Day Weather Cell
Name: Jol Vos
Age: 40
Species: Zabrak
Personality/Motivation: Having been raised by a family that had always lived on the dubious side of the law, Jol didn't hold any government officials with any high respect. Still, Jol's parents had instilled in him a strong sense of moral conviction that sometimes put him at odds with other persons that shared in his profession. Jol holds a professional attitude when on the job, though was prone to often give out dry and sarcastic remarks. Otherwise he is rather easy going, and doesn't make a point to antagonize anyone if he can help it.
Biography: Born on Iridonia and raised in a family of mostly boys, Jol led a rather rough-and-tumble life, though that was to be expected from any Iridonian. His father was a successful mercenary, a boisterous Zabrak that could never distance himself too far from the adventurous lifestyle as even after officially settling down once his age caught up to him, he became an information broker. His mother was a fence trader, often working with the spoils that Jol's father came home with. As can be imagined, the combination of the two lent to a healthy distrust of authority and their general competence.
Nevertheless, Jol had great love and respect for his parents and his family, eventually following his father's footsteps into becoming a mercenary. Like his father, Jol became a successful mercenary, eventually leading his own band of organized misfits, contracting his group to the Republic during the Clone Wars.
Though he was never really a man that got too involved in the conflicts that he was paid to fight, preferring to leave the politicking to the ones who gave him the credits, the atrocities the Confederacy had committed during the war solidified his views against the Separatists, seeing the Republic and its Jedi as better alternatives than an alliance that allowed figures like General Grievous to lead. Much of the action he faced involved fighting alongside the clone troopers of the Grand Republic Army and their Jedi allies in the roughest fighting in the Outer Rim, though he was also occasionally contracted to help train and lead several rebellions on several different Outer Rim Confederate planets.
When the Clone Wars came to an end Jol continued his mercenary work with the newly formed Galactic Empire, though eventually refusing any contracts from the sometime in 17 BBY after seeing the same atrocities done by Confederates now being carried out by the Galactic Empire.
Jol would continue being a soldier for hire until his ship and crew were impounded on Boonta, where Jol would find himself enslaved and thrown to work into the mines after a drunken insult to an Imperial officer turned into a violent bar fight. Sober, angered, and incensed, Jol put his old skills to use and kindled the feelings of rebellion and unrest that lay in the mines, later helped by an Open Circle agent who had been inserted to do much the same.
The short, bloody, and violent rebellion in the mines would prove to be a failure with the loss of dozens of miners and the capture of the Open Cell agent. However, before his capture agent entrusted Jol with the single contact that would allow him to reach the rest of the Rebellion. Jol himself and one of his mercenaries would escape the conflict by an Imperial soldier that held Rebel sympathies. Jol would continue the agent's work, and now operates his own cell on Boonta, refusing to leave until the planet was liberated.
Secrets: N/A
Relations: Kal Vos, sister
Age: 40
Species: Zabrak

- Leader: Leading his own mercenary company for several years, Jol has no trouble commanding and directing others
- Combat Experienced: Fighting for over half his life on a wide variety of environments has allowed Jol to be comfortable with any weapon in any setting
- Tactically Cunning: Goes hand in hand with the above
- Rabble Rouser: Having helped start a number of rebellions, Jol is quite proficient in being able to stir a crowd
- DC-15S Blaster Carbine
- DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol
- Many, many disposable commlinks
Personality/Motivation: Having been raised by a family that had always lived on the dubious side of the law, Jol didn't hold any government officials with any high respect. Still, Jol's parents had instilled in him a strong sense of moral conviction that sometimes put him at odds with other persons that shared in his profession. Jol holds a professional attitude when on the job, though was prone to often give out dry and sarcastic remarks. Otherwise he is rather easy going, and doesn't make a point to antagonize anyone if he can help it.
Biography: Born on Iridonia and raised in a family of mostly boys, Jol led a rather rough-and-tumble life, though that was to be expected from any Iridonian. His father was a successful mercenary, a boisterous Zabrak that could never distance himself too far from the adventurous lifestyle as even after officially settling down once his age caught up to him, he became an information broker. His mother was a fence trader, often working with the spoils that Jol's father came home with. As can be imagined, the combination of the two lent to a healthy distrust of authority and their general competence.
