Avatar of Ammokkx


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1 yr ago
Current new FFXIV EX fight sucks ass.
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1 yr ago
There's a difference between the ability to be social, and the desire to be social. I function perfectly fine going outside and talking to people, but that doesn't mean I *like* doing either.
1 yr ago
2 yrs ago
Pepsi and Milk, also known as an affront to everything good in this world. And my tastebuds.
2 yrs ago
Pilk seems to be trending, so I tried it. Anyone who tells me this is a good drink is no longer a person I wish to associate with.


The day that Moss was hanged, eight others were cut down,
And when the graves had all been dug, the queen rode out of town.

(I have a badly written 1x1 check if you want to know what kind of person I am.)

Most Recent Posts

One of the patrons at the maid café Aiya worked at was a scrawny, jittery young man who's eyes were covered by the hood on his head. His hair didn't look like it had been cut in years as it drooped out from underneath it, and the guy generally had a gloomy aura surrounding him. Even though you couldn't see his eyes, the direction his head moved in clearly signaled he was eyeing the maids as they passed by. He'd already ordered, but hadn't touched the food on his table at all. The young man was actually a regular at this place, usually coming in at the same hour each time and generally enjoyed his time there, which is why it was passing strange to see him sitting there so solemnly. One of the employees took notice and went up to him.

"Master, is something wrong?" she asked the gloomy young lad.

"...wrong..." he muttered. The maid asked if she could do something for him, at which point the guy shot up from his seat, knocking it onto the floor. "Everything is all wrong! Why are you here instead of my Ryuka?!" he yelled at the maid, causing her to stagger back. "I've been waiting here this entire time for her to come to my table, and yet you keep bothering me! I know she's here! Go away and call my Ryuka here right now!" he kept going with the outburst. Of course it was loud enough for 'Ryuka', who was actually just Aiya's alias, to actually hear what was going on.
May I watch this roleplay?

It's a public forum, you can do what you want.
Red Ogre's club was matched by Silent Swordsman's sword, the chibi monster putting one hand on the blade and all its strength behind blocking the blow. A trap card glowed on Kei's field. "With Intrigue shield, once per turn, my monster won't be destroyed and all damage becomes zero!" he explained. Silent Swordsman was forced onto his knees from the pressure the ogre's club was exerting on him, but with a mighty push the small monster managed to throw the much larger target back. All Kei's opponent could do at that point was end his turn.

"Look, the weakling protects the other weakling. It doesn't matter. You lose anyway," the brute said in his distorted voice.
"What do you mean?" Kei asked in return. The opponent pointed to his set monster.
"The weakling I set is Poison Mummy. When it goes face-up, your life drops by 500."

Kei took a step back. "My life is only 200...! If I take that, I'll lose. No matter what, I'll have to finish this next turn..." he said aloud, putting his fingers on his deck.

"You won't win, not with that pathetic 'friend' of yours."
"I won't let you insult my partner! Here I go, draw!"

The wind kicked up into a gust as Kei drew his card. Both duelists' clothes fluttered as said wind seemed to make its way and gather around Silent Swordsman, his body beginning to glow. "My partner is a 'LV' monster! That means that during my turn, he levels up and evolves into a new self!" Kei confidently proclaimed. Silent Swordsman's body gave off a blinding light and when it finally dissipated, he'd grown older and taller. His face was more mature and he held the broadsword over his shoulder much more comfortably. "This is my friend's true form: Silent Swordsman LV5!"

Silent Swordsman LV5: 2300 ATK

The opponent let out a boisterous laugh. "So what? He too weak to take me out. Attack Poison Mummy and you lose. You already lost this duel."

Kei looked down at the last two cards in his hand. "No... I'll definitely win this turn! I activate my spell card, Pot of Greed!" he shouted.

"Go ahead and draw those two cards. Nothing will change."

Kei closed his eyes and submerged himself in his own thoughts. 'This is it. If I don't take out that Red Ogre now, I won't live to see my next move. I believe in you, my friends... so lend me your power!' he mused in his thoughts. In a moment of determination, Kei opened his eyes again and yelled "I draw!" out loud. He swiped the two cards off his deck in one smooth motion, glancing at his bounty from the corner of his vision. When he saw what he got, Kei smirked. "Here we go! This is the last turn! Silent Swordsman LV5, attack Red Ogre!" Kei shouted. His monster raised the blade off his shoulder and positioned himself to rush forward and strike.

