Avatar of alexfangtalon
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    1. alexfangtalon 9 yrs ago


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Current I don't have a bio. I am also not included in anyone's bio. That I know of. *shrugs*
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My page is so empty.


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Just noticed it says full so I'm just gonna read as things go along.
Oh hey. Didn’t realize this was back.
Interested in this.
Sorry for mine not being as good as y'alls. Classes recently started again so I haven't had as much time to focus on it.

The night before the beginning of the fateful trip, Ade and Eliza yet again got into a fierce argument. The arguing was over nothing. Eliza was merely going over a few things to watch out for in the big world, and Ade didn't want to hear a word of it. As usual, Eliza tried to put her foot down, but Ade just slammed her bedroom door in the oldest daughter's face. Not the best way to say goodbye for the next few years but it was unlikely the two would actually say goodbye despite how much they may want to. Elysia, however, was concerned, like always, that this argument would drive the sisters apart forever. The worry was warranted as Ade was about to leave for Rumspringa.

The youngest of the three silently entered Ade's room and, without a word, Ade could tell what her sister was thinking. "Don't worry, Lysi. I'll come back. Nothing can keep me away from my best friend." The younger girl looked up to Ade and in a silent voice asked, "Promise?"


The troublemaker Ade acted as the perfect angel as Joseph said his prayer. Usually, she'd try and cause problems, but she knew that the sooner he was done, the sooner they could set off. Looking at the items handed out by Levi Ade tried to figure out what she'd do first with the 1000 dollars. She wasn't planning on going crazy, but she knew she wanted to try something fun. On the long drive, Ade tried her best to keep away from Samuel. She successfully prevented him from sitting beside her, but he ended up behind her which may have been worse. The whole ride she could feel his eyes just watching her. He was probably the only part of Rumspringa that she wouldn't like.

In the big apple, Ade's eyes were wide, and her jaw was dropped. It was so beautiful. All the lights, the people, and the splendor. Over the years, Ade had many a dream of what the big city would be like, but this far exceeded all her expectations. Arriving at their new home for the next few years was very exciting. Usually, Ade tried to hide this kind of joy she was feeling, but the smile on her face shone brightly. It didn't last too long though as they were informed some would have to share rooms with others. This wasn't entirely bad, but Ade wasn't all to close with anyone here. She could consider most of them friends, but she was hoping for someplace to have alone time. She was trying to figure out if there was a way to guarantee her getting a room on her own without any issue when she felt a tap on her shoulder. Being asked to bunk with someone was just great. She didn't want to be rude because that would only cause issues, so she tried faking her reply saying, "Sure. I'm fine with whatever really. Just don't wanna risk getting anyone sick. I've had a bad cough for the past few days." Instantly, Ade mentally slapped her forehead. That was a terrible lie. The only thing that could save her now was the hope that Elizabeth would take pity on the nervous girl, or if she somehow believed her.
I love how out of the PC's (so far) mine is the only one that doesn't have a first name starting with an E. Also, I can tell she will not be fond of Sam.
I mainly wasn't doing anything because I couldn't really think of what to do. The only person that talked to Harry or even mentioned him was Mrs. Deville so I was at a loss as to what I should do. I guess I could write saying he left that group to go ahead to the backyard without talking. I just couldn't think of what to do exactly.

Eadgar Grauwulf

Seeing as the Brown Isles was a den for pirates to hide the locals knew that trouble would stir up now and then. That is precisely why some would preemptively higher mercenaries and bounty hunters to come every so often in the hopes that if something did go wrong that there would be someone to protect them. Tonight was such a case where this line of thinking paid off. Four disgruntled pirates who had all lost their money gambling in the pub were out prowling looking for an easy score. Eventually, the group stumbled upon a home far on the outskirts of the town with no lights on and seemingly no one inside. "This one looks good. Wanna loot it?" Each pirate grunted their agreement and started looking for a way inside. Eventually, they grew irritated, and one frankly kicked the door down.

"Easy pickings boys. Let's take what we can carry and book it." As fast as their grubby hands and feet could go the pirates raided the home for everything that was stored within. Having successfully secured the haul the quartet made their way outside to be met with a figure whose face was hidden by a scarf.

"I may be wrong, but that doesn't appear to belong to you. Would you mind replacing those items please." The pirates laughed at the lone figure before them then one spoke up, "Hey bud. We found this place first. If ya wanna take the scraps then so be it. But we are taking this junk, and you can't stop us."

"The arrogance and idiocy of the common pirate is really baffling. They can't even beat a common rat, and they boast as if it doesn't matter who they talk to." This passive-aggressive statement obviously made the pirates confused at first. Then they got angry as their slow brains began to realize the mysterious figure was talking about them. "Okay, punk. We was gonna let ya slide, but now we gotta teach ya a lesson. Don't mess with a pirate." The four 'men' dropped their loot and drew their weapons, but at that moment of time that none of them were watching their target, Eadgar easily slipped around behind them. "As I said. You don't know me. So, you can be forgiven for thinking that I may be some nobody. But I'm sure that is you heard my name you would have done exactly what I suggested. Names Eadgar Grauwulf. Have a nice nap."

Before the pirates could react, the Silver Swordsman easily knocked the men out with the hilt of his blade. They were no threat, so there was no need to cut them. Eadgar sighed. Whatever crew these men came from it was probably very similar to them. He needed to find someone willing to take a bounty hunter to the Grand Line, but he wouldn't be able to stand being near such people as these. Oh, well. The search continues. In the meantime, he might as well tie the men up and drag them back to town.
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