Azak grunted as the Aylv tried hard to gouge him, before laughing, "You already know that'll do little more than scuff the plate, boy. Why do you keep trying?", he shook his head, before the Aylv nearly got it in his visor. Growling he shoved the boy forward against the leash in retaliation. He smiled cruelly at this, happy to be holding all the power here. Unfourtanetly, that was all about to change very quickly as the boys cloak billowed up seemingly from nothing, obscuring the skiff from Azak. This momentary loss of vision was all the stealthy little git needed, as he snipped the leash and jumped ship... or riding beast onto the skiff, a sickening pop accompanying him as it sped away from Azak and his wounded mount.
The bandit growled looking down at the cut leash in his hand and the skiff rapidly gaining distance between them. With a flick of his wrist he brought his cleaver to bare, the chain connecting it to his wrist revealing its length as he flung it at the back of the craft, managing to hook it perfectly. Taking hold with both hands, he braced for the sudden pull as for a few yards he was simply dragged through the sand, accomadating to his new speed. After a few moment though he started to climb, pulling himself up the chain bit by bit, inch by inch getting closer to the skiff. His arms ached and sand blasted into his visor but he was heedless to these obstacles as he dragged himself forward. It wasn't long before he had caught up, and grasped the hilt of his great cleaver and using it to pull himself up into the skiff... mere feet away from the Aylv, "So, trying to escape already eh? Not smart boy, you'll have to kill me before I let you get away from me!", he growled and lunged at the antlered boy, aiming to grab him by the dangerous protrusions lest he try to aim them into his visor. No one escaped Azak, not while he drew breath.
@darkwolf687 hey man can you give me some kind of indication you saw what I said and that, as a player in the RP, your going to respect my decision as GM? Currently as far as I'm aware you haven't seen it or you are ignoring me
@RomanAria They've been offline quite awhile... but Aria you aready have so many characters... can you handle another one? Currently I'm fairly certain you are RPing with nearlty every character in this RP xD
Lord: Lord Tyget Crakehall, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the first men, lord of the seven kingdoms and protector of the realm(self proclaimed), Lord of Crakehall, Warden of the west
Seat: Casterly Rock
Heir: Ser Tywin Crakehall, Shield of Lannisport
Religion: The faith of the seven
Army: 50,000 Bannermen
104 galleys, 42Longships
Recent history
House Crakehall were once loyal Bannermen to the lannisters, one of the first to answer their call... until the death of Lord Tywin Lannister. After his death House Crakehall made their plans, and after the restoration of the Targaryen line to the throne House Crakehall we're named wardens of the west in the place of the destroyed House Lannister. Ever since, following the example left by lord Tywin, the Crakehall's have kept the lords of the westerlands unified, and a forcertain to be reckoned with. House Crakehall also inherited one last thing from the Lannisters, their riches. House Crakehall not only maintained their own mines, fields and other profitable assets, they gained all those held by House Lannister, making them without a doubt the richest House in the Seven Kingdoms.
Since then, House Crakehall has only grown in influence and power, though early on was not so easy. Much like when Tytos Lannister ruled, several houses attempted to rebel against Crakehall after their ascension to wardenship, a war known as the beggars rebellion ensued. It was so named for the strategy used by then Lord Roland Crakehall, who seized all the rebel houses means of funding themselves before ever meeting them in open combat. Essentially, over a period of three years House Crakehall drove it's opponents into the poorhouse, while they themselves grew richer. After the complete destruction of house Garner at the siege of Clegane's keep the other three rebelling houses surrendered, bending the knee to the Crakehall's. As punishment, a third of each of the remaining houses lands and holdings were seized by House Crakehall, along with all the lands of House Garner, making the Crakehall's even richer. This display showed the other westerlands lords why House Crakehall deserved their fealty as much as the Lannisters did.
In the centuries following the powerful family fostered ties with many of the other powerful families, though they first consolidated their hold on the westerlands with a slew of marriages and other familial ties to the most powerful houses such as Payne, Banefort, Brax along with others. After this, they tied themselves to the throne by being a rather commonly chosen house to have a member named the Master of coin thanks to their uncanny ability with money, some even supposedly rivaling the financial abilities of Petyr Baelish. Their power and wealth also made them prime candidates for marriage to Targaryen's(when they aren't married off to eachother), hence why they currently have a valid claim to the throne.