"So you finally choose to die?" the opponent taunted Kei.
"Who knows?" he mockingly replied with a confident grin. The brutish man grimaced.
"I activate my trap! Impenetrable attack! Whatever you're planning, I won't be destroyed by this attack!" he yelled back.
"Then I'll activate the quick-play spell Silent Sword Slash from my hand! With it, Silent Swordsman gains 1500 attack points until the end of my turn!" Kei responded, finally showing his play. A white aura engulfed LV5 as the display showed its ATK going up.

Silent Swordsman LV5: 2300 > 3800 ATK

Silent Swordsman rushed forward and passed through Red Ogre, getting a clean slash across the monster's side. Due to Impenetrable Attack the monster wasn't destroyed, but the damage from the strike was still felt by the opponent. As Red ogre went down on one knee, so did the man behind it, grunting and gritting their teeth in pain while tightly grasping their side. They growled "Now you've done it... I'm going to crush you two to paste next turn!" at Kei.

Opponent's LP: 2700 > 1700

"Is that so?" Kei said back. He raised up the other card he drew into the air. "I was expecting you to protect yourself! Because of it, I can now activate another spell card from my hand... Revenge Attack!" he boasted, the card popping open on his field. "Silent Swordsman's attack goes up another 1000, and I'm able to attack that monster once again!"

Silent Swordsman LV5: 3800 > 4800 ATK

"You brat! You're nothing but a weakling!" the opponent angrily at Kei, the miasma and distortion in their voice becoming thicker, yet also flickering.

"This is payback for all the abuse you've hurled at my friends! Let's go, Silent Swordsman! Silent Severing Slash!" Kei called out his attack. Silent Swordsman turned around and leapt up into the air. Cast like a shadow in front of the sun, Red Ogre looked up to see Swordsman aiming his blade.

"No... NO! I CAN'T GO LIKE THIS!" the opponent yelled in a panic, fright on his face. Silent Swordsman brought down his sword from the air, slicing Red Ogre clean in half as it passed through the monster's flesh.

Oppponent's LP: 1700 > 0

"GAAAAAH!" the opponent yelled out in pain, the distortion in their voice growing more severe before slowly petering out. The miasma, similarly, grew more intense like a raging wildfire, only to gather up into some kind of astral body above the man. As Red Ogre slowly broke apart into tiny little particles, so did the miasma slowly burn out and vanish into thin air. Kei could feel the hostile, aggressive intent from the miasma, two red eyes inside it glaring at him before dissipating completely. The man on his knees went limp and collapsed face-first onto the floor in front of him, the deck he was using scattering out of his Duel Disk onto the floor.

"Oi... are you alright?!" Kei shouted in concern. Kei wanted to go and run over to check on him, but he felt all the energy being sapped from his body. Going down on one knee, he panted heavily. "Damnit...! What was that duel?" he muttered to himself, raising up his head to look at the opponent. Something at that moment caught his eye. One of the cards still on the man's Duel Disk, Red Ogre, had that same dark aura around it as the man had had. "What... is that?" Kei said. The shadows around the card slowly ate at it and, eventually, burned it away into nothing. A similar mist rose from and left the rest of the cards, but none of them burned away like Red Ogre had.

Kei forced himself back on his feet and stumbled over to the other guy. Once he'd reached the man, Kei let himself on his knees again so he grab the man by his shoulders. "Hey... hey! Wake up!" he urged, lightly shaking the other guy in the hopes of them waking up.
Kei felt unnerved when the man in front of him got blanketed by a dark miasma all around him. He ran his thumb and index finger through his eyes to clear away any dirt but the aura didn't fade. 'First the pain, now this... just who is this guy?' he thought to himself. Kei was forced to watch the man's new monster devour both of the ones on his field, his anger bottling up inside. "You're wrong! Real strength is gained from working together!" he shouted back at the brute, but their warpath was undeterred. The opponent called out the name of his special effect:

"Intimidating Roar!"

The Red Ogre on his field bellowed loudly, causing a gust to sweep up that took Spell Strider with it. They returned to Kei's hand, leaving him wide open. "I'm... wide open..." he muttered to himself, his field empty. Kei looked ahead of him in fear. His opponent called the attack.

"Be pounded and crushed and minced and destroyed! Red Ogre! Brutal Club!"

The ogre raised his club and brought it down on Kei, knocking him clean off his feet and sending him flying back. Even if it did no physical damage, the shock from the blow was still felt clearly. Something like that would've easily broken his bones, and his pained scream reflected that. "GAAAAH!" he cried out, hitting the floor crumpled up with a dull thud.

