Avatar of Ammokkx


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1 yr ago
Current new FFXIV EX fight sucks ass.
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1 yr ago
There's a difference between the ability to be social, and the desire to be social. I function perfectly fine going outside and talking to people, but that doesn't mean I *like* doing either.
1 yr ago
2 yrs ago
Pepsi and Milk, also known as an affront to everything good in this world. And my tastebuds.
2 yrs ago
Pilk seems to be trending, so I tried it. Anyone who tells me this is a good drink is no longer a person I wish to associate with.


The day that Moss was hanged, eight others were cut down,
And when the graves had all been dug, the queen rode out of town.

(I have a badly written 1x1 check if you want to know what kind of person I am.)

Most Recent Posts


Shinjuku was bustling- no surprise considering the location- but that lack of surprise didn't help Nico's current situation of barely having any room to breathe in the crowd. It was partially her own fault for heading in the direction of the railway, granted, especially at the hour when people left work. As much as all of these things are the consequences of her own actions, it didn't mean she particularly had to like it. All she could really do was keep her gaze turned slightly downwards, phone in hand. At least it served as a way to make sure she didn't have to make any eye-contact with people in the crowd. She still had the magical girl group chat open, briefly mulling over how to respond to the newest message in it.

[Starry-Eyed]: Ooh, croquettes. Get me one.

Nico came to realize she didn't really... know this person, or any of the other ones beyond having seen a couple in passing. She certainly couldn't place a face to the nicknames- an issue she should've probably thought about before sharing her plans for the day. As much as she didn't really want to spend more money than she needed to, maybe this was actually a good opportunity to get to know someone- anyone, really. So, she replied with:

[Neko-2]: Sure thing! Where are you?

The message was delivered and mere moments after, by some cosmic turn of fate, Nico felt a strange presence. Like a shade, but... not a shade. It was concerning enough to make Nico shift gears, in any case. She kept the chat updated:

[Neko-2]: Maybe not, actually. I think a shade formed near me.
[Neko-2]: Do you want to get some together, later? I'll give you the address:

Having included said address in the next text she'd sent, Nico looked up from her phone to see that... she was in a huge crowd of people. Further away from side-streets than when she started. Near one of the busiest spots in town. It was not exactly the best situation to be in when your intent is to patrol mysterious, magical happenings. Like a nervous habit, Nico brought a thumb to her lips and chewed on it a little, thinking of how to get around this dilemma. She couldn't transform, but couldn't let the lead go either. For now she just had to follow the trail, untransformed, and hope she got a good opportunity to do so en-route. Nico zig-zagged her way through the masses and had then picked up her pace. She had to make it to where the odd sensation came from as fast as she could on foot.

Chie, always the silent yet (not quite so) strong type, kept quiet as Cayman explained the circumstances around his school. Despite his claims to the contrary, it didn't sound that much different to what she and the girls had to go through. If you replaced the drilling with magical practice it almost sounded like a perfect match- though it's to be expected, with the two institutions being sibling schools and all. Her face remained passive for the rest of their time together. Normally this would be a bad thing, and truthfully Cayman might've thought so. In Chie's case it was nevertheless a sign of her growing more comfortable having this dance partner around.

The dance came to an end, they parted on polite terms and Chie gave him a friendly smile to see him off with. Soon as she was out of line of sight, the girl breathed a sigh of relief. The Ars Magi to be couldn't get a read on Cayman at all, both her inexperience with boys and his passive demeanor playing a role in this. It was funny, really- he seemed a little similar to her in that way. One thing he'd mentioned- the part about them working together in future- stuck with her. She wondered if he meant the officer school in general, or him and that other boy.

Chie wasn't quite sure which of those options she preferred.
Once back in their shared room, Chie didn't have much more energy than Selma had. Unlike her roommate, though, Chie didn't intend to nor cause her bed to nearly split in two by dropping a metric ton's worth of weight on it at high speed. Instead, she just gently sat down on the edge of hers. The party did drain her; dancing with the officers hadn't stopped at just the one. No, the cosmos saw it fit to punish Chie by pushing her to dance with increasingly eccentric partners the whole night. None beside the girl's first partner stuck out in her mind as his embrace was the only gentle one of the whole night. If she knew it'd end up the way it did, Chie might've asked him to stay with her the whole night rather than ending their rendezvous prematurely.

"Say," the voice of her roommate echoed to snap Chie out of her daze. "Whaddya think the like... funniest thing you could do with your Elementum would be?"

"...Huh?" Chie replied, slightly confused. Selma went on to explain; apparently, she was thinking of how to combine the group's power. The topic of the day: hers and Chie's. All Selma could come up with was to increase the center of gravity on a void to make rocks fall and everybody die, but that didn't sound quite right to Chie. She gently let herself fall onto her back, almost mimicking Selma's gestures.

