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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by gowia
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gowia Buried in a Book

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Colonial Powers

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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by gowia
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gowia Buried in a Book

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

A New World!

To, The esteemed leaders of the nations that rule Edoniras,
From, The International Cartographers Guild
It is a great day for you, the rulers of Edoniras. We have been mapping out a new world spoke of by explorers and are proud to present you with the first ever map of this new world we have christened 'Aventia'. Our observations seem to be that this land is uninhabited however we dared not venture to far inland and so are fully aware that there may be life find in Aventia. We believe that you, the great leaders, will use this map to it's fullest as a gift from our guild. We hope in the future to find another great discovery to show to you. Please see below for the attached map.

-A new world has been discovered, all powers in Edorinas have been informed and provided with a map.

-The People’s Republic of Dont has become very unstable in recent years, in no small part to the conflicting cultures between the rich minority and the vast poor. Furthermore corruption and poor handling of assets has left the country in an economic depression that will effect the nation for years to come. However they still maintain a large standing army. President Otto Von Klibb has made a public request to the The Corleonn-Warrus-Grudden-Nollin Alliance for aid to help stabilise the country. In return they will provide their large army to the Alliance's aid in times of war.

-The Sofon Dominion has offered all nations with a coastline thirty percent of their colonial spoils if they are allowed to use their ports to make Dominion colonies on the newly found Aventia. This isa first come first serve offer with only one nation needed to accept.

-Finally the continent in general is in a position of economic stability.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Guyvexille


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Governor General. A fancy title, mused Argantan, yet meaningless without true power. And true power did not come from the barrel of a musket; it came from gold, it came from trade, it came from loyalty and Lascaux lacked them all. Although muskets in sufficient numbers could buy time to obtain the factors. Muskets could placate the providers who clamored for change - cannons could draw wealth in from neighbors. And neighbours Lascaux had aplenty. To the west lay the unstable Republic of Dont. To the East the Democratic People's Republic of Konzia with it's jade currency. To the South lay the tantilizingly wealthy Councilate of Arbasses.

A cowardly man would look at the weakness of the Republic of Dont and would argue that it was a prize for the taking, that it's borders were large and that its forces would be scattered. He would say that its' government did not have the support of his people and would more easily accept foreign rule. A coward would argue that to subdue Dont and to take its riches a fight need not even be necessary that a quick decisive blow to Nacer, the capital, would incapacitate the nation.

A fool might look east and see another republic in decline with it's people tired of war and might see a nation willing to pay off a foreign threat. A nation that,since the discovery of Aventia might see its population flee to the seas. A fool might be tempted by the rich prize of New Eastern Konzia, the republic's second city so tantalizingly close to Lascaux's borders.

Yet Argantan was no coward nor was he a fool, He understood that the eyes of King Philip and Supreme Commander Karol would be on Dont and to interfere there might bring their armies into supporting the Republic. Besides had the people of Dont had any real wealth worth looting or extorting they would not be in the situation they were currently in. Better to let the two western rulers fight over Dont and cut a deal with one later. Argantan saw Konzia as a threat with an army larger than his own. Although their forces were rumored to be ill disciplined recruits, with far less experience than his own men he would not risk his only asset on such a neighbour, for even poorly trained troops given the right reasons could fight like lions, and with the right training and local knowledge might be able to deal his own men a series of humiliating defeats. No defeats would be acceptable at this early stage of the game; it was important to demonstrate Lascan military dominance. Later he might revisit this decision if the costal people of Konzia sent sufficient numbers abroad to defend their new lands.

Instead Argentan would look to the south, to the Councilate of Arbasses whose men were famed as merchants throughout the world, not as warriors. Surely such wise men would appreciate a friendly offer of military protection and would gladly open up their purses to have the guarantee of a Commander General that Lascan troops would protect Arbassian settlements. Indeed in exchange for another kind donation the council of Arbasses might encourage Lascaux to send her soldiers elsewhere perhaps in lands of the Counciliate's foes? He sat down to write the letter. By the late morning it was sent. In order to maintain Lascan military superiority he spent the remainder of the day overseeing the drilling of recruits into regulars and consulting with experts and arms manufacturers about the possibility of pioneering a weapon with a greater range and much greater accuracy than muskets.

What was it with with republics?. Republics were feeble bodies who gave the people what they wanted not what they needed. Republic taught people that to disagree with authority was acceptable and that the weak had a say in governance. Thankfully this was not so in Lascaux, the providers knew their place: beneath the heel of the the warrior.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Winston Smith

Winston Smith

Member Seen 5 mos ago

King’s court

The Kings Council was summoned twice a month and often certain members were absent as they were abroad on duty or occupied their tasks elsewhere. For this very reason half a dozen scribes sat at the back of the long thin hall where to meticulously record every idea discussed and decision reached so that those who were not present could be informed of state affairs as quickly as possible. Today was such a day Councillor Richard of Ironfort, as well as Ambassador Martin were away and would be getting summaries of this meeting via carrier pigeon. The former was at his post in the east investigating the tales of dozens of refugees coming from the Republic of Dont these past few months fleeing corruption and poverty. As these refugees are Aznavori the traditional approach of expelling them was not feasible. Instead all such person that had been intercepted by the increasingly frequent cavalry patrols were questioned about current events taking place in the east, fed and given a job to earn their keep. Many became apprentices in Ironfort working in the foundries that lit up the town both night and day,others went down the mines that supplied the forges whilst others were sent further west to Winterskeep where labourers were in high demand as Shipwyards and wharves were being expanded. The latter, Ambassador Martin was a diplomatic mission to the Alliance territories of the south where his job was to secure a renewal of a past trade agreement, reassure the Alliance of Aznavor’s peaceful intentions with regard to the situation to the east and to consult the Alliance on their attitude to the crisis The situation in Dont was the crisis on everybody's thoughts.

First of all Master Klaus reported that the new arrivals were not members of the Western faith and therefore had to be converted voluntarily or face exclusion from all faith-based aspects of community including relief efforts in times of need and protection by the Patriarch from Nogaret God of Darkness and the night. As many councilors were wary of a potential inquisition it was agreed that the faith should send disciples and clerics to Ironfort to ensure that the new arrivals be welcomed into the Western faith as brothers an equals. It was rare that Master Klaus ever made such explicit demands of the Council and rarer still when he was refused as no man noble or common-man wished to incur the anger of the faith.

It was then the turn of Councillor Duloire to inform his Royal Highness of the threat to internal stability that was the large eastern neighbour. Allowing so many refugees from a republic into Royal lands might eventually lead to a spreading of so called enlightened ideas that had undermined royal families in the past. And because Duloir was the King’s nephew the King was likely to heed his warnings. Vincent, Commander of Oceanrock’s city guards confirmed that the infusion of larger numbers of poorer elements in society would inevitably lead to increased crime In the cities. Action would have to be taken to stem the tide of refugees from the east. On this all agreed.
Next came the issue of the discovery of a new world that was supposedly uninhabited. Councilor Guy responsible for exploration presented a quickly made larger version of the Cartographer’s guild map to the audience on which he detailed the best potential locations for settlement according to his estimates. The natural continental was presented as an excellent base for ships to resupply or carry out repairs in safety. Guy requested that three ships be employed for the express purpose of sending explorers to the new world and claiming a small settlement for future expansion for the glory of Aznavor. This request was granted Two Sloops and a Brig would be sent to the eastern new continent carrying supplies, a few weapons, and explorers to map out the interior. This prompted Ross of Shipskeep to remind the council of the unfortunate state of Aznavor’s fleet a situation that had long embarrassed the King. It was known that ships were required in much larger numbers but the fact remained that Aznavor simply did not want to expend it’s resources of Naval projects since having invested heavily in modernizing the existing fleet. Sheathing the entire fleet with copper bottoms had in itself been particularly expensive. This prompted Matthieu Delunion to remind his colleagues of the offer made by the Sofon Dominion and to advise that the offer be accepted to generate more profit that could in future be re-invested into the expansion of the royal navy. In response the following letter was drafted

To his majesty Edgard III,Lawful and undisputed ruler of the Sofon Dominion,

King Philip extends his hand to you as one monarch to another. The people of Aznavor and their representatives, that is to say both the King and us members of his majesty’s council have elected to approve your appeal to use some of our facilities in order to expand into the new world. Naturally the people of Azanvor will require certain guarantees and securities:

Firstly, your captains who presumably will first need to be formed are to obey our own officials in matters relating to inspections. This is to establish that a fair 30% share is achieved and to ensure no threat to Aznavori security occurs.