Now, Lord Tyget Crakehall, current head of House Crakehall, seeks to take his family from the westerlands to kings landing, and take the iron throne for himself. His claim may not be as strong as that of some other lords, but such a thing matters little to a man who can buy out many of those enemies, or simply by an army to crush them. He calls his Bannermen now, prepared to set his enemies ablaze, as he marches off to war. However, unlike the other houses vying for the throne, House Crakehall has a vested interest in who claims the north. The Iron Islanders are able to raid the Westerlands, and Tyget has no wish to allow the seafaring bastards to pillage more than the Fair Isle they already took from him.
Name: King Tyget Crakehall
Age: 47
Seat: Crakehall
Heir: Tywin Crakehall, son, 22
Personality: Lord Tyget does very little without first carefully weighing all of his options, hence a common joke that the man takes 3 hours to piss, 1 hour to choose a privy, one hour to decide where to stand, and one hour going back over his options. However, this calculating nature has served him well, be it in war and court alike. He is fastidious to fault, often fixating on minor details longer than the full picture often to the chagrin of more impatient men. As a side effect, Tyget has a truly immense fountain of patience to draw from, virtually never losing his composure or acting brashly. His plans and machinations have long armed consequences, sometimes reaching several years before bearing fruit. His dour nature, I her item from his mother, also means he is not prone to jest or humour, preferring to remain focused and serious.
Tyget holds little love for the gods, partially because he is fairly certain he is richer than they are, even so he frequently proclaims them to the smallfolk and is known to make donations to the church... in spite of this, he has recently taken a vested interest in the faith of R'hlor, and secretly searches for a priest of priestess of the red god, for he has heard some can bring men back from the dead. In both strategy and personal combat Tyget is careful, and clever, and underhanded. He is considered a well tested and very succesful military leader, largely for his suppression of Pirates from Essos. He is a learned man, and despite his martial abilities Tyget does not scorn intellectuality, and is not unknown to spend many hours reading on a variety of topics. As for his politics... Tyget has few compunctions against 'doing what must be done', and is a vicious and ambitious member of court, hence his claiming the throne for himself. He carries a deep rooted hatred of the Ironmen, seeing them as unworthy of being held in any sort of trust to the throne. The loss of the Fair isle in recent times has only further soured his opinion of them, meaning their fate under his rule is suspect.
Biography: Tyget was born the fourth child, and first son, of Lord Jon Crakehall, a bombastic and honourable man. Tyget was raised more by his mother than his father however, who was rarely at Crakehall, often galavanting about the westerlands and the seven kingdoms spending money, attending tourneys and generally being what Tyget considered a wasteful slug. His mother, Lenna Crakehall was born Lenna Payne, and she was like most all other Payne's, solemn, dour, taciturn, and dreadfully serious. She taught the heir to house Crakehall how to be a real leader, how to make men fear and dread you by personality and presence alone. When he was three she had him sentence a man to death for a minor offense, he was not allowed to hesitate or look away from the man and he did exactly as he was told, never flinching.
After his early youth, around the age of eight, his father decided the boy spent to much time around his mother and took his combat training on himself. Tyget learned the ins and outs of war from his father, from strategy and military history to personal combat. However, despite his attempts, Jon could not get his son to 'lighten up', keeping the grey nature handed to him by his mother. The dour boy drove his father up the wall, so after two years of training Tyget himself, Jon had the boy squired with someone his wife said he'd get along better with. Tyget was squired to Ser Humfrey Payne, his mother's cousin. The man was much like Lenna, and Tyget seemed to look up to him far more than he ever did to his father, and Tyget followed the taciturn knight wherever he went, being knighted seven years later by his own father. However, one skill from his own family that Tyget learned was finance, and it was here the boy showed true ability. He was a talented swordsman and knight, and skilled politician... but he was a banker savant. Upon being given the responsibility of the Crakehall fortune, Tyget doubled it in 2 years and tripled that amount in 4. He replaced any debt accrued by his boisterous father befor the man had even died, so when Jon Crakehall did die Tyget was lord of the rich house that just kept getting richer at the age of 26.
Shortly after taking the lordship, Tyget married, though many say it was rather late the two had actually been matched by Tyget's mother almost from their birth. Tyget was married to Leonette Tyrell, for though Leonette was but a third cousin of the Tyrell's it was still a tie between two of the richest houses. Their marriage has since produced 6 children, though it seems Tyget shares his father's propensity for female heirs, as five of his six children are girls, only his second oldest child, Tywin, is a boy. Of His daughters three are married; Shiera, Amarei and Melessa. His youngest daughter, Leona, is 10, and Tyget thinks her too young to be married or engaged.
