Kat looked up when she heard the men approaching. "Thank God," she said aloud and stood, picking up Grace and settling her on her hip.
Jason approached her first. She smiled a bit at his concern. "Thanks. You too. Try not to do that again okay? In this world heroes usually end up dead."
Jason raised an eyebrow at what she said, He glanced at the group and said,"I Can't make any promises. It's kinda hardwired into me ya know?" He said with a slight smirk. It was the reason he joined the military, to serve and protect his country. After helping the group he felt a bit of the fire dance in his heart once again.
Ethan had came up and asked to hold his daughter, then her explaining she would never keep her from him...but what happened to them that he didn't even know he had a kid? Wasn't his place to ask as he watched Ethan hold Grace for just a short time before handing her back and quickly making a plan. Again, weird how he didn't hold her more. If he found out he had a child, he would spend as much time as he could with him/her.
He said nothing, as they were going to be on their way fairly quickly, but he will have to tell Ethan about the possible safety of a Aircraft carrier when they reached the town center. While Ethan explained he pulled his pistol from his holster and quickly slid the mag out and adding a few more bullets to it. A habit he gotten into while this world went to shit. Always good to have a fully loaded weapon.
He watched as Grace crawled around on the ground, glacing up at Kat as she turned to him and said, "We lost the dog's owner back at the house. I guess he's taken to us now. Don't know his name though."
He thought back to when he was around the woman and her dog. Them something. "I don't remember as well...Suddenly the name clicked because he remembered he didn't like it."Themistocles" He said as the dog looked up to him with a crooked head, wondering what Jason wanted. Jason reached his hand out and allowed the dog to sniff and lick it.
"He will be handy to have as an early alert." He mused to himself. But when he looked up he saw the newcomer give Nikki a passionate kiss. This made Jason blink a few times... confused, and to say a bit worried at the age difference and the fact they only met not even an hour before. He also noted Ethan's disapproval, and one other guy starting to yell at Nikki who seemed to be an ex boyfriend. Which ended with Nikki telling him to Butt out.
Letting out a sigh as he watched her get in the car with the man, He agreed with the guy named Tex. The man was twice her age, and in this new world, strangers often turned to be a little more dangerous with smiles on their faces. But it wasn't like he could say anything...hell he only met this group a day before...but he was surprised that they managed to survive so long.
"I must say..." He said as he leaned against the truck near Kat. "This group is... a little odd. Soft enough so only she would hear it. And only her as he knew the group had only run into her yesterday as well. He opened the cab of the truck for Kat, as it would be the safest place for her and Grace. Once she would take it or not, he would hop on the bed of the truck and take a standing position right behind the cab, his FN SCAR resting on the roof of the cab. Just incase they drove by walkers that would come too close to the edge of the bed.