Secondly; in the name of security supply fleets and commercial vessels will be allocated wharves and equipment in Oceansrock and Havenport, Military vessels are to be focused entirely in Wintergate where facilities are being expanded and adapted for your use as I write to you. Under no circumstances are your trade vessels to be found in Wintergate nor your military vessels in Oceansrock or Havenport unless prior approval is obtained.

Thirdly: A trade agreement will be formed between our two Kingdoms to better supply one another with our mutual resource needs. As we do not have a land border trade will have to be primarily maritime in nature or in Aventia.

Fourthly; whilst your crews, soldiers, sailors and merchants are welcomed in our cities all weapons will have to be surrendered to port authorities. They can be collected when leaving the city.

Fifthly: All geographical knowledge gained by the Sofon Dominion of the new worlds wll be possible only thanks to Aznavori co-operation and therefore Sofon shall endaevour to have its explorers provide Aznavor with up-to-date maps of the land charts of the waters surrounding it.
If you agree to these conditions; inform us immediately we shall allocate you the relevant facilities immediately.

Matthieu Delunion Ambassador of Aznavor and Ross of Shipskeep, Naval Minister.

Lastly it was the turn for Marc, who until recently had been little more than a very successful merchant, to speak. Marc had been raised to a position of councilor the previous year and had immediately undertaken a massive expansion of transport infrastructure, converting what had once been dusty country roads into paved commercial lanes linking up the cities allowing internal trade to flow more efficiently. His low birth earned him the distrust and the scorn of many nobles, particularly those whose families had proud military histories that could be traced back to the centuries during which Aznavor was still a feudal society. Nevertheless his works had stimulated the economy and had impressed his majesty who was more than willing to invest in Marc’s latest project: one that involved linking up the rivers of the country by a system of canals and locks that could permit ships to travel through the country as opposed to around it and would allow trade to be carried by barge offering an alternative to merchant who were still employing roads that had not yet been paved.

-Aznavor is very concerned by a stream of refugees coming from the Eastern republic of Dont
-Explorers are sent east in three ships to start mapping out the interior of Aventia
-The Sofon Dominion’s offer is accepted
-The Kingdom invests in canal and lock building to help stimulate internal trade ( is $2,000,000 an appropriate figure?)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sadko
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Sadko lord of sails

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The ritual of the Svarog was a fascinating dance of exotic and colorful women and a gruesome yet impressive swordplay of hunters who showed off the bears they've killed. One of them grabbed a small chicken, and with a swift motion of his blade cut its' head off. All the dancing stopped, the people locked their eyes on the hunter. He brought it to the iron altar, with spears forged into its head, spikes showcasing the god's cold demands for a sacrifice. The head of the chicken was covered in all sorts of colours, and brought to him.

Svarog was fed, and as the soul of the chicken faded away into the otherworld, the body was cleaned of feathers, cooked, and eaten.

Kamm Kutuk rode in his carriage, overlooking the ritual. The capital was given into the hands of Tribe Ioppo. Nuesma was the city in which every fourth blade was forged. As the cartographer's guild brought them the new continent, he took the moment to get to Nuesma. He looked at the always expanding, hungry steel giant of blacksmith crafts, and the site of expansion. Men felling the trees worked good, as the money was always needed. The overseer of the expanding party nodded at the carriage.

Soon, Kutuk was given his special place, and his advisers assembled at once. Pouring Aznavorian wine into the golden goblet, he idly stared into nothing, until he was awakened from his thoughts. One of his advisers came closer, and notified him of the Sofon Dominion's deal, except that they were already late; Aznavor did it faster. He splashed the Aznavorian wine over the table, and the servants cleaned it. "This is disappointing." He did not wish to have any possible rivalry with the Kingdom of Aznavor, and as such only could hold his anger at the advisers for not informing him earlier. "Let's talk about the continent." Kutuk leaned against the wall, because his throne was still being escorted to Nuesma. "Mobilise a quarter of our navy and look forward to getting to that sort of inner sea in that continent, if we do this fast, we may have a good trading hub on our hands." The advisers nodded, and a couple of them, mostly admirals, went off. He was also notified of some militant population, and the ever increasing amount of nobility. Many of them has feared it, but he put up a higher tax on the rich and a smaller for the middle class.

Bue Maleko,

Captain Verun was an old, anti-social, disorganized and unliked man. Yet he was one of the most skilled captains in all of Kamalao, even boasting a good status in the whole continent, and many have tried to bribe him over to their side when he was young. However, he has shown loyalty to Kamalao, in reward getting numerous fiefs and titles. But he lived humbly in his small cabin, not many even addressed to him as Captain, more like, Verun or even Ver. He was fascinated, yet cautious of the new continent, and as such grabbed many possible cannons if there was trouble ahead. He sighed as his men unloaded cargo from the docks onto the ship.

-Rituals are being commenced, it is said that those bring luck (morale is high)
-Kamalao is sad that the deal with the Sofon is taken.
-Quarter of the navy is mobilized and sent to that inner sea place in the newly found continent.
-The rich is taxed more and the middle class is taxed less.
-The navy is mobilizing.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Incredible John
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The Incredible John Eccentric Lunatic

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Grand House of the Duke of Grudden
Norfolkke, Grudden

It was a cold morning at the Grudden capital of Norfolkke where the northern current blew harshly on the large city. The surrounding mountains funneled the air into a cold vortex strong enough to knock a child off his feet. Only a few souls walked the streets during this early, frigid hours of the day. Those who were out wore thick coats and covered their bodies with what clothing they had to protect their bodies from the unmerciful cold winds. As the winds howled and a light blanket of fog covered the the city, three carriages and a lone horseman entered the city. The sound of horse feet walking on the cobblestone street the sight of the wealthy riding in their carriages were not uncommon in the city but the sight of foreigners were. Windows opened as natives of the city caught a glimpse of the lavishly adorned carriages and well dressed horseman. The first carriage was painted light-blue, a nobility of Corleonn. The next was painted light-green, a nobility of the Warrus region. The last carriage was painted gray, a noble from Nollin. The last one was difficult for the natives of the city to distinguish and attracted the most attention. The symbols on the badges on his clothes were unlike any seen by the natives. The were all heading for the Grand House of the Duke of Grudden. As they got closer, they were followed by the Duke's Grand Guards. The horsemen in maroon uniforms and bearing their muskets guarded the party. They entered the estate, they were greeted by the royal garden and they stopped at the marble stairwell leading to the grand house itself. There they were warmly welcomed by the duke of Grudden himself, several companions and more guards.

"Greetings gentlemen, greetings. I'm sorry the weather couldn't be better but in a few hours or so, it should warm up." Duke of Grudden and current leader of the alliance, Ferras Kollin II, said.

