Open 0/2
Hello all. It's been a while since I've made an interest check, so here's my take two so to speak. I'm hoping to add on two more partners to my already existing ones.
I plan on making this thread a depository of sorts. I shall update this whenever I shall be searching for another partner or have additional story prompts to add. Namely, I'll update this accordingly.
Now onto tedious logistics:
Made it through the expectations? Swell. Onto the fun stuff. If anything below strikes your fancy, send a PM my way :)!
"These are time's that try men's souls."
- Thomas Paine
The year is 2052.
Again, the world stands on the brink of total war as resources every nation relies on begins to run dry. Petroleum. With it's constant use for all walks of life, those who have the precious material hordes or inflates its value. Market prices sky rocket while countries are launched into absolute depression. Economies begin to falter. Countries begin to declare bankrupt. War blooms on the horizon.
With diplomacy failing, the world splintered off into factions formed under mutual agreement or aggressive expansion. With all sides claiming it was necessary for their preservation, it was this splintering that would be the catalyst to the great transformation that humanity would inflict upon itself. Nuclear Holocaust.
November 11, 2053 marked the beginning of the resource wars. With the Russian Empire invading China and the European Coalition, the United States and her allies maintained a policy of isolationism akin to that of pre-WWII. With policy makers realizing the ramifications of an invasion of their own, Congress and the President sued for consolidation and preservation over aggressive expansion that the Empire followed.
However, while the North Atlantic Trade Federation (US, Canada, South America, and Japan) sought to stay away from war, war found them
Months after the conflict started, The European Coalition successfully halted the Empire's advance under the leadership of authoritarian power. With the Empire focused on the Chinese, the coalition stockpiled its defenses while sending agents to the United States to prep for an invasion of its own.
Though many of the Coalition's agents were caught, the ones that weren't wrecked havoc amongst the command structure of the United States' Armed Forces. With America's war machine thrown into disarray - albeit temporary - the Coalition launched its invasion. With key states on the East coast taken, America's policy of isolation transformed into a sacred mission of preservation and extinction. With US armed forces fighting back against the invaders, those within the captured cities of the Coalition wage a war of their own.
As the occupation continues, citizens continue to resist as three idealisms form. Follow the Coalition or resist the Coalition. Regardless of how distant one places themselves, everyone has to make the choice. Neutrality is a relic of the past.
"To live free is not a privilege but a honor earned. To be a citizen is not a birth right nor is it a god given right of any man or woman. A citizen is a patriot, fighting America's enemies regardless of occupation. The Armed forces is the American people's sword. The citizens America's shield.
"As our forefathers before us charged the fields of Concord and Lexington. As our forefathers stormed the beaches of Normandy, so must we storm the fields of our homes once again and fight off this evil force.
"No longer can we abide by the illusion that is isolation. War has found us my fellow American's. We sought it not, but it sought us. We live in dangerous times. Times where the threat of nuclear war is as apparent as ever. We cannot give in to appeasement nor sacrifice our way of life simply due to the whims of mad men.
"Fight. Fight in whatever capacity you can. Know that your struggle is not singular, but the purpose of this grand nation. Let us show our resolve to those who walked before us that we - the people of the United States of America and her allies - deserve the freedom we all are charged with protecting."
-Excerpt from President Abrams declaration of war.
"Sometimes human places, create inhumane monsters"
-Stephen King
At the break of the year 2020, conflict in the middle east spills over onto the western countries as the First Geopolitical Total War broke out across the world. Conventional means of waging war scorched the Earth as drafts were imposed, rations were instituted, and propaganda demonizing a country's enemies filled the televisions sets of every family home. With economies geared towards a mobilization of war, an eventual stalemate ensued. Ambassadors from all over the world cried for diplomacy, but no sides were inclined to listen. The conflict persisted.
To break the stalemate, countries turned to WMDs in hopes of preemptively taking the advantage. The usage of WMDs did nothing but catalyze an orchestra of death as millions of innocents banished in the blink of an eye, leaving nothing behind ashes and darkened outlines. America, Europe, Asia, Africa, everywhere. Not a soul was spared from this cleansing brought about not by religious reckonings preached by the crazed fanatics on the streets, but by the machinations of illogical persons possessing extraordinary means. What started as a contest for resources slowly devolved into humanity's greatest calamity.
