Flint, Bobby and Coraline
While the others were traveling
The distinct rattle of chainmail and light plate armor filled the peaceful street that ran Saren's Folly. Along with the sound of mailed footsteps, horse shoes chattered in a measured cadence. The armored figure received a few looks from passerbys but no words were exchanged. The warm sun was hardly gleaming off of the armor, it was matted by dirt and scrapes that spoke of a long journey. The horse grunted quietly as it knew their journey was coming to a close and the armored woman smiled to herself.
"A stable to rest, friend." the woman said and patted the side of her horse.
Most of her equipment being packed by the horse, the woman clearly couldn't bring herself to add her weight to its tired back. Her feet were sore from a long day's walk, she was relieved when the sight of an apparently popular tavern came into view. She spotted the simple stable where she could shelter her horse for the night and did just that. After quickly checking if all of the supplies were taken off of the horses back and secured, the woman headed for the entrance.
She opened the door to the Witches Paradise and looked around. The bright light from outdoors silhouetted her form; but as eyes adjusted and people could make her out, Coraline knew she'd have some explaining to do. It didn't take a lot to know what everybody was looking at. The markings of a strange witch coven were easily seen under her right eye and along her cheek. With a deep breath, Coraline stepped further into the tavern and headed for the counter. She removed her scabbard and set the sheathed weapon down on the bar as a gesture of nonaggression, hopefully to ward off some unhappy onlookers.
Bobby was sitting behind the counter, allowing his bar tender to help the customers as he combed through Hector Digard's journal again to find anything else that would give him a hint on how to kill these....'Ruvins'. Sighing as he rubbed his eyes with his forefinger and thumb of his right hand as he slapped the book shut in his left. As he did he noticed a newcomer walking in, by her stride he knew it was a woman, and a hunter. He watched her as she came forward, un-clipping her scabbard and placing it on the counter, showing she meant no harm. It was then he noticed she had strange markings on her face, usually that were associated with witches covens.
He narrowed his eyes at her, wondering if she was stupid or not from around here. He heard stories of far east where they were a little more accepting of the old ways. Perhaps she came from there? Standing up and placing the book under the counter, he limped over to her and placed both hands on the counter as he squared up with her. He blinked a few times before asking.
"Wot could I do ye for lassy?" He looked around the tavern at a few men who shot glares at the woman, only to receive a glare back from Bobby.
Coraline smiled right away when the man who approached her didn't open with some witty remark about her appearance. Coraline took a breath,
"Room and board would nice," she paused,
"I've been on the road for longer than I'd like to admit and I'm just about ready to sleep on a real bed. But before that... Perhaps a simple cup of water?"Coraline did indeed look tired. Her eyes were dark with restlessness and her hair was haggard from the elements. Her shoulders weren't carried high like a fresh warrior and her back from arched after carrying her pack day in and day out. It didn't take much to convince one that deserved a good rest. Her eyes shifted around to the patrons that Bobby had stared down, she gave the men respectful nods instead of spiteful glares. She stopped thinking about the untrusting folk that surrounded her and decided to focus her attention to the burly, welcoming man in front of her.
"There are many hunters here. I assume there are a great deal of supernatural creatures in these parts?"Bobby raised his eyebrow. Water? Well some people liked that he guessed. He looked to the bartender and said,
"Get this here lass a cup of water, and some food while yer at it." He then looked back to the woman, and said,
"We still got some rooms available, to yer luck. They are all up stairs, when yer ready ill give yuu a key." She then asked if there were a great deal of creatures up here. Which confirmed his belief that she was not from around here. "Ye assumed correctly lass. There seems to be a never end to them, thus all the hunters." He said while motioning to his bar. He then looked back to her and offered his hand.
"Name's Bobby, I'm the owner of this fine establishment, a safe haven for all hunters." He thought of the fight that Flint knocked out Emiliano almost killing him.
"Feeer the most part that is." he said with a chuckle.
"Wot be yer name lass?"Coraline chuckled along with the man. She had stopped in her fair share of taverns and seen just as many brawls. Such things are common in a place filled with drunken, boisterous men. She always got a bit of a kick out of it, though, what warrior didn't? When the man offered his hand and gave his name, Coraline took it and smiled,
"Ser Coraline Toph, at your service." Despite her fatigue, Coraline was able to deliver that line with pride.
