>Havn't touched anything about GamerGate since a couple months after the shitfest with the dude with the contest and the one chick and the birth of Vivian James
>Still occasionally get Akkad's stuff on my recommended list.
With that in mind: my recommended list is weird as shit. So I maintain a playlist of medieval music, I have a library's worth of medieval music being recommended to me. And because I watch Regular Car Reviews, I got RCR videos and other car videos. Somehow some "Top 10 Strangest Planets" click-bait got in there and "Ten Countries that won't survive the next twenty years" thing.
And then there's some acceptable Russian stuff, Chinese stuff, Fallout 4 video...
Google, fix your fucking recommendations algorithm or allow me to more accurately say, "fuk u" and remove stuff from this list so you can refine your search algorithm. I know you can do it, but you never present me with the option normally.
EDIT - Oh nevermind, there is...
And I can't say "I'm not interested" with the Cucks vs Shitlords video either. What the fuck?