True tragedy
A direct hit. Faster than a bullet. Nver misses. You can't run. You can't hide. Once it hacks into your systeme, you're a gonner.
At first, your vains become pulsing black snakes, brimming with deadly venom, slowly closing in on your fragile heart.Then, your limbs get weaker, little by little, at an alarming rate. Waves of nausia and pounding head aches rush in like a monsoon of pain. A series of feints accure, constant.
Finnaly, your misseries cease to exist when the snakes black venom seeps into your heart. You are no more. What a releif...
This idea is based on a book I'm making and a film series me and my friend are going to make :)
Ask me if you want any extra details. I want a few people before we start and just bear in mind that when I do start accepting forms, it will be quite hard to play as a loner thanks to the little interaction, you can't be raiding time after time again in cannon. raids take planning. Also, sometimes, a little bird (PM) will allert your target(s) of upcoming raids. This goers not only for loners, but for evryone. When you make the decision to raid, I'll use a random nuber selecter, odds and evens or something XD
A direct hit. Faster than a bullet. Nver misses. You can't run. You can't hide. Once it hacks into your systeme, you're a gonner.
At first, your vains become pulsing black snakes, brimming with deadly venom, slowly closing in on your fragile heart.Then, your limbs get weaker, little by little, at an alarming rate. Waves of nausia and pounding head aches rush in like a monsoon of pain. A series of feints accure, constant.
Finnaly, your misseries cease to exist when the snakes black venom seeps into your heart. You are no more. What a releif...
This idea is based on a book I'm making and a film series me and my friend are going to make :)
Ask me if you want any extra details. I want a few people before we start and just bear in mind that when I do start accepting forms, it will be quite hard to play as a loner thanks to the little interaction, you can't be raiding time after time again in cannon. raids take planning. Also, sometimes, a little bird (PM) will allert your target(s) of upcoming raids. This goers not only for loners, but for evryone. When you make the decision to raid, I'll use a random nuber selecter, odds and evens or something XD