When the tender returned with the cup of water, she let out a sigh of relief and gladly took the wooden cup. Coraline wasted no time in drinking back the contents of the cup in its entirety.
"Ahh... I needed that." she said with a small laugh.
Bobby's eyes widened when she said 'Ser' once she was done drinkin he asked,
"Ser? Ye a knight then? Never met a woman knight before. That must be an interestin story to hear..." Genuinly surpirsed. Not many knights were hunters, only Marcus he imagined was as he was a noble, but still it was few. Even fewer were women...that was unheard of around here.
Corline smirked and nodded,
"Aye, not many have met woman knights. They're very uncommon even where I'm from."When Bobby mentioned the story, she took a deep breath,
"It is a long story. Then again..." she looks to the rest of the patrons,
"I'm sure we all have long stories. Mine simply involves stopping a conflict and unifying a province. Please understand, I can tell some of your patrons wouldn't take kindly to some of the details, so I'll leave it at that."The tender returned again, this time with some food. Mutton and mashed up potatoes. It was simple, but damn was it good. She ate the food as quickly as any hungry warrior would.
"My thanks, Bobby. A freshly prepared meal is always a treasure as of late."Bobby nodded in understanding to her story, with her markings on her face, it was clear to him what it may have included. Actually he probabbly heard the story from travellers. Not that he could bring it up to his mind now. When she thanked him for the meal he nodded,
"That's on the house for mi'lady" He said with a bow and a smile. He turned to see the door open again, this time, he knew who it was despite the sunglare.
Flint had returned, after retreaving his leather armor and green and grey mottled cloak from the lake that he had left while caving with Emiliah. Mishka, his wolf was by his side again, her tail wagging as she looked up at him.
Can we get some chicken today? He looked down at Mishka and answered out loud,
"Sophie doesn't make Chicken every day Mishka..." Her tail dropped at the sad news as Flint continued up to the bar to Bobby and a girl eating some food.
"Hey Bobby...." Looking at the girl. He noticed the markings on her face and then looked around at the bar, seeing the glares from some of the more hard ass patrons. This girl must be stupid...or very confident in her abilities. Flint smiled at her and leaned against the counter.
"Hows it going? My name is Flint Digard, It is a pleasure to meet you..." Bobby then said, interrupting Flint
"If ye are looking for Fenros, he and a few of the other hunters...Including Emiliano, went to hunt a Necromancer over in Silent Falls." Coraline followed Bobby's eyes to the door and saw another man enter. She raised a brow but simply went back to her meal. When he sat next to her and began to introduce himself as Flint Digard, she stopped eating and looked back to him. He was cut off by Bobby, so Coraline remained silent for now.
She studied the man, she had heard of the name and the exploits that came with it. Once Bobby stopped speaking, she nodded respectfully to him just like she had with the other patrons that looked her way.
"Flint Digard, the pleasure is all mine. My name is Coraline, Ser Coraline Toph. I've never met a Digard but I have most certainly heard about your line. You must be a proud hunter."Flint glanced over at Bobby as he mentioned his brother and the others going to hunt a Necromancer. He wanted to go as well, it had been a while since he saw his brother fight, and looking around the room, perhaps Marcus went with him. The woman spoke up and introduced herself. At which he smiled and cocked his head to the side at hearing the Ser. He then stood up when she mentioned that she heard his name.
"Oh no no no, the pleasure is mine I assure you Ser Coraline." He gave her a slight bow and flashed one of his most dashing smiles.
"While I am a Digard, it's not as interesting as meeting a woman with the title as knight. May I ask what brings you to this po-dunk Tavern?" "Hey! Watch it Boy..." Bobby Grumbled.
The knight smirked and glanced back to Bobby,
"I can't wait for the moment when my title doesn't surprise somebody." she chuckled.
