Hidden 9 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Darlit Glitch
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Darlit Glitch Nix (human form)

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Appearance: About 4 feet 3 inches, she’s a decent height for a Mobian Wolf.
Name/Nickname: Nix Rubeski (no known nicknames)
Quote: “I’m gona see what happens.”
Age: 34
Gender: female

Personality: Nix is a bit off kilter, but considering she's only living with half of her memories, it shouldn't be much of a surprise. When in her normal state she's a friendly, cautious, and somewhat calm person who's still fascinated by technology. When fighting however she tends to fall into this focused excitement that causes her to sometimes revert to old habits and go overboard. I'll leave the reemergence of her old personality for later.

History: She once tried to conquer her world through an apocalypse, but those that opposed her sealed her away in order to stop her plans. Many years... no, millennia passed before she was released by some unknown force. Her mind having been awake all this time, she had pondered over her past decisions while wondering about the state of the world.After wandering out of the deteriorated temple and making her way out of the hidden valley that it had been built in, she found the world to have been taken over by nature yet again. A few days later, she eventually found herself upon snowy plains, and it was there that she was attacked by monsters. Defending herself, she realized that the only ability she still had possession over, Nul zones, were no longer fully hers. Cornered and out of options, she was surprised to find herself being helped by a human paladin. After taking care of the fiends, he asked her if she would be interested in joining a nearby survival group. With a bit of thinking, she gave herself the new name Nix, and joined them. She's been wandering the world ever since having reclaimed her nul zones, even if she still doesn't have their full power.

Abilities: Nix is a bit rusty, but she can cast most elemental spells with her staff as a focus, even if she has lost her natural affinity for casting high level spells. That said, she is also able to create nul zones, areas where life-force and energy are drained by a certain amount which is determined by the nul zone's strength. The energy and life-force absorbed is stored in the zone, and can be used by her whenever she wants. The effect of these zones can’t reach beyond the dimension she is in (ex. if in dimension 1, nul zones in dimension 2 can’t transfer energy to her), and she is working on making any allies exempt from it’s effects as well. When standing in a nul zone, light is seen like a negative photo (when looking at anything in a zone from outside of it, the colors are normal). She is also very good at wielding a staff type weapon.

“Nul Armor” An incomplete skill, she equips a nul zone like type of armor (since she is exempt from it’s effects), but can only do so for an hour or two.
“Nul Invert” She creates a large sized nul zone(let’s say a city, since that’s her current limit) and has it hold energy for a while. Once it has enough stored energy(not transferring to her), she can invert the nul zone, causing a massive energy explosion.
“Nul Sphere” A smaller scale nul zone that is localized to a spherical area and can move around according to Nix's will. Although unable to hold much energy, these can act as a more flexible way to store multiple types of energy without mixing them and they also allow Nix to create small but focused energy explosions when inverted.

A extremely rare negative crystal. It's what links Nix to her nul zones.
A basic multi element staff that she's made during her training. She’ll probably add more elements (and at some point non-elements) to it in her travels once she's got higher quality materials.
A cell phone given to her by
A _____ staff given to her by
Money: none.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Stabby
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Stabby Flicker/Fall (A Devourer)

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Appearance: About 5 feet 1 inch.
Quote: "Eh, I don't feel like it."
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male.

Personality: Laid back and calm, he doesn't like doing much of anything, though when he decides to do something he is quite relentless.

History: Mostly Unknown, though he hints that he has jumped dimensions in the past, so it's assumed he's older then he looks.{Given information is not confirmed and likely to be wrong. Be cautious, as his true motatves are unkn#$-...}

Abilities: Some minor mystic magic for healing and sensing living creatures. Seal casting: By casting different seals upon an object or opponent, he can add an effect to it that can be beneficial or detrimental. It is unknown how many seals he is able to cast at once, but it's assumed to be about 15 a minute on average because of how causally he casts them.

Skills: {u%Kn#wN~}

Inventory: A battle ax that looks to be split into several parts that don't have any places to connect to one another, though it is embedded with a pink-grey crystalline material at certain points.
Money: unknown.
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