"I wonder...?" she mused for a bit. Without looking back at Selma, she followed it up with: "I think... it might be limiting to just think of it that way. You tried that already and it didn't go so well last time. I'm not really sure what I can do yet, but... instead of dropping the rock harder, couldn't I just make it like a magnet?"

She realized the suggestion sounded a little esoteric the way she worded it, so Chie clarified: "What I mean is, if you increase the gravity on the rock and not the void, wouldn't it act like a kind of black hole? Sticking everything to it, keeping it all in place. You could make maybe anchor that 'black hole' mid-air if you also reversed the gravity of the floor underneath..." she trailed off. It sounded a bit ludicrous when she put it that way; she wasn't even sure if she had enough control of her powers to that extent.

Chie rolled onto her side, looking at Selma opposite to her. "Maybe that's a bit far... you can open a hole in the ground, right?" she said to switch the topic. "If I increased the gravity before you did that, the void would fall really really fast into it. That might be interesting, no?"

The prospective Ars Magi yawned after that last possibility. She couldn't really hide her sleepiness. Chie said: "Rivka and crystal are creative... we should ask them. Aoife, too."

After that, she dragged herself off the bed. The sounds of the neighbors showering made her really hanker for one, too. She told Selma that "I'm going in first," and promptly scooped up her things for a quick rinse. She wasn't sure how much energy Selma had left in her, but hopefully it wasn't too much when Chie returned- tomorrow was going to be very painful if her roommate kept her up all night... again...
The orange glow coating Japan would not elude Tokyo, much less the ward of Shinjuku. Unlike most of the rest of its city, though, Shinjuku had something to buffer against the onset of night; giant electric billboards. Commercials playing on loop emitted dull LED lighting that, combined with the now active street lights, made for an illuminated blanket that mad it hard for an ordinary person to loop up and make out any kind of detail in the sky. The rooftops were a prime hiding spot at this hour. It was not only hard to see someone up on them, but even better, whomever chose to reside in the veil of light had a very clear view of everything below. This fact wouldn't go unnoticed by a young girl, precariously balanced on all fours atop a piece of lighting sticking out the side of one building. Her curious eyes darted all over the city, scanning the citizens to make sure were all safe and sound. Seeing that they were, the girl had only one thing to say:

"As I thought, this city is...

...really boring!"

✫✫ Nico ✫✫

She'd been at it for way too long already. Jumping rooftop to rooftop, looking down below for any signs of a shade or two and yet, nothing! Sure, the fairies told her slow nights like this could happen, but that didn't stave off the boredom any. The one time Nico doesn't have something to do with a friend or the other, explicitly on that night, nothing showed itself. In an excessive show of athleticism, Nico backflipped off of the lighting pole and back onto the building where she promptly let herself fall onto her back in exasperation.

"The fairy told me to go outside today... but there's nothing here!" she complained some more. Sure, maybe Nico hadn't exactly taken this whole 'magical girl' thing too seriously as of yet, slacking on her duties a little more than she ought to... and sure, maybe she was behind on her quota for shade-slaying... but still! There was nothing! Absolutely nothing! She pushed herself onto her rear-end, gazing forward at the setting sun with a blank expression. "God or Buddha... is this really my fate?" she lamented to herself, all the color draining from her palette. She became a blank, white slate looking out in despair at the horizon.

Then Nico jumped in surprise (and excitement!) as something in her hammerspace pocket buzzed. She hurriedly got out her smartphone but, in her excitement, had it slip out her hands. What followed was a desperate juggling act as the cattish girl tried and failed to get a grip on it, the plastic seemingly made out of rubber for this act of divine comedy. She just barely managed to grab onto it before it could've fell off the edge unto the concrete, or possibly and even worse, some poor sod below. The bullets Nico was sweating made her fearful it wouldn't just slip right out again anyway. Calming down a bit, she breathed a sigh of relief and muttered "Lessee here..." to herself. Nico unlocked her screen, and...

[Magi☆Magic☆Fox]: Minor one on my end. Save me please!
[MagiGal]: If you have time to ask for help, do you really need saving?
[MagiGal]: Whatves, I'll be there in a moment. Need to blow off some steam.
[HoshiKuma]: OMW!

...the deepest despair always hits right after a surge of hope. The image attached to the last message showed how dire the situation truly was- the weakest type of shade, stared down by three girls and another on the way for good measure. If this was not an indication everyone else was as bored as Nico was, nothing ever would be. As tempting as it was to just let the smartphone meet its and the passing stranger below's untimely end, Nico resisted the temptation and instead stared right back at the horizon. "Forgive me, Tokyo... I can no longer be the hero you need."

And, after that little bit of goofing off, Nico rooftop-hopped her way back down to street level, making sure to transform back into her regular self when back on the ground below. The eye-catching pink cat-girl was replaced with a plain, ordinary middle schooler. She brought up her smartphone again and typed in a message of her own:

[Neko-2]: I'm going out for croquette buns.