Looking back to Flint, Coraline perked a brow. 'He seems like a man who can't resist women,' she thought, 'duely noted.' Coraline laughed lightly,
"Please, just call me Coraline. We're all brothers and sisters in arms against the fel creatures in the wild, after all."Coraline had managed to slowly finish her meal and now she was able to bring her attention fully to the two who had engaged in conversation with her. When asked what brought her around, she lets out a long breath,
"I caught wind of some trouble brewing here. I came from far East of here to lend my aid. I'm afraid the news I've heard is true, what with necromancers out and about."Flint nodded as she told him to just call her Coraline. While she finished her food he sat down and patted Mishka's head as she forced herself between Coraline and Flint, sticking her snout in his lap, trying to get him to get her some food. He then asked Bobby,
"Hey Can I get some dinner as well for Mishka?" Bobby nodded, as he walked away,
"Only if it's for Mishka, I don't want you sneaking some for yerself" he chuckled as he slipped behind the wall to the kitchen.
When she answered his final question he looked back to her.
"We do have a few around here... and it would seem my brother is leading a group towards one now." He glanced around the room again to see the men still staring.
"I was about to head out after Mishka got her dinner, to meet up with them. I'm sure you can come along if you wish so...it's only a few hours west." He figured he would invite her, as well the bar was all noticing her marks...she could most likely take care of her self. But it would be better for Bobby to calm them down while they were gone.
Coraline genuinely debated whether or not to take the invitation. On one hand, she was terribly fatigued and really needed a rest. But on the other, what better way to earn the peoples' trust than to do away with a necromancer? Before she answered, she looked to Bobby,
"Could I possibly have my waterskin refilled?" she asked as she removed the skin from her belt.
The red headed woman looked back to Flint and got up from her seat.
"Well if it's just a few hours, I'm sure I could tough it out." Coraline grabbed her scabbards from the counter and strapped it back to her belt.
"I wouldn't mind seeing what a Digard can do in combat. I might learn something." she chuckled.
Bobby who had came out just before and placed some food on the ground, looked up to Coraline as she asked for her waterskin refilled. He nodded and took it back as well as Mishka enhaled the food on the ground.
Flint on the other hand smiled that she decided to join. Making the few hour trip would be boring...well, annoying actually if Mishka kept bugging him, like she was prone to do. When she then mentioned that she wouldn't mind seeing his battle prowess He smirked as rubbing the back of his head.
"Well..." Not sure what to say, as he was an excellent shot, but the true warrior was Fenros. But he didn't like to brag about his skills. He turned to Bobby who had just returned with the water for her, then asked,
"Bobby... Do you have any silver tipped arrows? My other ones broke during the Cave in a few days ago." Bobby nodded and reached under the bar, which also doubled as where he kept his stock of Hunter accessories, he pulled two dozen silver tipped arrows from under the bar and laid them on the counter. Flint trusted Bobbies wares, but as habit he ran a finger along the flat part of the blade, slowly, but quickly enough for his thumb to start hissing as it burned and yet descrete enough for people not to notice.
He then grabbed the hole lot and raised them over his shoulder, wincing as his back was sore still and slid them into his empty quiver, before looking back to Coraline.
"Did you need anything? Bobby has just about anything you could use to fight the creatures of the night. From holy water or oil, to silver powder or Lavender dust. You name it he has it." Coraline eyed the silver arrows carefully when they were presented on the counter. She took a breath and let it out slowly before looking back to Flint. She watched as he quivered the dangerous projectiles and seemed to relax. The offer for more gear was a kind gesture, but she shook her head,
"I have all of my equipment in the stable, next to my horse. But I don't hunt with many oils and herbs."The knight patted her armor, producing a solid thud as her mailed fist hit steel plate.
"I trust in my armor and complete the job with my blade. Witch hunting supplies," she gestures to the counter that hid the stock,
"isn't exactly my forte."It was easy enough to piece together what she was saying when her witchmarks were so easily on display. She began to head for the door,
"I'll take one pack with me. We should be on our way before the evening comes about."With that, Coraline left the Witches Paradise and walked back to the stable. Her horse and packed gear was exactly where she left it. She was glad that the people of Seren's Folly seemed to respect others' property. The red haired knight took one of the bags and slung it over her shoulder, the contents rustled about inside. She had taken camping supplies.
