Avatar of Ammokkx


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1 yr ago
Current new FFXIV EX fight sucks ass.
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1 yr ago
There's a difference between the ability to be social, and the desire to be social. I function perfectly fine going outside and talking to people, but that doesn't mean I *like* doing either.
1 yr ago
2 yrs ago
Pepsi and Milk, also known as an affront to everything good in this world. And my tastebuds.
2 yrs ago
Pilk seems to be trending, so I tried it. Anyone who tells me this is a good drink is no longer a person I wish to associate with.


The day that Moss was hanged, eight others were cut down,
And when the graves had all been dug, the queen rode out of town.

(I have a badly written 1x1 check if you want to know what kind of person I am.)

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角森 るい
(Kadomori Rui)



(Extra Space if needed)

Nexus is a popular trading card game trending with young adults. The story is set in Modern Day Japan, where the game finds a lot of success. You can find card sellers in game shops around the country alongside plenty of local tournaments to attend. While it is a completely normal game for the average person, an unlucky few are witness to a more mystical and dangerous "game" played using Nexus as its vessel.

Memory Coins & the Commander Game:
One gets chosen as a Commander by receiving an Avatar card with an alive Avatar. The Avatar can move around freely inside of their own card, but only Commanders can see or hear Avatars that are like this.

Alongside your Avatar, you get two coins out of seven, with each coin representing one's memories.

If you win all seven coins, you get rewarded with the possibility of making a wish that the Avatar approves and having it come true. If you lose a coin, you forget one of your memories. If you want your memories back, the only option is to continue winning.

However, if one loses all seven coins, by losing one coin for each loss and gaining one coin for each win, there are three consequences:

- You lose a big part of your memories. Only the very basics remain.
- Your wish won't come true.
- You lose your desires, motivations and your drive, leading to a lack of feeling anything at all.

I can't really answer the question of "how are you online vs. real life" with any one, precise, clear answer. Not because I lack the ability to do introspection, (although now that I mention it...) but rather because who "I" am is entirely dependant on the person that perceives me.

Everyone has their own biases and perception of the people around them and construct identities of people inside of their head- whether conscious or subconscious. If you ask what kind of a person I am to my friends, I wouldn't doubt you'd get a varied array of answers. There's probably a number traits that could and would overlap within the individual answers, but I don't think you'd get one particular trait that everyone thinks of on their own.

This extends to me, personally, too. I can do a dissection of my own character all I like, but that isn't going to stop it from being coloured by my own biases about myself- whether positive or negative. The answers I give now would also, most likely, not even be the same answers I'd give three years from this point.

The only thing I can say with certainty is that I am different IRL to online- but I wouldn't be able to tell you in exactly what way that is. I like to have a sense of humor in both personas, but my humor is different. I'm shy on both ends, but it manifests in another way.

That isn't even to mention that I don't just differ IRL to online- I differ in IRL to IRL and Online to Online too. I just don't act the same way around my family as I do my friends or my fellow university students. I don't have multiple personalities; there's only one Ammokkx, but the personality that is there is ever-changing based on the individual situations I find myself in. I'm mean to people, but I'm not mean to everyone. I'm also nice to people, but I'm not nice to everyone. I'm patient with some, not with others. I don't have a consistent personality, despite being a consistent person.

This post doesn't really have a conclusion, or point to make. It's word vomit.
i sorta feel bad for the OP when people are freshly coming in to dunk on him when his mind's already changed

but at the same time

with that title, what could you even expect to happen
free/casual/advanced are arbitrary segmentations made to give people a rough shot of what to expect from you, and people often use them as stand-ins for "short/medium/long posts"

Advanced only means what you want it to mean, with the footnote that pretty much everyone will agree that one-liners aren't exactly advanced-level writing.

RPing is also a form of self-expression, so I'm hardly surprised some people would only want to tackle one type of character or theme.
I've made several attempts at this but they keep breaking down because I lose key players and depend on them for plot points.

ah, see, but there is your first mistake

you still have faith in people
I'd just encourage you to go ahead and try to make an interest check. Tell you what, if you have an idea for a role-play I'll go for it. I'm feeling a bit adventurous and wouldn't mind making the effort.

Not quite the reason I started the thread. I just wanted to hear if anyone else had something they didn't want to push through for one reason or another.

I've got plenty of reasons to not want to start RPs right about now.
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