With a Kingdom under my belt, I was feeling very content with my accomplishments. I set about securing good matches for my offspring.
Surely was betrothed to a minor Breton noble; he has a claim on the Duchy of Brittany which would be useful later.
Jorrick was betrothed to the Queen of Wessex. If the marriage went through, his children would have been Kings of Firsia and Wessex. :(
While I was looking for a good match for BlueRose (She ended up hooking up with a Brabant noble who somehow became disinherited :<), I heard news of corruption. My wife, working as a spymaster, went to investigate..
No! My wonderful life! Who will I make babies with now?
I found a Duchess in Aquitaine who was young and unwed. If she reached adulthood I'd gain the Duchy for the family.. But alas she died. I tried marrying her sister, but she lost her Duchy to an Usurper.
Surely's marriage, however, went swimmingly. The Breton noble arrived in court and I set about making arrangements for their wedding gift - the Duchy of Brittany.
First, I plotted to murder the current elderly Duke. He croaked after a few attempts and his underage son took charge.
Then, I pressed Surely's husband's claim.
The war ended quickly (the Breton vassals had rebelled against the Duke), and Surely was now a Duchess. Not a bad present, if I do say so myself!
After the war, I began to plan for Jorrick's wedding - all the preparations were in place, but then he caught a cold. Unfortunately, Pneumonia took his life (stupid weak heir)
Now I'm without a male heir, and it looks like Surely will inherit the Kingdom. There are worse possible fates for Frisia, as Surely is very competent, but I'd rather leave a male on the throne for the security of the realm. While I searched for a new bride to make babies with, I heard news of BlueRose and
GerritTurt's child, Honk.
And right after that THE GAME CRASHED so there may be some retcon.
The van Spam dynasty grows steadily!