"Still better than weather in Denparkke." jest Duke Amadeus Russeus Kavlar of Warrus as he stepped out of his carriage. The parliament leader of Warrus, Sir Daennis Koplar, chuckled at this as he too stepped out.

"I hope you at least have some warm drinks or some wine inside. I feel that I would die of frostbite any minute now." Duke Devrick Lovarr Ollisius of Nollin said, shaking as he got out of his carriage.

"I told you to bring at least a warm coat good Duke, but you would not listen." Sir Jodann Coppish, leader of the parliament of Nollin, humorously remarked.

"Please come inside, all of you. My house is far warmer then the weather here outside." Duke Kollin II invited them inside. As they got inside, the Duke's servants accommodated to their every need. Inside the house, different nobles of Grudden would indulge themselves with every pleasure they wished. They drank the finest Aznavorian wines, they smoked the finest tobacco imported from Bennipolis. They wore the finest clothes from around the continent. On a usual they, the halls of the building would be filled men and women indulging in sexual satisfaction but not today as they were guest. This was a far cry from the teachings of the church of Altaiya that they claim to worship. In fact if any of the priest of Aznavor came to any of the alliance capitals, they would be disgusted with how the nobles acted. From the look of the Aznavorian ambassador told Duke Kollin II that he may have been disgusted or at least shocked at what he was seeing.

"Sir Martin is it?" Duke Kollin asked. The man nodded and introduced himself formally. "It is a pleasure meeting you good sir. Welcome to Grudden and I hope you enjoy your stay here. I understand that you have some important matters to discuss with me and the rest of the alliance but we must discuss our own private matters first. I'm sorry for this and we will talk later. As for now, why don't you enjoy the company of my daughters. I'm sure they would make you at home."

Duke Kollin II called his daughters, all 15 of them. They approached their father and the diplomat slowly and elegantly. They wore the finest silk that their father could find for them and wore the finest fragrances from across the land. Their ages ranged from 37 to 15. They clearly neared themselves towards the ambassador.

"Ladies, this is Ambassador Martin of Aznavor. Give him good company as me and my companions discuss business. Take good care of him." Duke Kollin II said to his daughters and nodded at the ambassador. Clearly the man was fighting temptations but was weakening. As Duke Kollin II turned around, he had a sly smile on his face he could not restrain.

The Duke of Grudden entered the chamber were the other men were waiting. They had been served wine to combat the cool climate.

"Gentlemen, shall we begin?" Duke Kollin II asked.

"What happened to the boy?" Asked Fredrick Von Mannchier, leader of the parliament of Corleonn.

"The ambassador is in the company of my daughters. He would join us once we are done with our discussions." The Duke of Grudden answered.

"With your daughters? Those women? Poor soul, once he gets back to his home, he would be killed by their inquisition." Remarked Duke Kavlar.

"What happens here, stays here. There's no need for our uptight friends to the north to know of one of their own's actions here. Now, shall we get down to business. I'm sure most of you know why we are all here today."

"Because that fool Von Klibb is going to get ran off by his people if we do not help. That man had Corleonn inso much debt that it almost toppled the Duke and the parliament. How that man became in charge of an entire country is beyond me." Von Manchierr said.

"He did modernize our army and our navy and we did manage to bail your duchy before those merchants started a revolt." Duke Kollin II said.

"But why should we risk our neck for him? We don't need a larger army and the one he offers isn't very well trained." Responded Arssius Peckler, leader of the parliament of Grudden.

"Because dear boy, we have no need of their army. What we need is their workers. The miners of our duchies grow smaller and smaller as they find it more profitable to be merchants of the sea. Without workers, we'd lose our only source of wealth." Duke Hemmlar V of Corleonn answered before Duke Kollin II could.

"We need their cheap labor, those that wouldn't cause our mine owners too much trouble with wages. If we do that, we could tax them more." Kollin II answered.

They argued about helping Dont for a good half hour or so but eventually, they agreed to send aid to the nation. An important question was then asked.

"How much men do we send to Dont?" Duke Ollisius asked.

"Half of the alliances regular army should be enough." Duke Kollin II answered.

"Half of our army?! What of the Valentians to the south? What if they attacked us?" Asked Duke Ollisius.

"If they attacked us, the wolves from the different corners of their country would charge at them. They would have to turn back as soon as they settle on our soil." Duke Hemmlar V answered.

"So it's settled then? Aid the Dont government?" Duke Kollin II asked. A string of 'ayes' was his answer.

"I guess we would send Lipeche himself in charge of the entire operation?" Asked Sir Coppish.

"Yes, we shall see if he's rigorous training of our armed forces has paid off. A trail by fire." Duke Kollin II answered. The ambitious dictator was now about to have his chance to test his army. Kollin then called one of his servants and asked him to fetch the Azvanorian ambassador to the room. "Now we shall see if the Azvanorian would take this news pleasantly." Duke Kollin II said. "He doesn't, we could expect the rest of Azvanor to be recentful of our actions also."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Meth Quokka
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Meth Quokka This Was Nutter's Idea

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Council had been called to session once the news of the two letters had spread through the city like wildfire; one a colonial proposition, the other a seeming attempt at a shakedown. Nations had always tried to seize the wealth of the Councilate by force, many had found they were a much harder nut to crack then they looked. As some 90 odd members by Marcus de Happself’s count milled into the chamber, taking their various seats which were set aside amongst the many factions within the Council. There was the military factions led by General de Vries and Admiral Wulfstan, the liberators composed mainly by the twenty allocated seats led by Councilman Artanus, there was the Progressive faction led by Council von Schlck and finally the last major faction was the conservatives led by the stoic Councilman Koneg.

Councillor opened the session as expected of him as leader of the council by saying “Councilmen, I call this meeting in order to respond to two pressing matters facing our nation, as many of you would be aware we have received news of three distinct types; firstly, the cartographers have discovered a new continent which has been christened ‘Aventia’. They presented a map of this land as a gift to every major nation in the land so every other nation will be making the same decisions as us. As such I ask of you to respond with haste but caution to these proposals presented by various parties in this matter.”

There was a shuffling of paper as the many aides and footmen in the room rushed about bringing out various notes for the council and reports as they considered the proposals in front of them. “My Cabinet has carefully and meticulously studied this new land, it’s distance and supposed worth to the new world. We found that to colonise this new land would both be a feasible endeavour and one present a significant opportunity to establish a foothold in a new trade market. We personally favour the proposition to commission one of our most talented naval officers to take one ship of the line, two frigates, two schooners and 4 sloops along with 500 of our regular soldiers to attempt to establish a colony capable of exerting influence over the straight in the eastern side of the land. How votes this council?” His voice echoed through the now silent hall as many of the councillors took the time to ponder and collect their thoughts.

Murmurs and whispers broke out slowly; councillors consulted their faction and leaders, gauged the opinions of the other factions. In a motion like this many deals, agreements and threads were used in order to facilitate a resolution. Marcus knew personally that this law would easily pass, he has the support of the military, the liberators, many of the independents and the Progressives who couldn’t pass on the opportunity to be on the cutting edge. Voting papers were handed out to each representative in the hall, the servants of the council scurrying like ants to and fro, eventually gathering the papers together and the count began.

The 94 votes were tallied and summed; eventually the steward of the hall, a portly man of some 40 years stood up and echoed through the chamber “With a total of 70 ‘yay’, 24 ‘nays’ and 11 abstains due to absence, the Colonial Propositions Act is passed into action. Admiral Wulfstan will therefore begin the preparations with assistance from the Army, the city officials and the Cabinet.”

