Avatar of Ammokkx


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1 yr ago
Current new FFXIV EX fight sucks ass.
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1 yr ago
There's a difference between the ability to be social, and the desire to be social. I function perfectly fine going outside and talking to people, but that doesn't mean I *like* doing either.
1 yr ago
2 yrs ago
Pepsi and Milk, also known as an affront to everything good in this world. And my tastebuds.
2 yrs ago
Pilk seems to be trending, so I tried it. Anyone who tells me this is a good drink is no longer a person I wish to associate with.


The day that Moss was hanged, eight others were cut down,
And when the graves had all been dug, the queen rode out of town.

(I have a badly written 1x1 check if you want to know what kind of person I am.)

Most Recent Posts

Gale's ears twitched and perked up when he heard a familiar voice calling his name. It snapped him out of his thoughts as he'd been mulling over his fortune, peeking his head from around the other side of the gate. Ting and Fio seemed to be strutting along, having finished their shopping. Gale gave them a wave and moved towards the duo to meet them halfway.

"How did the shopping go, you two?" he'd ask them, confirming their spoils. Four oran berries for the three of them should be sufficient for the road ahead, given Fio didn't seem to eat at all. Gale wondered if they could get the juice out of one of them, though; that way Fio could enjoy one too. He'd make sure to keep a note of that in the back of his mind.

One of Gale's ears twitched as he remembered something. "Oh... you two would want to know about the fortune, right?" he'd ask, then assumed his usual pondering stance. "If I remember... she said we'd face some kind of roadblock. Something without a straightforward answer. We have to focus on the... right thing?" he rattled off. Was that actually what the fortune was? Gale had been so preoccupied by the idea of an obstacle that he'd already forgotten Pandora's advice, but... they should be fine, right?

"Either way, I think we should get going. I think I passed by the orchards on my way to Mandalay, but my memory is a bit fuzzy. Do either of you know the right direction? I think I can take you two there if I'm put on the right track."

You know what I'm here for, Vita.

Something something insanity something something doing the same thing over and over again

gimme more nico or gimme death

edit: since her sheet's already written anyway I might as well repost

Ah, shit, it was totally my turn now though

Sorry been feeling bad both mentally and physically as well as being busy with uni. I'll try to remember and get something up, but idk when
We're not waiting on me,are we? Since Fio addressed Ting, and all
I'd prefer you play the updated rereleases, but failing that, play the two Devil Survivor games anyway. Criminally underplayed.
”Hah... haaah..." Kei panted heavily as the duel drew to a close. The holograms slowly faded into nothing, with Kei's partner looking back with an over-the-shoulder glance. The boy gave Swordsman a thumbs up as the monster started to fade out. Right before completely vanishing, Swordsman closed his eyes and betrayed the slightest hint of a smile. Ephemeral as it was, it seemed Kei's feelings got through in the end.

"Now that. That is why We thought you were interesting." the stranger told Kei, the both of them pulling themselves up from the floor. At least, Kei would attempt as much, but the two back-to-back duels had sapped him of all his strength. As soon as he got to his feet, Kei collapsed again and fell on his butt.

”I can't... too tired..." he complained in between his heavy breathing. The stranger seemed to pay it no mind, though.

"Alright. You've learnt what We wanted you to learn, so it's only fair we uphold our end of the bargain." He'd tell Kei. "Go on then, Question away. We'll answer freely"

The boy gave him a glare. ”Oh I will... I've got a ton of questions for you!" Kei said to the man. Before he asked any of them, though, Kei quickly caught the stranger up to speed. He explained the situation with the Red Ogre duelist, and how his friend ended up in a similar situation. ”You know something about that, right? About why people are acting like they're possessed or something?" he'd ask, not realizing how on-the-nose the question actually was. ”And why... why do I feel like I can hear my partner? What is all of this about? And how do you know Shinrei?! Why did you save me from him...?"

All of these were important questions, of course, but Kei still had one more thing he needed to know. One burning question at the back of his mind. He took a deep breath, focused and shouted: ”AND TELL ME YOUR NAME ALREADY!"
Fire Emblem Echoes has some of the worst map design they could have possibly conceived. I'm well aware they're just Gaiden maps, but consisering FE:E has so many baller mechanics and gameplay improvements, it boggles the mind the maps are still like this. This game is bogged down so hard by this achilles heel. It's sad as there's a lot to like, but I liiquid cannot with these maps.
The King of Skull Servants leapt forward, intent in striking down Kei's monster. Silent Swordsman closed his eyes, ready to take the brunt of that attack. One person, however, was not yet ready to give in that easily.

”I open my Trap Card: Doble Passe!"

Kei's voice rang loud and clear, his trap card springing to life. His monster's eyes shot open, the sword-wielding warrior looking back in amazement at his controller. Kei had one of his eyes closed as he gave his partner a pained grin. Though he mouthed no words, the meaning was loud and clear: ”Don't worry, partner... I'll protect you this time!"

The boy clutched his fist, explaining: ”With the Trap Card, Doble Passe, one of my opponent's attacks becomes a direct attack... and in return, my own partner gets to attack directly himself!"

Kei knew his life was only 2400. It didn't hold a candle to King's 4000 ATK and, this time, Kei had no more tricks to bail him out. If it was to protect his partner, though, Kei would endure any pain. He'd learned from his last duel the kind of fear that runs through you when you face down an insurmountable opponent. His partner knew the kind of risk that Kei was taking, so Swordsman wouldn't think to let that kind of resolve go to waste. Brandishing his blade on the side of his arm, Swordsman deftly sidestepped King's punch which continued on straight to Kei. ”GACK-!" he cried out in pain as the hologram's fist went straight through the abdomen. Kei went down on his knees and his LP dropped to 0, but the duel wasn't over yet. ”This... is all I've got! GO!" he yelled out as words of encouragement. ”Silent..." Kei said as his own monster rushed forward, the sun shining from behind him. ”Severing...!" Clad in a veil of shadow, Silent Swordsman leapt up in the air.

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