Avatar of alexfangtalon
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    1. alexfangtalon 9 yrs ago


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Been waiting for this movie since I read the books.

Lemon sat and listened as each friend said what crap had happened to them within the past few weeks. Everything just seemed to make her get angrier. She just wished there was something she could do or someone who would help. At this point, she didn't trust the cops to do their job. By the time Nick showed up Lemon was willing to do anything. "We've just been talking about how this city is basically screwed."

She started remembering what had happened to Ollie and she had to fight to keep back the tears. Everyone here knew that he had been killed. None of them had known it was the dirty rat who had tried to sexually assault her a few years back. "Do all of you remember what happened to me during junior year of high school? Well, about a month back that guy broke out of prison. And horrifying story short he is the one who killed Ollie. And the police know it was him but they aren't DOING ANYTHING! I don't know about the rest of you but I'm fed up with everything about this crummy city."

Interacting With : Technically Everyone

Jake reaches out shaking the hand of Velma in greeting but before he can introduce him self another person joins the slowly forming crowd, and it seems this person knows Velma. She then proceeds to introduce herself to the less knowledgeable of the group in regards to the names of their peers. The other girl in the group who seemed to be nervous around the three then introduced herself as well as saying that they should probably get to class.

Before leaving however Jake decided he should at least give them all a name to match with the face."Dawn is probably right. My name is Jake though. Pleasure to meet you all." And once the conversation was done Jake left with the other three towards the assigned meeting location.

Jake watched the monitor as it switched between various images and videos. One stuck out to him. It was an image of him and Emmanuel working together to stop a building from crashing down. He almost got dragged back into that memory until he heard someone shot out in rage as the monitor showed an image of the so-called Savior. Jake had to admit he was pissed of with the guy as well. Jake's father, no matter how horribly a person he was, had been a member of the list of people 'eliminated' by Savior. Jake sat in silence until the first one to properly answer the call to action, Dawn, spoke up. Jake decided to add his two cents to the situation saying, "All my life I've wanted to help people. If this is the way to do that then I'm in as well."
Star City

Stature stood back as the archer, who definitely wasn't Hawkeye, easily did away with the woman who had attacked. As the man then started speaking Stature became very confused because of the what he was saying. She'd never heard of a Green Lantern or someone named Canary. She still extended her hand and responded saying, "You can call be Stature."

She wished he would have stayed still a little bit longer since she had so many questions. At the very least he seemed more willing to offer information than the so-called Cupid so she decided she would follow. She moved her hand over to activate the wings on her suit but suddenly it started glowing green and before freaking out she realized that she was floating. "What the heck?" She soon realized it had to be the ring and that somehow it had given her the ability to fly. Now she just had more questions and her answers were getting away so she flew off after him. Flying right next to him as he ran she said, "So, I have a lot of questions, but first. What exactly is a Green Lantern?"
@2plus2isnot5 I'd definitely say it is an idea. ;P. One that everyone would be up for I don't know. I'd be up for it.
For rule #4 there is a google extension similar to ad block that while you type shows you if you're using the right word or helps with grammar. It's called Grammarly and I use it for everything it allows me to.

Location : Outside of Mess Hall
Interacting With : Hisakawa@TheSeriousJoke and Suzuki@Grnmachine

Ando listened as the two spoke. The fact that two more people experienced just waking up here definitely solidifies the theory that they were captured by a powerful group. He waited for them to finished speaking to respond with what he knew. Before he spoke, however, he noticed someone else exiting the building next to them. He simply watched as the man turned away and started running after the girl. That's when he realized that only Ponytail had said his name.

The purple-haired guitarist turned back to the two and answered their queries. "About those other two I'd have to say they are anti-social at best. Don't get close to them as I believe they'd bite your head off. Don't know the girl's name but the boy said he was Taka Tsuin." Ando then chuckled at a little joke that popped into his head, "He did say he prefers to be called Ponytail though. The only thing I really figured out from talking to them was that we are connected through our high school. Hope's Peak. So, I assume that is what also connects the two of you to us? As for me, I'm - "

Before he said his name, Ando realized that until he knew what the whole situation was he might as well try and keep his identity a secret in case the targets weren't just random Ultimates. He stuck his hand out to shake their hands as he continued, "Davis Gallo. Ultimate Conquest." On his face was such a heartwarming smile. There's no way someone who could seem that sincere would be lying. Could he?
This is more or less a WIP. More for finding an alias and fancifying(I have an addiction) the sheet.

Alex stood back waiting for Bryson to finish the assessment of the area. When he heard Kord was out there getting beat on Alex was getting ready for a fight. He nodded when Bryson asked if anyone else was gonna help. Sneaking outside and making sure the PSF couldn't see him he tried his best to get a vantage point over the large man. Alex slowly got closer and closer waiting for Bryson to attack. When he did everyone else bolted towards Kord but Alex ran for the PSF.

He could see the man reaching for his gun and Alex didn't know if he'd make it in time. That's when he noticed a Beretta part way between him and the PSF. He realized if he timed it just right he could get the pistol before the PSF could use his gun. Diving for the pistol Alex quickly lifted the gun pointing at the PSF and firing. Alex heard the man yell and saw that he shot him right in the arm. "You rat. All of you will die here. I'll make sure of it." Alex stands up keeping the pistol pointed at the large man. "What are you going to do. We have you outnumbered and I have a gun pointed at your head."

The man grinned as he dropped something from his left hand. Alex eyed the item and suddenly realized what it was. He turned to the blues of his cabin and yelled, "GRENADE!"

"Y'all should go help everyone get out of here but there is something I have to do first." Katie then started walking away before she felt another hand clamp down on her wrist. She turned to see that it was Annabelle this time. "Don't be stupid like her and Addison. Taking the fight to the PSF's isn't safe."

"That's not what I'm doing. Look, a few weeks back I'm POSITIVE that I saw my sister. I don't know if any of you believe me, but I have to look for her just in case it was her. I haven't seen her in two years and I just have to know." Katie looked at each of the girls until landing on Jasmine who said, "I saw her too. She's your twin right? Go find her. Just stay safe." Katie nodded her head as if saying thank you. She then turned around and walked out the door.
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