Avatar of Aerandir
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Aerandir
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1976 (0.48 / day)
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    1. Aerandir 11 yrs ago
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uuuuuh sure@Ellion

Ill be ready in a hour or so
@wildeyesno worries she told me after, sorry bout
@wildeyes Um I don't think you were cleared, I know your new and all, but word of advice, don't post in the Character sheet section until cleared. Unless you talked to @meiyuki and she cleared you with out me knowning.

*wants to post again....*
@MeiyukiYour on to me!
Bobby's thing really is just reading something

you can use the link above if you want to collab with @Xathior @sillygoy

anything we waiting on?
Fenros Digard
Emiliah Hazelbrush
Clay Hale
Emiliano Sabstiano Parisi

Emiliah allowed her self one tiny sigh of relief as the wolves vanished into the woods. The Hunters would have to hunt them down soon, but not tonight. The rest of the night was meant for resting the wounded and desposing of the infected. Sorry FenrosShe thought, knowing that if she spoke the words allowed, she'd never go through with it Nothing personal. She was standing less than a spears length away when she jabbed her spear at the man's back while he was distracted by the wolf.

Fenros! Alltia yelled as she noticed just as she raised her spear and jabbed to towards Fenros's back, Fenros had just enough time to jerk to his right, the spear slicing through his left ribs and leaving a nasty scar, but it didn't penitrate his back or lungs. Quickly wrapping his left arm around the shaft, then jerked to his left, pulling up on the head of the staff with his forearm and allowing his upper body to fall upon the shaft, ripping it from Emiliah's grip, as he rolled sideways and back to his feet barely. Adreniline was pumping through him again as he ignored the pain. His eyes fierce as he glared at Emiliah and turned her weapon over in his hands and aimed it back at her. He was going to tell her that it was not needed to kill him but his head was still swimming from the loss of blood. Though his wounds had begun to heal, at least the one from the werewolves. His left ribs hissed as the silver had touched his skin.

Emiliah instictivly went for the dagger at her waist. It wasn't long, a foot more or less, but it was the only wepon she still had on her. "Fenros," She said softly. "Don't make this harder than it needs to be. I"m sorry, but it has to be done," She kept her eyes trained on her spear, trying to find the fast in past it. "I say you have little more than a minutes before the wolf takes your mind. Don't you want to die a human? Rather than a monster?"

Alltia did not attack directly, but circled around, her hair on end, her teeth bare as she growled. As soon as she would be directly behind the woman she would pounce...no one tried to kill her Fenros.

Fenros eyes burned for a few moments before his shoulders relaxed and he realized that they didn't know of his curse/blessing, how ever you look at it. Bobby knew... and maybe one or two others. Of course she would try to kill him. Wincing at the pain of the burning ribs and his bones popping back into place thanks to the added werewolf venom in his blood.

The other hunters looked at the massive man in awe and fear, it was clear the werewolf blood was coarsing through his body as his wounds healed, but yet he stayed human... most would only last a few minutes before transformation...it already had been five.

He looked to Alltia and shook his head, "Alltia...No!"

Alltia popped her head up, her hair down and her ears up. "What?" confused that he was going to let the woman kill him or not even fight back. She backed off of Emiliah's back still growling at the woman, but she listened to Fenros.

He stood up straight and tossed the spear to the ground at Emiliah and looked her directly in the eyes and said slowly. "I am who I am... I wont turn... as I've always been....part werewolf."

Emiliah let out a grunt of pain as she was knocked down from behind from the white wolf. Her vision darkened for a moment as she felt an immense weight settle on her back, she scrambled for a moment trying to get the beast off of her. After a moment, she heard Fenros speak again
Is that supposed to make me feel better about you?" she growled, her breath coming out in heave pants as her lung struggled to fill up with air. Suddenly the weight was gone and Emiliah pushed herself back to her feet, grabbing her spear on the way up. "In my opinion, that makes you even more dangerous," She didn't attack, but she didn't lower her spear, at best she felt...conflicted about her next move.

On the other side of the woods, a more deadly battle was possibly about to begin. Clay shifted up, wiping the blood from his eye. "I'm sorry that I ruined your little suicidal killing spree Sen, but you would have died. And don't pretend otherwise. You should be thanking me and ...whoever shot that wolf" he said, gestering to the fallen Were that was half back to human form.

Emiliano had climbed down his perch once Fenros had killed their Alpha and the wolves had dispersed. He took a look at his own handiwork, the now partially returned to its human form... disgusting. He sort of wanted to examine his kill... but a more pressing issue guided him now. He saw Clay and Senna, Clay sitting on Senna before kneeling. Unfourtanetly as much as he wanted to confront them, hearing the biggest baddest hunter in the clearing admit to being a werwolf, Emiliah attacking him and all this, Emiliano raised his rifle. Though he had dropped from the tree he was still in the shadows of the underbrush, and quietly walked out before addressing the hunter, "Fenros... is this true? You are part beast eh?", his musket was aimed for the back of his head, the cross hanging from its barrel and a silver bullet wadded and stuffed inside, ready to be fired. "I may not be the greatest Hunter Fenros, but I was always good at shooting. I use to nail Pigeons from over 200 yards away... now please explain why I don't need to bury a silver bullet as deep in your skull as far as it can go?"