There was a round of applause ringing through the hall; easily drowning out the desolate noises made by the naysayers who’d been shot down in this bill. The majority of them were from the conservatives who wished nothing more than to sit in their archaic position, unchanging with the sands of time. A knowing nod passed between Admiral Wulfstan and Councillor de Happself; they’d worked on the bill together one night, eventually managing to procure a favourable result. He rose again from his seat, bringing the next order to light; a shakedown from Lascaux, a militant power to their north.

“Next on the agenda; Lascaux has sent the nation an offer of protection in return for a fee which is not mentioned. Their Consulate General offers to station their soldiers on our land and fight our enemies should it be needed. Whilst this seems like a tantalizing offer we cannot forget the past; this Argantan once protected a republic then turned on it. As such I have decided to refuse this offer, the strength of Arbassian arms is enough to hold our territory for now and there is no clear sign of hostility for now. We have taken the cautionary step of increasing our vigilance on our border with Lascaux, there is the possibility he may take the rejection poorly” said Marcus as he explained the occurrence to the councilmen. There was no clear sign of disagreement as many of the councilmen had been privately consulted about this matter; many had taken the patriotic road and decided to back his decision.

“Our final issue for the day is a matter of expanding our fleet in order to capitalise on our overseas expansion policy. The Cabinet has estimated what the needs of sustaining an overseas trade route would be while pressing a dominance as such we put a bill to the council to approve the expenditure of $8.2 Billion in order to fulfil the following order:
-6 Ships of The Line, $3B at $0.5B each
-5 Frigates, $1.5B at $0.3B each
-10 Schooners, $1B at $0.1B each
-4 Sloops, $0.2B at $0.05B each
-Expansion of the existing docks for a specialty Colonial dockyard, $1.5 billion
-Provision for establishment for a major colony at the mouth of the inland sea, $1 billion after private contributions.

How votes the Council?” proposed Councillor Marcus de Happself before the chamber erupted into uproar about the amount.
Three hours later the bill was passed but by a bare minimum; a number of people have found the amount to be a little excessive for something that hadn’t been attempted before. Even if the colony failed however, the Councilate of Arbasses would find themselves with a greatly increased fleet but their land border remained suspect. In order to circumvent this issue, two messengers were dispatched in the dead of night, riding hard for the targets in order to facilitate a deal of sorts.
- Colonial escort of one ship of the line, two frigates, two schooners and 4 sloops along with 500 of our regular soldiers are sent to protect the colony to be established by private citizens at the mouth of the inland sea.
- Lascaux’s offer of protection is politely rejected in the present but the promise of future use stands.
- Expenditure of $8.2 Billion; $2.5B for colonisation facilities and $5.7B for the production of new ships
- Two messengers sent in great secrecy in the middle of the night. Who to though?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by gowia
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gowia Buried in a Book

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Replies and new Events

It has only been a few days and already countries are flaring up with problems and progress.

-The biggest news is the plea for help from a man by the name of Henry de Stonee. Heralding from Lascaux he has sent letters to all of the great leaders in Edorinas. He has come up with an idea that water pumps and baskets of seed are organised in certain ways that could hopefully increase agricultural output by fifty percent. He also goes on to say that when bringing this idea to his own ruler he was offered swathes of land before he was threatened and his family were taken away from him with a punishment for death hanging over all of them if he was to fail. Before he left to the areas they would allow him to test on he met up with his family, informing them of the words of Governor General Argantan. During this meeting he managed to slip his family some pills. That evening he escaped from the compound he was being kept and made off with a horse towards the Democratic Peoples Republic of Konzia in hopes of asylum. The same night his family each slipped themselves one of the pills they had been given by their father before falling asleep. They would not wake up. His letter does not specify where he is nor where he is actually going however he offers to share his knowledge with any nation willing to take him in once he has reached safety. And that he will send out another letter with his location as soon as he is safe for nations to reply too.

-In slightly more positive news the nation of Terheridon has elected a new royal family. The Gints. These people are expansionists and for the first time ever has opened the borders to foreigners and their trade. Gold coins and artwork pour from its lands and into the markets and shops of the great nations, bringing with it a vast amount of wealth. Only to those who accept it though. A formal declaration of trade has been sent to all nations, the trade will involve buying muskets and cannons in exchange for their gold.

-The Peoples Republic of Dont, Otto Von Klibb, has replied to the Alliances offer of aid. He states that with their aid he will be able to bring order to the country and begin it on a new road to greatness. He also requests 5,000,000,000 ($) so as to begin reinvesting in Dont businesses and try to restart the economy.

-Finally a public decleration from the Sofon Dominion. "Whilst we thank the Kingdom of Aznavor for their offer we would like to formally reject it. We are now again offering the same deal to the other nations which have a coastline for the Dominion to use."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Meth Quokka
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Meth Quokka This Was Nutter's Idea

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

“Councillor!” came a call echoing into his office; Marcus' ears quickly distinguished it as coming from from outside the hall and through his open door. The distinct noises of heavy breathing soon followed; the telltale sign of someone who’d been running for some distance and at great speed. “Councillor, I beg you pardon but there’s news from the Sofon Dominion. I apologise for barging in like this but you requested that we bring any news regarding it to you with no interruptions.”

Marcus looked back at one of his many clerks, this man was a particularly young member of his staff; only started work a few months ago and he carried all the vigor and exuberance of the youth. He was eager to impress and please his employer, probably in the aim for a promotion or pay increase. “Well what is it Dannis? What news has come through?”

“The Sofon Dominion has cut off negotiations with the Kingdom of Aznavor, apparently they offered wildly insufficient terms, so much so that they have opened the bidding process again.”

“My word what a group of fools, now we must send a reply as soon as we can; boy, fetch me a paper and quill; I shall write this letter myself”

“Yes Councillor” the boy replied, scurrying off before loudly asking anyone around where the nearest source of paper and quills would be. Marcus smirked slightly as he heard the commotion, there was a tinge of sorrow the case as he considered how he missed the energy and passion of his younger days. The world had jaded and corroded him; he’d been shaped and tainted by the vices of a harsh world and the extremes of a revolutionary war.

Turning his mind back to the issue at hand he considered how he should go about securing the colonial port contract. He had to sell the benefits of his nation, tempt the Sofon Dominion with benefits yet still profit for his nation. His nation had a proud history of maritime trade yet he’d managed to fail to secure the contract the first time; they’d acted too slowly so now time was of the essence.

The boy soon returned with a long parchment of paper, quill and a black inkpot ready for his use. Whilst it could seem rather unusual that he didn’t possess such items in his office but Marcus preferred to use a scribe who carried all of his own materials. Unfortunately said scribe was at lunch and wouldn’t be coming back for a while; Marcus was loath to entrust such a task to another. “Ah good, thank you Dannis. Wait here while I write this letter than take it to the messengers hall with all haste and instruct them that it is a matter of extreme importance and to assign a guard detail to the messenger.” Dannis merely nodded in reply, carefully noting each task in his mind.

Marcus turned to the parchment in front of him and wrote:

‘Your highness, King Edgard III
I write this letter in direct response to your request of a port to use for colonial expansion in return for a 30% stake in any colonial venture. I humbly present my nation along with a separate dockyard in Stendmark, the largest and finest port in all of Edorinas. Stendmark is in a prime position for a straight journey to the continent of Aventia and your colonial intentions will match our own; we have a planned colony on the continent and have set about the preparations to create a trade route between the continents.

We are commencing a large construction project to provide a special purpose set of docks to be used solely for colonial ventures. In the long term, we can provide a dock for use only by the Sofon Dominion and their merchants, complete with storage and housing. Such a business relationship between our two nations would prove lucrative for both our present and future wealth and economic strength.