His reign as Warden of the west saw the westerlands grow in wealth and influence, though repeated incursions from both Essosi Pirates and Iron Islanders have plauged Tyget, though he has since remedied the Essosi, the Iron born still pose a threat.
At the death of Aegon X Tyget made an unprecedented move, and was the first to claim the Iron throne for himself after it was discovered Daenys had no claim. Most imagined that the careful and patient Tyget would wait to see his opponents at least, if he declared for it at all. However, it seems the Lord of the west has made his move, and his true intent is to bring out those who would dare to oppose him, so he can bribe them, bride them or bury them until it is Tyget who sits on the throne, unnaposed.
Claim to the throne: Tyget's great uncle, Tybolt Crakehall was married to the sister of Aegon's father, and his Great uncle sired no heirs, putting the claim squarely on his shoulders.
Appearance: Though he is getting on in years, Tyget is as imposing as he always was. Standing at 5'9, Tyget has a fighters build, and is stronger than most would thing, as underneath his armor lay thick muscle. Though his age has slowed him slightly, Tyget is as strong and as able a fighter as he ever was. He carries Widow's Wail on his person at all times, on and off the field of battle. His hair was once rather muddy brown of most all Crakehall's, but in his age the gray hairs now outnumber the beown, though his thick hair shows no sign or balding. His hair is kept back slicked back, and short, his bangs swept back with the rest of his hair so the are somewhat loner, though as they are always slicked back most people do not realise this. His face bears a single scar, on his left cheek, though he was never beautiful or particularly handsome Tyget has a stern, solemn face, there is a lot of Payne in him, his face long and stern and his eyes gray like those of his mother. He keeps himself clean shaven when possible, though has been know to carry a scruffy close cropped beard when it suits him.
Name: Ser Tywin Crakehall
Age: 22
Saet: none
Heir: (?)
Personality: Tywin has a strange mixture of Tyrell nobility from his mother, and the more serious outlook of his father. Though many think him not quite as intelligent as his father, or as well disposed to Grand strategy, he is considered one of the best swordsman in the westerlands, if not the seven kingdoms. His skill with blade and Lance surpasses that of his father, and he is renowned for his good looks and caring temperament, both unlike his father. However, anyone who knows Tywin knows the one thing he wants more than anything else is his father's respect, and he works hard for it. With war on the horizon, perhaps now he can earn it. It is especially difficult as he is a homosecual, something his father is obviously not in favor of and has taken pains to hide it from others.
Biography: Second child and first son of Lord Tyget Crakehall and Lady Leonette Crakehall, Tywin was named for a man Tyget respected far more than his father, Lord Tywin Lannister all those centuries ago. They boy grew up seeing his father as some wonderful being, he thought of his father as a true lord and just man. Thogh he never shared his fathers lack of humour, He did wish to imitate his father's skills, squired early to Ser Rickon Algood, he learned the way of the knight. Tywin learned quickly, proving to be a natural at sordplay, and as good at mounted combat. He trained hard, and was given Knighthood at 15. During his time with Ser Algood, Tywin met another squire, in service to Derrik Banefort, named Robert Lorch. The two boys became fast friends quickly, and eventually struck up a secret love-affair. Shortly after the Tywin was knighted, lord Tyget found out. Upon discovering his son and his lover, Tyget acted quickly, he could not risk the Lords of the Westerlands knowing, and he could not simply kill or exile Lorch. So, with no other choice, Tyget declared that Robert Lorch would become one of his guards, and be knighted. He forbid his son from ever being alone with Robert again, though this is one of the only commands of his father's that Tywin is willing to disobey, though it is not easy.
Now, he expects Tyget will soon name Robert to the Kingsguard, making their relationship even harder. It is becoming difficult for Tywin, but he still wishes for his father to see him as a son to be proud of.
Appearance: Tywin takes after his mother quitw a bit(similar to his own father), and looks more Tyrell than Crakehall. If any other Tyrells were present at the right time many may have believed him a bastard, but as this was not the case he is most definitely Tyget's son, his gray eyes confirm it further. His hair is light brown and curly, coming down to just below the top of his ears. His face is free of blemish or scar, and is far more handsome than his father. He has a similar build to his father, though he is slightly taller and thinner, standing at 5'10. He keeps his face clean shaven, preferring to never have even a scruf of beard.
