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    1. alexfangtalon 9 yrs ago


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"How are you STILL not ready? How long are you planning to take?" Leon stood in his sister's guestroom waiting for her. He had finished getting ready hours ago in his uniform, the standard issue as until he had his own child he would be kept from military service, in hopes that they'd be able to arrive early. But he would have no such luck as Mila had decided to wait until about an hour ago to even begin to get ready. Largely in part to spite her older brother. "How long was it again that you waited to tell me that father was forcing me to come? Oh, yeah. An hour before the plane was leaving!" It was safe to assume that Mila would not let this go. Even though they had been in Aciras for approximately 36 hours.

Leon had known for a week that father was sending Mila along with him to Aciras. Mainly because he was the one to ask their father to send her. The only reason King Herrick had agreed was because Mila had recently turned 16 and it was time for her join in on the social functions of other royalty throughout the world. Meet other royals and introduce herself to the world. Leon had been to a few of these but this was quite literally the first time Mila has left the borders of Krieg-Königreich. Having it sprung up on her didn't help matters. "OK. Yes, I should have told you sooner. But I knew if I had you would've had more time to throw a hissy fit. Giving you a limited time to pack caused you to focus on that instead." With that response Mila gave Leon one of her signature death glares, which surprisingly enough had become a meme about seven months back.

The Crown Prince of Krieg-Königreich retreated from this short-lived battle and made his way towards his room. Within his guest room, Leon finds his best friend and bodyguard, Bartram, looking over the dossiers of the other royals which Leon had been studying since they arrived in Aciras. "You really went to town on the studying, didn't you? You need a hobby man." Leon gave off a slight chuckle. Both of them had spent the majority of the past week pouring over the dossier's but Leon did use up a few pens in the process making notes. There was already a used up highlighter in the wastebasket by his desk. "Well, there is a lot of royalty here, and my father wants me to try and make 'friends' with as many of them as possible." Friends being the operative word. "Well, might as well look over them again while we wait for the princess to finish getting ready."

Mila looked in the mirror one last time to make sure every hair was in place. That there were no blemishes on her skin. That ... that ...that "Stop freaking out Mila. You've got this. They are all just like you. Just teenagers and adults who are royalty for one reason or another. No need to be nervous. You're only meeting a lot of powerful people for the first time and there is absolutely no chance of making a fool of yourself. No pressure."

Mila groaned at herself. She really needed to stop talking to herself when she got nervous. Mila looked down at her dress and made sure there were no wrinkles that she had overlooked before. She took a few deep breaths and decided to finally face the music.

She left her room just as Leon exited his. "Was just coming to check on you again." Mila eyed her brother but this time it seemed to lack the usual ferocity it normally held. "Look, there is no need to be nervous. Nearly everyone you are about to meet has gone through this before. Just be yourself and you'll do fine."

The two soon found themselves waiting in line to be announced. Once they were announced the two split up, much to Mila's chagrin. Leon set out to find his betrothed. It was probably best to go to her as soon as possible so as to avoid any lecherous individuals trying to make something out of nothing. He found his future wife standing alone beside a refreshment table. Might as well change that. "Hello, Princess Mai. I hope your trip went well."

Mila, on the other hand, was solemnly roaming around the room. She made sure to keep the smile on her face but the girl was deathly afraid to start up a conversation with anyone. Especially since the only person she really knows here is her brother and his betrothed, and she wasn't about to walk into that Land of Awkward. However, as she was looking around trying to avoid most people she didn't pay close enough attention to exactly where she was walking and bumped into someone. Not hard enough for either of them to fall over but enough to catch both of them a little off guard. "Oh my ... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to run into you." Mila looked to see a girl she didn't recognize. But that's not what shot her nerves at the moment. What was making her face start to turn red was the fact that right beside the girl was Princess Ayleanna. Mila began breathing a little bit faster hoping that they weren't the kind to get upset easily.
I honestly don’t know.
Are you referring to me?


Test. <—- Is this good?

If anyone were to ask her, Annalyse would have to admit she was a little sad. Two members of Dragon Heart were fighting and she couldn't do anything to help. It was safe to say that her mind wasn't entirely on the mission at hand but she followed Mis either way. Upon arrival at the townhouse, Annalyse did her best to see if she could notice anything out of the ordinary. But as she had a lack of experience the young mage had no real idea of what she should even keep an eye out for. She decided that for now, she'd just follow Mis and Ceri's lead since this was more their forte than hers.

When Ceri left to scout Annalyse tried to figure out something she could do. She thought back to the recent words of both Flavia and Mis stating they really didn't have an understanding of her abilities. So, if anything it may be a good time as any to fill them in on what she could do until Ceri got back. "Well, what I do is more of a support kind of mage ability. I can apply attributes to things such as silent, rejuvenating, sticky, lightweight, and etc. There are a lot of different attributes I can use but there are also a lot of limitations. Also, it takes a while for me to apply some attributes. The more I use one the easier it gets though. I also know Requip magic but I am not able to do it on the fly just yet. That's the main reason I always carry Eclipse on me. And I do know how to use it but I'm not that skilled with it yet. I also have these patches that can do various things. Do you wanna try one?"

