high quality weaponry and often shoot on sight.

As predicted by Ulysses in Lonesome Road, the Tunnelers of the Divide have migrated over the past 20 years. Few Bighorners or other herbivorous creatures remain due to the hunger of the Tunnelers. Geckos are gone too because the Tunnelers ate them. Tunnelers are fast, strong, and all over the place. They will kill you.

Cloud Victims
These mysterious survivors live only in the radioactive ruins of Vegas. Mutation has given them the ability to quickly heal when exposed to radiation.

In zion there is said to be a creature called the wendigo (it's a heavily mutated spore carrier) standing several feet over the player. It comes out at night when the fog is out between 10pm and 3am.

Our main goal is to escape the Mojave through whatever means we can. Through the Divide, Sierra Madre, Big MT

Some character info
Since this is a hardcore version of the fallout universe I'm not going to allow you to start with a lot of gear. Here is what I'm allowing

Depending on your weapon choice you can have anywhere from 1-30 bullets MAX.

Stimpacks 1-2 on start depending on how you build your character. Everybody gets 1 doctors bag (note in this Im going to say the doctors has multiple uses 1-3 depending on the injury).

Your character is allowed to have a small backpack (later on I will allow larger backpacks that can hold more). Think of this backpack as the type you would wear to middle school small and can hold at most 20 pounds before it starts to break.

Depending on your clothes I might allow them to be pristine if they are clothes and not armor. If you start with light armor I'll allow it at 75% and medium armor at 50%. No heavy armor in the beginning.

Food wise everyone can have two canteens filled and enough rations to last three days.

Alcohol also removes rads but only a small amount.

Everyone is allowed 1 radaway at the start.

Character sheet
Physical Description/Appearance:
SPECIAL:(weight will be a very important factor in this. So if you have 10 strength I'll allow you 135 pounds of weight you can carry. Goes down by 10 pounds each point. if you need help with the special
Main skills(guns, medicine, lockpick, barter, etc:

NOTE - this lore is taken directly from the Creator of the mod. I have no part in creating this amazing world and I do not claim any part. I'm merely using his take on the Fallout universe for fun. Adding a link to the mod so others can play.
-end note

I'll be in need of a co-gm or two if this gets enough people. If interested please send me a message.

So who's interested? I'm looking for about 4-6 people depending on how popular this gets I might allow more.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RangingWolf
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RangingWolf Lord Adorable

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Galgarion


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Interested, always been a fallout fan, can even help with lore of stuff that happened from much earlier games
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RangingWolf
Avatar of RangingWolf

RangingWolf Lord Adorable

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Interested, always been a fallout fan, can even help with lore of stuff that happened from much earlier games

Awesome! Welcome aboard
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oberon Wineo
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Oberon Wineo Dank Fairie King

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Sounds hella fun. I've yet to RP on this site so should I just submit a character sheet here or PM you or what?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Athoriel
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Athoriel Yes?

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Interested, never heard of the mod, but I'm loving the story.
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