Avatar of Ammokkx


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current new FFXIV EX fight sucks ass.
1 like
1 yr ago
There's a difference between the ability to be social, and the desire to be social. I function perfectly fine going outside and talking to people, but that doesn't mean I *like* doing either.
1 yr ago
2 yrs ago
Pepsi and Milk, also known as an affront to everything good in this world. And my tastebuds.
2 yrs ago
Pilk seems to be trending, so I tried it. Anyone who tells me this is a good drink is no longer a person I wish to associate with.


The day that Moss was hanged, eight others were cut down,
And when the graves had all been dug, the queen rode out of town.

(I have a badly written 1x1 check if you want to know what kind of person I am.)

Most Recent Posts

glorious leader

All y'all have to address me like this now.

Also I'm letting you get away with running this many RR cards but you're on my shitlist. Not because you run so many RR cards, but because you've hurt my feelings.

so uh

Any idea what you want to do IC orrrrr
Y'know, if you ever need to show someone Yugioh at its most Yugioh, this out-of-context ZeXal clip does the job pretty well.

It wasn't even a simple walk. Each step grew more urgent, desperate for its freedom. That chance had come. The nobody felt relief, joy. Their steps became a light jog into a full sprint, only slowing down once they've realised how much of the environment had changed.

'Nature' was the keyword to describe where the nobody had wound up. 'Tended' would be a nice adjective to add. Honestly seemed like a really neat place and all that running sure made them appreciate the air they could take in. Was like ah... garden. Paradise garden. Something to do with apples and snakes.

...why apples and snakes?

Shaking off the wandering of their mind, the nobody continued further into the new environment, stopping just short of one side of the wall that had surrounded them. Knock knock. Nobody's home. Not that they expected much, backing away from the construct. The nobody looked up, and out it stretched. Not quite 'farther than the eye can see' levels of stretch, but wasn't far off either. From one prison to another, eh?

Continuing further in, the nobody quickly noted something sticking out the ground. There was a base urge to touch, not to lie to anyone, but they kept themselves in check. Good thing too, because that chilling sensation running down their spine might have something to do with it. Or it was just the disembodied voice, differing from the one that had reached out inside the darkness, causing a mild case of internal panic. But the nobody had seen the abyss already- how bad could it be? They turned with the best pokerface they could muster, not that they could know, and met their benefactor.

The nobody's first thought was 'Nice bod,' and their second 'I should probably run.' They didn't run, though. Yes, every fiber of their being was screaming to get the hell out of dodge, but this too, was a chance. An opportunity! No, they'd come this far and they weren't about to back down.

"Oh- oh! My apologies fair lady, I didn't know I was intruding!" the nobody said with surprising smoothness. Now they just hoped the smile on their face didn't look dumb. "While this lovely trophy here is certainly worth admiring, I wouldn't want to steal. Not when we've just met. Really, though, this is a wonderful garden you have. I wouldn't mind being shown around, but I don't want to impose."

Nailed it.
Sorry I'm so late to the party, my sleep schedule is all out of wack. I'll read up and post accordingly.

You're not late, we're just early. Time is relative. You've been in a coma for 5 years. Please wake up.
Alright, so, that happened.

Current concerns:

-I'd like a few more people to chime in on LunarStandard's deck. Even people who haven't gotten an accepted CS like Kaggs and Cosmos are free to chime in. Charak's main issue seems to be cards like Duster and Icarus attack while Amaranthine feels like it has a bit too high a ratio of RR monsters.

Sidenote: He's absolutely allowed to run 3 Vanishing Lanius as far as I'm concerned. Told me it's to emulate how Shun always opened up with that exact hand, which is hilarious and absolutely on-point.

-On the topic of Base/Highway, with grit not being around anymore it's a bit of a mess. I'll edit the first post tomorrow to remove Souji from the highway crew and put him at Keita's location, but so far it seems they'll just be chillin' there and making their own fun for the time being.

Oh yeah, and for anyone apping, might be best to say where you want to be placed and how you're doing so I can account for that as well once you're in for sure.
Like seriously though if I've been a jerk in the past why not give me the chance to get in people's good books now so I can avoid this in the future?

You can either leave gracefully or I put you on the banned users list for the thread.

Your call.
@Ammokkxwho? I've barely interacted with people in this RP? What could I have possibly done to warrant this treatment?

If anyone wants to out themselves I'll let them, but I'm not going to share details without anyone's consent.

My decisions stands. I will not be replying from this point.
@AmmokkxA bad rep? Ok so let's say that's true. Wouldn't it be better to give me a chance instead of outting me like this?

Maybe, but the fact stands that I've gotten complaints. I don't see it as a good idea to keep you around, and I again apologize for how sudden it is.
@AmmokkxIm sorry but why? What have I done?

Having a bad reputation, mainly. People don't trust you and don't want to interact with you, so if nobody wants to be around you, there's very little point to RPing.
Alright so.

This isn't going to be a very nice post.

@ItMeGritty, I'm going to have to remove you from the RP. Some players expressed concern with you being a part of the RP and I asked around the rest. Some were OK with you being here, but from most I got the impression they'd rather not deal with you. Since I don't really want to have my players deal with a person they don't want to deal with, I'm going to have to bar you access from this RP and retroactively reject your application.

Apologies if it felt like I was leading you on, but this is the decision I've come to.

With Gritty's removal, though, it leaves the state of the base a bit wonky. I don't have anything for Keita to do on his own, so I'll need some feedback on how to make that work.

I'd like to move Charak's character back to the base since I don't see any reason why Keita would tag along for the mods, but I don't have anything to give the both of them to do.
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