Name: Victor Maxwell
Age: 35
Blood-Type: B+
Occupation: Astronaut
Gender: M
Sexuality: Heterosexual (Moving to Asexual)
Race: Human

Born under the cruel regime of the NSR government, Victor mom and dad made a desperate move to ensure their son freedom. They board Victor up with his escaping aunt and uncle to the AS to make sure that their child had an opportunity at life and freedom while his parents would suffer under the regime. The trip across ocean was long and perilous, the ship they were on was inspected every week for stowaways; Thrice! Three times that they almost got caught but they were kept hidden by Victor uncle, Servi. They eventually reached the AS and were given sanctuary by the Director of the AS himself, George Sears.

Once the AS, Times were troubled. Victor aunt and uncle had to work 2 different jobs to provide enough money for Victor education and food. His uncle worked as an Engineer during the day and a janitor at night while his aunt was a teacher that worked both days and nights. The Family struggled under the weight of the AS economy plan to work and work and work! Till your bones break and the money came in!. But, fortune would smile down on victor family; The director made personal visits to the family to check how they were doing, even playing with the young victor as the Director saw something in him that no-other child had. The Director decided that the family hard work had paid off and personally payed for them to live in a Rich-upper-class house.

During Victor’s childhood, The Director and his family noticed that he was developing at a fast pace. Victor was able to read and write full sentences by the age 3, having remarkable penmanship skills as well. Victor family decided it would be best to send him to a private school but the Director had other plans in mind. Instead of sending him to a regular, private school, George Sears sent him from his home in AS to the GRI, where sears ordered the scientist and giving them more funding, to educate the boy to their best of abilities.

His body rapidly developed during his time at the GRI. He was only 5 years old when had the body of a full size man and the mind of one of the scientist there. He quickly passed all the tests that the scientist have given him with flying colors, impressing his other family further. Victor quickly took an interest in space, wanting to travel up into space and see what the galaxy had to offer. Victor and George talked, George being a-little surprise at his increased size and dream but gladly accepted his offer for him to enter the space program. Victor has done many different travels in space, having landed on the moon for his trial runs and even being the first Russian/American to land on mars.

His Life changed however, after he was sent off into a Wormhole, after the GRI predicted that sending victor into the Wormhole would allow him to awaken more of his “Ascended/Fallen” Genes, The things that made him into the type of man he was today. He is currently lost within the wormhole, traveling through space-time to some unknown destination that his sentient mind is not even aware off.

Traits/Skills: (Pre-Awakening)
-Increased development
-Average CQC (Close-quarters combat)
-Peek-human intelligence
-Will to survive

Victor's Future?: It is uncertain where victor will arrive or become from the Time-Space energies of the wormhole. He could awaken his true heritage as an Ascended/Fallen hybrid or his body could be wiped from existence, the future is uncertain but I have high hopes that he will return.