Avatar of Aerandir
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Aerandir
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1976 (0.48 / day)
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    1. Aerandir 11 yrs ago
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I'm the butt hurt one? It seems to me you are.

Though i must say I guess a mated (which yes I would mean I pulled it from my ass) of that offended you I'm so sorry.

I really don't know why this is an issue, and I knew bringing it up with you will cause butt hurt to happen (surpise) so I'm going to toss it up to agree to disagree.

Because you know i don't have time. to debate this with you. Because I really don't have time and don't really care about the issue as some people do.

Edit :@acromantula oh I didn't, hence the smiley face at the end. :)

Roleplay- "the acting out or performance of a particular role, either consciously (as a technique in psychotherapy or training) or unconsciously, in accordance with the perceived expectations of society with regard to a person's behavior in a particular context."

For a person complaining on things NOT moving along in the rp, I'm a little surprised at your last few passive aggressive posts. Our post could have taken maybe (guess-ta-mating) five to fifteen minutes of RP time. In an exchange that would have NORMALLY taken at the rate of this posting two to three days of waiting to get back into the house, and Shortened it to about two hours of waiting time and moving the rp along. So there is a practical reason to use it, and not pointless. violentviolet is waiting for us to get it to night so she can move HER character along as well.

Also...even if they are with a group of people, they left the building. Thus the whole group wasn't together, which does happen in REAL life. Do you expect us to be in the same room with everyone the entire rp? When you have 10 people or more all trying to say something? It gets a little hectic and people don't interact with everyone and others feel left out because their post was ignored, it's quite impossible to do with out this happening. So it is essential to pull a group off once and a while for character development with other certain characters.

@Acromantulathat.....doesn't make sense. It would only be a rp with in an rp if the characters themselves were role playing as other characters. Like the rpception bit though. :)
@texthen take some Aspirin
@josephbI was thinking that

Titan Pad?
Well I could post....if anyone wants to collab Im up for it.
Well I'm in the Mountain time zone, I'm sure Meiyuki and Silly are in like....Asia or something
curse time zones@Ellion
Jason's eyes scanned the room, his eyes paused on a man closer if not older than him. He seemed to be giving him a glare for no apparent reason. Raising an eyebrow he continued to scan the room, his focus being returned to the woman with the baby and a blonde haired man. Apparently he thought the kid was his, so perhaps he and the girl were old 'friends' from before. And just meeting up here, as it looked like this woman had been living here for a while, with the makeshift playpen being one of the two obvious facts, the other is that he didn't see her with the group as he ran into them.

He glanced over to Nikki as she walked over to him, "You hanging in there? Come on in we aren't that scary."

What did she expect him to do? Simply walk in and act like they were the best of friends? The only one he's really spoken too was her...and that wasn't much. But before he could say anything she gave him the rundown on EVERYONE. This girl must have been totally trustworthy just giving him the information like that. And yet she was the only one who really came up to talk to him. He found it odd that this group was not more resistant to having a total stranger join them in their safe house... They must have not been on the street for so long...perhaps a small group that managed to hold up somewhere, not really having to deal with strangers often.

He didn't move from his spot though, he preferred having his back to a wall. "I think Ill just stay here for now." He said as he hit the mag release on his FN SCAR, pulled the clip out and reached into his side pocket of his backpack pulling out the few odd bullets that wouldn't fit into his magazines, replacing the ones he just fired so he would be fully loaded again, remembering he had one in the chamber still. He left it for a moment, he would take it out later if need be.

"Where were you guys running to?" He asked as he glanced back to Nikki
Fenros Digard, Flint Digard, and Emiliah's Hazelbrush overprotective family.

Less than an hour after Fenros escapes the tavern.......

It wasn't hard to find the kid. Nor to round up enough men to get the job done. "Eve'ing Boy," called a gruff voice

Fenros was sitting by the forest edge, just on the outskirts of town. His head was pounding and his sweats were coming back more, it must of been the werewolf he was bitten by, it must have been bitten by Varoth... thus a more powerful strain of the curse. Alltia growled as the group of people came up to him, She could sense the danger that was creeping in on Fenros, she hoped her growls would be enough to scare the people.

He took a few deep breaths, as he had been doing this entire time after leaving Bobby's, "Evening..." He said as calm as he could muster.