The brutish man snorted. "My win, brat." he said. Kei twitched on the ground.

"Not... yet..." he weakly said.

Kei's LP: 200

"What?! How did you survive that, you weakling?!"

Kei pulled himself together and slowly started to pick himself up off the floor. He was shaky on his knees, and the bruises from the impact coming down weren't helping. A single card slid out of Kei's graveyard, which he showed his opponent.

"Right... before your attack hit, I used my Emergency Provisions..." he told him. With its effect, Kei managed to send the Mist Body on Spell Strider to the graveyard and gain 1000 LP, which had given Kei just barely enough to survive the blow. His eyes were slightly glazed as he looked down at his hand.

"Tch. Big deal. You only have weakling monsters. With me on field, you won't win." his opponent sneered. Kei just continued to stare at his hand.

'I need to make it through the next turn...' he muttered to himself. 'If I could just draw an equip spell, then maybe Spell Strider...?' his thoughts trailed off, but Kei shook his head. None of the equips in his deck could give him enough attack to combat the opposing monster. The other card in his hand- Intrigue Shield- could buy him some time, but if the opponent summoned anything else, it was game over. Kei dropped to his knees. "Damn it...! I can't... win this..." he berated himself. Kei was too weak and his opponent was too dangerous. "If I surrender, maybe he won't hurt me anymore..." he said to himself in a moment of weakness.

"No! Don't give up! I'm right here with you!" a voice rang through Kei's mind. Startled, he looked up and around. Nobody except him and his evil-aura opponent were there, however. Kei scrambled to his feet.

"My... turn!" he said, drawing his card. His eyes grew wide when he saw it. "Partner...?" he muttered to himself. It was none other than Kei's very own Silent Swordsman. Kei remembered the words from earlier, and even though he didn't know where they came from, he took them to heart. "...You're right. This duel isn't over yet... and I'll win together with the ace of my deck! It's time for my best monster to come out: Silent Swordsman LV3!"

A small whirlpool of wind gathered on Kei's side of the field, a vortex of light opening in its center. Out of it jumped a small boy in a long, blue coat. His helmet and sword were both oversized, but his stoïc expression was determined and looked straight ahead.

Silent Swordsman LV3: 1000 ATK

Kei pointed at his opponent. "My partner and I will take you down together! I'll set a card and end my turn!"
"What are you whispering about, you two?" Rui said, standing behind Sora while he was distracted by Wolf. She'd gone to a stall to get drinks for the both of them and carried two cups; one themed after a bear and the other a tiger. "Here you go," Rui said, offering Sora the bear-themed one. He seemed to bounce back pretty easily from that one, shifting the topic to what exhibit to visit first. "Let's see... you're right, the ocean exhibit is a bit far. Oh, but look! This one's pretty close, right?" Rui excitedly said, pointing at a cute little image of a panda bear. "Let's go to this one!" she said, grabbing Sora's hand before he had a chance to respond and dashing off with him in the direction of the exhibit.

This served as an ill omen for Sora, as Rui's excitement over the zoo- as if it was the first time she'd ever been to one- caused her to drag him all over the place. She'd look at the animals, comment on them, grab Sora and dash off, over and over. Currently, the two of them found themselves looking at a snake exhibit. "Hey, Sora, look over there! I couldn't even tell there was one curled around the branch there..." she commented. As the two siblings and Wolf continued to look at the reptiles, someone else started to feel left out. A muffled voice came out of Rui's purse. She opened the zipper and took out a certain someone.

"Nee-chan! I keep telling you, I want to see them too!" she angrily yelled at Rui. "Stop putting me away, or at least take me out when you're at an exhibit..." she pouted.

"Ahaha, sorry Lumia... I keep forgetting," she answered. Despite her normally studious self, Rui was surprisingly airheaded that day. Her good mood must've played a part in it. "Here, look," Rui said, "don't these snakes remind you of someone?" she asked Lumia.

"And who might that be?"
"You know, that guy that Sora... wait, huh?"

Rui turned around as she realised that it wasn't Lumia who'd answered her. Standing there was Nanashi, the mysterious masked boy that Rui seemed to run into everywhere. "...Sora? Who is that?"

Rui looked to her brother, then back to Nanashi. "Erm... actually, the thing is..." she said, turning back to her brother. Though his face was impassive as ever, looking between the two of them, Nanashi seemed to have caught onto something.

