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7 yrs ago
I did not hit her, it's not true, it's bullshit I did not hit her I did not! Oh, hi Mark!


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There Goes The Neighborhood(s)

Near silently, Su'ulek gave birth to the armies and creches of the first Slith. The Slith would be naturally long lived, of varying sizes, though all had the bodies of a serpent. Slith were naturally gifted mages, had scales and leather skin that acted as protection against predators and weapons, although they were somewhat slow moving.

These Slith, the serpentmen, should they wish to be virtuous and good, would be struggling against their own inherent avarice, Slith could, with effort, be virtuous creatures. The Slith gave birth, and their children would be raised communally. The Slith would come in various societies, eventually.

These societies were the Prides, Cabals, Tribes/Clans (Almost interchangeable), later, the City States and finally, in the far future, nation states. Cabals are societies where the Slith would infiltrate other species such as a Human town, village or other community and rule it in secret. The Slith were naturally manipulative, and overly cerebral, not considering the welfare of others outside The Slith society. As a result, some Slith would prey on the smaller communities of other races, perhaps manipulating these smaller societies in their schemes for greater prestige among the Slith.

Slith would come to value the subterranean underworld just as much, if not more than above ground, eventually, however. In one large system of caverns connecting the world above ground with the Underworld, in the center, there is the Holyground of Su'ulek, who is said to have breathed her wisdom into the stone and watery springs.


ALIAS The Mother Of Monsters

Domain Monsters


She is a kind mother. She is capable of being a predator on those who would hunt her children. She is by nature kind, but she is too kind towards her own. As such, she struggles to overcome her inner predator to be good. Su'ulek's nature is summed up in one word. "Mother." She loves her children with genuine ferocity and simultaneous tenderness. The old saying "He had a face only a mother could love" probably had Su'ulek in mind.
Sometimes Su'ulek will intercede for mortals who cry out to her for deliverance from monsters and she will respond in different ways. Giving her children different targets, such as live stock, wild life, trying to talk them down, or most rarely and with great regret, even taking them out as a threat, as though Su'ulek often waits too long to save others, she does do so, and is not evil.

Musical Theme
@Timemaster@FrettzoThanks. I'm checking things out.
Does this have a Discord?
Banned for being a fluorescent birb!

Banned for being a vampire.

Scarlet Thorne

Scarlett took a few steps closer to the newly appeared Lucian and confidently crossed her arms. It seemed that the former mastermind was now confused about his own presence. Maybe the time magic they'd all just been through had thrown him for a loop. "You're here to kill Rider, aren't you?" she asked him, looking sideways at his perplexed face. "Or would you rather change your mind about that? Because I already beat you to a pulp once, but I wouldn't mind a rerun."

She moved her hands to her hips and turned to face him. Not everything had been reset - this guy was a known element now. "While you're here - tell us what you know about portals to hell and red-eyed demons. If you help us close them when they appear, maybe we can let you walk away this time."

"Well. . . Well. . . " Lucian thought. "We might have a common goal. I was supposed to get back up from the Balrog on the roof. I do know that his life force is tied with the portal. If he dies, then the portal won't close, and will only expand."
"I don't know about the red eyed demon possessed people who poured through the portals."
My mother is recovering from a very invasive surgery. I've been slow in posting as a result.
The mysterious presence seemed to strengthen, somehow, as Rider fired into the air. What he, she or it was doing, no one knew. Somewhere Lucian seemed to be making his way towards Rider's position. At the same moment, Stregobor flinched, not sure that what Rider was doing was the correct course of action. Meanwhile, Lucian was already making his way towards Rider. "YOU! WHAT AM I DOING HERE!?" He demanded to know, conjuring a two handed scythe from out of nowhere.
Sorry, I have to deal with a lot of real life things, I will try to post soon.
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