Flint nodded, realizing what she meant. While he was a part werewolf, he had grown accustomed to handling things that were equally dangerous to him. He looked at Bobby who gave him a Gruff look.
"Emiliano's still looking fer ye. Wot was yer reasoning for almost killing him?" Flint took a deep breath.
"It was an accident, in the part that I wasn't trying kill him. It's not my fault the man is almost always drunk and his sense dull Nor that he happened to slam his head into a table. I was simply defending Elizabeths honor...I was under the impression that Emiliano was less than gentlemanly towards her, only though it seemed that nothing really happened in the first place. The fact that he seemed not the bit worried about it, or even tried to come near Elizabeth did piss me off to no end."Bobby growled,
"Ye better be careful Flint, Yer strength is inhuman...even if ye were the smallest of Hector's boys, yer punches are still more powerful than a normal human. Before ye start punching out people, how bout ye get the full story first..." Flint shook his head.
"Right, He still deserved it for blabbing to Elizabeth about my families secret." He turned to leave, leaving Bobby shaking his head as he did. Once outside he went to his own horse still saddled in the stables and quickly checked for all his items, his holy oil, firestarter, and a wad of tinder and oil that he often placed onto his arrows. He easily mounted his horse and trotted over to Coraline. His green and grey moltted cloaked looked raggid and lost it's original deep green color from sunbleach, with bits of string and cloth popping out here and there, as if it was once belonged to his great grand father. It covered his entire body as he sat on top of his painted stallion.
"Are you ready?" Coraline climbed up onto her horse and nodded over to Flint.
"Aye," she said,
"I take it you know these parts well. Are there any things on the trail I should know about? Aggressive wildlife?"Coraline rode out from the stable and fell in next to the man. Her cloak was tattered and torn along the bottom. Splotches of mud and dirt covered the crimson red cloth, much like her armor. Coraline couldn't wait to take the time to clean her equipment. Her sword bounced at her hip as the horse trotted down the cobbled road. The other longsword at her back remained perfectly fixed in place. While she rode, she glanced over to Flint and studied his bow,
"So, you're an archer?"Flint tilted his head to the side as she asked about any agressive wildlife on the road.
"Wolves perhaps, but we need not worry about them at all. I've never had them attack while passing." He glanced down at Mishka, who looked at him.
yeah because you and Fenros dominated the Alpha's years before. She said to him mentally.
He shrugged slightly at her comment and continued.
"Perhaps the occasional werewolf. Apparently there was a pack not even a week ago here. " Packs of werewolves were unheard of, never happened as they were all insaine and always hunted alone.
"Sadly I wasn't here to help with that hunt. From what I've heard it was an interesting one." He said with a smile as he looked to Coraline as asked, though stated that he was an archer.
"Indeed I am, I know how to handle a sword, though I must say it has been a long while since my father trained me and sense I've used one in combat, I've always preferred the bow, and a friend of my fathers took me under his wing to teach me the fine art of it. With my smaller frame compared to my brothers, it felt more natural for me to use a bow. Though I do occasionally like to spar once and a while with my friend Marcus in the sword....mostly to make him feel good about him self. " He said with a chuckle.
Looking to her swords and her bow he then said,
"It would seem you are more the swordswoman, but do you also fight with the bow as well?" Coraline chuckled and shook her head,
"No, I take it along to hunt. Nothing is more difficult than charging a deer with a longsword," she smirked,
"But I do accept lessons in combat archery. Perhaps one day I can learn the tricks of the trade to be a bit more versatile on the field."Coraline took in a deep breath of the fresh air. She had managed to regain much of her strength and spirit to travel after having a good meal. The knight looked off to the mountains while she rode alongside the hunter,
"This Marcus man sounds like he has some talent with swordplay. I wouldn't mind a spar some day. If I'm going to be hunting with you lot, I'd best get to know everybody's strengths and weaknesses.""So tell me about yourself, Mister Digard. How long have you hunted? Do you have a preferred mark?"Flint then said,
"Please, Just call me Flint, Mister Digard is my father." He smiled at the fact that she said she would accept lessons in combat archery.