To the technicalities of such an agreement:
-Free port use already exists as Stendmark is charted as a bureaucratic free port but we will endeavour to assure that relevant business in the docks provide their services at the best prices possible.
-All members of the Dominion who move to Stendmark to serve their nation will be provided price-reduced housing in order to facilitate an easy move for your agents.
-We are willing to provide some older military vessels for an initial beginning venture along with contracts for our dockyards to construct new ships at again a cut-price fee.
-We would like to propose a trade agreement between our two nations in order to co-operate and combine our trade influence in the world. Our combined trade power will prove a worthy asset when it comes to competing with the other traders of this world.
-All Sofon Dominion ships will be escorted at a same priority as those of our own.
-Our second proposal is to create a trading league with the view to invite other nations of Edorinas in order to trade together, merge powers and stand by other members in times of war should it be needed. We have a view of some ideal candidates for positions in this league and look forward to the opportunity to change the course of the history with this decision.

Such an agreement would be capable of bringing much of the world’s trade under our control; along with a heavily financially supported colonial endeavour of our own in order to construct a large trading port on Avernis that will ship directly to the free port of Stendmark. Co-operation is key for such a partnership and as such we would like to extend the offer for the Sofon Dominion to build an embassy in the council district in the city and employ an official ambassador. Should you follow this path, I offer to house him at the Councillor’s Manor while his embassy is being constructed and permit him the use of offices in the Council Hall for his staff.

We look forward to your response with anticipation about our future potential.

Councillor Marcus de Happself,
Leader of the Councilate of Arbasses.'

“There, now have it sent boy”
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 1 mo ago

The City-State of Bennipolis


The 10th Eponymous Year of Lysander

The Ekklesia of Bennipolis had assembled in order to discuss several matters of utmost importance to the state. Lysander, the head of the Ephydridae, presided above the assembly, since he was the Basileus Eponymous for that year. Recently, several explorers had discovered and explored a new continent that laid to the east. Since the territory controlled by Bennipolis was not extremely rich in resources, it would be crucial for the city-state to produce colonies in this “New World”, called Aventia, so that new materials might flow into the Bennipolitan state and so that the Bennipolitan landscape might be alleviated from any surplus population.

At once, a certain Creon, a wealthy aristocrat, although not a member of the three royal families, rose to his feet and began to address the Ekklesia in this way.

“Fellow Bennipolitans,” He began, “you have all heard of the reports given to our state by those Cartographers, who explored the “New World”, which has been called Auentia. It is of the greatest concern for both you and the city of Bennipolis as a whole to produce emporia in this new land. While the countryside of Bennipolis has supported the beautiful goddess’ city for hundreds of years, you all know that we are in need for new resources. Our shipwrights require new sources of wood, lest our children might have to resort to chopping down the woody groves that are sacred to our gods. Our workshops and smiths require new sources of metal so that our weapons might be strong and reliable. And our farmers require new plots of land to till greater yields of crops so that they might feed our nation. While we could get all of these from our neighbors, the costs of their acquisition outweigh the benefits of receiving them in the first place! Therefore, I request that we send a party of colonists to Auentia in order to establish an emporium there.”

A mass applause followed Creon’s speech, revealing the overwhelming support for his plan of action. Therefore, Lysander called out to the Ekklesia and asked all in favor of Creon’s motion to raise their hands, and after that, all in opposition to do likewise. Only a miniscule minority used their hands to oppose this decision.

“Therefore,” Lysander announced, “the state of Bennipolis will send out colonists to Auentia. Furthermore, let us provide them with enough resources form the sacred treasury in the blessed temple of Bennis so that they might have the resources to begin the emporium. Finally, these colonists must establish subsistence in Auentia before they start harvesting resources for the state. For the old poets have said that:

one cannot feed their brothers with gold unless they first sow the fields and harvest the crops .

Now, on to the next matter.”

Next, Athenakles arose to his feet, the Basileus Polemarchos.

“Fellow Bennipolitans,” He started, “We must be weary of the Kingdom of Tereridon, those backwards Barbarians that occupy the Isthmus. These barbarians have enslaved our fellow Hellenes, forcing them into what those barbarians call “serfdom”. Even if these Hellenic folk are able to elect their royalty every century, they still serve a master and therefore are slaves to them. This is an abomination to the people of Hellas, for we are one of the Hellenic peoples and we stand idly as our brother waste away as slaves. They might try to rebuttal this by claiming we are hypocrites for owning slaves ourselves. However, the truth is that while our slaves come from foreign lands, the Hellenic serfs in Tereridon are enslaved in their own lands, where their forefathers once lived and died proudly. It is a job for a slave to be subservient to another man and do his work, but for a free citizen to work for his own benefit is the best possible situation.”

“But this is not their only folly. They have already turned away our merchants from their borders and harbors, refusing to allow their precious gold slip from their hands. They are hoarding their gold into their coffers, just as the rapacious, serpentine drake encircles its golden mound with its coiled tail. But they would be lucky if this was the end of their folly. For, they have not only insulted our kin and our city, but they have also insulted me myself! In an attempt to open up their borders to our merchants and tradesmen, I even offered my own flesh and blood, my daughter Adraändreis, as a possible wife for their heir. However, when I tried to enter beyond their borders, they barred my entrance. Even though I pleaded with them to let my daughter and I enter, all the guards did were to bark “Bar, Bar, Bar” at us, as any barbarian would do. If it were up to me, I would summon the forces of Bennipolis and march into their land and ravage their land. But it is not up to me, but to you, fellow Bennipolitans.

“But rumor has all the sudden filled my ears. Apparently, a new royal family has taken the seat of Tereridon and has thrown open their borders to everyone. Something is array in the state of Tereridon! I trust these new regents as much as I had trusted the old rulers. Therefore, I will propose two things. First, while we shall allow our merchants to mingle amongst these new markets, I propose to ban any exchange of musketry between our states. We would be fools if we arm their men, who currently bring arrows and spears to a gunfight. Secondly, I propose that we send a delegation to the Kamalao Republi, to their temporary capital at Nuesma, where they worship Hephaistos, although they call him by a different name. Our merchants have been on friendly terms, sharing the bay which our lands surround with few instances of dispute. Therefore, we shall ask them to form a defensive alliance between our two states. For if Tereridon becomes daring enough to invade our lands, we shall have an ally to call to our aid. In return, we shall also provide aid in a time of need if the Kamalao requires it. This will only be a defensive alliance and there will be no strings attached about offensive maneuvers.”

And Athenakles spoke in this way. Once the voting began, his first proposition fared as well as Creon, garnering almost as many votes. However, the second proposition was so close that the Boule had to count the hands in order to discover the winner. In the end, the proposition barely passed, after much heated debate. The following is the letter given to the delegates to the Kamalao Republi:

Immediately afterwards, the Ekklesia sent men to the Great Temple of Bennis on the Bennipolitan akropolis so that they might withdraw funds from their fair-haired goddess’ treasury. Once there they withdrew approximately [1.5 Billion GDP] worth of Bennipolitan Talents (1 Talent = 6000 Drachmae).

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Guyvexille


Member Offline since relaunch

Today was not a good day to be around Argantan. His guards who knew him well could see him seethe even if we have a man who could hide his emotions well enough. Henry de Stonee had fled and the Councilate had refused him. Altogether nothing had been lost but nothing had been gained either.
Henry De Stonee had frustrated him in particular, he had given the man large swathes of land,protection,providers, offered him a position of as honorary member of the ruling warrior class, given his sons the opportunity to become great men of Lascaux and offered Henry the third most important post In the land. He simply could not understand the man’s refusal . Could he not see that he was just ensuring the by giving him some security? Nevermind it did little good to dwell on the past. More men would come and next time he would try a softer approach, Argantan was not just a soldier but a practical man humility served its causes. This lesson would be learnt and next time an opportunity to advance his Nation’s economy would arise he would have to be more welcoming.
Lascaux had little industry and her mines were dry yet her fields were plentiful. This is where Lascaux would have to make money for now. Argantan would invest heavily in modernizing agriculture. New plots of land would be turned into farms, newer more modern tools would be sent to existing farms and different varieties of crop seeds would be purchased from abroad. Messengers would be sent out to invite agricultural experts to come to Lascaux where they would be given well paid employment and benefits in return for their services. Considering how De Stonee had published a public letter he decided that it might be wise to also include a guarantee of safe-passage in an out of Lascaux.

