Avatar of alexfangtalon
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2749 (0.87 / day)
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    1. alexfangtalon 9 yrs ago


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6 yrs ago
Current I don't have a bio. I am also not included in anyone's bio. That I know of. *shrugs*
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8 yrs ago
8 yrs ago
My page is so empty.


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I just realized I should probably ask something. In my bio, I was going along with the premise that the first wave happened before the heroes were summoned. Is that going to be the case here? If not I can easily change it around.
Finally got to work on my sheet but something came up so I have to go. Decided to put the wip up so that people can see my initial idea. And yes this game will have a Demi-human. I shall bash my head against the wall until I can get one accepted.

Edit: Also, if my misunderstanding of how the aging of Demi-Humans work please help me.
@spooner@Dirty Pretty Lies Hoping that I didn't forget anything. Probably did. My mind is a mess.

Isn't it obvious? We'll all be sidekicks of Kaito Momota, Luminary of the Stars. Even the other heroes.

(Probably depends on how many non-heroes there will be but the simplest way could be to do it similarly to how it was in canon.)
@HaleyTheRandom Btw, what position does Ezra play?
@HaleyTheRandom Nutin much. Just biding my time til my phone is charged so I can listen to ASMR as I drift off to the land of dreams as it is currently 1:21 AM and I am supposed to be waking up early. Saw this while poking through various peoples accounts (that is honestly my main way of finding rps I wanna join as I always somehow miss the Interest Check) and decided to at least post a pic of the dude I be thinking of.

Looking up at this really long answer to such a simple question I realize I am not likely to get any sleep. Anyway what’s up with you?

Just realized I got to be mentioned in your 8,000th post. BOOYAH!!!
Just gonna drop this here since seeing a football star made me wanna use mine

Edit: Just gonna add that after I posted this I went to go read one of the CS and then refreshed the page to see about six or seven names and a couple guests. Gotta say that it made me feel like I was in one of those movie scenes where the characters step into a room filled with people and they instantly all turn to stare at them. Gotta say it’s a weird feeling. Thank you for your time. Stalker going back into the background.
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