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7 yrs ago
I did not hit her, it's not true, it's bullshit I did not hit her I did not! Oh, hi Mark!


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{Basic Info}
Name: The Immortal Sorcerer King, Mordamir
Age: 500 years old
Gender: Male
Race: Formerly Human
Social Class: Self Imposed Royalty
Family: Unknown (All deceased)
Wife: Adria (Deceased)

{Physical Info}
Height: 7'0 tall, but very sleek and slender
Hair: Unknown
Eyes: Glowing Red Eyes
Physical Description: No one has seen his true form, but in his black under purple robes, his hooded face is magically dark, impossibly dark, hiding his face, as the rest of his form is hidden, out of sight.
Markings/Scars/Tattoos: None

{Talents Info}
Skills: Mastery of Necromancy, Enchantment, Energy, Elemental (Lightning), and Soul Magic. He can also use Radiant magic, at a moderately above average level, despite the fact that he should be completely unable to use Radiant magic at all. Why? His soul is his own personal recreation of magic, so despite the fact he's unutterably evil, he can do a little more with Radiant magic than the bare basics. He is also well educated in the sciences, theology and philosophy.
Weapons: He telekinetically wields three light swords at once.

{Character Backstory}
He was born centuries ago in a wealthy merchant family. They bought and sold the usual things, like golden trinkets, fine wines and sculptures, but made their greatest fortunes in trading objects such as books, scrolls, etcetera. Unfortunately, what was their biggest source of wealth turned into a curse, literally. What little is known of Mordamir is that he obsessed over knowledge, learning all that he could, but was physically weak and infirm.

He was not a dark child, but over time, the objects that his large, absurdly wealthy family accumulated over time, especially the tomes of magic which they acquired, brought curses to his family. He had just learned enough to protect himself with powerful sorcery, but his entire household, servants, even the pets all died tragically by the time he was an adult, at eighteen years old. He villainized the world around him, and the gods. Still he did not turn to evil himself, yet.

Years later, he fell in love with a woman who was his intellectual equal, even teaching him the sciences, histories and poetry. She loved him even though he was weak and feeble, and it seemed he would have a fairy tale happy ending. Unfortunately, she, by the name of Adria, was jealous of Mordamir. She attempted to learn magic, to impress Mordamir and grow even closer with him. Unfortunately, she too fell under a curse, and died on their wedding night.

That was the last straw for Mordamir. He had thought the gods had cruelly murdered his beloved Adria. Fickle gods, that wish their lessers to remain ignorant and weak. Ever since then, Mordamir hates anyone that reveres the gods.


The server isn't finished yet, and those interested should message The Iron Tyrant about details.

Thank you.
Ah, I see. Where is this Discord?
May I visit your Discord? Also, is this a god role play?
There's god like beings that are trying to enforce their will on the Omegaverse, on everything. They wage war against each other by using less powerful individuals. The protagonists won't begin with this knowledge. They will receive vague hints through dreams, visions and prophecies guiding them for where they need to go. Basically, the protagonists can also be other player's antagonists, good guys or bad guys.

This is war so there will be conflict, whether it's personal or not is up to the player(s). There's good, there's evil, there's inbetween or neither, so enjoy the role play! On the bottom of this OP is more of the setting and plot.

Character Creation
Your player character (PC) has two parts:
1) 3 Reincarnations (RCs): A set of three fictional characters from any combination of games/movies/literature that you desire.
2) Your Original Character (OC): A normal(ish) human
While the OC is the character you're actually playing, most Reincarnation Wars players pick their three RCs first - that is kind of the selling point of the premise, after all! Then, make an OC who channels them in an interesting way. You can make an OC who's passive enough that you can effectively play as the RCs fighting for dominance in their personality, or you can occasionally play out the RC's giving the OC advice as voices in their head, or you can just play the OC as someone who never hears word one of these theoretical entities they got their powers from and just has to piece stuff together themselves. It works however you think is the most fun!

The powers of your RCs manifest however you think is most fun or intuitive for a given RC. Iconic costumes and equipment usually appear when you first merge, as do iconic physical traits, potentially in an interesting combination with the OC's original form. Mind that you might not be able to change back unless another of your RCs has a shapeshifting power of some sort.

The sheet will look something like this:

First, More Need TO Know Info:
(You will slowly gain maximum power over the course of game play. You begin with a power level of around MCU/DCEU characters. For example, you might be able to decimate small cities with your power(s), but no more than that. If the role play advances enough, you might be far more powerful than that. You might be allowed to choose characters that are more powerful than this, but they may be temporarily altered in some way, with a proper explanation as to why.)Name:
Appearance: (a sentence about what we see when we look at your OC, for reference)
Concept: (a sentence or three about your OC's background and personality)
RC1: (First RC's name and the series their from)
- Vibe: (The RC's archetype as a character, for reference)
- Power: (The RC's archetype as a brick of powers, like "wizard" or "inventor," for reference. Try to summarize.)
- Vibe:
- Power:
- Vibe:
- Power:

More on the setting and story:
It's the year 2057. The science of Humanity has advanced beyond what was once thought possible. In the year 2050 there has finally been a cure for cancer. Lifespans have increased by many years, and due to Humanity being secretly helped by alien technology and science, absurdly suspicious luck, and manipulation from the shadows, Humanity has managed to avoid World War III, and has enjoyed a history that's diverged from hours around the year 2000. For years now, some genuine superheroes have been slowly emerging into public view. Now you are about to discover the source of their powers, by becoming one of them, or maybe a villain! Or at least, someone with a similar level of power.