"I take it your Fenros then?" said the man, coming even closer, the his brothers, sons, and nephews right behind him. "

"And If I am?" He said, his tone a little testy. Despite his effort to remain calm.

Fenros....we should just go, walk away... Alltia said, growling louder at the men and baring her teeth, her hair standing on end. GO AWAY! She said in vain to the group.

"Names Hazelbrush and a little sparrow told me that, yous think ya gettin married in the morning," The man took another step forward, a spear, very similar to Emiliah's in his hand. "TO MAH daughter," A few other voices could be heard making little sounds of anger. "Wut, wern't ya goin even ask me?"

Fenros glanced back to the father of Emiliah, His eye flashed in the moonlight, his green eyes a little more silver now. He could seem them more clearly, he knew it was because of the werewolf curse.... "No.... I wasn't." He said as he looked away, slowly getting up. He was much larger than most of the men here. "Because there wasn't going to be a wedding..." He said after a few more breaths to calm himself.

"Isn't gonna be a weddin? Why?" Said Emiliah's father, no where close to backing down just yet. "Is she not good 'nuff for ya?"

Great, one of those families... he thought to himself. He turned towards them and said, "No-"

"I know mah Emerald, she ain't stupid. Now that gives us just one thing here," The man's voice getting louder. "Ya touched 'er didn' ya?" the man's voice was now closer to a snarl, not in the least threatend by Fenros. "Lied to her with that silver tongue of yours. Perhaps we bettah cut it out,"

Fenros didn't liked to be inturrupted, one of his pet peeves. Esspecially coming from some hick hunter who was being irrational and throwing accusations around. His tone wasn't helping either.

Fenros dont! Just walk away, Alltia started but Fenros ignored her Or didn't hear her with his blood boiling.

"You are going to threaten me? For hearsay?"He took his sword off his back and slammed the blade into the ground. "I'd like to see you try..." He himself was locked within his mind. It was as if it was being taken over and he was a prisoner in his body. He didn't want to fight the men, he tried with all his might to calm himself down. For the first time in a long time.... He was afraid.

"Is that a challege boy? Are you sure you can count then?" Said Emiliah's father, motioning to the men that surrounded him. To be honest, he hadn't planned on this turning into a fight. More of a ...tough love, father-son-in-law bonding moment. Something they could....laugh about later on. But now it took on a much more serious note.

Fenros clenched his fists, his footing shifted ever so lightly. "I can count... I've dealt with more..." His thoughts turned suddenly to the castle Ruvina he took on the entire castle single handedly, killing all of the nightmares and the powerful witch within as well. A bunch of hunters seemed like childsplay.

"WELL WELL." A voice from behind the group suddenly shouted over the murmering. As they all looked they would see Flint walking towards him, his bow slung over his shoulders and his hands in the air. "Imagine to my surprise I come into town to find out my brother is engaged. To a very beautiful young lady...." He realized that might have not been the best thing to say, "...er from such an estemed family established here." He patted the closes man on the arm and paused...squeezed slightly. Turning his attention to the guy he pointed at his arm, "You work out?" Nodding his head in approval. "Impressive."

He suddenly moved on as if nothing happened, Shaking hands and patting shoulders as he moved right through the middle to the father of the group. "I was impressed and shocked to find out a girl could tame my beast of a brother, when I saw her, I knew with out a doubt it was she was because of her beauty... " He raised his fist and shook it to show emphisis. "...and Iron will for no bull shit I could see that Fenros was no match for her. "

He moved over to his brother who whispered through his teeth, "Flint.....what are you doing...."

Flint smiled and whispered backSaving your and their ass...now shut up and breath.

A few of Emiliah's extended family memebers seemed a lot less...ready to attack as Flint made his way around. There were others who saw him as just another bug to squash. "Wha I don't get," said Emiliah's father, one of those people who looked at him more like a bug than a soother. "Is your point. I already know my Em's far better than 'im. So, I doubt you came here just to watch yer brother die,"

"Point?" He asked as he shoved his hand against Fenros's Chest as he moved forward, His blood not liking being called inferior, But it was enough to hold him back . "Point is, that.... would you really break your daughters heart by killing the man she likes?" He paused a moment, after seeing how they didn't seemed to mind to kill him anyways he quickly changed what he was saying. " What happened was she SAID She wouldn't mind marrying him...fine stock and all, but a little too serious." He gave a nervous laugh and added, "APPARRENTLY some one over heard, was a tad drunk and miss heard her, wanted some more rum and got excited at the though of weddings. Didn't sit by and wait for the end of the conversation. Besiiides, Fenros would never just feel up a girl. He's a Virgin! Also not to bright in the head sometimes..."

