Avatar of Ammokkx


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1 yr ago
Current new FFXIV EX fight sucks ass.
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1 yr ago
There's a difference between the ability to be social, and the desire to be social. I function perfectly fine going outside and talking to people, but that doesn't mean I *like* doing either.
1 yr ago
2 yrs ago
Pepsi and Milk, also known as an affront to everything good in this world. And my tastebuds.
2 yrs ago
Pilk seems to be trending, so I tried it. Anyone who tells me this is a good drink is no longer a person I wish to associate with.


The day that Moss was hanged, eight others were cut down,
And when the graves had all been dug, the queen rode out of town.

(I have a badly written 1x1 check if you want to know what kind of person I am.)

Most Recent Posts

I'll be posting tomorrow. Too many lessons mon-thurs this week for me to have enough brain juice to conjure up writing.

EDIT: RPG was dead for like, the majority of the day where I was available, so add another day on top.
A vein was about to pop out the side of Kei's head as the stranger opened up the duel. ”It's not 'Kid'... my name is Kei! Kei!" he shouted, clearly not happy about being called out for his youthful appearance. The boy would carefully watch his opponent's moves, so it shocked him when the stranger discarded a large chunk of his opening hand just like that. "Is he crazy?" Kei thought to himself. With only two cards to protect the man, Kei made up his mind to come out the gate swinging.

”Alright, it's my turn! Draw!" the boy opened up, swiping the first card from the top of his deck. He gave it a brief glance and smirked. ”Hah! I'll use this right away! With Reinforcement of the Army, I can add the best card in my deck to my hand!" Kei gleefully explained, his duel disk ejecting a single card from the middle deck. Once he'd grabbed a hold of it, the duel disk shuffled the cards automatically. ”Now I use another spell: Double summon! I can summon two monsters from my hand instead of only one this turn! First up is Blade Knight!"

Kei slammed a card down on his disk and from that, a blue-armored knight appeared on the field. Then the boy smirked as he picked up the card added to his hand earlier that turn. ”Now for the best card in my deck! My one and only partner: Silent Swordsman LV3!"

A small breeze passed through the back alley, right as a portal opened next to Blade Knight. Out of it jumped the tiny warrior with his oversized sword, his one visible eye focused straight onto the stranger's set cards.

Blade Knight: 1600 ATK
Silent Swordsman: 1000 ATK

Kei dished out some orders for his monsters: ”Alright! Blade Knight, attack his monster! Partner, you follow up with a direct attack!" and with that command, Blade Knight slashed clean through the set monster. A brief image of a treasure box with teeth flashed by, before shattering into particles. The attack was a success and Silent Swordsman wasted no time in following through, dashing forward and slashing the opponent in his side.

Haruo: 4000 > 3000 LP

”The first damage is mine! Turn end!"
I made some instant portraits for fun that'll probably never actually get used because I play almost exclusively WHM in PvP.

It didn't take any wild trains of thought to figure out the coast was clear, given the complete and utter lack of any signs of life from the drones. For just a moment, Chie could relax. She shifted her poise a bit; the girl would lean back and sit down on the hard pavement, dropping her hands to her sides for support. Coincidentally, the left one landed on the earpiece that had knocked out earlier- she'd almost forgotten it had been lost in the battle. Given that her ears were ringing from the explosions, Chie wasn't exactly sure how much noise would actually register once she'd put it in. Luckily for her, it was still enough to make out that, yes, indeed, the five of them were successful in their mission. Chie looked up at the sky, staring down the downpour soaking her and her teammates both. She couldn't help but have a goofy, tired grin on her face now that it was over.

"Yeah... this weather really sucks."


Once settled safely back at the dorms, Chie was quick to break out into a fit of sneezes. It seemed like she caught a cold. 'Did colds set in that fast?' she briefly thought, but then immediately concluded that it didn't matter because she hated the sneezing either way. Chie had freshened herself up and hung around in the common room of her dorm's building, listening in on all the rumors floating about. The one about a building-sized mech almost made her wonder if there was a game of telephone going on with her little stunt, but as far as Chie was aware, no other teams actually saw that happening. The gravity-controlling Ars Magi herself sure hadn't told anyone either, but that was mostly on account of her allergic reaction to interacting with people she didn't know very well.

Chie huddled up a bit more on the sofa she was rightfully hogging, sipping on some green tea as she continued to keep her ears peeled. The other teams didn't have an easy time of it either, from the sounds of it. Some of the girls got roughed up and others sounded like they ended up needing to work with another team. In that sense, Kheper might not have done too badly. Though, Chie could really do without all the gossip on the cute officers some of the other teams were assigned with. It just made her pouty and jealous.

After a little bit, no more interesting tidbits reached Chie's ears, so she instead opted for the next best thing: Fiddling around on her phone. Truthfully Chie should probably just head back to her room and sleep off her screaming-sore muscles, but on the unlucky occasion Selma would also like to have a nice night's sleep, her snoring could keep Chie awake all the way to morning. That, and for as physically exhausted as she was, the girl was actually doing pretty okay on the mental front. It was probably the hate for the- "Chu!"- sneezes that kept her going. She figured most of her team must've been awake still and, in a Team Kheper group chat that they'd set up together, Chie typed a quick question:

"Any good rumours? I heard something about someone batting back a missile."
Socializing 101 feat. Gale
The dining hall sure was an impressive sight, with the food all lined up like it was. One would have to wonder where they got such an impressive assortment but, really, such musings are not as important as the growling of Gale's stomach. He waddled over to the fruits table, grabbing a couple of the berries for himself. He took a bite of a Wacan berry, his face lighting up a wee bit as he enjoys the sweet and slightly sour juice seeping out. Gale could eat just about anything, but fruits were always nice and sweet. Sweet things were the best.

