"This world holds no more secrets. Thus, as the one that revealed them, I know now that humans have no worth at all in this world."
Name: R-By
Title: Self Proclaimed Ruler Of The World. The Greatest Magician In Existance
World: Original.
Appearance: There is no image that accurately depicts this man the way I want to so it's just gonna be an explanation.
R-By's face is slim and oval shaped. One of his eyes, the left one, is completely obscured by darkness, and the veins stemming from that eye, his medium-length dirty blonde hair, and his neck, are completely painted in black, making for a horrifying contrast between his pale skin color and the corrupted magic that now flows through his veins.
Though he was slim for a long, long time, his frame has since changed into a lot more of muscles, but still not in the same quantity of some of his fellow mages. He has always been more of a thinker rather than a physical fighter, after all.
His clothing consists of a white and long overcoat covering most of his legs with no sleeves, black pants and a black vest.
His right arm, like his left eye, has been completely covered with the tainted magic running in his veins and is now twice the size of his left arm.
He wears absolutely no armor, mainly because he doesn't need it.
Six sets of wings sprout from his back. Three of them shine golden and are feathered, covering his right side, and on the left side, there is a purple bat wing and two jet-black feathered wings.
Race: Human/Angel/Fallen Angel/Demon mesh.
Gender: Male
Personality: For some time now, R-By abandoned any kind of emotion that may identify him as something alive or at least sensible.
His face is expressionless, his language archaic and his eyes are cold as the ice.
He seeks to destroy every human, and their foolish wars that have eliminated so many races, at least in his world. He is ruthless and has already killed millions.
"One more makes no difference."There is only a single person he cared for, but even those feelings seem to have disappeared into the ether.
Backstory: A talented mage since he was born, though his name was not always R-By. He used to be meek and weak, but his prowess in magic allowed him to be the most powerful mage in the school he attended.
His childhood friend went everywhere alongside him, but she was cursed by the whole world. R-By used his magic to redirect this curse first at him and then at the environment, which, oddly, allowed for a balance to be kept.
The curse could not be removed without ending the life of his friend. So he believed.
After going through several adventures, however, he discovered a grimoire that contained the source and cure for said curse. A magic made by angels, but something that he himself was unable to cast, or at least in theory.
He was also a prominent scientific in regards to magic, and devised more than one original spell all by his lonesome. He managed to create a ritual that allowed him to transform into an angel, though the ritual was meant to be permanent.
After taking the curse with him, R-By disappeared, never to be seen again, only accompanied by his familiar and a vampire that had attached herself to him.
Several years later and when his friends came looking for him, they found out that the man that had left was no longer the same. He had completely changed into another man physically, and his magic had become so powerful it was horrifying.
Powers: He has what he dubs as 'God-level' magic. Before, he used runes inscribed in his whole body to cast magic, but with his angel/fallen angel/demon form, he no longer needs such things to cast magic.
Unlike others in his own world, R-By can make use of the 7 schools of magic that are at work in his world, and all of them are related to light.
His magic is;
Praestigiae: Hikari Illusion Using the basic premise of the fact that just about anything can see thanks to the light reflected in their eyes, R-By can then take light from other things and form them into other things.
Using light, he can also activate the pain receptors of someone's brain and make them feel like they are actually feeling pain, despite all of it being in their minds.
While he can make himself and others invisible by taking their light, it is not perfect, since taking the light out of someone's eyes will also blind them.
If you aren't caught in his 'Light Maze' which he uses to harm foes, his illusions are mostly harmless, though he can also trap them to be similar to bombs.
He can make this a taboo magic and materialize any illusion, but as it must be obvious it requires an enormous amount of mana.
Contritio: Hikari Beam He can accumulate light between his hands and then throw it in the form of a destructor beam.
He steals the light from everywhere near him and then throws it as a condensed beam. This often ends up in him being unable to see as well and it is incredibly destructive, so he tends not to use it too much.
Pythones: Hikari Spirits Where there is darkness, there are spirits of the dead light that used to be there.
He can call this spirits and bring them back to live in order to fill a room with light again and use it as source for his magic.
Naturalis: Natural Light Wherever there is sunlight shinnning, R-By is able to intensify it, to the point of making it harmful to others.
It also hurts him if he enters the area where he casted this magic, so he uses it as a trap rather than in an actual fight
Medela: Healing Light R-By is able to accelerate healing by making light shine brightly on a wound. It has no fighting use whatsoever
Alchimia: Golden Light A kind of taboo magic that allows R-By to turn light into gold and then shape it as he sees fit. He can use this to make weapons or even formations for a more formidable fighting style.
Neutra: Dimension Shatter Though many use a variation of this magic to teleport through the use of the dimensions, R-By instead prevents that from happening by shattering one of the three dimensions before someone else can teleport.
This is only temporary and a preventive measure, not to mention that it is incredibly isolated, but it still works when facing against teleporters.
Aside from this, he has six loyal servants that would die at his beck and call, but he treats them more as a loyal army rather than servants.
He also managed to transplant magical circuits into the body of non-magical creatures to make them capable of magic without a contract with a magician.