The Councilate had been polite enough and they had mentioned the possibility of future opportunities for now this would have to suffice from them. Traditionally such a refusal would have been followed up by a series of hamlets set on fire and farms sowed with salt before another more expensive offer of protection was sent. However the Conciliate of Arbasses had reminded him of an important lesson in diplomacy and he was willing to forgive their refusal. When strength of arms was the only card you had to play never negotiate with people who are in a position of strength. The weaker or more desperate a party is the more likely they are to accept. With this in mind Argantan quickly wrote a letter, this time more polite than the last offering the services and friendship of Lascaux in exchange for economic guidance and expertise to a more desperate leader. The letter would go west.

Argantan dosen’t understand how non-military human beings don’t respond to violence
He invites argicultural experts from any nation to come to Lascaux and bring their expertise to the field (Pun intended) He offers a generous package to make up for the bad rep the Henry de Stonee fiasco ha given him.
Lascaux Independently invests 10 Billion in it’ own agriculture ($5Billion immediately on non-technical improvement and $5 Billion more are set aside for when the experts arrive)
A letter is sent west to a more desperate nation offering friendship offering military support and exchange for economic technical assistance and guidance. The deal will include a trade agreement.(Check your messages)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Asura
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Asura it hurts

Member Seen 2 days ago

Oh, how the world changed. In a matter of weeks the continent was abuzz with activity. A wildfire started by the discovery of a massive chunk of land floating across the seas of the world. Colonization efforts were no doubt already beginning to siege this new world for its resources. Resources a certain empire was hard pressed to get their hands on. There sat the mighty Emperor Walhart II, surrounded by his most trusted generals and councilmen in his war room. Frankly, they needed a new name for it. No war would be occurring any time soon. Instead, this was a meeting of prosperity. A meeting which would set the huge nation into motion in building its power to properly address the new world and stake a claim in it for the glory of the Empire. Running a hand through his greying beard, the middle aged emperor scanned the crowd of decorated servicemen and wealthy nobles alike. Some had issues to present to him, others were simply there to observe the emperor's fair judgement. The first to speak was a man who sat close to the emperor. His personal assistant, Titus. He was a trusted adviser, essential to the running of the empire.

"Aside from the reports flooding in of the New World, several documents of interest arrived in at the palace today, my liege." The younger gentleman spoke up, reading off from a piece of parchment which listed off the individual events he would be briefing the emperor of that night. "Firstly, we received a letter from one Henry de Stonee. He claims to be an inventor who can revolutionize our agrinculutral systems. It's more or less a plea for assistance. Apprently, he had offered to share his expertise with our northern neighbors, Lascaux, but was threatened with death and other barbaric forms of punishment. He escaped the country and is now looking for asylum. Shall we respond? I assume this request was sent to many nations, in the hopes finding a shield to cower behind quicker. It may be in our interest to act quickly."

The emperor continued to stroke his facial hair as he listed. An inventor, hmm? Frankly, he wasn't certain of the merit of this man. But it was a time of evolution. A time for growth. If this man could help the betterment of mighty Valm, then how could he turn him away? The emperor nodded. "We shall assist this man. Write an official response. Tell him Valm is disgusted with Lascaux's treatment of such an intelligent individual. Tell him that we assure him a safe and well supplied work environment to implement his inventions and protection from potential Lascaux backlash. He needs only enter Valmese borders." The emperor never truly wrote letters himself. It was time consuming. He had scribes for that. Titus made notes of what the emperor wished, then moved on to the next order of business.

"A request from our eastern neighbors among the Councilate wishes to offer us their harbors for the use of colonizing the new world. They also request a political alliance and invite us to join some form of 'trade league'. It seems a good deal. I can only assume they offer because they wish our military support should anything occur in the new world. Still, the chance to form a resource abundant colony is something that will greatly profit Valm. We should act quickly." Titus looked to his king to see what he would reply with.

The emperor chuckled. "Reading my mind. We best keep an eye on the Councilate. They may have spies among us yet." He couldn't help but find amusement in the shifty eyes that subtly followed that comment among his generals. "We accept. Valm shall happily make use of their docks and shall come to their aid whenever they need such. The Empire shall also take its place within this 'league' of theirs. An increase in trade between our nations is a welcome event." The war room nodded in agreement, as if they could do anything else in front of their supreme ruler.

"Finally, our western neighbors Terheridon have finally opened their long closed borders. They're offering all nearby nations full trade agreements in return for black powder and weaponry. Their lands are rich with gold and fine arts are common place among the goods leaving their caravans. The deal is very lucrative, sir. We would do well to share our arms with them." Titus advised. Like all the other events which occurred during the meeting, the emperor's decision was shift and simple. No need for frill or nonsense.

"We accept. Surely we have a surplus of muskets and mortars to share with them for their wonderful reserves of coin. In fact, this links up with a personal decree I intended to make tonight." He paused, continuing on with his plan. "Our mighty empire is known for its terrifying military forces. We field the finest infantry on the continent, in the highest number. The best quality arms sit in our soldier's grasp. Some nations are not as lucky. In the interest of profit, the production of all muskets, cannons and munitions must rise. We shall put the labor force of this grand country to work crafting beautiful guns and powerful artillery, then sell it to the less advanced neighbors of ours. Terheridon will be taken with it all, no doubt. I can only assume the same of the Republi to our south. A nation we shall also offer our merchants to." There was some light applause following that speech from the war room. Applause the emperor quickly silenced.

"While we're on the subject of foreign affairs, there is much more to discuss. Hold your cheers until I'm done, boys..." The emperor then prepared to give a more... secretive decree.

Valm invites Henry de Stonee to their capital and makes him a generous offer in return for his work.
Valm and the Councilate form an alliance, opening the Councilate's harbors to the Valmese for expansion. Valm accepts an invitation to the trade league. (Discussed in PM)
Valm accepts Terheridon's offer of trade.
In response to Terheridon's offer, the emperor orders the production of weapons within the empire to be doubled so that Valm can beat out competitors for Terheridon's gold and make the maximum profit by providing the maximum arms.
Valm sends a messenger to the Republi, offering them a trade deal which involves the sale of the previously mentioned arms to help better equip their forces.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sadko
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Sadko lord of sails

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

It was late at night, dogs barking off somewhere in the distance, Kamm Kutuk rubbed his nose as he was given the letter. The Bennipolitan seal, a fine one at that. A great turtle, which was a little amusing, yet something so strong hiding beneath it. With a swift motion he cut the convert up, and took the message. He read through it with a mixture of terror, fascination and bewilderment playing in his large, hazel eyes. Momentarily, he jumped into his writing table and began to scribble wildly. Putting a seal of Kamalao on it, he gave it to a mail raven, whispering the destination to it. The raven spread its wings and took off for the flight to Bennipolis.