Annalyse reached for her bag pulling out one of her white patches. She holds it out to Flavia but before the girl can respond Ceri lands in front of the group. It takes everything in Annalyse's power to not yelp out in surprise. Scared to speak in case her momentary fright does escape from her Annalyse looks from Ceri to Mis and then to Flavia. Hopefully, one of them knew what to do next.
Alex Woulfe & Jess Goldman

Collaboration between : @Unknown100 & @alexfangtalon

Alex let out a sigh. Welp, if he made it out of this predicament it would teach him to get some sleep. He must be tired if he forgot to check around the corner. Whoever had come up behind him was obviously a female. He couldn't tell much though since he couldn't get a good sight on her. Darting forward to get away would be a bad move in case she also had a gun so Alex decided to play along for now. He couldn't tell much about her but the blade on his neck felt steady. In a risky attempt to cause the ambusher to lose focus, Alex started with a sarcastic remark. "Manhunter? I didn't know the Martians were on earth. Huh, now all the Lurkers make sense. They must have caused this disease. Look, lady. I don't know who you are or whoever this 'Manhunter' is. I don't care. I'm just a traveler passing through. I'd appreciate it if you'd remove your weapon from my neck. I ain't-a threat to you. Look, I'll even put my gun on safety if that'll ease your mind."

Having only experienced the worst of humanity since the outbreak, Jess realized she might not be the best person to judge someone. In fact, the guy's reference to comics almost made her chuckle. It had been a while since there was anything to laugh about. Whoever he was, he was definitely not with the giant that ate people. And very much like her, he seemed to use humor to keep his spirit up, or maybe she had just caught him on his best day. The one killing, Jess had done a few hours ago, had been out of desperation: a necessary evil in order to escape. Everything was going so fast. And she wasn’t even sure she could execute this guy… well, kid really… even if he drew his gun on her.

In a display of exhaustion, she took a step back, allowing him to get a look at her tired figure, and then placed the sword on the floor. Didn’t even put it back in its sheath. Without her jacket, and sitting in her workout attire, she did expose a fair amount of skin, but hardly noticed it. All she could muster was to stumble backwards and end up sitting on the floor like a child. “Yeah, you seem like a pretty different kind of breed than what I’ve seen recently.”

Alex turned around when the sword was removed from his neck. He saw the woman who looked extremely exhausted. ”Well, I have a reason to keep my humanity. But in actuality, I’m not that much different than most. It all depends on what you’re fighting for really.”

At this point, Alex just wanted to walk away. Sure, somewhere deep inside he wanted to help but they just didn’t have the supplies to be helping her. He couldn’t leave though mainly because if she walked out that door the others would see her and would want to help. As Alex pondered what to do, the door right near the two opened up. Alex quickly raised his pistol only to lower it upon sight of Sadie. She slowly walked in, bow in hand, looking from Alex to this new girl. Alex was about to tell Sadie to go back outside when the teen spoke slightly panicking, ”Alex, who is she? Is she hurt? Did you hurt her.” Alex groaned at the rapid outburst and Sadie glared at him then looked back to the woman. ”It’s cold. We should get you some better clothes. You look about the same size as Kiley. She has extra clothes.”

So, Alex is his name… The girl’s words and the firm way she held her bow contradicted her fragile looks. An innocence, even more, glaring than Alex’s, glowed like a halo from her, Jess thought.

“Clothing would be good,” Jess admitted in one exhale. She picked up her jacket and wrapped herself in it before the cold could do harm. Experience told her to watch her back and don’t fully trust these people quite yet. The naïve glance from the teenage girl told her something different.

Sheathed sword in hand, Jess went up to Alex’s side. “Clothing would be fine, right?” she said out loud, back to her humorous performance. Then with her back to the girl, she whispered: “Look these streets are going to get a visit from some really revolting folks. I’m talking bottom of the barrel nasty. Maybe in a minute. Maybe in an hour. I would suggest you get your people inside and do it fast.”

”Sadie, go tell Kiley what’s going on. If she has clothes to spare then might as well.” The entire time he spoke Alex looked Jess right in the eyes. He was trying to tell if she was lying or not or worse. Threatening them. At this moment, Alex doubted she was threatening anyone, and judging by the looks of her she probably wasn’t lying.

Once Sadie walked out the door Alex spoke to the woman before him. ”I’m assuming this Manhunter guy has something to do with what you're talking about. Same with why you look so exhausted?” He started walking towards the exit motioning for the woman to follow. Alex did keep a close eye on her though.

“ManHunter - or whatever his real name is – has everything to do with what I’m talking about. And with my recent makeover.” Jess answered without blinking. “You won’t know persistence until you’ve been hunted by him.”

”Alright, then I’ll offer you a deal. We are extremely low on supplies so we can’t leave here just yet. If you help then we will give you a ride out of here or help find a place to hole up. We don’t have many options. Do we have a deal?”

"I believe we do." Jess extended her hand. Alex reaches out to shake Jess’ hand. Opening the door, Kiley has a few articles of clothing picked out and Alex tells them that they are all going inside to scavenge together. He purposely leaves out the part about a looming threat.


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