Avatar of Ammokkx


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1 yr ago
Current new FFXIV EX fight sucks ass.
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1 yr ago
There's a difference between the ability to be social, and the desire to be social. I function perfectly fine going outside and talking to people, but that doesn't mean I *like* doing either.
1 yr ago
2 yrs ago
Pepsi and Milk, also known as an affront to everything good in this world. And my tastebuds.
2 yrs ago
Pilk seems to be trending, so I tried it. Anyone who tells me this is a good drink is no longer a person I wish to associate with.


The day that Moss was hanged, eight others were cut down,
And when the graves had all been dug, the queen rode out of town.

(I have a badly written 1x1 check if you want to know what kind of person I am.)

Most Recent Posts

I guess nobody on the guild played Devil Survivor
<Snipped quote by The Harbinger of Ferocity>

<Snipped quote by Ammokkx>

Perhaps, I'm mistaken. But from the looks of it, neither of you actually disagree. The topic at hand was about forum roleplaying specifically. So when someone says "as a whole", they're more than likely describing 'the forum medium as a whole' versus one particular site. Otherwise, I don't know why "and the interest will expand/grow elsewhere" would be included. If it was meant to be a universal sentiment on the decline of roleplaying.

Take note of the part I highlighted. "People have become more flighty."

No, they haven't. The nature of man doesn't change that easily, and it just reads like a big 'ol "Back in MY day" statement.

People were always shit. There's just less of us now.
boy I can't wait to fuck up a step in an overly specific line of quests and get someone killed for it
I'm very indecisive about this one. On one end, I'm not a fan of overly dark stuff (not because I can't handle it, but because it's often poorly handled) as well as backstory being the most boring part of a character, to me. On the other end, the concept is really strong and aligns with my interests.

I'll see during the character app process.
Beyond a doubt, having been in forum roleplaying and roleplaying of some variety for decades, the medium has slowed down increasingly. While I too agree with the sentiment it will never truly die, it will likely never be as populous and widespread as it once was or even nearly as intense as it had been. It is more than just say, the issues of community or other, and rather it is just an overall trend. People have become more flighty, less committed, less active, and that is not just here in the medium but as a whole. A lot of tremendous work goes to waste as a result, as does massive opportunity such as the nature of so many being at home with virtually endless time to be creative and productive with their own visions and ideas, but that is the nature of the beast.

Horse. Shit.

No, the reason forum RPing is slowing down has nothing to do with the crowd. It has to do with the evolving nature of our communication medium, and the rapid expanse of the internet. Forums were once the primo way to communicate with others. Now you have blogging sites, Reddit, fuck, people even RP in facebook comments. People aren't RPing any less than before, they're just doing it in other places and in other ways.

And for this notion that people have somehow become more flighty, lazy, and non-committal... have you ever roleplayed with anyone? I got ghosted on Roblox when I was 8, dropped like a brick on Tumblr when I was 13-14, RPs died left and right on TVtropes right before I came to this site, and over here? Here's one of my first roleplays on RPG. This is on-par with the level of a dead RP created two months ago.

People aren't changing. The medium is.


Shivers ran up Shizuku's spine as the other girl told her she could hear Cross' voice. "I-... I didn't..." she stammered out, at a loss for what to say in the moment. However, when the other girl began lamenting about how she wouldn't be able to beat Shizuku, a different feeling took the place of that fear: Understanding. This girl must have been the same as her. "Ah... I see," Shizuku said. "I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking clearly when I approached you."

Giving Fujiko a sad smile, Shizuku opened up her bag again. She reached into it, taking out her cellphone to slip Cross out of his confinement. Holding the card in front of herself, the boy briefly glanced at Shizuku from inside. He then closed his eyes and turned his head away. "His name is Cross. He's usually like this," she giggled, turning him around to face Fujiko.

"She wouldn't battle you even if she could," he replied in a dismissive tone. "Shizuku's been refusing every chance she got, ever since entering this game."

Shizuku couldn't refute that one, as it was all too true. Wanting to move on from the topic, she said: "Um... you're the first person I've met who's also an architect. Maybe... if it would be okay with you, would you want to come to a card shop with me after school?"
Momoe, Ayu, Taka

Chikako's brutal execution lead to an uproar in the courtroom. Most of them didn't get along before this point, but the reality of the situation had made the tensions between every student a lot worse. Momoe was surprisingly silent during all of it, simply staring up at the monitor with her one eye narrowed in disgust. The pockets of her coat bulged slightly as she kept her hands hidden in them.

Before Chikako's demise, Ayu had walked over next to Hiroki. After it, she'd asked a brief "Are you okay?" of him when the boy emptied out his gut all over the floor. While Ayu still didn't have much of any notable expression on her face, she also couldn't look anyone straight in the eye after what everyone witnessed. She didn't speak up when Hiroki was lashing out, either. The girl just trailed behind him like a lost puppy. At one point it looked like she wanted to reach a hand out to the boy in reassurance, but hesitated and withdrew. Before long, the both of them were standing right in front of Shirou. "...It's okay," she softly said to Hiroki. "You don't have to listen. Let's return to our rooms and rest."

On the other end of the room, Taka stood frozen and speechless through all of what had been transpiring. He'd looked from Hibiki to Shirou and then Hiroki, powerless to stop the petty squabbling. He turned his head to the right. Momoe was still motionless. "What about you, huh?" he asked her, "Don't you usually have some smartass thing to say here?" The girl turned around, lazily glanced Taka's way and then walked past him, back to the elevator. "Wha- hey, you can't just ignore me!" he shouted back, though Momoe hardly cared. Taka clenched both his fists and his teeth, boiling inside. Nobody else was paying attention to him, either. "Damnit...! Why can't I do anything?!" he muttered to himself, fuming, as he also made his way to the elevator.
Well, this thread is about to be locked pretty soon. lol

As long as it doesn't get hidden I'm good.
Me yesterday: Hahaha having friendly discourse about the nature of bad writing advice is fun!

Me today:
What have I done?

The train has not just derailed, it got turned on its fucking head.
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