"I would be more than honored to help teach you a few tips. It's not often that I get to teach some one in my craft." He looked to his bow, given to him from Emiliah. While in the woods looking for his cloak and armor he had practiced more with it to get used to it's slight awkwardness of being too light and the fact it was a recurve bow instead of his longbow. But he had grown used to how it fired, for the most part.
When she mentioned Marcus he looked over to her, and nodded,
"I will inform him of that, though I'm sure he would ask for a spar before I say anything. He is also a knight, of birth, and received some of the best swordsmanship training his father could afford. I'm sure he will be a good spar for you." A few moments passed away as he patted his horses neck, looking forward to see Mishka running ahead and sniffing out the things in the wild. Be it animals of the forest or of danger.
He heard her ask for what he normally hunted and how long as he allowed the reins to slack as he rotated and cracked his wrists. He looked over to her and said,
"Please, Mr. Digard was my father, just call me Flint." He said with a warm smile on his face.
"I've been on hunts since I've been sixteen with my father and older brothers. On my own? It's been about five to six years now. I usually hunt what ever is near by, but I do tend to hunt Werewolves and demons more often than not." He didn't want to go into Demon Lords at the moment with the fact that he never really...fought one yet. And they are still a very rare encounter...best not to scare everyone with that information.
He then asked,
"How about you? How long have you been hunting and what... do you focus on hunting?" Coraline chuckled when he told her to just call him Flint. She nodded and watched as the wolf ran ahead. She listened to the man speak while the rode,
"Sixteen, how old are you now?" Coraline paused,
"I'm thirty-one now. My father took me on my first hunt when I turned eighteen. My mother was always telling him that it was too soon but clearly it wasn't."Coraline gave some thought to his question, there was a moment of silence while she picked an answer,
"My preferred mark... This might sound strange, but I'd rather hunt criminals rather than monsters and cultists. Bandits and corrupt nobles will strangle a country far faster than a necromancer or werewolf." Coraline paused as she thought some more,
"Simply because the innocent don't feel fear when they look at another human. They walk willingly to their ends without even knowing it."He looked at her when she said she was thirty-one,
"You don't look a day over twenty-four." He said with a smile as he then continued to answer the question.
"I'm currently twenty-four myself. So it would seem you have more experience than I." An interesting thought. Perhaps even more then Fenros...but doubtful. Not with how much he hunts.
He then listened to her answer as he watched Mishka keep ahead of them about a hundred yards.
"It doesn't sound strange at all, I agree, sometimes humans could be worse sometimes." He looked to her and asked, very bluntly,
"Is it because you are part witch that you have that view?" He looked at her, calmly and as gently as he was speaking to her as before, as if her witch side had no bother to him...which in fact it didn't.
Cast a sideglance over to him when he mentioned the marks in a very simple way. She knew it was going to come up eventually. With a sigh, Coraline nodded,
"Yes. Take this as you will, but witches are born and raised and taught that hunters are the enemy just like hunters are in the reverse. One grows and knows nothing else than what they're taught. Criminals exist in both communities. Innocents are lost to shadows. So I hunt the shadows."Coraline stretched a bit and got more comfortable on her saddle,
"It's because I'm born to both sides that I can look past this... To put it bluntly... Silly conflict."Flint nodded as he looked forward as she explained herself. He agreed with her for the most part. He never told anyone this, but the fact that she was so open to the ideal anway he decided to tell her.
"Oh I agree... Sadly the people here are not as forward thinking as you or I." He glanced to her and said,
"I actually understand your view point very clearly... My mother herself was a witch, and my father also a hunter of course. It is from them I came to the realization that there are such things as good witches and evil hunters." He wondered what her reaction would be, but he continued.
"How ever, I don't know about the land you come from, but Evil is more rooted over here...alot more evil witches I've run into than good." Coraline couldn't help but smile at the comment of good witches and evil hunters. She added,
"There are more good witches that you might think. They're people as well, trying to survive."Coraline listened to Flint's rundown of how things were in this part of the world. She nodded slowly before taking her waterskin and drinking some of the fresh fluid.
"Well. Perhaps that is part of the reason why I came here. Perhaps I'll be the judge of that."