*The bird's eyes meet Hanna's, and there's a hidden intelligence in the creature's eyes* *Lecter notices his bird's gaze on Hanna, but doesn't react to it for now*
*Lecter nods* Lecter: I was on a job, some Devil took up residence in a church. On the way back, I found myself in these woods. I'm guessing the Devil had friends, and they put me here.
*Lecter frowns slightly as well and gestures to Horus* Lecter: You're clearly not human. Either you're wasting a Devil Trigger, or are a Devil. *Lecter's frown deepens* Lecter: But your scent is wrong. Nothing like a Devil.
*Lecter stares at Horus, and his nose twitches as he smells the air* Lecter: I would tell you if I could answer the question properly. Past this forest is a home, seemingly abandoned but still in good condition. *stares past Horus to investigate the movement behind him*