"Flllllint." Fenros growled softly.

Flint raised his finger, "One second big guy. Having a conversation with these FINE Gentleman. " He smiled again. "You see, Fenros was picked on for his abmormal size as a kid, the other kids in town would gang up and bully him, so after seeing a big group again, it brings back bad memories.... So you know...He got a little defensive, like you know you should never back a cougar into a corner....same rule applys for him."

By the time that Flint had finished his speech, even Em's father had lost steam in the mission. He seemed to think it over for a moment. "Well," he said finally. "Here's what I'll do. Tomorrow I'll go talk to Em and if she says a story that is even slightly different. I'm comin back for both ya balls. Not sure what I'll do with two pair, but I'm sure I'll find a purpose," He then gestered for his family to leave the boys. Heading back to town.

Flint gave an awkward thumbs up "Great!" Shiiiiiiiiit! His faux smile dropped as they were far enough away as he let his head drop back, and let out a "Uuuuuuugh.... We're boned." Not the fact that the fight will be in Fenros's and his favor...possibly, but the fact that their family Secret could be revealed to an entire town because of it.

He looked back to his older brother who was still had a sour look on his face. "What?!" He said shrugging his shoulders. "I had to save them some how from you. Take the hit in the pride once and a while, we really know what happened. You don't have to be Mr. Legend the ENTIRE time. Only dad could pull that off."

Fenros continued to breath slowly, " Flint..."

"What?" He asked simply.

"What are you doing here... I told you to not come here..." Fenros replied.

"Relllllaaax baldy, I just came to give you some news... you haven't been home in a while." He lied. "Buuut you need to cool off, so just sit here and take a nap, Ill come back and inform ya." He gave two thumbs up and smiled. "Good? Good." Before turning around and walking away.

Emiliah Hazelbrush, Flint Digard

Back at Bobby's

The sky had turned a light grey and Emiliah was still at Bobby's. Not that she was waiting for anyone really. But with everything that had happened that night, she couldn't possibly sleep. She still wasn't quite conviced that it was her family that she should be worried for, so she wasn't. She wasn't really worried about Fenros either, because there was a good chance that he wouldn't be found. But still, she wanted to know that everything had been set right again. She had taken made a cup of tea, although it was now sitting cold next to her. It was strange to see the place so empty. Even the drunks had cleared out by this time.

Flint slowly walked back to the Bar, The bags under his eyes were growing more and more apparent. He walked with a slouch in his shoulders and his head hung down. "Man I could use a comfy bed right now... You know what I mean Mishka?"

Mishka looked up at her master and said, You mean you will let me sleep on the bed tonight? Her tail wagged slightly.

"Maybe....If you don't hog the bed again and pushed me off. like last time."

Her tail wagged more as she looked away, I don't know what your talking about.

When he neared Bobbies he noticed Emiliah sitting outfront. He perked up and despite him saying he was tired. He walked triumphantly towards her with a sly smile on his face. "Well... Nothing to worry about, managed to smooth..." As he said smooth he motioned with his hand to mimic the motion. "...things over with your family. "

Emiliah looked up at Flint as he spoke. A small weight was lifted out of the pit of her stomach. "Should have guessed my father would track him down," she said with a sigh, streching her sore muscles. "But, like I said last night...thank you. I know you said you would have done it anyway, with him being your brother, but still, you saved me a lot of trouble,"

He scratched the back of his head and chuckled nervously. "Yeah... About that, I might have told a slightly different story."He said with a smile as if that would smooth it over." I said you would LIKE to marry him, because you know, he's a good looking guy and good stock and all that. Not that you wanted to marry him to gain the power of the priesthood."

Emiliah raised her eyebrow at Flints answer. "I'm guessing, by the fact that you are telling me this, that I need to know this story for future reference?" She then strugged. "I can't believe that my father bought that. But, as long as no one died, one does what one must," She then stood up, picking up her tea. "I suppose I should be heading home now, are you staying here or roughing in the woods like your brother?"