Appropriate subject material? No, not really, but at least now nobody will ask where she was for the greatest show of excessive force this world had ever seen. Nico's now-passive face stared back out at the street crowd she was about to merge into and, with a sigh, she casually strolled over to become a part of the faceless masses. She knew of a pretty good shop not far from the station, so that was her first order of business.

After asking Vita for the go-ahead in a PM, I knocked down Nico's age from 17 to 14 as I felt it more appropriate. Backstory got a sentence or three edited to match, too, but nothing major.
I'm almost certainly going with my old idea, I'm just deciding if I want to go with a less experienced version of her.

Let's just run back the whole thing at this rate, shrine meetup let's go
Well in that case... here she is!

EDIT: Since a discord was mentioned, I'm fine either way. I think in recent years I've gravitated more to wanting a discord rather than not, but I'm perfectly okay just using the OOC too.
...Oh shoot! I remember this. Well, not this, but something similar to it. I think I ended up dropping it at the time but uuuuuuuuuh

I'm half-tempted to slightly mod my old character for it and sign up with that again... that is, if you'd still have me, Vita?
Kei's Room

"It was way too weird! I felt sore all over!" Kei complained on the phone to his best friend. "And the way he was acting wasn't normal... the guy at your place too, right? You said he was a regular, never aggressive like that before!"

Kei's deck was sprawled out in front of him at the desk, the boy himself carefully looking over his cards as he was chatting. "The hospital...? Would they even let you in?" he asked over the phone. He kicked back and furrowed his brow a little. "I can't just sit still, either! I'm going to go back to the place where I found the other guy. It's possible they may be more of them." Wobbling his desk chair on its hind legs a bit, he continued: "Hey, did you see something weird with their cards too? Like some kinda... some kinda black fog rising up out of them after the duel? The guy's ace monster even slowly burnt away, like it was- wh- whoa!"

Aiya on the other end of the phone was met with a crash and the clicking of Kei's phone hitting the floor as the boy managed to kick his chair back far enough for it to tip over and send him sprawling over the floor. He quickly nabbed his phone again. "O-oi, no laughing!" he said to the snickering girl on the other end, red to his ears from embarrassment even if she couldn't see it. And, after a bit of banter, both clearly knew what they wanted to do the next day.

The weather was cloudy, not a ray of sunshine able to pierce the sky-cast veil of grey. Kei, oddball that he was, wandered the streets like some kind of yakuza reject. Hands in his pockets, slouched gait and suspicious gazes thrown to his left and right. He'd look like he was picking a fight, but the sight was a bit too comical to take seriously. Some people that passed the guy gave him a suspicious or curious glance, but none had a duel disk strapped firmly on their arm like he did. The basic gist was: Kei'd been walking around for an hour, was getting absolutely nowhere and got extremely bored.

At the limit of his patience, Kei cast his head skywards and yelled "Come on out already! I don't have all day!" to nobody in particular. Before Kei could get someone to call the cops on him for being a sassy lost child, however, something whizzed by his face and lodged itself into the edge of the sidewalk he stood on. First, Kei jumped back in surprise. Second, he looked at what had just flew past him; A Red Ogre card. Kei picked it up in a daze, then realised what it meant. He turned around to see a shadow dashing into a nearby alley. "Hey! Hold it!" he yelled after the mysterious figure.

Obviously, Kei didn't only tell them to stop: the boy had launched into a full sprint after the figure. Much less exhausted than the day before, Kei was able to keep up this time. At the same time however, he couldn't help but feel like he was being lured. The figure made no attempt to outpace Kei, with the boy always managing to catch sight of their back ducking into the next street. Eventually, after what seemed like a maze of back alleys and shortcuts, Kei managed to pin the perp into a corner. Their back was turned, so the boy didn't have a face to pin to the long, flowing white hair yet. "You can't run away anymore! You have something to with all of this, right? Tell me what you know!" Kei demanded of the mysterious person.

"What I know?" a somehow familiar, male voice shot back at Kei. "Haha... don't play dumb with me, spirit. I won't let you take any more victims," the man said with contempt in his voice. He turned around, revealing himself to be Shinrei; regional champion for the past two-and-now years.

"S-... Shinrei?" Kei stammered out his words. "I saw your match only yesterday... there's no way you're behind all this!" he shouted in disbelief. Shinrei, for his part, just raised up his arm to fold out his duel disk.

"Keep pretending. I'll erase you all the same," he said to threaten the boy.

At that moment, something in Kei screamed to run away. A faint voice, crying out that this person was dangerous. It tried to warn Kei, warn him that he couldn't take him on as an opponent. The boy didn't listen. He just put on a smirk of misplaced confidence. "That's fine by me... I've been wanting to get to the top of the regional tournament and take your title! You're on!"

Kei's duel disk whirred to life. A passing breeze made both their clothes flutter in the wind.

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