As you enter the worn down library, you notice the interior is mostly in shambles, bookcases either broken, or fallen over one another. Off to the right, you see some of the foundation starting to crumble away due to neglect, you strongly believe the building will come down upon at any moment. To the left is an elderly man fast asleep with a book against his chest, it's title was too faded for you to make out the words, but you assume it's contents to be boring. You clear your throat, raising the man from his slumber, causing the book to fall to the floor. On the page, you can see a name in large letters: Tyme Ishinara. The man notices your sudden change in facial expressions, "So, you want to know more about this man, eh? You must be from what remains of Avenase in this era. I take it you're on a quest to figure out how he saved the world from destruction?" he asks, picking up the book carefully, as if it were important. You nod. "Well then, before you can understand him, you must understand what he went through, the losses he faced. You must forget all the stories you've heard, and everything you've read about him, they're not real. He was never a monster, he was a hero, a hero for all of Doria." the man tells you, setting the book on the desk in front of him. The man leads you to the only standing bookcase, pulling on a book which activated a hidden door beside the bookcase. Behind the door was a locked glass container, inside it held three very large books.

The man opens it and pulls out the first and second ones, locking the case again before returning to you, "This book contains all the historic events in our history, beginning with the first Goddess' War, to the creation of the Three Hundred Crater. After that, the writer never bothered to record anymore significant events." he said, turning the book to face you. The title was simple: The History of Doria. "This book is the real story of Tyme Ishinara, Hero of Avenase, Dragon Guardian of Doria. This book contains everything he did, everyone he met, and everything he lost." he turns that book to you as well. It's title read: The Rebellion of Avenase. You reach for the book and begin to open it, only to feel the man's hand stopping you, "Be warned, once you have read and understood his plight, you will never look at Doria the same way again." he says before letting your hand go. You nod, opening the book and reading the first line: "It all started when The Imperial Empire and The Red Sun Guard declared war with each other. It pit Avenase and Tormin , the last two habitable continents, into a state of anarchy. I lost my sister, Azure, many years ago. If only I knew back then what darkness would come for me, I could have prevented this war, and 'she' would still be alive today."

Okay, so same thing applies as before. Meteor, Holy, Ultima are all sealed and cannot be used until later on. I have maps, which I will *eventually* put up in our OOC, just like last time. I saved the majority of our prologue posts, so Mizuho, Calico(I forgot your new name on here. >_<), Sir and Rainaa, if you need reminders, I have no problem sending you the copies of your posts. I would love to see our original cast of Rainaa, Tyme, Yulia, Hapa, and Cayenne return. Of course, I have altered and removed a character from our original group, Misa. As such, her slot has become available for a brand new female character. She will have the same relationship with Tyme, though she doesn't have to have the same personality. Anyone may claim this spot, and it's on a first come, first served basis. A fully completed CS that is approved by me will be the first one to have the slot. With that said, may the best person win.

Oh, and on another note, I also happen to have the original banner. So as soon as I have enough interest in this, I can throw up the OOC immediately.