He sighed, looking as the hordes of celebrating people from the Svarog rituals began to fade, leaving only a few drunken bastards sleeping on benches to be disturbed by dogs. The guards were armed with blunderbusses, yet with a strangely shaped chainmail and protective leather. Soon, a knock on the door made them turn towards it, warily opening it. A messenger stood, with the colours of Valm on his coat. He has kneeled before the Kamm, and finally was able to stand up. As Kutuk heard through the deal, he pondered. Bennipolis only needs aid if they are invaded, and as such we are able to make a deal with Valm... "We'll think of it, and then write the letter to your seniors, go off now." The messenger went off, being fed and given drinks. He was given a carriage, and then continued on his way off towards his homeland.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Winston Smith

Winston Smith

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Kingdom of Aznavor
The King’s weekly address to the people of Oceansrock

Wise People of Aznavor!
A you have undoubtedly heard; our brothers beyond the eastern mountains are being oppressed by a government that claims to represent them yet exploits them with vicious savagery at every opportunity. In our lands the days of whip and the torturer have long gone yet the Government of the Republic of Dont do not share out mercy. My courtiers tell me that they have seen the scar of the whip across the back of those who have fled. Is this what it means to be part of a Republic?
Over the course of the last few months you may have noticed an increasing numbers of people in our lands fleeing this oppression. For this I take responsibility. I could not stand back and turn away our blood brothers in their time of need. In recent weeks numbers of refugees fleeing to our lands have only risen and I dare not imagine what fresh terror the government has come up with. Because of this some of my well-meaning but impetuous advisors have begged me to intervene on behalf of our brothers. Indeed I have spoken to some refugees who ask the same who have implored me to restore their freedoms and their safety but so far I have held back from doing so. Why you may ask? Why would I deny our brethren the rights and safety which we all enjoy?

Because, my loyal subjects, because I am an ever hopeful man, I am a king who infinitely prefers peace to war. Because I will not endanger our soldiers as long as I believe this matter can be resolved peacefully. However, I make this pledge: Should the forces of Dont or any foreign army, by invitation of Dont,march on their soil and harm even a single Aznavori from Dont, Aznavor shall respond. Should this come to pass we are not alone, the population of Dont hates the corrupt regime that controls them. The fools in Nacer protect themselves with an army of people that hate them. Furthermore as of today I have received the explicit promise of support from an ally who like us sees the righteousness of our cause and understands the oppression of the Republic. As your King and as the protector of all Aznavori I guarantee this but remind you that I prefer peace to war!
This is why I have invited the Republic of Dont to send a delegation from its ruling party to come see us. So that we may discuss this situation as equals to prevent a conflict before it even happens. Let ink flow rather than blood!
Praise be to Altaiya, Long Live Aznavor!

[Cheers etc…]

Later In the council chambers:
“My liege! congratulations on your speech, you have clearly articulated our justifications and reasons for war. the people will stand behind you!”
King Phillip let the man finish, he had never seen him before but from his dark blue tassled uniform he could guess that he a nobleman’s son and was probably highly positioned in his own government. Perhaps too highly for he seemed to have little grasp of the intricacies of politics.
“Young man, I appreciate your sincerity but I fear you have misinterpreted me wholly, I meant what I said, everything is true. We are ready for war but I truly hope it does not come to that. Young men often talk of battle and glory but until you have actively participated in one you cannot imagine how terrible war truly is, disease rips through armies killing nigh as many men as the enemy. After battle men die of bloodloss and infections as they shit themselves and soil the bright uniform they took pride in, a few days before. War is not a sport my boy and there is little glory in being torn to shreds by cannon fire. Now if you’ll come with me we have other things to discuss at the council.
Thomas Steward began the talks with a discussion of the preparations needed to send further ships to Aventia, the first ships sent were expected to be nearing the coast of the new continent now and would be requiring more vessels to be sent soon bearing more supplies, goods and tools. This all looked to be an expensive but necessary endeavor yet he offered a glimmer of hope. The rise to prominence of a new expansionist Royal family in the southern Kingdom of Terheridon provided Aznavor with an opportunity to raise fresh capital and sustain and expand the colonial expedition. The Kingdom was known for beign fabulously wealthy yet backwards militarily and have offered to pay good money in exchange for modern weaponry. Large stocks of such weapsn existed from thedecades of peace that had been going on so no one saw any inconvenience with the deal. Aznavor would accept Terheridon’s deal with open arms and simultaneously mobilize the fleet with for travel. In addition it was agreed that it was In the interest of all to secure treaties of Friendship and trade deal with other nations so ambassadors were readied and sent to the Kamalao Republi and the The City-State of Bennipolis in addition to the one already sent to meet with the members of the Alliance to the south.

King Phillip denounces the suffering of the Eastern Aznavori and proclaims himself their protector pledging Aznavor to their defence should foreign or Dont(ian?)forces harm any of them.
He appeals for a peaceful resolution to the issue and invites a Dontian delegation to meet him in his capital.
Ambasadors are sent to the Kamalao Republi and to the City-State of Bennipolis
The fleet is readied and preparations are made to send further convoys to the new world.
There is news that Aznavori ships are nearing Aventia’s shores
King Philip accepts Terheridon’s deal of modern weapons for gold.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by The Incredible John
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The Incredible John Eccentric Lunatic

Member Seen 2 mos ago


Ambassador Martin decided he found the Alliance's way of welcoming foreign dignitaries to be a very interesting custom. Peculiar of course but altogether appreciated. He was a young man in the prime of his youth with an appetite to match his stamina but the 15 daughters of Duke Kollin had got the better of him. Their job had probably been to delay him whilst the Alliances' men hammered out a response to the appeal made by the government of Dont but right now he didn't mind, having alternated between youth and experience for the better part of two hours.

A wandering wise man had once told him that the only time a man is truly able to think was in a period of time after sexual satisfaction during which his thoughts were clear and unobstructed. If this was true he could only hope that this window would allow him enough time
to have a wash, get dressed and to meet the dignitaries.Of one thing he was certain, he was eager to discover the Alliance's farewell ceremonies.

Nevertheless he was a man eager to do his duty and after having very briefly met his Alliance counterparts and Duke Kollin who had so generously welcomed him he made his way to the council's meeting.

It took a few more minutes before the ambassador entered the chambers. In his time of absence, the dukes and the parliament leaders further discussed their plans more thoroughly. Every word that would be said to the ambassador was inspected and changes were made so that their plan would sound very appeasing to the ears of the Azvanorian. As the young men entered, the men slowly hushed themselves. They all offered a formal introduction and welcomed Ambassador Martin inside. They could only hope that Kollin's daughters softened the man enough for what he was about to hear.

As business was discussed, Duke Kollin II and Duke Hemmlar V explained in great detail their plan to send 9,500 armed soldiers of the alliance to Dont. Immediately, the men gauged from the subtle expressions on the man's face that there would indeed be some indifference from the Azvanorian majority about the alliances plan. Duke Kollin II took the man's attention.

"You must understand that this army would pose no threat to the Dont citizens. It is no secret that we have a bit of a mistrust for Von Kliebb and he is not very trusting of us also. The only reason in fact that he asked us for help was that because he had no other people to turn to. This army we are sending are part of a plan to negotiate with the Dont president, to 'pursuade' him of a different course of action other than the one he is taking now. We are no more friends of the man than you and your people are."

The ambassador then understood that the alliance were planning to force the president's hand on something, something the alliance needed badly. What that is is still a complete mystery to the young man. Duke Kollin II tapped the man on the shoulder, happy that he finally knew their intent. The men spent a few more hours discussing on how the ambassador should go about explaining the alliance's plans for Dont to the king of Azvanor. The men gave the ambassador helpful 'advice on what he should report once he returns to his home country. Then trade agreements and economic matters were discussed. This particular subject cleared the air of the heavy atmosphere of uneasiness between the ambassador and the men of the alliance. Once they were satisfied, they shook the young boys hand as he prepared to depart back to Azvanor. The ceremonies for the exiting of honored guest were displayed and the young ambassador were given gifts from Grudden. Duke Nollin approached the young man as he rode his steed, preparing to depart.

