Evie Windred

Evie is simply quite, not observant, shy, nor timid...just quite. Talking wasn't her thing and it seems like it will never be, she just finds it easier to communicate by writing as she expresses more 'feeling' by words instead of her own dialogue. Her appearance says differently...having a large interest in anime based plushies and a very bubbly look to her outfits she seems to be a casually fun person/
Evie was the weird kid in her class. She was the one who loved the bad endings, who understood almost everything. one liked her, Evie didn't want to care but she did care. She tried to act silly and happy at the same time and it always just end up, " Stop being weird! " She always was the weird one and oddly liked it, liking the fact that she was different, that she was the only outcast. Because being different was that new trend, that new thing where everyone began accepting people for who they are. Evie was like a young manifest of an old lady, that wise woman. Evie was so different that she ended up throwing her own voice away, going with letters instead of words because Evie wanted to be 'different'. Her parents accepted ALMOST everything and writing sentences was one of there acceptances. " You just want attention! " That's correct...Evie the attention seeker, everything just went down after she realized that mortality. Everything she did was just for...attention she threw her real self away to be different. So she just stopped, but she couldn't regain what was already lost. Her voice was crumbled to pieces and Evie was too scarred into social media...she put herself out there so much that almost everyone knows her. Rest, be unknown again. That was her answer, be left out again and leave social media itself and everyone will forget her...and they did. At at the time when she wanted to be alone her summon appeared; a neko?! Evie felt as if life was restored to her when she say that little neko-girl in front of her with dual pink pigtails! her the summon was quite, only mentioning her name once and only once, Hynim. Once Evie showed the summon to her parents they quickly moved to another school...Ason High. ( It might be quick but her parents are quick, they are high middle class and can move fairly quickly. )
Evie Windred

Height| 5'2| Weight| 109.4lb|Build| Athletic
Evie is simply quite, not observant, shy, nor timid...just quite. Talking wasn't her thing and it seems like it will never be, she just finds it easier to communicate by writing as she expresses more 'feeling' by words instead of her own dialogue. Her appearance says differently...having a large interest in anime based plushies and a very bubbly look to her outfits she seems to be a casually fun person/
- Fast Writing| Her parents found it odd for her lack of speech but they simply accepted it. So Evie's parents focused on how fast she could write, almost everyday she'd have a test to write fourteen sentences within five minutes. Thus she gains the ability to write faster than the average human.
- Reflexes| Evie's summon always urged her to practice 'dodging' she always says, " The eyes are the most useful thing! " Hynim, Evie's summon trains her once a week; shooting phantom arrows at her and training her with swords in which she contentiously dodges.
Evie was the weird kid in her class. She was the one who loved the bad endings, who understood almost everything. one liked her, Evie didn't want to care but she did care. She tried to act silly and happy at the same time and it always just end up, " Stop being weird! " She always was the weird one and oddly liked it, liking the fact that she was different, that she was the only outcast. Because being different was that new trend, that new thing where everyone began accepting people for who they are. Evie was like a young manifest of an old lady, that wise woman. Evie was so different that she ended up throwing her own voice away, going with letters instead of words because Evie wanted to be 'different'. Her parents accepted ALMOST everything and writing sentences was one of there acceptances. " You just want attention! " That's correct...Evie the attention seeker, everything just went down after she realized that mortality. Everything she did was just for...attention she threw her real self away to be different. So she just stopped, but she couldn't regain what was already lost. Her voice was crumbled to pieces and Evie was too scarred into social media...she put herself out there so much that almost everyone knows her. Rest, be unknown again. That was her answer, be left out again and leave social media itself and everyone will forget her...and they did. At at the time when she wanted to be alone her summon appeared; a neko?! Evie felt as if life was restored to her when she say that little neko-girl in front of her with dual pink pigtails! her the summon was quite, only mentioning her name once and only once, Hynim. Once Evie showed the summon to her parents they quickly moved to another school...Ason High. ( It might be quick but her parents are quick, they are high middle class and can move fairly quickly. )