Whelp, so much for that plan. As she watched the second pyromancer run off, she couldn't keep the smirk from her face. She honestly had no clue what that one was thinking, proclaiming a target and charging wildly off. Did he think to subvert the group decision by trying to force their path towards one of the targets, or did he think they were planning on splitting up to tackle both problems simultaneously? Then again, right about now she did think she could still hear him yelling at himself somewhere outside of the hall, so maybe he didn't have much of a plan at all. She gave a small sigh of annoyance- this wasn't the worst group she had ever worked with by a long shot, but they weren't off to a terribly impressive start either. At the very least whatever happened here would doubtless be memorable.
She had almost considered following the impulsive fellow pyromancer when their ancient employer started speaking once again. With little more than a gesture he had conjured up a pretty little portal. How cute- if only the pyromancer had waited another minute or two before rushing off. Though she was more than ready to be rid of this musty ruin, she also had stayed alive long enough to know that you always allowed someone else the privilege of being the first one through a mysterious portal. Though she sincerely doubted that ancient guy really meant them any direct harm at the moment, some old habits stuck with you.
As it so happened, the quiet woman was the least timid one among the remaining mercenaries and fairly promptly went through the portal. Not wanting to be outdone by anyone else, Sharadur was not far behind. Giving a final sidelong glance towards the door to see if that bizarre pyromancer fellow was about to come bursting back into the room to accompany them, she stepped through the swirling blue mass of magic.
As soon as she was through, she heaved a sigh of relief. Something about the musty gloom in that place had been oppressive. She had become acclimated to the point of not even realizing how heavy it weighed on her until the abrupt transition to another place entirely. It was that first breath of a proper sea breeze after emerging from hours spent down in a stuffy ship's hold. Shardur loved it. Taking a single deep breath of the fresh air was cut short when the wind picked up and kicked an unreasonable amount of dirt and grit into her face, souring her exultation and causing it to devolve into a sputtering string of profanity.
Wiping her eyes, she quickly scanned her surroundings before settling her gaze on the one other person who had come through the portal so far. "
So, any idea where the fuck we are?"