You made one mistake you said away and not aware :D i was reading all the notes :).
@HushedWhispers Hey im going to send you what i have so far. I have work tomorrow, so let me know what i can work on. This is my first Advance Casual Roleplay. I want to get better and move on to higher rp.
I should state that I making two characters.
One is the Queen Bee of Beverly Hills High, female, of course and she will be a trust fund baby. The other character will be the son of a movie director and a recent transfer to the school. ^^
Just to give you guys an idea of how this works.
<Snipped quote by HushedWhispers>
The Queen Bee is a character archetype you really like using, huh? I've seen it in all the rps of your I've expressed interest in(Hollywood University, Olympus Academy, and now this one haha). I mean, it's not a bad one to go with. If it's familiar to you, then it's the best route. That's probably why I either go for the socially-awkward/antisocial or the asshole-esque(usually bullies or some kind of over-confident types) of characters.
<Snipped quote by Altered Tundra>
Yes, it is. Haha. I am not a vixen bitch in reality though. ^^
Hm, Beverly Hills needs a good asshole. LOL.
<Snipped quote by HushedWhispers>
Oh, I know you aren't, but you do play the role well.
As for the asshole role, I could make that one. As I am a bit of an asshole(or so I am led to believe by my family, friends, and girlfriend((at times)), I could definitely go for that one. The asshole character I'm thinking of would probably be more along the lines of a vulgar, pranking asshole type. Would that be acceptable? Also, I'm kind of surprised you didn't put up like a list of character archetypes like you did for your East High RP. It might actually help with preventing the same types of characters from being entered twice. I don't know, just a thought.
@HushedWhispersHey what do you think about my cs? i dont want to finish it if it doesn't matter. Ill ask around to see if i can find people on other web sites i use.