Avatar of alexfangtalon
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    1. alexfangtalon 9 yrs ago


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@DocTachyon That's fine by me. As it stood with me she probably was going to be a latter addition anyway as that's what happened with the YA. They started with a few people and over time others just kept joining for various reasons.
@Hillan So, with Barry Allen dead what happens with the rest of the Flash family? Specifically, Impulse.
@CosmicComet You can have Silk. There are a butt-ton of spiders to choose from. I just know I want one.
@Saint Maxx It’s not that I want to play her. What it is is the fact that Wiccan and Speed are her reincarnated children (I had to go back and check cause that info still boggles my mind) but I can figure out ways to replace them.

@CosmicComet In regards to Silk she was just simply a character I contemplated using for the Young Avengers. But if you want her I may just go for Anya. I really want a spider cause I feel like any of them would make a good fit with the YA.
@Saint Maxx As you're doing stuff with the X-Men I wanted to ask what your idea regarding Scarlett Witch was if anything?

@DocTachyon To you, since you made a Spider, I wanted to ask if you had any plans or thoughts regarding Silk?
I don't remember the different names for each of the Spider-men(?) but itis the one where Doc Ock took his body. But I do like the idea that he could because his story is where with great power comes great responsibility. Knowing that and knowing the fact he could make the struggle to do what's right harder making the message so profound to me. That's just how it seems to me.
@Zoey White Don't know why but your character notes made me think of this.

That is Ms. America. She is from Earth-212. I have to admit I don't know much about her.
Patriot is a he.

@unicorgi The Young Avengers are awesome. Each of the original team members is a call back to various Avengers members. There is Iron Lad (Iron Man), Patriot (Captain America), Hulkling (Who has no real relation to Hulk really, he is a Kree-Skrull hybrid), Wiccan (Scarlett Witch), Stature (Ant-Man), and Hawkeye/Kate Bishop (I'mma let you guess this one lol).

There is a lot of cool things about the team. People are wondering if the girl from 13 reasons why may be playing Kate Bishop. If that's the case and they are doing a time skip sequence forward at any point then I'm hoping they'll do a Youg Avengers movie.
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