Eventually a ceasefire was called, but the destruction was too great. With no sides claiming victory, humanity was left with a ravaged planet. What remained of the once thriving species either endured or perished. There was no room the weak or ill-adapted as unnatural selection took its course.
Several decades after the dropping for the first missile, green zones were erected all over the world. Protected by the Unified Global Powers - a governmental body replacing the United Nations - the areas untouched by the war were protected by any means necessary. Those that were admitted to the green zones were protected though strict regulations and a limitation on rights were instated to ensure sustainability. Those that arrived after capacity were turned away. Left to survive in the wastelands that existed beyond the walls of the green zones, seeds of hatred grow as the forsaken pray for retribution.
And thus, humanity stands but an inch from death,
Not caused by plague, catastrophe, or nature,
but by the machinations of its own design.
Bolded are the roles I prefer
__ implies open to whatever suits yours or my discretion
Mutex ___
Survivors (Apocalypse or post-apocalypse)
Hello all. It's been a while since I've made an interest check, so here's my take two so to speak. I'm hoping to add on two more partners to my already existing ones.
I plan on making this thread a depository of sorts. I shall update this whenever I shall be searching for another partner or have additional story prompts to add. Namely, I'll update this accordingly.
Now onto tedious logistics:
- I want quality over quantity any day. If you can give juicy character development and plot progression in three concise paragraphs, I welcome it. I absolutely abhor fluff. Namely, write what feels natural; just have your writing do something rather than fill blank space.
- Please check over your grammar and spelling. I'm not perfect. I will make mistakes. I will butcher English grammar and make English majors cringe. However, I shall try my best to minimize these occurrences. I expect the same from you.
- Initiative. These story aren't mine alone. It's ours. I expect mutual effort in planning and story progression. While I may give the plot direction, I expect your help in fleshing it out. Do not be afraid to add in story twists of your own. If I don't see this, I will lose interest. If you're not comfortable with what I've stated, then we will not work out. This is one point I will not amend whatsoever.
- I prefer lesbian couples (FxF) since it's what I'm most comfortable with. I can write males, but they are weaker. Also, romance complements the story. It shall not be our story's focal point.
- Please chat with me. I love chatting with my partners. Communication can never be a bad thing, right?
- If you do not want to continue, tell me. I can take it, and I will afford you the same courtesy. I'm lenient with replies. Post whenever you're able. Heavens know I can be slow to respond as well.
- Please check over your grammar and spelling. I'm not perfect. I will make mistakes. I will butcher English grammar and make English majors cringe. However, I shall try my best to minimize these occurrences. I expect the same from you.
- Initiative. These story aren't mine alone. It's ours. I expect mutual effort in planning and story progression. While I may give the plot direction, I expect your help in fleshing it out. Do not be afraid to add in story twists of your own. If I don't see this, I will lose interest. If you're not comfortable with what I've stated, then we will not work out. This is one point I will not amend whatsoever.
- I prefer lesbian couples (FxF) since it's what I'm most comfortable with. I can write males, but they are weaker. Also, romance complements the story. It shall not be our story's focal point.
- Please chat with me. I love chatting with my partners. Communication can never be a bad thing, right?
- If you do not want to continue, tell me. I can take it, and I will afford you the same courtesy. I'm lenient with replies. Post whenever you're able. Heavens know I can be slow to respond as well.
Made it through the expectations? Swell. Onto the fun stuff. If anything below strikes your fancy, send a PM my way :)!
"These are time's that try men's souls."
- Thomas Paine
The year is 2052.
Again, the world stands on the brink of total war as resources every nation relies on begins to run dry. Petroleum. With it's constant use for all walks of life, those who have the precious material hordes or inflates its value. Market prices sky rocket while countries are launched into absolute depression. Economies begin to falter. Countries begin to declare bankrupt. War blooms on the horizon.
With diplomacy failing, the world splintered off into factions formed under mutual agreement or aggressive expansion. With all sides claiming it was necessary for their preservation, it was this splintering that would be the catalyst to the great transformation that humanity would inflict upon itself. Nuclear Holocaust.