"It was a pleasure, truly, to meet a young man as capable as yourself. The art of politics are said to usually be reserved for old men. You are quite an exemption to that saying." Duke Kollin II said and he gave a light laugh. "We wish to see you again here in Grudden. The doors of my home and of the other duchies are always open to our friends of the north. Farewell good sir."
As the man nodded and turned back, Duke Kollin II called his name again.

"I almost forgot Sir Martin, my daughters were so found of you that they couldn't stop telling so many tales about you. Naturally, when I told them you were leaving, they very disheartened. That is why they shall accompany you on your trip back home. I hope you do not mind?" The look on the young man's face said otherwise.
"Excellent, you shall be taking my ship on the port town of Jesper just a few miles north of here. It is the fastest ship of the sea. It would take you only a week before you reach the shores of Azvanor, muich faster than on land where you had to travel for almost a month, no? Take good care sir and please take good care of my daughters too."

As the ambassador departed from the estate, he was followed by a carriage painted maroon. It was then followed by the Duke's royal guards. Once the ambassador had departed, Kollin went back to his companions.

"Has he left?" Asked Duke Hemmlar V.
"Yes he has, along with my daughters." The Duke of Grudden answered.
"Lucky bastard." Von Mannchier said as he and the other men headed back inside the building.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Dedonus
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Dedonus Kai su teknon;

Member Seen 1 mo ago

The City-State of Bennipolis


The 10th Eponymous Year of Lysander

Southeast of Bennipolis lies a port city, which was called Chelon. This city straddled the mouth of the River Ephydris, which is named after the local Artemis-like goddess, Ephydris. This river originated further inland, and it passes nearby the city of Bennipolis itself. Chelon was the doorway into the lands of Bennipolis, or at least if one came by sea. The city had ancient walls that protected the harbor from any invasions from inland. However, this was not the only protection Chelon had from land invasions. An additional set of walls, called the “Long Wall”, stretched from the eastern banks of the Ephydris all the way up to the capital, Bennipolis. Therefore, even if their enemies where at their doorsteps, the Bennipolitans could bring supplies to their besieged city.

Within Chelon, there were three major temples. There was one temple devoted to Zeus Euênemos (of Fair-Winds), one to Poseidon Asphalios (He who Secures Safe Voyage), and one to Bennis Euploea (of Fair Voyages). It was customary for the Bennipolitans to perform sacrifices at the altars of each of these temples in order that they might solicit from these three gods safe passage while on the sea, especially for important voyages. Therefore, it would have been seen as entirely necessary to perform these rites in order for their settlers might reach Aventia safely.

At the Temple of Bennis Euploea, as Ioannes, both the head of the Ioannesidae and the current Basileus Hierateumatikos, was slitting the throat of the sacrificial animal on the altar outside of the temple (as all altars were), a bird flew from out of nowhere and landed on the daughter of Athenakles. Adraändreis had been entirely veiled that day, as she was always whenever she left the safety of Athenakles’ house. Only her eyes were visible. There were many rumors that had spread throughout Bennipolis about why Athenakles forced his daughter into such an ancient practice. There are some who say that Adraändreis’ appearance was so horrendous that Athenakles was ashamed for others to look upon her. Others say that he is just attempting to bring back the olden ways to the nobility. However, no one, even the other royal families, really knows the truth, except for Athenakles and his family.

In response to this omen, Ioannes immediately called for those in Bennipolis who were responsible for augury, that is to say, the priests who specialize in reading the omens from birds. On top of the young royal girl’s head sat a Northern Cardinal, an animal not native to Bennipolis, but indigenous of the lands up in the far north. Once the augurs had read the signs and consulted with their catalogues of omens, the following was the written in these books about this omen:

Until one who comes from Amazon lineage holds the helm of the army, Bennis’ beloved city shall suffer defeats on the battlefield.

This utterance caused panic amongst the crowd and chaos would have occurred had not Athenakles set everything back in order.

“My fellow Bennipolitans,” Athenakles said, “Have you all forgotten the stories of the early days of our blessed city? Do you not remember when Hera plagued our nation only because she was angry that Bennis was the child of Zeus, but not her own daughter? Do you not remember how Aeacus, descendant of Eurytios and lovely-haired Bennis, and all the Bennipolitan men of that age, deprived of all their womenfolk because of Hera’s wraith, accompanied Herakles on one of his great labors, to retrieve the girdle from the Amazonian Queen. However, unlike the other Hellenes, who took the Amazons whom they could capture as their slaves, Aeacus convinced Areto, an Amazonian princess, and the other Amazons who accompanied her to return with them to Bennipolis not as slaves but as their rightful wives. While in this day of age, the customs of the Amazons are all but dead, the Bennidae still has this Amazonian blood within our veins. Therefore, there is nothing to worry about; there is no great calamity. For this omen has already come true.”

The words of Athenakles pacified the crowd, calming their anxieties. Therefore, the Bennipolitans continued the proper rites in order to ensure safe passage upon the sea. Once these rites had been completed, the colonial vessels departed from the harbor of Chelon, sailing into the deep blue ocean.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sadko
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Sadko lord of sails

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Captain Verun organized the ships into formations he called the "Turtle". Inside was a merchant ship loaded with soldiers and resources needed to establish the colony, while it was also protected by four ships with cannons all filled with soldiers. If there was any pirate whatsoever daring to attack, the "shell" would fire from the sides while protecting the "turtle". It was a good formation, one which Verun very much liked. They turned a couple degrees norther. Verun thought his ships were capable of many things, however disappointment flickered in his eyes as some ships still had oarsmen instead of normal sails. He sighed and walked inside the cabin to smoke a little. This would be a good day, he thought.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by gowia
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gowia Buried in a Book

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

First Feet in a Brave New Place!

-With the coming of a new month it brought with it a number of milestones. For starters the first Edironian boots landed on the solid ground of Aventia. Men from Kingdom of Aznavor, the Kamalao Republi and Councilate of Arbasses. There was troubles when the Councilate and Republi first arrived due to the interjecting locations at which they both desired. Negotiations were carried out on land whilst the other members of the parties remained on boats. However during the diplomacy a stray shot was fired off of Republi's boat.This sudden shocking action caused the beginning of a minor skirmish in which the Councilate lost 1 sloop and 50 of their regulars. Whilst the Republi lost 2 Brigs and 5% of the settlers they had sent. The skirmish was short as the delegations on land were able to return to their respective fleets and halt the combat before anymore casualties could be taken. However an investigation into the conflict was taken with each side blaming the other for firing the shot and so those in charge currently have n idea who to blame. With the men now under control the delegation announced the news of sharing the mouth of the straights. With the Republi taking the southern point and the councillate taking the northern point. A map will be sent to the respective homes shortly to show the extent of their new borders. Whilst the colony of the Kingdom of Aznavor found themselves with no such problems constructing a small town on the eastern shore fairly quickly.

- After much deliberation within the courts of the Sofon Dominion they have decided to accept the generous offer of the Councilate of Arbasses. Delegates will be sent over shortly to begin the signing of documents before the first of the Dominions agents move in to begin a maritime venture.

-Henry de Stonne has reemerged. Finding himself in the Democratic Peoples Republic of Konzia. Having received a message from the The United Imperium of Valm he has gratefully accepted their help. He asks that they send a small party to retrieve him in hopes that they will not be attacked by the warmongering Lascaux. If they do so he will happily share his knowledge.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sadko
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Sadko lord of sails

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

A small memorial was built to honor the memory of those lost in the skirmish.
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