Name: Princess Leona Crakehall
Age: 10
Personality: Leona is an outgoing young girl, a strange combination of her mothers kind heart and fathers ambitious drive Leona is an explorer, often sneaking away from her lessons to explore the confines of Castle Crakehall. She enjoys running down the halls with her dog Serin, and loves listening to the stories of guards, knights and her father. She is easily bored and her mind often wanders when listening to others or taking her lessons. The only erson who seems to be able to hold her attention is her father, Tyget seems to know just how to play the young girl and often enraptures her with tales of the families past.
Biography: Leona is Tyget's youngest child, born ten years ago and most likely Tyget's final child. Like his other children, Tyget has taken an active role in her upbringing, educating her on the history of her house. Though she has only met her sisters infrequently, as they live with thier husbands in other castles, but she is close to her brother Tywin, and he often takes her riding with him. She likes Ser Falwell, she thinks he is charming and fun, but Ser Terrance Payne frightens young Leona, she finds him strange and abnormal, often avoiding the man when she can.
Appearance: Leona Crakehall is the spitting image of Tyget's mother Lenna Crakehall, her gray eyes, black hair, fair face and sharp features. she is small, still a young child after all, and still growing.
The Kingsguard of King Tyget Crakehall ----
Name: Terrance Payne
Age: 33
Personality: Terrance pain is an aloof man, quiet and mysterious he speaks sparingly, and often only when prompted by his king. When he does speak without a direct prompt from his king Payne comes across as cold and detached, possibly from reality. He has been known to spout strangely prophetic statements, but their actual validity is not certain, though many believe the man is 'touched'. In his silence Terrance is essentially the Sandor Clegane of the Crakehall's, unquetioning loyalty to his King and his family. This, mixed with his seeming touch of insanity, make for a rather unsettling individual.
On the field of battle the man is truly a sight to see. His greatsword, nearly as tall as he, can cleave through a fully armored knight like a knife through butter. The man is shorter than most, but is increadibly strong, his size also allows him to wield it with far greater speed than most other wielders of greatswords. His style is based on that of Ser Illyn Payne, the Kings justice, his ancestor from the war of the five kings.
Biography: Terrance pain is the only son of Ser Humfrey Payne, the man Tyget was squired ti in his youth. As Terrance's particular line can be traced all the way back to Ser Illyn Payne it is unsurprising he is loyal to House Crakkehall, though Terrance seems to take it to another level. During Tyget's rain the Paynes have only grown in influence, the dour house being favored by the Lord Crakehall. By the time Tyget was lord, terrance was already a knight himself at 14. Early on Tygett sponsored the young boy, hearing praise of the quiet mans skills, the fact he was knighted at 14 attesting to that. It was not till several years later however that Ser Terrance Payne would become forever intertwined with his lord. A rather ambitous fleet of Ironmen assaulted Lannisport, or rather attempted to. Driving the Crakehall fleet out of the bay, five ships landed at the docks, and were met by only 30 men, they outnumbered them 10 to 1... but one of these men was the 17 year old Terrance Payne. As the ships landed and the Ironmen disembarked Terrance was the first to charge into the frey, his greatsword cleaving through the raiders. He single handedly killed over 50 Iron island raiders that day, and by the time the city watch had arrived the Ironmen were in full retreat, shouting about the man of pain. After this event Tyget named Terrance his own personal shield, a man to guard him against all threats, and Terrance was given the title 'Ser Payne of the pain', the redundant title getting the message across well enough. Once Tyget declared his claim for the Iron throne it was Ser Terrance of the Pain that he named first to the Kingsguard, and giving him the title of Lord commander of his Kingsguard. Ser Payne has server Tyget loyally for his entire life, and does not apear to be intent on changing that anytime soon.
Appearance: Terrance Payne is even more Payne than King Tyget, his long face sallow, his eyes a cludy brown and sunken into his skull. His hair is kept in a rather odd fashion, the sides of his head, the back of his head and his face are all clean shaven, but he has a thick line of dark brown hair sitting atop his head, the bangs cut short almost to no existence. He is a short man, he stands at a mere 5'5, but he is stcky for his height and far stronger than he looks. He is never without his greatsword, and though he has never named it there are those who call it Name Taker, for Ser Payne's strange habit of Stenciling particularly known names of important men he has killed onto the blade. When not in his Crakehall Kindsguard armor he wears a simple tunic, breeches and leather vest with high leather boots.
