Avatar of Aerandir
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Aerandir
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1976 (0.49 / day)
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    1. Aerandir 11 yrs ago
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@SunsetRosesLong story haha


for anyone
Hey guys, just wondering what you think. This map is for my book I'm working on, just wondering what you all think of it. Still a work in progress.

Thanks @Fetzen for pointing me in that direction for the map creator
@urukhaiwell Uru, we were about to head out to the castle blood rose, and Coraline just walked in to town infront of everyone

From the lack of posts, I will be safe to assume that everyone is going to allow me and Mei to mame puppet their characters (Ellion and Whoami excluded) I would HIGHLY Appreciate people talking amongst themselves before the weekend where they will be pushed around roughly.
I have the post down here where you can add your groups get together, those who are together just look at Bobby's last post to see who is actually together.

Hunters Pad
Hey everyone sorry for vanishing. Family showed up and I was spending time with them. Anyone going to be on tonight?
Every Hunter available please make a post on the main Hunter sheet so I can post it and we can split up into our three groups
@agentmanatee ok, also it's been a few weeks story time, enough time for Bobby to allow Emiliano back into the bar.

Ok Hunters, I've dropped the ball. So we are getting started asap! I'm free all day tomorrow, so I require a couple of things

1.I need every hunters Time zones AGAIN! Post your time zone ANNND what time it is when you posted your timezone, so I can be doubly sure.

2. I need you to all say if you have someone you wanted to partner with at the moment. If nothing is said after 8pm Monday night MST *Roughly 22 hours from this post.* I will assign groups. groups of three I'm thinking...speaking of three.


Hunters Pad
Call of the Wilds

Alexina was standing on a edge of a cliff... high above jagged rocks far below. She stood silently as the wind caught her hair. The fact Lorelai didn't put up much of a fight to stop her only made it worse for her. Was there really any love she had for her? Was it all a lie? Was she just used again? Like many years before?

She tilted forward slowly, rocking back and forth...the world spun and a sudden exileration of a fall and fear welded up in her chest. She wished for it to end...yet at the same time...she was hoping for a sign, and it came.

The skies darkened as black clouds rolled in from some unknown horizon. The wind whipped in a frenzy as lightning rolled across the storm. As Alexina gazed up she saw something strange. Eyes, two brilliant eyes of lightning gazed back at her. In a voice made of thunder the entity spoke. "Before you die, tell me. Why do you seek death Alexina?"

Alexina was taken back at the two brilliant eyes that had appeared before her...She had almost lost her footing then and there... But she hesitated before answering. "I want to be free of this pain, and I am trapped here! I cannot leave, I am in a prison near the woman I love, who does not love me!"

"A prison of the heart then?" The storm spoke, lighting rippling across its body. "Young one, have you forgotten the lessons of the earth? Change often, free yourself, dance under the moonlight and scream your pain into the skies."

"I've come a long way to find you Alexina. If you choose death now I'll not blame you, but the earth is stronger than that, and I think you are too." The storm flashed, it's lighting raking the ground like the talons of an angry god. The rock was blackened, but it did not bleed or die.

Suddenly Alexina felt ashamed of her behavior... this entity was correct, she had forgotten these lessons. She almost fell to the ground in defeat...but her legs wouldn't let her, as the storm raged around her and lightening striking the ground so close to her she only looked up with a renewed determination. "Who are you!? Why do you want me?!" She yelled into the sky, her almost frail and defeated and pathetic voice slowly become stronger and more determined.

The sky brightened all at once, as a pillar of lighting ripped from the sky to the ground several feet behind Alexina. There amongst the ozone and small flames stood a woman. Her features were delicate, white hair, high cheekbones, a small nose, a frame that was less than impressive. Her eyes sparkled with amusment as a smirk tugged at the corners of her mouth.

"That's the Alexina I've come this far to find." With a wave of her hand the storm abated, leaving the skies blue as if there had never been a storm at all. "I've had many names, and lived many lives, but you may call me Alice. I wear the pelt of the earth like you, scorn the laws of man and his child gods like you."

Alexina's eyes grew wide as Alice appeared before her, revealing her identity. She remembered her mother speaking of woman by the name of Alice...able to become one with the sky and earth...a goal that her mother had once had. She never had thought she was real though. Despite her knowlege of Demons and dark lords and even the child gods of the rest of men. But, there was nothing to indicate that Alice was real.

But here she was, standing infront of her. She suddenly did not know if she should fall to her knees, or remain standing. Depsite her thoughts she only lowered her head slightly to show submission yet at the same still showing her own strength. "What do you, Alice... want with me? I was no where near like my mother... "

Alice approached Alexina. She gently reached out and touched the witch's chin, tilting her face upward slightly as she examined her features. "Your mother was wise and powerful. Also quite beautiful when she was young, I see you've inherited the lion's share of her traits. How fortunate."