Nevertheless, Jol had great love and respect for his parents and his family, eventually following his father's footsteps into becoming a mercenary. Like his father, Jol became a successful mercenary, eventually leading his own band of organized misfits, contracting his group to the Republic during the Clone Wars.
Though he was never really a man that got too involved in the conflicts that he was paid to fight, preferring to leave the politicking to the ones who gave him the credits, the atrocities the Confederacy had committed during the war solidified his views against the Separatists, seeing the Republic and its Jedi as better alternatives than an alliance that allowed figures like General Grievous to lead. Much of the action he faced involved fighting alongside the clone troopers of the Grand Republic Army and their Jedi allies in the roughest fighting in the Outer Rim, though he was also occasionally contracted to help train and lead several rebellions on several different Outer Rim Confederate planets.
When the Clone Wars came to an end Jol continued his mercenary work with the newly formed Galactic Empire, though eventually refusing any contracts from the sometime in 17 BBY after seeing the same atrocities done by Confederates now being carried out by the Galactic Empire.
Jol would continue being a soldier for hire until his ship and crew were impounded on Boonta, where Jol would find himself enslaved and thrown to work into the mines after a drunken insult to an Imperial officer turned into a violent bar fight. Sober, angered, and incensed, Jol put his old skills to use and kindled the feelings of rebellion and unrest that lay in the mines, later helped by an Open Circle agent who had been inserted to do much the same.
The short, bloody, and violent rebellion in the mines would prove to be a failure with the loss of dozens of miners and the capture of the Open Cell agent. However, before his capture agent entrusted Jol with the single contact that would allow him to reach the rest of the Rebellion. Jol himself and one of his mercenaries would escape the conflict by an Imperial soldier that held Rebel sympathies. Jol would continue the agent's work, and now operates his own cell on Boonta, refusing to leave until the planet was liberated.
Secrets: N/A
Relations: Kal Vos, sister
Name: Kal Vos
Age: 34
Species: Zabrak
Personality/Motivation: Unlike her brother, Kal takes a more carefree attitude toward everything and is generally more loose. However, she shares the same doubts about governmental competence as her brother as well as his strong moral convictions.
Biography: Born on Iridonia and raised in a family of all boys, Kal led a rather rough-and-tumble life, though that was to be expected from any Iridonian. Like her brother, Kal loved and respected their family, though she was decidedly more rebellious than the rest of their siblings.
She also took an early interest in chemicals, loving how different elements reacted to each other and the results one can achieve from doing so, leading to a great many close incidents during Kal's formative years as Kal experimented with homemade explosives with reckless abandon. She would later put this to use when she also followed in her father's footsteps and joined Kal's outfit right at the onset of the Clone Wars.
From then on the two were practically inseparable, at one point literally as they worked in the mines and were chained together. She now works alongside her brother, performing clandestine operations for the Open Circle Rebellion.
Secrets: N/A
Relations: Kol Vos, brother
Age: 34
Species: Zabrak

- Demolitions Expert: Tinkering with dangerously chemicals for most of her life has given her intimate knowledge of how things go boom
- Combat Experienced: Has seen a fair share of combat working with her brother
- Cooking Voodoo Magic: Her love of chemistry also helps her whip up amazing dishes from crap ingredients
- Datapad
- DC-15S Blaster Carbine
- Det-chargers
Personality/Motivation: Unlike her brother, Kal takes a more carefree attitude toward everything and is generally more loose. However, she shares the same doubts about governmental competence as her brother as well as his strong moral convictions.
Biography: Born on Iridonia and raised in a family of all boys, Kal led a rather rough-and-tumble life, though that was to be expected from any Iridonian. Like her brother, Kal loved and respected their family, though she was decidedly more rebellious than the rest of their siblings.
She also took an early interest in chemicals, loving how different elements reacted to each other and the results one can achieve from doing so, leading to a great many close incidents during Kal's formative years as Kal experimented with homemade explosives with reckless abandon. She would later put this to use when she also followed in her father's footsteps and joined Kal's outfit right at the onset of the Clone Wars.
From then on the two were practically inseparable, at one point literally as they worked in the mines and were chained together. She now works alongside her brother, performing clandestine operations for the Open Circle Rebellion.