As he enjoyed his berry, Fio waddled up and plopped herself down straight ahead. She gave Gale an enthusiastic "Hi!" but didn't say much else. Gale blinked. With a half-eaten berry in his mouth, he replied with a muffled:

"Hai fyo." and only then swallowed the food in his mouth. Gale looked about the room, noticing their fellow recruit by himself. Staring at an omelet- no, wait, he's actually eating it now. For a moment there, Ting looked more pitiful than Gale did up on stage just a little bit ago. The Minun looked at his new friend, then back to the Aron, then back again to Fio. "Do you..." he started, with a bit of hesitation. Gale shot a quick glance back to Ting. "...want to go talk to Ting?" Gale took a bite of an apple, staring at Fio for a few moments. "I'm going to go talk to Ting."

With that stunning display of socializing out of the way, Gale rose from his seat, took the plate of delicious fruit with him and then shimmied his way over to the third recruit's table. Once there the Minun quickly realised he had about as much of a plan talking to Ting as Fio did to him. Gale shot the other recruit a glance, then picked up a piece of toast to munch on. The munching was there to help him think through his next move. Gale looked down at the assortment he'd carried over, picked something out and pondered it like one would ponder a mysterious orb. "Fing," Gale said with his mouth stuffed, then stretched out an Oran berry to the Aron. "Wan wan? (Want one?)"
Not holding off on posting, or anything. Just need to find more time to sit down and write.
”A duel...?" Kei's brow furrowed as he heard those words out of the stranger, briefly processing this new information before it sunk in. He snapped out of his daze and scrambled to his feet, although a bit unsteadily. Kei was hardly in a state to be dueling right now, but this guy might've been just as, if not more, dangerous than Shinrei was. The boy took a step back and reached out for his disk, until he realised it was still strapped to his arm.

”Is that why you brought me here?!" Kei accused the stranger. He looked down at his Duel Disk again, but it didn't spring to life despite his deck being set. ”...! Partner-" he quickly realised, patting himself down. After the duel with Shinrei, Kei's Silent Swordsman had been lying on the floor. When he reached into his pocket, though, the card was there as he pulled it out. First, the boy breathed a sigh of relief. Then, he looked straight back at the stranger. ”...Thanks," he said bashfully. Kei couldn't have grabbed that by his own power, and he knew it. Whoever this shaggy-looking dude was, the fact remains he got Kei and Swordsman both away from Shinrei. Maybe he wasn't that bad of a guy after all.

Kei took a deep breath, then slotted Swordsman back into his deck. The Duel Disk finally sprang to life. With some flair to it, Kei said: ”Alright! I accept this duel... ack!" but was quickly shot down by the aching all over his body. It... probably wasn't a good idea to be dueling right now, but Kei was never one to make the rational choice. With a pained expression, Kei demanded from his opponent: ”You're taking the first move!"
There were a number of pokemon gathered in Songstream hall, one of which being a tiny little Minun called Gale. He wasn't actually the shortest pokemon in the crowd for a change, though. Next to him stood an even smaller bundle of energy, bouncing sprightly on her little feet. The Fomantis was clearly the most excited of all the group, and this attitude wistfully reminded Gale of the reason he was here to begin with. He turned his gaze downwards, let out a small sigh, and then nearly had a heart attack when he heard the loud "AHEM!" coming from the guild master, Kick. It sure did grab everyone's attention.

Gale briefly glanced beside him to see the Fomantis scared out of her wits and, if he was perfectly honest with himself, the Minun was only barely keeping it together himself. Still, when Kick explained further how he wanted to greet the new recruits, Gale felt at ease... briefly. The notion of him having to introduce himself for the crowd, as well as an Aron being involuntarily volunteered, left him uncomfortable again just as quick. Said Aron's name was Ting and he was just about as nervous as Gale seemed to be. Ting took his leave, leaving the next candidate for introduction yet to be decided. Gale wondered if he should be the one, and if he did go, what to say. Should he talk about Breeze? Or make something up? Does he talk about where he came from, like Ting? As his mind raced with what-ifs, Gale suddenly felt a pat on his back. He turned, seeing the same Fomantis he'd been stealing glances of gesturing at herself. She proceeded to confidently waddle up on stage, gave an enthusiastic greeting and then left Gale wondering why he was so indecisive about this.

The Fomantis returned to her position next to Gale, who sheepishly said: "Thanks... err..." and couldn't finish the sentence. He... actually didn't catch her name during all that, as it turned out. But, still, it was Gale's turn to speak now, and the longer he stayed there whispering, the higher the chance of Kick dragging him up there by force. He gave his fellow recruit a determined nod and then climbed up on stage himself. Unlike Ting, he didn't have much stage fright. Seeing the crowd in front of him didn't do much to Gale. If anything... he just had no idea what to say.

"...I'm Gale." he began. An awkward silence and pause ensued as he put his little paw to his mouth, pondering. "I guess I'm looking for someone. And I think rescuing will let me travel the world and help with that. ...That's all."

Not much to Gale's introduction, but it got the point across. He looked up to Kick again, who was about five times the Minun's size, so he could give him a nod. Then Gale simply hopped off stage, walked back over to his spot and stared, once more, at the guildmaster.
I thiiiink I'll let Tree post first, because I wrote Gale as waffling a lot, so I kinda wanna write around that by having Fio go before he does
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