Name: Willem Falwell
Age: 27
Personality: Ser Falwell is many things, boastful, calm, cruel, confident and other less savory words are the first that come to mind. The "knight" hardly acts like one, other than obeyng his king that is, as he very normally bullies the weak, mocks the Seven and generally dishonors himself and others rather regularly. In spite of this, Lord Crakehall has never seen fit to strip him of his titles, for the man is a useful tool. Though he may be crude the man is also cunning, and is known for his underhanded way of speaking, acting and fighting. He also has quite the air of showmanship about him, and quite enjoys the sound of his own voice.
When in a fight, Ser Willem fights with Braavosi Water dancing, having learned it as a child. He has even developed a unique version of the style to adapt it for use in heavy armor, as the classical style requires more freedom of movement thanheavy armor can provide. Though this unique style may be more crude, it is no less difficult for Westerosi fighters to counter. When out of his armor though, Falwell largely uses classic waterdancing.
Biography: The second son of Lord Jaime Falwell Willem became enraptured with sword play at a young age. He loved to watch the Knights duel or engage in melee, and he enjoyed nothing more than seeing the victor triumph. One day, a travelling swordsman from Braavos diplayed his skill before Lord Falwell, and the man was so entertained he hired the Braavosi to become a permanent attaction in his house. It was this man that Willem couldn't believe, his sword moved like it was a part of him, like it was the end of his arm. Eventually, Willem begged his father to let the Braavosi teach him the waterdance rather than learn Westerosi combat from a knight, and his father grudgingly agreed as it was only his second son.
Willem was a natural, the tall and lithe boy learning the style of fighting quickly, and mastering it by his 18th year. After this, his father knighted him despite his lack of true training as a squire. The man never stopped training though, and not long after he surpassed his old master, and skewered him. Falwell had learned something else from the Braavosi, how to be cruel. The man had been a sadistic murderer, and had fled from Braavos after he commited a string of murders, and he seemed to pass his cruel beliefs on to the impressionable young Willem. The boy may be a knight, but he had not a lick of chivalry about him. He was cruel, capricious, hateful and lustful, but he was one of the best swords in Westeros. He even had a special blade forged for himself, a Rapier he named Talon, it was reinforced far more than similar blades, it was made to pierce the heavy plate of Westerosi knights. Lord Tyget saw the mans skill, and knew he had never lost a duel since his knighting, and claimed him as his second sworn shield. He did it not only for better protection, but also to rain the man in and prevent him from causing trouble for house Falwell and the Westerlands. He named him to his Kingsguard the same day as Ser Terrance Payne, and Falwell can't wait to kill for his king.
Appearance: Ser Falwell is an iteresting foil to Ser Payne in personality and appearance. He is tall, reaching nearly seven feet at 6'8, and has a lithe body, perfect for the water dance. His hair is worn long, and is dirty blonde, he has dark blue eyes and a rather handsome face, save the long scar running horizontal across his nose. He keeps a well groomed mustache, but has no other facial hair. If not in his Kingsguard armor he looks much like a Braavosi Water dancer, leather vest and elegant breeches with leather boots.
Victor had expected any number of things in the cottage. And empty building, a creature taken up refuge possibly even a hardy group that had built their life here... of course witch was just as likely and it seemed to him that was exactly who was greeting them. A 'kindly' old woman had opened the door and introduced herself Miss Mimi.The moving scarecrows, inexplicable plant growth underground, a cottage for gods sake it was perhaps the most obvious fissod Victor had ever witnessed... not that it really mattered, if she was providing shelter he was fine with it, after all what could she do to him?
He entetered after Luciel and Gish, calmly using a dirk of his to scrape whatever grime had been on his metal shod boots. He was very grateful she had invited all of them in, otherwise his cover may have been blown seeing as that annoying stipulation of a vampire needing invitation to gain entry to a private home. Calmly he in introduced himself once inside, "Thank you madame, I am Sir Victor Guttman, a pleasure.", and bowed shallowly. He listened to Luciel ask his questions. He smiled down at William and ushered him in alongside himself, "Now William its not nice to decline an invitation! And thats quite rude to say.", he lightly scolded him. Hopefully this cottage was large enough to have a few secluded spots... Victor needed to feed and his chosen victims would have to be seperated for that, which would be hard to do if this place was to small.