Fenros closed his eyes at Emiliah's words, As he tried to think of a way to answer, Emiliano snuck up behind him and aimed his weapon, thanks to Alltia who alerted him mentally, before Emiliano spoke. He grew slightly irriated that these hunters would suddenly turn on them even though he just killed Varoth at almost the cost of his own life. But he remained calm as he answered looking back, "Because with out me Varoth would have killed you all."

He looked back to Emiliah and continued, "The reasons you've heard about my family soo much is because we were all part werewolves. My Great Great Great Great Grandfather was bitten on a hunt, and thanks to the priesthood of which I hold now, he was able to keep his sanity. That extra strength from the cursed blood we used to hunt down hundreds of witches and werewolves and other fowl creatures of the night."

He held his side which was still burning from Emiliah's attack."Because it's so dilluted I am immune to werewolves bite now, though I cant and never was able to turn myself. So you have nothing to worry."

Emiliah allowed a couple of seconds to pass before taking another step closer to Fenros, pointing her spear tip up towards the sky. "Alright then," she said, her voice low. "If you tell me that Bobby knew about this....unnatural part of you and was...okay with it, then I won't kill you here," She took a final step forward so that they were standing chest to chest and she was forced to look up to meet his eyes. "But give me one reason to doubt you, and you are dead, got it?"

Slowly, almost imperceptibly at first, Emiliano lowered his rifle, cocking one eybrow at Fenros before shrugging, "Same as the little las says Fenros. Don't trip up, like I said, pigeons at 200 yards... with a sling.", with that he moved to hold his musket under one arm, before turning and making his way to the heap that was Clay and Senna, smiling down at them. "Well, good to see you two here. Oh yea, that guy,", he said, pointing to the wolf he shot, now basically a naked human with a hole in his head, "I'm the Guardian angel you have to thank for that... by the way Clay, how's she doin? From far off she didn't look to great...", he was waiting for his 'friend' to stand up and address him to his face.

"I think she'll live, unfortunately," Said Clay, standing back up, it was then he recognized the man who had saved him and nice partner. "Well, if it isn't the guy from the tavern with the free ale," Clay dusted a bit of dirt off of his pants. "Don't tell me, it was you who saved us, I don't think I could stand the shame,"

Fenros looked down at petite hunter that walked up to him, standing chest to chest. He respected her for her lack of fear of a potential threat, for all he could have said, it could have been a lie. He stared back at her in the eyes, as she said she wouldn't kill him if Bobby knew. But if she doubted him she would kill him. Big words from a girl who just got disarmed by a wounded man and wolf. But he blinked once as Emiliano also spoke, agreeing with the woman, and claiming he managed to kill a pigeon at two hundred yards, with a sling. Raising his eyebrow as he didn't believe him, as that was just too far with a normal sling. But he got what he was trying to say.

He glanced back to Emiliah, taking adeep breath as he looked down at the young woman, "Yes he knew... he was my fathers best friend long before I was born, and knew of it well before they were friends.If he thought I was dangerous he would have never let me hunt with you." he said softly.

Emiliah let out a breath of exasperation. " Well, I guess we better head back to town," a not so warm smile crossed her face. "You first, I'll watch your back," . All the while, she tried to keep an eye on the sneaky wolf creature.

Emiliano made a hollow smile at the incredibly haughty man in front of him, "Well, looks like you'll have to stand the shame I guess... seeing as it was me who saved you... though it was mainly for Senna.", he smirked antagonizingly before acting as if he had just remembered something, "Actually, that reminds me, here,", he appeared to reach into his pocket before grabbing his musket in both hands and bringing the butt of it straight into the side of Clay's nose, with intent to break. He exhaled as if having just releived stress, letting the musket now swing freely on its strap, That was for your rude accosting at the bar. Now,, he very gingerly moved to pick up Senna, carefully picking her up, " Petty scruples aside, I do believe she needs a healers attentions no?"

Fenros shook his head as he moved over to the girls, Who, after hearing what he was coward a little at first, but were a little more trusting of the tall hunter. Kneeling down he said, "Don't worry these hunters will take you back to your father....Do you know what happened to your mother?"

The youngest, who was ten, shook her head, "She dissapeared into the woods to get the wolves to follow her....we heard her scream...." She started to cry again. Fenros lowered his head, not knowing what to say. After a moment, "You will see her again... I promise. She will always look out for you in heavan. Just remember that. " The two girls nodded before he stood back up and walked back to his sword, the oil had finally burned up and left his blade unusually cool to others who examanded it. He picked it up and winced as he lifted it over his shoulder, the wound Emiliah gave him still open. He reached into a satchel and pulled out a white cloth which he wrapped around his chest and over his wound, cinching it tight to stop the bleeding. He glanced Emiliah, before walking passed Emiliano, Clay and Senna back towards the town.

Alltia flanked him on his left, though a few feet away and kept looking back at Emiliah, "You should have let me at least bite her....it would have taught her a lesson."

He looked down at her and said, "I doubt she or the hunters would have been more willing to listen if I let you have at her..."

Alltia looked up at Fenros then back at Emiliah, Growling as she bore her teeth. "We've could have taken them"

"Hush Alltia..." He grunted as he held his wound that still burned.

Clay let out a growl of pain as he felt the butt of the rifle hit nose. He didn't think it was broken, but he was too angry to care much at the moment. "Mother Fucker," he growled. The blood from his nose mixing with the blood from the cut on his head. "You best put her down, right now," Clay's fist clenched and his eyes read You best start running, fast .
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