Water. Earth. Fire. Air. Long ago before the times of my father, the nations of the world lived in harmony. This peace was kept by the Avatar, master of all four elements and the world was kept in peace. Then everything changed thirty years ago. The United Republic of Nations formed in the wake of the hundred years war by Avatar Aang and Firelord Zuko began to sagged beneath its own weight. Overpopulation and constricted borders with the Fire Nation to the south and the ever large earth kingdom surrounding them. Out from the despair of this depression arouse a charismatic face of hope, a highly decorated officer in the United Forces. His name was Zalrok, a firebender born in a multicultural family with a proud history of military combat. Zalrok was young and passionate, a face that spoke to the disenfranchised youth and could rally huge crowds to do his bidding. And after the untimely and mysterious death of President Sha Falong, Zalrok was easily elected president. His first years were some of the best the Republic had seen since the times of Avatar Korra as a series of strong economic reforms and government encouragement towards further industrialization and technological development bounded ahead. But President Zalrok did not stop there, he was intent on seeing his vision of a united world come to pass and so in the late spring in the third year of his rule, President Zalrok took his position for life and after having any within his own government who questioned him killed turned his attention to the rest of the world.
The United Republic's military have grown three times in size since Zalrok's industrialization efforts had become a behemoth that even the grand armies of the Earth Kingdom had trouble matching. Modernized weaponry and technology allowed for non-bender forces to combat even the strongest of benders, as these soldiers a fusion of flesh and pure metals to make these men into machines of war. What followed was a long and terrible war almost ten winters in length as the free nations of the world through all they could against the forces of United Republic again and again only to be felled by the Republic's might. Eventually the world was forced into submission with the earth kingdom having been consumed as part of the Greater Republic and Puppet States having been set up in the Fire Nation and the Northern and Southern Water Tribes. Even the Spirit World itself was not safe for the terrors of war as the shockwaves of death and destruction were felt there as well casting the world into disharmony. Angry spirits roam the lands and great storms bash against the coastlines, the world was thrown over the edge.
In all of this chaos and destruction, only one hope remained the Avatar. After the death of Avatar Korra preventing a great tsunami from sweeping Republic City away but using up the last of her energy in her old age, the Avatar had faded from memory. After years of silence, and failed searches by the remnants of the Order of the White Lotus many believed the cycle to have finally been broken. But there are some that still believe that the Avatar will rise again and bring harmony to a broken world.
The United Republic's military have grown three times in size since Zalrok's industrialization efforts had become a behemoth that even the grand armies of the Earth Kingdom had trouble matching. Modernized weaponry and technology allowed for non-bender forces to combat even the strongest of benders, as these soldiers a fusion of flesh and pure metals to make these men into machines of war. What followed was a long and terrible war almost ten winters in length as the free nations of the world through all they could against the forces of United Republic again and again only to be felled by the Republic's might. Eventually the world was forced into submission with the earth kingdom having been consumed as part of the Greater Republic and Puppet States having been set up in the Fire Nation and the Northern and Southern Water Tribes. Even the Spirit World itself was not safe for the terrors of war as the shockwaves of death and destruction were felt there as well casting the world into disharmony. Angry spirits roam the lands and great storms bash against the coastlines, the world was thrown over the edge.
In all of this chaos and destruction, only one hope remained the Avatar. After the death of Avatar Korra preventing a great tsunami from sweeping Republic City away but using up the last of her energy in her old age, the Avatar had faded from memory. After years of silence, and failed searches by the remnants of the Order of the White Lotus many believed the cycle to have finally been broken. But there are some that still believe that the Avatar will rise again and bring harmony to a broken world.
Welcome one and all to Disharmony, an Avatar: The Last Airbender Roleplay. Disharmony takes place close to three hundred years after the closing events of The Legend of Korra. For a time the world saw a great period of peace and prosperity as the struggles of Team Avatar were able to usher in a new era into the world. Though like all good things, that peace had to come to the end. The breaker of the peace was the charismatic Fire Bender Zalrok who after becoming President of the United Republic of Nations and taking the crumbling nation and building it into a war machine set it loose against the world. The war happened already, the forces of good lost to the forces of evil. Zarlok was able to crush the other nations of the world and rule it all with an iron first. It is now the thirtieth year of his reign, a rule kept alive by a totalitarian police state whose brutal secret police and military forces crush any resistance presented.
This is where you all come in. You are members of the Unagi Front, one of the only remaining resistance movements left in the world. Composed of members of all nations, benders and non-benders the Unagi Front was originally an anti-war movement that started in Republic City petitioning for the immediate end of the ten years war and the stepping down of President Zalrok. Obviously there pleas were not answered and when Zalrok began to use violence to repress their protests. the Unagi Front turned from non-violent resistance to a full blown insurgency. Cells existed all across the land with connections in the highs and lows of society. While the Unagi Front's goal of bringing liberty and freedom back to the people, their means make them no better than Zalrok's men in the eyes of the common man using hostage takings, bombings and other terrorist tactics to keep their enemy on edge.
And so our tale begins with a group of Unagi Front members, strangers in everything except for the mission at hand. They are aboard a stolen United Forces Aircraft flying amongst a night sky dark as pitch over the tumultuous and turbulent South Sea. They are headed for a large metal citadel built above the waves, Lion Turtle Citadel, a political prison where upon only the most feared members of the Republic are stored far away from civilization. Nobody has escape from the prison since its construction at the start of Zalrok's reign. Well there is a first time for everything right?