"The land screams for blood here Alexina, something dark this way comes. Brother earth and sister water spoke to me of a like-minded witch in these lands. A refreshing taste of the old ways, nothing like these sniveling weakling 'witches' that are so common these days."

Alexina flushed in embarrasment while Alice touched her chin, and raised it upwards. As she complemented her. She listend intently to what the woman had said, though she was confused. She had heard of storys of witches of old...Alice among them. But when she spoke of one here... she could really only think of Lorelai, the only one she knew who knew of the ancient magics....well beside Medusa...but she never really saw her powers in work. "Are you speaking of Lorelai Von'Strauss?" She asked, confused,,,and a little angry if it was the witch she spoke of. She wanted anything but to be near Lorelai now.

"Ah the Dragon, powerful and old indeed." Alice shook her head and smirked. "But not who I'm here for, I speak of you."

"I am here to finish your training." Alice paced circles around Alexina as she examined her. "So that you might join me as beast to the land, two halves of nature whole once again."

Alexina was taken back. She honestly thought she had reached her limit in her training...as she had no skills what so ever in any other form, to the point she couldn't even feel magic like others could. Her eyes stared into the distance as she went over what said agian, and again. She never would have thought of herself to be even close as powerful as Alice...but she spoke of being her equal, her other half... that she wouldnt be...alone.

A sudden swell of relief flowed through her, and the shock of excitement. She took a deep breath, squaring her shoulders. "I'm honored you have chosen me Alice... Please... when do we start?" She wanted to become stronger, and farther away from the helpless little girl she was a few minutes ago.

"We begin by dismissing the concept that you are flesh and blood my dear." Alice laid down in the grass patting the spot next to her. "Come and dream with me. We'll dream of the hunt in pursuit, prey as teacher, and the holiest of comunions as our fangs tear open warm meat dripping with lifeblood."

"We'll forge a path of flame and claw marks through these desolate lands you and I. So for now we dream." Alice gazed at Alexina. "And when we wake you'll claim me, so long as you remember how, and we'll continue from there."

Alexina paused for a moment, unsure at first... but she slowly sat down next to Alice. She was unsure of how to begin...as she only really understood how to transform. Anything and everything else was difficult for her to grasp. The only hope of resolve of actually making it through this...was the fact that Alice was here...offering to help her. If she had chosen her, even over her mother, that must mean it is possible. Alice was not a fool. At least from all t he stories she had heard.

She took a breath and looked sheepish as she said, "I...will let you know... If you really are wanting me to become as powerful as you think I can be...I need a lot of help.."

"Of course you do." Alice declared playfully. "I've been gone from these fleshly realms too long, and it seems most witches have forgotten the whispers of the earth."

"I will guide you young one, that you might grow strong and pass on my teachings." Alice sat up long enough to push Alexina onto her back, then laid down so their heads were touching. "Now, sleep, and listen. I'll whisper in your dreams little one, and show you the path home again."

Alexina allowed her self to be pushed back onto the ground...she let out a long breath and closed her eyes as they laid next to each other. She felt odd, laying next to Alice, their heads touching... odd but not umcomfortable.

She was ready, she wanted to become stronger...she wanted to become free from this prison she was in. More than anything...she wanted to forget herself in her training and forget her pain, and Lorelai.

The emotional strain of the day, and the crying had worn her out much more than she realized...and even though she was only laying for a few moments, she suddenly realized...she was no longer laying on the ground on the edge of a cliff next to Alice.

Alexina's eyes opened to the Primal Wilds. She beheld a verdant land of untamed beauty. Alice stood next to her smiling brightly. She siezed Alexina's hand and drug her forward into the wilderness.

They danced years away underneath the bright silver moon, under brother sun's shining face. They hunted large and powerful prey, and feasted on its flesh to their heart's content. They stalked through a world with no words, because none were needed. None of man's chains or his petty laws exsisted here, just the law of the jungle and the sweat of their bodies.

Alexina heard here, for the first time, the sweet song of the land. It called to her in whispers, reminding her of what it meant to walk on its face. It spoke of the legendary beasts of days long past, of the Primal Predator that embodied her birthright. Alice shaped the skies overhead as storms danced out the old stories, lost to the mists of myth and legend.

At the end Alice turned to her, with that same brightly smiling face, and tilted her head up. There she saw the material world again, and they began to fall towards it. Alexina had taken her first steps towards mastery, and she'd return here someday. For now though there was much work to be done in the world of flesh and blood.

It felt so unreal...yet at the same time she seemed to remember every detail of the years she spent with Alice. She had woken up and was once again laying down on that grassy spot where she had left the material world. Her life before Alice seemed like the real dream now, a memory far away as she strained to remember what she was like. She blinked a few times as she slowly pushed herself up from the ground.

She was speechless as she knew it was only a few hours she had laid down in the material world. But she was definitly not the same woman she was before. Her experiances in the Primal Wilds still held onto her mind brightly. She looked to Alice... and smiled before moving over to her and claiming her as her own.
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