"...I see. You're not alone this time; you have a date. My apologies," Nanashi said, turning to leave.

"Wha- hey, hey hold on! This isn't a date! This is my little brother!"
"Your brother? You're on a date with your sibling?"
"No, that's not- argh!"

Rui tried clearing up the misunderstanding in vain, clearly, and Lumia started to feel sorry for her commander. Rui had lowered her, but Lumia still had a clear enough sightline of Wolf and Sora to clear some things up. "This difficult weirdo is Nanashi. Nee-chan seems to run into him a lot."

After a short lecture from Rui, Nanashi looked to Sora. "I see... so you're this 'Sora'."
Kei shielded himself from the particles of his monsters being destroyed by raising up his arms, which throbbed with a dull pain for both strikes. "Blade Knight... Command Knight... I'm sorry!" he muttered to himself, lowering his guard when the worst of it was over. Kei looked down at his hand. "Damn it... I can't make a comeback with this!" he muttered to himself, casting his determined gaze back towards the opponent. "But I believe in my friends...! They'll definitely come through for me! Draw!"

Kei briefly glanced at the card he'd drawn, his stiff expression softening. "I knew it... you guys are the best friends ever! Let's do this, Spell Strider!" he said, summoning the monster he'd drawn straight away. "And one more! I activate the equip spell Mist Body from my hand!"

Spell Strider: 1800 ATK

The body of Kei's warrior was enveloped in a fog swirling all around him. "Equipment spells give effects to the monster they're equipped to, and Mist Body makes sure you can't destroy Spell Strider by battle! With this, I can destroy Regenerating Mummy. Tear 'em up, Spell Strider!"

At Kei's command, Spell Strider launched forward. When Regenerating Mummy struck him in self-defence, the area it clawed at turned into mist. Spell Strider's blades struck true and sliced the Mummy into ribbons, while the mist gathered around his own wounds and repaired his body. Spell Strider jumped back to Kei's field as Tristan's effect returned his attack to normal.

Tristan, Knight of the Underworld: 2100 > 1800 ATK

"How's that, you big lug? As long as I believe in my friends, we'll overcome anything you throw at us. I'll set one card from my hand and end my turn!"
I'd really like to answer this, I really would

But 9/10 this situation is gonna end with me hating what they like and they're gonna find it a dealbreaker ;w;
Sora's life was at one, but he left himself plenty of protection. Rui's deck was weak in terms of raw attacking power; she couldn't just break through. If she tried it, she'd leave herself open to an assault and lose her the game. Unfortunately for Sora, however, Rui didn't need to go for a frontal attack to win.

Sora said something to her before she could begin her turn. "Seeing how you play, I have no doubt that you will be able to fulfil your wish soon, whatever your wish is."

Rui shook her head. She said "It's not just me... you're going to have to win too, Sora."

Rui's turn went by in a flash. In order to win that turn, she used every little advantage she'd built up over the course of the game. She took Sora's final life card with an incantation, made him discard that card with a trap and evolved her avatar as soon as she did so. That last part sealed Sora's fate; the avatar Rui used in this game took a life card upon its evolution, and since Sora had none to spare, he lost then and there. Rui looked up, gave Sora an apologetic smile and giggled. "Sorry, I have trouble going easy, heheh..." She started to gather her cards together for the clean-up. It was a lot of fun to teach Sora. And even though he didn't understand the rules very well right now, she believed in him. He would win. Nobody thought higher of her brother than Rui herself.

"Euhm... Look... I know you are wasting time with me that you would rather have spent studying instead... And maybe you're going to study extra hard tomorrow... But... Maybe we can go to the zoo tomorrow. You know, just like we used to?"


'Like we used to?'

Rui's movements stopped, her hand hovering over a card she'd been about to pick up. She didn't remember ever going out with him. She didn't even remember there being a zoo in this town, or any neighbouring ones for that matter. Rui felt an ache in her heart. 'I really forgot all about you, huh?' she melancholically thought to herself, but despite her inner turmoil, raised her head to meet Sora's nervous yet expectant gaze.

"Aww, it's cheating if you ask so bashfully..." she teased him. "Buuuut I'm still a little unconvinced... you know I'm always busy. If you really want me to go, maybe you could try asking your onee-chan a little more nicely~?"