Secrets: N/A
Relations: Kol Vos, brother
Name: Ponz Olman
Age: 22
Species: Human
Personality/Motivation: Despite being quick to temper, Ponz has had years of practice in hiding his every intent and emotion beneath a blank mask. He resents oppression and is naturally rebellious. Otherwise he is quick to throw out a joke and laugh at every minor thing, no matter how funny it actually may be.
Biography: Ponz is a Boonta native and grew up in the shadows of the Hutts. His father was unknown, his mother, who was once one of the many girls working in a local Hutt lord's harem, was brought down to a minor serving position after it was found she was pregnant. As soon as Ponz was old enough, he was put to work, away from his mother.
Day in and day out, Ponz slaved tirelessly working for the Hutt. Never making eye contact with anyone, barely allowed any social interaction, and being given only the scraps left after the scraps that were given to the Hutt's many pets, resentment and hate grew instead of meek submission. He rebelled in every little way he could without risking his life, from leaving tiny motes of dust on a floor to purposefully buying bad foods for the Hutt.
Ponz's only solace, aside from his daily rebellions, was when he was allowed to clean the podracers, eventually being allowed to do some rudimentary mechanical work after the Hutt's pod mechanic had shown some sympathy toward the servant. The mechanic would also show him the basics of podracing, though she never allowed Ponz to actually race.
This would later save his life when the Hutt's palace was attacked by a rival gang, forcing Ponz to hide lest he be caught in the bloodbath. When he was found by the rival Hutt, the Hutt quickly placed Ponz to work as a podracer, having lost his all his racers in a "freak accident" before the annual Boonta Speeder Race. Miraculously, Ponz didn't die or come in last, which made the Hutt let him stay and train as an official podracer for the Hutt.
Ponz would continue to race and not die in a variety of underground circuits for the Hutt, even being allowed to race again in one of the Boonta Speeder Races before he was conscripted by the Imperial forces that occupied Boonta. After completing his basic training, he was assigned as a security detail in the mines of Boonta. Ponz felt uncomfortable and disturbed at seeing the conditions of the miners, seeing himself in many of them and thus when there were stirrings of unrest starting to bubble in the mines, Ponz helped in whatever way he could. Though the minor mine rebellion would ultimately prove to be a failure, Ponz would help two of the rebellion's ringleaders to escape.
Secrets: N/A
Relations: She Chel, acquaintance
Age: 22
Species: Human

- Blaster Training: Basics taught at training
- Podracer: Being pod jockey has allowed Ponz to be comfortable at driving at high and reckless speeds, as well as giving him rudimentary knowledge on auto mechanics
- Silver Tongue: Growing up in the households of Hutts and not being put to death for any variety of reasons after several years can be owed to Ponz's quick tongue
- Blaster Rifle
- Imperial Trooper Uniform
- Mechanics tools
Personality/Motivation: Despite being quick to temper, Ponz has had years of practice in hiding his every intent and emotion beneath a blank mask. He resents oppression and is naturally rebellious. Otherwise he is quick to throw out a joke and laugh at every minor thing, no matter how funny it actually may be.
Biography: Ponz is a Boonta native and grew up in the shadows of the Hutts. His father was unknown, his mother, who was once one of the many girls working in a local Hutt lord's harem, was brought down to a minor serving position after it was found she was pregnant. As soon as Ponz was old enough, he was put to work, away from his mother.
Day in and day out, Ponz slaved tirelessly working for the Hutt. Never making eye contact with anyone, barely allowed any social interaction, and being given only the scraps left after the scraps that were given to the Hutt's many pets, resentment and hate grew instead of meek submission. He rebelled in every little way he could without risking his life, from leaving tiny motes of dust on a floor to purposefully buying bad foods for the Hutt.
Ponz's only solace, aside from his daily rebellions, was when he was allowed to clean the podracers, eventually being allowed to do some rudimentary mechanical work after the Hutt's pod mechanic had shown some sympathy toward the servant. The mechanic would also show him the basics of podracing, though she never allowed Ponz to actually race.
