Avatar of alexfangtalon
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    1. alexfangtalon 9 yrs ago


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Current I don't have a bio. I am also not included in anyone's bio. That I know of. *shrugs*
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My page is so empty.


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@Naril That sounds fine.
I don't really see Jake being at a bar, so, unless Mega changes his mind, Jake shall be at the bomb.
Let's save the world.
1. What song would play the first time your character jumped into action in a hypothetical movie?

2. What would be your character's ideal first date? Something simple. A dinner at a nice restaurant then to a movie. (double date is a possibility) This is so he has an opportunity to understand them a little better to personalize the dates more from then on.

3. What's a place your character always wanted to travel to? The top of Mount Everest.

4. If your character had a recurring nightmare, what would it be? If everyone hunted him for what his father did.
@MissCapnCrunch Very much so.
All right. I have been quiet in this place too long. I like everyone's characters. I have updated Jake's CS with better grammar and pm'ed the GM asking if they thought there were any other ways to improve the writing. I also don't want to slow down on working on this so as I come up with a reasonable way to beef up Jake's power I will also find a way to list what Jake will probably think of everyone else. Don't worry; it won't be a relationship sheet. Just an idea of a starting point for interactions.

Also, I have wanted a hero name for this guy for years. Made him around 2013 I'd say. But I have never come up with something that seemed too fit well. Many thanks would go to someone if they had a good idea.
I think I have everything correct. I decided to age Jake up for this and do the bio a little differently, but hopefully, I adjusted everything right.

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