Even if he didn't, Rui would still go. Despite the heartache, there was a warmth to counteract it. Even if Rui couldn't remember, even if she had to fight and claw back what she held dear, Sora was still Sora. For all the memories she lost, she could make new ones. And ever since meeting Lumia, ever since Sora's loss to Haruto, it felt like the distance between them was closing just a little bit at a time. The memory of them ever being distant was the one memory she'd wished to forget, yet that wasn't stolen like the rest of them.

The cards Sora bought for her brought them together. The battles she still had to face- as long as Rui kept winning... then maybe all this wasn't such a bad thing to happen. If she could just get her memories back, then all of this would just be a bad dream. And if she could just make Lumia grant her wish, then her and Sora... they'd have hope again.

But Lumia thought differently. Seeing Rui smile like that made the avatar want to curl up. She pulled her scarf over her mouth, her ears drooped down and she said one last thing:

"We're going to grant their wishes, Wolf. Both of them. So let's make sure... let's make sure we don't regret that."
Kei's brow furrowed when he saw how roughly the other man was treating his cards, but didn't speak up about it. He merely observed as the man played a spell card from his hand to allow him to summon a monster. Goblin Zombie's attack was only 1100, though, which fell short of Blade Knight. "You're not gonna defeat my monster with only 1100 ATK! As long as I have Blade Knight, you're not getting through to me!"

"That's not all though brat, I'll summon one of my own kin," the brutish man retorted. "Abaki, make mincemeat of this brat" he said before slamming down another card on his field. The juvenile monster slobbered all over the place as it looked at Kei with malicious intent. The man declared his attacks and Abaki was the first one to obey, smashing Blade Knight into particles of light. Kei recoiled as he felt a dull impact on his chest and his fingers started to prickle. Before he even had a chance to react to it, Goblin Zombie's sword slashed straight across his chest.

"AAAH!" Kei screamed out in pain as he felt the cold steel tear and rend through his flesh. He'd dropped to his knees and clutched his chest in shock, but the only thing he grabbed onto were his clothes. Kei looked down and, indeed, there was no wound. "Wha... what the hell did you just do to me?!" Kei shouted back, mildly freaked out. Solid vision was just holograms- it shouldn't be able to hurt a player like that. Despite that, and even though he was uninjured, the pain from just now as well as the lingering afterburn were both undoubtedly real.

The ogre of a man didn't grace him with an answer. "Turn end, don't you dare fall unconscious from that kid." was all he said to Kei. Kei, for his part, rose unsteadily to his feet.

"My... turn! Draw!" he said. This duel had barely gotten started and it was already much more than Kei had bargained for. His breathing was heavy from the stress of the situation. Kei murmured to himself: "This guy isn't normal... I get a feeling I'm going to need to win this duel, or else something really bad will happen to me...!" He looked at the card he'd drawn. "...Are you telling me you'll protect me, Blade Knight?" Kei asked that card. With a determined expression on his face, Kei immediately played it. "From my hand, I activate the spell card Monster Reborn! I'll use it to bring back my friend, Blade Knight!"

A portal opened up between the two duelists, out of which jumped Kei's monster. It took up a position in front of its master, bracing their sword and shield as if protecting Kei. "I won't let you fight this guy alone, Blade Knight... from my hand, I'll bring Command Knight out, too!" Kei continued, calling forth a new warrior. This time they were a female clad in a deep red armor, though her helmet did not cover her face like Blade Knight's did.

Command Knight: 1200 ATK

The brute snorted when he saw Kei's moves. "You talk big, but my kin is still bigger than you."

"Don't underestimate them! Command Knight's effect increases the ATK of herself and all of her allies, and as long as I control another monster, she can't be attacked either!" Kei explained. Command Knight raised up her blade as a red aura engulfed her and Blade Knight both, raising their ATK on the field.

Blade Knight: 1600 > 2000
Command Knight: 1200 > 1600

"Command Knight, take out that Goblin Zombie!" Kei's first command rang out, the female commander rushing forward to bring down her sword on the rotting corpse. It tried to block with its own sword, but Command Knight's blade cleaved both it and Goblin Zombie in two.

Opponent's LP: 4000 > 3500

The brute didn't seem phased at all like Kei was. "Weakling Zombie also have effect. It allow me to add card from deck to hand." The brute's Duel Disk automatically popped out a card which he took and placed into the hand.

"Stop calling him a weakling!" Kei yelled. "Your monsters are friends that fight for you... don't insult them like that! Blade Knight, take care of the other one!"