This would later save his life when the Hutt's palace was attacked by a rival gang, forcing Ponz to hide lest he be caught in the bloodbath. When he was found by the rival Hutt, the Hutt quickly placed Ponz to work as a podracer, having lost his all his racers in a "freak accident" before the annual Boonta Speeder Race. Miraculously, Ponz didn't die or come in last, which made the Hutt let him stay and train as an official podracer for the Hutt.
Ponz would continue to race and not die in a variety of underground circuits for the Hutt, even being allowed to race again in one of the Boonta Speeder Races before he was conscripted by the Imperial forces that occupied Boonta. After completing his basic training, he was assigned as a security detail in the mines of Boonta. Ponz felt uncomfortable and disturbed at seeing the conditions of the miners, seeing himself in many of them and thus when there were stirrings of unrest starting to bubble in the mines, Ponz helped in whatever way he could. Though the minor mine rebellion would ultimately prove to be a failure, Ponz would help two of the rebellion's ringleaders to escape.
Secrets: N/A
Relations: She Chel, acquaintance
Name: Sha "D/N" Chel
Age: 24
Species: Kel Dor
Personality/Motivation: Sha loves credits. Credits, credits, credits. Also baddies are a no no. Otherwise she's pretty chill. Likes to party. An alright chick.
Biography: A Boonta native from Boonta city, Sha is an urban girl, through and through. Her parents were minor merchants who never had time to really take care of their single daughter, often leaving her alone in the company of droids and computers. As such, being a city girl with nothing better to do, she self-taught herself how to slice and began tinkering away with the family droids.
Should would lead a criminal life, going to clubs when she's underage and selling her skills as a slicer with moderate success.
But the Imperials are all harshing on her mellow, and after being contacted by Ponz who was a total cutie and being offered credits to totally mess with some Imperial dudes sounded like such a good time to her that she now finds herself under the employ of the Open Fleet Rebellion with the Day Weather Cell.
Secrets: N/A
Relations: Ponz Olman, acquaintance
Age: 24
Species: Kel Dor

- Gifted Slicer: Slicing into secure networks ever since she was a teen, Sha Chel has only honed her craft more and more over the years
- Runner: Can run away from things really, really fast
- Droid Whisperer: Tinkering with the family droids has allowed her to know the intimate workings and wirings of a variety of droid models and types
- Specialized Datapad
- Specialized Computer
- A number of blank IDs
Personality/Motivation: Sha loves credits. Credits, credits, credits. Also baddies are a no no. Otherwise she's pretty chill. Likes to party. An alright chick.
Biography: A Boonta native from Boonta city, Sha is an urban girl, through and through. Her parents were minor merchants who never had time to really take care of their single daughter, often leaving her alone in the company of droids and computers. As such, being a city girl with nothing better to do, she self-taught herself how to slice and began tinkering away with the family droids.
Should would lead a criminal life, going to clubs when she's underage and selling her skills as a slicer with moderate success.
But the Imperials are all harshing on her mellow, and after being contacted by Ponz who was a total cutie and being offered credits to totally mess with some Imperial dudes sounded like such a good time to her that she now finds herself under the employ of the Open Fleet Rebellion with the Day Weather Cell.
Secrets: N/A
Relations: Ponz Olman, acquaintance
What lovely day weather we're having...
Producer: Big Rebel Honcho
News Station: High Command
Forecast: Mission
Weather Reporter: Contact (n)
Weather Report: Information
Bright and sunny: Everything's good
Rain: Complications
Grey/Black Skies: Light/Heavy Imperial presence
Clear Skies: Allied presence
Lightning: Explosion
More to be added
Producer: Big Rebel Honcho
I hear the Producer wants to talk to you directly.
News Station: High Command
Forecast: Mission
I hear the News Station has a new forecast.
Weather Reporter: Contact (n)
Weather Report: Information
I'm the local weather reporter, would you like to hear the latest weather report?
Bright and sunny: Everything's good
Forecast is looking bright and sunny tomorrow
Rain: Complications
Looks like there's some light rain down in the Red Light district.
Grey/Black Skies: Light/Heavy Imperial presence
Looks like grey skies over the building.
Clear Skies: Allied presence
Looks like we got clear skies over the crowd
Lightning: Explosion
The News Station predicts some lightning in the square tomorrow, during the parade.
More to be added