He lowered his head and held his hands together as if he was praying, "If you can do that, that would be great!" He looked at Mishka and added, "Yooourrrrfathermayhavementionedcuttingoffournutsifheheardadifferentstory."

He looked back to her and said, "Well i'd probably slip into one of Bobby's empty rooms tonight...well this morning. Unlike my brother, I tend to like sleeping in soft beds more often than not."

"Wait, what?" Said Emiliah a little shocked before letting out a laugh. "You know, he always said that is what he was going to do to any man he didn't find worthy, but I didn't think he'd actually threaten anyone with it," She shook her head. "Don't worry, your nuts are safe with me,"

Flint raised his eyerbows and perked up at her mentioning his nuts were protected with her.. "Reeeeealllly?" He said with a sly smile. "They are?" Leaning over onto the railing casually. "That's good to know."

Emiliah's smiled then vanished. "Not that safe," She was about to leave before rememebering a question she had from before. "Soo...how long until your brother calms down. Despite giving up on our marriage, I'd still like to see if there is a way I can get the power of the priesthood the old fashion way. Talent and hard work,"

He casually subconciously covered his nuts to her first comment. After hearing her question he took the few steps up to the porch she was standing on and sighed. "Not that I know of...And I just spent a year with a High priest of the order. It's not something you learn and practice like a weapon. It takes years of scriptural study, learning Hebrew, You need to learn how to listen to that little concious in the back of your head that warns you of danger and inspires you to do something."

He looked at her, "It's much like going into the church and becoming a Priest or Bishop. Yet....separate. I'm, not explaining this well...." He said chuckling.

"Still, if Fenros hadn't been here when that Demon Wolf attacked, we would all be dead or worse," She said. "Yes, we have talented hunters and fighters, but none of that mattered in the end, because, well," she shrugged. "And as I told your brother, I've got time to learn, but I also don't want to waste time doing nothing about it," She then shrugged. "I know that there is a chance that this might all be for nothing, but right now it feels like...a good thing to do," She then let out a little laugh. "Maybe it's my little concious kicking in already,"

"I wouldn't be surprised if it was. You don't need the priesthood to feel it, The scripture study and coming closer to Christ is only part of it. It helps you sense that easier. " He chuckled, he didn't think HE would be the one teaching it like the High priest he was with.

"I'm going to tell you now, I spent A year with a Highpriest of the order, and he knew his stuff. Like deep doctorine stuff, and yet I never heard in my year of study a woman recieving the priesthood. But they are able to use it to an extent through the bonds of marriage like Fenros said. It's not just Marriage though that create's the link, if the two didn't love each other or were unfaithful, they would not recieve the power. It's all based on how we, who have taken the upon the covenant, follow God's Commandments....Based off of that is how effective we are in battle against Demons. If we don't follow them, we are cut off untill we repent."

He scratched the back of his head, "I'm sure you're confused... I'm not a really good teacher." He yawned a bit. "I'm also super tired....soo that might not be helping as well."

"You know," said Emiliah, letting out a frustrated sigh. "You'd think that God would try to make it easier to kill demons if he wanted them gone so bad," She glanced back over at Flint. "And if you think the whole 'woman' thing is going to be the bit that stops me, it isn't. There was never a female hunter, until the first one," She shook her head. "But, I can tell you are exhausted, so, I'll let you get to your bed, g'...morning I guess now,"

Flint shook his head, the two arguments that were always brought up were brought up in one two sentences... he's met alot of people who have fell away from following god because bad things happen to them.

"Ill just say this.... With out the bad or the evil....we would never know what good was, thus never understand what came from our father in heaven. It's so hard to follow because he wants us to become better, because he knows the potential we have.... As for a woman...I often have come to think that they have a different power that men dont..." He looked at her. "That is to create life. Where men are often the ones who go out and destroy it... or banish it... women will always have that gift of creating life inside their bodies. Perhaps that is the power that was given to women....and why the priesthood was given to men to make them better."

He smiled, "Food for thought...G'morning Emiliah." He said with a slight bow of his head before walking away.

I'd trade that 'power' for demon killing any day of the week she thought to herself, heading towards her nearby home without a look back.
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