Blade Knight also struck true, reducing the opponent's life further.

Opponent's LP: 3500 > 3200

The man's grip on his cards became tighter. "You hurt Abaki... you'll pay for that! He mad and attack us both in anger!" the ogre said. The vortex which Blade Knight jumped out of opened up again, out of which popped Abaki's ugly mug covered in Bandages. He gave Kei a murderous glare and pulled out two large bombs from the void. He threw one each to Kei and Kei's opponent. Abaki might've aimed for Kei, but Blade Knight caught the blast with his shield. Still, Kei could feel both the shockwave of the effect as well as his arm burning as if the bomb had exploded onto it. He heaved heavily, trying to grit his teeth and endure through the pain.

Kei's LP: 2800 > 2300
Opponent's LP: 3200 > 2700

"What's wrong, brat? Can't deal with the pain? Gonna cry?"

"It's... no big deal! Turn end!"
"Well... not your only attacker. You still have your level 1, but you just can't use it again until your next turn. At the start of one, all of your exhausted attackers will be refreshed. You'll be able to attack or block again with your level 1 on this turn."

Rui watched as Sora turned over a card from his colour deck, only to have it be a level 1 attacker. "Huh?" Rui briefly reacted in surprise. "Sora, let me look at your colour deck real quick." she imposed on him. Rui put the cards in her hand to the side of her so she could grab Sora's pile and quickly sort through it. "Ah... Sora, I think your cards got mixed up at some point," she said while scooting over next to him. "You see these cards?" Rui said, flipping through a few attackers and incantations scattered among the colour cards. "These aren't actually supposed to be here. This deck is meant to only be for colour cards that allow you to play other cards. While you can put in any combination of colours into it, cards like Attackers and Incantations need to go into your main deck instead."

Rui picked the misplaced cards out of his colour deck and handed them over. "I think some colour cards might've ended up in your deck, too. If you happen to draw any of them, just place them at the bottom of the colour deck and then draw a new card; I don't really mind. Let's just add these other ones to your deck and shuffle so we can continue."

"Hehe... Sora-kun still has a lot to learn, huh?" Lumia commented on what the siblings were up to. She looked over to Wolf. "Hey, Wolf... is what we're doing really okay?" she asked him. "Every time we fight for their wishes, we trample over someone else's. Every time we make a wish come true, someone is hurt because of it..."

Lumia closed her eyes. "Nee-chan is talented. More than anyone I've ever seen. And... and that scares me."

Rui, unaware of the conversation happening on the other end of the room, picked the game back up after the interruption was dealt with. "You should have enough colour to play two level 1's, yes... but don't forget about your level 0! You can only have three attackers on the field. While you can replace your level 0 if your field is full, it'll go to the trash afterwards," she explained, but followed it up with "I think it's a good idea to do so, though!" to encourage Sora. "Let's see... leaving one attacker to block is good. I don't want to take too much damage to my life cards, so I'll block with the attacker I left just for this. Since their level is the same, both of them go to the trash."

Rui moved her cards to the appropriate location. She also said that "I can't block the next one, so I have to take it from the Life." and picked up two cards from the seven in front to add to her hand. "There may be times where you'll need to let an attack go through to get more cards into your hand and mount a comeback. You never know if your most powerful cards were used as Life Cards."

Since Sora's turn had ended, Rui picked up hers again. She drew a card and said: "Just to repeat: since it's my refresh step, I can turn my previously-exhausted attacker vertically again to attack or block with it." Rui also proceeded to play another colour card from her colour deck. So far, she had three yellows accumulated. She looked up at Sora. "There's actually one last type of card in this game; a 'trap' card." Rui picked up a card from her hand and placed it onto her field. "You can place a single one of them face-down like this. They work a bit like incantations, but the difference is that they need something else to happen first before they can activate. Be careful though; you still need colour to play these! If something happens that triggers the trap card, but you don't have the colour to pay for the effect, you can't use it."

Rui picked up a different card from her hand and played it, another incantation. "My deck is actually based around using mostly incantations. This one allows me to pay a yellow to discard a card and deal a single point of damage," Rui informed Sora, "however, this actually meets the condition for the trap card I set earlier. When I have to discard a card, I can pay a yellow to make my opponent do so instead. So, by combining these effects, now you take a point of damage and have to send a card from your hand to your trash. Do you see how traps work?" Rui gave him a smile. She also placed another level 1 on the field and ended her turn without attacking.
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