Aaric was dumb stricken. In front of him was a large, azure, reptilian humanoid standing in front of him, armed with golden armor at that! It began to talk. Immediately, Aaric’s mind began to race rapidly, bring up all manner of questions.
“Where am I? By what means was I transported here? What is that
thing standing in front of me? How can it talk? Wait... I recognize that armor.” From his memory of the green tome, different descriptions, trivia, and illustrations flowed through his head. Though the creature was still giving his exposition, Aaric did not hear a single word for he was deep within thought.
“Those crude drawings depicted this creature. If that is the situation, then this humanoid must be… a digimon?” Aaric’s eyebrow furrowed as this thought went through his head. Although Aaric had read many, many fantasies, novels, and the sort, he had always established that they were mere fiction, something of the imagination. The green tome was also counted by Aaric as a fictional story. However, with the presence of the digimon in front of his own eyes, his own assumptions and the conflicting reality of the situation caused the gears of his mind to grind against each other. The digimon was almost done with talking.
“What…? This can’t be real. This must be a mere hallucination within my mind. I just need to wake up, to escape this fiction and come back to reality. This is just a mere...” Aaric’s mind immediately stopped when he finally noticed the condition of the digimon. The digimon was clutching the right side of its waist, and there were innumerable amount of scratches across the plating of the armor. It appeared to him that the digimon was only barely able to stand by using its tail to help support its own weight. Just by sensing the air of the atmosphere and by spontaneously recalling his library of knowledge, Aaric presumed that the digimon continued stand in order to keep its sense of dignity as well as preventing the other people present in the room from panicking and being discouraged. The digimon stopped its talking.
Aaric suddenly stepped forward and firmly asserted, “Please sit down. With your current condition, supporting yourself in that manner is highly unwise and dangerous.”