“Jason! Let’s go! The groups left, Let’s go!”
Jason paused to look down the road to see Ethan Signaling him. Didn't he say to leave with out him? He grunted, as a walker grew too close again, He smashed it's skull with an upward swing with his breaker bar to the side of the head.
He chucked the breaker bar and started to run. He saw that some of the people did not make it. "Shit..." He whispered to himself. He swung the FN SCAR Back around into his hands and started to run fairly fast to catch up to Ethan. His years in bootcamp and BUD"S gave him much cardio with 30 pounds of equipment. This was a breeze, he could run for hours at this pace.
He quickly had caught up with Ethan, not before coming up to the Scottish girl who had slit her own arm to try to distract the walkers. Idiot. "Hold on." He quickly said to Ethan as he skidded to a stop and checked for a pulse, perhaps he was still... no. She was dead. He glanced at her bag and noticed two Desert Eagles. She wont need them anymore. Grabbing her sack off of her body he stood up, shaking his head at Ethan, telling him she was gone. He then pulled his knife out and quickly and with out any hesitation stuck it through her ear and into her brain. At least giving her the courtesy of not becoming a walker herself.
He stood up and started to run again, pulling Ethan with him at first till he matched his speed. As they ran, he asked, "Did you set a rendezvous with your group? His breathing normal, as if he was taking a stroll.