An Example Character Sheet:
[/b]Name: Doctor Hertzu
Appearance: A blonde, blue eyed, tall muscular man
Concept: A mad scientist who is equally powerful in hand to hand as he is in scientific pursuits!
RC1: Doctor Frankenstein (Frankenstein)
- Vibe: An intelligent scientist who's obsessed with forbidden knowledge.
- Power: Genius
RC2: Hank McCoy (Beast, from The X-Men comics)
- Vibe: A great scientist, and not too shabby brawler!
- Power: He also has great strength and resilience, and great genius.
RC3: Lex Luthor
- Vibe: An evil genius scientist and super charismatic individual.
- Power: He wears a power suit that lets him contend with super powerful beings, person to person.
There's god like beings that are trying to enforce their will on the Omegaverse, on everything. They wage war against each other by using less powerful individuals. The protagonists won't begin with this knowledge. They will receive vague hints through dreams, visions and prophecies guiding them for where they need to go. Basically, the protagonists can also be other player's antagonists, good guys or bad guys.

This is war so there will be conflict, whether it's personal or not is up to the player(s). There's good, there's evil, there's inbetween or neither, so enjoy the role play! On the bottom of this OP is more of the setting and plot.

Character Creation
Your player character (PC) has two parts:
1) 3 Reincarnations (RCs): A set of three fictional characters from any combination of games/movies/literature that you desire.
2) Your Original Character (OC): A normal(ish) human
While the OC is the character you're actually playing, most Reincarnation Wars players pick their three RCs first - that is kind of the selling point of the premise, after all! Then, make an OC who channels them in an interesting way. You can make an OC who's passive enough that you can effectively play as the RCs fighting for dominance in their personality, or you can occasionally play out the RC's giving the OC advice as voices in their head, or you can just play the OC as someone who never hears word one of these theoretical entities they got their powers from and just has to piece stuff together themselves. It works however you think is the most fun!

The powers of your RCs manifest however you think is most fun or intuitive for a given RC. Iconic costumes and equipment usually appear when you first merge, as do iconic physical traits, potentially in an interesting combination with the OC's original form. Mind that you might not be able to change back unless another of your RCs has a shapeshifting power of some sort.

The sheet will look something like this:

First, More Need TO Know Info:
(You will slowly gain maximum power over the course of game play. You begin with a power level of around MCU/DCEU characters. For example, you might be able to decimate small cities with your power(s), but no more than that. If the role play advances enough, you might be far more powerful than that. You might be allowed to choose characters that are more powerful than this, but they may be temporarily altered in some way, with a proper explanation as to why.)
Appearance: (a sentence about what we see when we look at your OC, for reference)
Concept: (a sentence or three about your OC's background and personality)
RC1: (First RC's name and the series their from)
- Vibe: (The RC's archetype as a character, for reference)
- Power: (The RC's archetype as a brick of powers, like "wizard" or "inventor," for reference. Try to summarize.)
- Vibe:
- Power:
- Vibe:
- Power:

More on the setting and story:
It's the year 2057. The science of Humanity has advanced beyond what was once thought possible. In the year 2050 there has finally been a cure for cancer. Lifespans have increased by many years, and due to Humanity being secretly helped by alien technology and science, absurdly suspicious luck, and manipulation from the shadows, Humanity has managed to avoid World War III, and has enjoyed a history that's diverged from hours around the year 2000. For years now, some genuine superheroes have been slowly emerging into public view. Now you are about to discover the source of their powers, by becoming one of them, or maybe a villain! Or at least, someone with a similar level of power.

An Example Character Sheet:
[/b]Name: Doctor Hertzu
Appearance: A blonde, blue eyed, tall muscular man
Concept: A mad scientist who is equally powerful in hand to hand as he is in scientific pursuits!
RC1: Doctor Frankenstein (Frankenstein)
- Vibe: An intelligent scientist who's obsessed with forbidden knowledge.
- Power: Genius
RC2: Hank McCoy (Beast, from The X-Men comics)
- Vibe: A great scientist, and not too shabby brawler!
- Power: He also has great strength and resilience, and great genius.
RC3: Lex Luthor
- Vibe: An evil genius scientist and super charismatic individual.
- Power: He wears a power suit that lets him contend with super powerful beings, person to person.
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