Kathryn Winters

Iron Maiden

Physical Description
Kathy has sleek trimmed hair, a military cut, short lengthed to prevent pursuers from getting a grip on her from behind. Yoga, combat training, martial arts, and daily cardio has earned her a mobile build. She is as quick on her feet as she is reflexive with her hands and eyes. Short statured, Kat can easily find concealment in a place of danger.

Hair: A parted bob cut, Darkly Shaded
Height: 5"4
Weight: 127 lbs
Eye color: Hazel
Face: oval shape
Body: small frame (x-shape), slender

Syndicate Class [Weapons Smuggling Management]
A former military weapons specialist, the sharpshooter, Kathryn Winters now works undercover as a waitress at what seems a local diner as the syndicate's gun supply and smuggling expert. During her time in the service she earned a countless amount of ribbons awarding her acts of valor on the battlefield. No femme fatale nor fast fingered rifleman has bested her skill as an expert quickdraw trigger pulling bullet plugger, bloody holes tear right into the opposition. With a flash like whip-snap of her wrist from her waist to who stands as a block before her, her pistol barrel extends smoking as rounds punch bloody holes into the antagonists of the syndicate faction.