November 11, 2053 marked the beginning of the resource wars. With the Russian Empire invading China and the European Coalition, the United States and her allies maintained a policy of isolationism akin to that of pre-WWII. With policy makers realizing the ramifications of an invasion of their own, Congress and the President sued for consolidation and preservation over aggressive expansion that the Empire followed.
However, while the North Atlantic Trade Federation (US, Canada, South America, and Japan) sought to stay away from war, war found them
Months after the conflict started, The European Coalition successfully halted the Empire's advance under the leadership of authoritarian power. With the Empire focused on the Chinese, the coalition stockpiled its defenses while sending agents to the United States to prep for an invasion of its own.
Though many of the Coalition's agents were caught, the ones that weren't wrecked havoc amongst the command structure of the United States' Armed Forces. With America's war machine thrown into disarray - albeit temporary - the Coalition launched its invasion. With key states on the East coast taken, America's policy of isolation transformed into a sacred mission of preservation and extinction. With US armed forces fighting back against the invaders, those within the captured cities of the Coalition wage a war of their own.
As the occupation continues, citizens continue to resist as three idealisms form. Follow the Coalition or resist the Coalition. Regardless of how distant one places themselves, everyone has to make the choice. Neutrality is a relic of the past.
"To live free is not a privilege but a honor earned. To be a citizen is not a birth right nor is it a god given right of any man or woman. A citizen is a patriot, fighting America's enemies regardless of occupation. The Armed forces is the American people's sword. The citizens America's shield.
"As our forefathers before us charged the fields of Concord and Lexington. As our forefathers stormed the beaches of Normandy, so must we storm the fields of our homes once again and fight off this evil force.
"No longer can we abide by the illusion that is isolation. War has found us my fellow American's. We sought it not, but it sought us. We live in dangerous times. Times where the threat of nuclear war is as apparent as ever. We cannot give in to appeasement nor sacrifice our way of life simply due to the whims of mad men.
"Fight. Fight in whatever capacity you can. Know that your struggle is not singular, but the purpose of this grand nation. Let us show our resolve to those who walked before us that we - the people of the United States of America and her allies - deserve the freedom we all are charged with protecting."
-Excerpt from President Abrams declaration of war.
"Sometimes human places, create inhumane monsters"
-Stephen King
At the break of the year 2020, conflict in the middle east spills over onto the western countries as the First Geopolitical Total War broke out across the world. Conventional means of waging war scorched the Earth as drafts were imposed, rations were instituted, and propaganda demonizing a country's enemies filled the televisions sets of every family home. With economies geared towards a mobilization of war, an eventual stalemate ensued. Ambassadors from all over the world cried for diplomacy, but no sides were inclined to listen. The conflict persisted.
To break the stalemate, countries turned to WMDs in hopes of preemptively taking the advantage. The usage of WMDs did nothing but catalyze an orchestra of death as millions of innocents banished in the blink of an eye, leaving nothing behind ashes and darkened outlines. America, Europe, Asia, Africa, everywhere. Not a soul was spared from this cleansing brought about not by religious reckonings preached by the crazed fanatics on the streets, but by the machinations of illogical persons possessing extraordinary means. What started as a contest for resources slowly devolved into humanity's greatest calamity.
Eventually a ceasefire was called, but the destruction was too great. With no sides claiming victory, humanity was left with a ravaged planet. What remained of the once thriving species either endured or perished. There was no room the weak or ill-adapted as unnatural selection took its course.
Several decades after the dropping for the first missile, green zones were erected all over the world. Protected by the Unified Global Powers - a governmental body replacing the United Nations - the areas untouched by the war were protected by any means necessary. Those that were admitted to the green zones were protected though strict regulations and a limitation on rights were instated to ensure sustainability. Those that arrived after capacity were turned away. Left to survive in the wastelands that existed beyond the walls of the green zones, seeds of hatred grow as the forsaken pray for retribution.
And thus, humanity stands but an inch from death,
Not caused by plague, catastrophe, or nature,
but by the machinations of its own design.
Bolded are the roles I prefer
__ implies open to whatever suits yours or my discretion
Mutex ___
Survivors (Apocalypse or post-apocalypse)